Translating Medical Books The Types Of LOan Words Presented In Nursing Care Of Patients Living With HIV/AIDS



from phonological change that he found during conducting the job training.

This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, since the data is presented in form of words and sentences instead of numbers.

The result shows that most of medical terms used in Indonesia are loan words that suffer from phonological change due to there is no word or phrase that can fully represent the meaning in medical terms. Thus, this report gives information and tips for English Department students of Indonesia University of Computer to increase their knowledge about translation that relates with loan words.



Laporan berjudul “Translating Medical books: The Types of Loan Words Presented in Nursing Care of Patients Living with HIV/AIDS” memperlihatkan jenis-jenis kata pinjaman yang digunakan di Indonesia yang mengalami perubahan fonologis dan yang tidak mengalami perubahan fonologis yang ditemukan penulis pada saat menjalankan kuliah kerja nyata.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif karena data yang yang diteliti di presentasikan dalam bentuk kalimat, bukan nomor,

Berdasarkan hasil di lapangan, kesimpulan yang didapat penulis adalah sebagian besar istilah medis berasal yang dari bahasa Inggris dan mengalami perubahan fonologis karena tidak adanya kata atau frasa dalam bahasa sasaran yang dapat mewakili makna dari bahasa sumber secara penuh. Dengan demikian, laporan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi dan menambah pengetahuan mahasiswa jurusan sastra inggris Universitas Komputer Indonesia dalam proses penerjemahan. Terutama penerjemahan teks yang memuat kata serapan.



Bandung, November 2011 Approved by:


Asih Prihandini, S.S., M.Hum. NIP: 4127.20.03.010

Acknowledged by Head of English Department

Retno Purwani Sari, S.S., M.Hum. NIP: 4127.20.03.004





Medical field plays very important role to maintain and to restore people`s health. Today, with the improving condition of globalization, the health professionals all over the world are expected to work together to develop new medicines. In this case, Indonesian health professionals are expected to update their knowledge due the Indonesian medical science is still oriented to European.

Moreover, most of medical terms used by Indonesian health professionals are borrowed from English. Some of them are borrowed directly without phonological change, and some of them borrowed with some adjustment of phonological change.

In conducting the job training as one of the subject`s requirement in the 7th semester, the writer has a chance to implement what he has learned. However, the writer faces a problem to find words or phrases in target language (Bahasa Indonesia) that can fully represent the meaning of some medical terms from source language (English). Thus, the writer chooses the title “Translating Medical books: The Types of Loan Words Presented in Nursing Care of Patients Living with HIV/AIDS”.


The issue that the writer wants to discuss is the types of loan words from English to Indonesian in book titled comprehensive nursing care of Patients living with HIV/AIDS published by Family Health International.


The objectives of this Job Training report are as follow:

1. To share the information about English medical terms in Indonesia;

2. To share the knowledge to translate the text which contains medical terms; 3. To complete the 7th semester subject`s requirement.


1.4Significance to Knowledge

The writer expects that this report will give significant benefit, especially for English Department students to increase their knowledge, understanding, and vocabularies when dealing with text contains medical terms. Therefore, they would be able to translate medical text properly.



1.5The Framework of the Theory

David Crystal (2008) mentioned that Loan is a linguistic unit (usually a lexical item) which has come to be used in a language or dialect other than the one where it originated. Moreover, Crystal identifies several types of loan process. The first one is loan words (where both form and meaning are borrowed, or „assimilated‟, with some adaptation to the phonological system of the new language. To check whether the words that the writer found belong to English loan words or not, the writer used medical glossary and Kamus Kata-kata Separam Asing dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

1.6Research Method

The method applied in this paper is descriptive. This method describes and interprets the object of research the way it is (Best,1982:119). This method enables the writer to test and develop theory with universal validity (west, 1982). The writer used some medical text as the sources of the data, namely Nursing Care of Patients with HIV/AIDS, Stigma Toolkit, HIV Basic.


1.7Place and Time of Job Training

In every program, the schedule is usually organized regarding to the stated role. It is intended to create the discipline of the order to sustain the activities. This job training was placed and timed as clarification bellow:

1.7.1 Place

This Job Training was held in COMPAC Female addressed at Eijkman Streets No. 38 Bandung West Java Indonesia.

1.7.2 Time

The Job Training activity is started from 8 a.m. until 16 a.m. It was conducted from Sunday to Friday, 1th June to 31st of November 2011.





2.1 General Description

COMPAC – Female (Community – based Prevention and Care for Most-at-Risk Females) is a collaboration program between TB working Group Health Research Unit and Padjadjaran University. This organization focuses on sexual reproductive health and life skills education related to HIV-AIDS for females. COMPAC - Female is funded by CORDAID to train nurse and midwife in order to improve their knowledge and skill in delivering health services to community, especially for females.

Since its main goal is to improve HIV-prevention and care for Most-at-Risk Females in West Java, it develops modules and preparing Master Trainer Training related to HIV – AIDS for nurses and midwives that will become the trainers for 9 selected cities/districts in West Java Province. This program is conducted together with The Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Padjajaran, especially COMPAC Female UPK FK and Public Health Department of Faculty of medicine, Indonesian Midwife Association of West java Chapter, Faculty of Nursing of Universitas Padjajaran, Health Care Division of West Java Provincial, and West Java AIDS Commission and Hasan Sadikin General Hospital.


2.2 The Objectives of COMPAC – Female

With the goal to improve HIV-prevention and care for females in West Java, COMPAC – Female has several objectives as follow:

2.2.1 General Objective

To improve the capacity in prevention, treatment, and care of HIV/AIDS program among most-at-risk females in West Java.

2.2.2 Specific Objectives

1. To improve the education for adolescent and female in West Java through the implementation of Puskesmas outreach program including the participation of public health workers (nurse and midwife) as well as government and private sector.

2. To increase the knowledge and skills of nurses and midwives in nine selected districts/cities with most HIV cases and skill related to HIV-prevention.



4. To strengthen Home-based care service in community conducted by nurse and midwife

5. To contribute to the MDGs attainment for West Java in the form of strengthening first-line provider skills, referral system and home-based care system in the community.

2.3 Job Position and Coordination

In doing the Job Training, the writer has responsibility to translate medical books from English to Bahasa Indonesia and vice versa that will be used as the guideline for Master Trainer activity in the nine selected districts/cities in West Java Province.

2.3.1 Job Position

In conducting his job training, the writer was contracted to translate medical books from English to Bahasa Indonesia. The books that have been translated will be used as the sources and references in developing modules for nurses and midwifes. Afterwards, the writer will translate the Indonesian modules into English as a report for CORDAID.


Coordination is organized by one Program manager, one Operational officer, and one Training Coordinator, as well as 11 supporting staffs, including the writer. The specification of responsibilities as follows:

1. Diba A. E. P. Basar, S.S. M.Si.

a. Job Position : Program Manager

b. Job Authorities : allowing the writer to conduct his Job Training, and giving the writer credits

b. Job Responsibilities : executing, and monitoring projects based on schedule

1. Dindin Komarudin, S.E.

a. Job Position : Operational officer of COMPAC-Female b. Job Authorities : allowing the writer to conduct his Job Training c. Job Responsibilities : monitoring the sustainability of the program 2. Thareq Barasabha, S.Ked. dr.

a. Job Position : Training Coordinator

b. Job Authorities : giving the writer guide and support, and giving grade to the writer

b. Job responsibilities : developing modules for nurse and midwife which will be used in the training.



2.3.3. Responsibilities

During his Job Training, the writer has responsibility to contribute in achieving the objectives of the organization. Here are responsibilities of the writer:

1. Translating medical books into Bahasa as guideline for module development team

2. Translating the modules which are developed by Module Team Development into English as the reports for CORDAID.

3. Translating the ToR (Term of Reference) into English as a report for CORDAID.



Since Indonesian medical field is oriented to Europe in which the health professionals there communicate using English, many Indonesian health professionals also use English medical terms as well. It is because the loan word

“reflect historical contact between people and culture” (Lombard, 1990).

During his job training, the writer found some loan words which are used by health professionals in Indonesia. Most of them are medical terms from English. For instance, when the writer had to translate the term Profilaksis which is found in a module developed by the module development team into English. The writer referred to Kamus kata-kata serapan asing dalam bahasa to ensure whether this term is a loan word from other language that suffer from phonological change or not, and to check the origin of them.

After the writer collects loan words from book titled Nursing Care of Patients with HIV/AIDS, and other sources, the writer refers to Kamus kata-kata serapan asing dalam bahasa Indonesia to check whether the terms are loan words or not. Moreover, according to Lucia, "in a phonological translation, while grammar and lexis do not change, "the source language phonology of a text is replaced by the equivalent target



language phonology" (Lucia V. Aranda. Handbook of Spanish-English Translation, p.10). From the notion above, we can assume that medical terms borrowed from English are used in Indonesia with some adjustments of Indonesian pronunciations.

In addition, David Crystal (2008) mentioned that Loan word is a linguistic unit (usually a lexical item) which has come to be used in a language or dialect other than the one where it originated. Moreover, Crystal identifies several types of loan process. The first one is Loan words (where both form and meaning are borrowed,

or „Assimilated’, with some adaptation to the phonological system of the new

language). However, the writer focuses on identify the loan words that suffer from phonological change or assimilation.

3.2 The Types of Loan words

One of the types of loan words presented by David Crystal in his book titled Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics is assimilated word. Based on the notion above, the writer considers that loan words are words borrowed from other language without any change in the target language. Whereas, the assimilated word is type of loan words that suffer from adjustment in its spelling when borrowed into target language. This chapter will focus on the types and examples of borrowed medical terms and their analysis according to the Kamus besar Bahasa Indonesia as the guideline.


Loan word is a process of borrowing word where both form and meaning are borrowed without any change in its written. The majority of loan words that the writer found in documents contains medical terms are loan words which do not suffer from phonological changes. These loan words maintain their pronunciation and written. It is caused by the phoneme of these words has the same characteristic with Indonesian words. Therefore, Indonesian people do not find any difficulties to pronounce the word. The pronunciation and the writing of these words do not change because they have been used as general words in Indonesian. For further details, it will be described in the table below.

Table 1. List of Loan Words with no change in its form

No English Bahasa

1 stigma \`stigmǝ`\ stigma \`stigmᴀ`\

2 vital \`vaItl\ vital \`vital\

3 monitor \ `mä-nə-tər`\ monitor \‟monitor\ 4 malaria \ `mə-ˈler-ē-ə`\ malaria \malaria\ 5 visual \ `vi-zhə-wəl`\ visual \visual\ 6 saliva \sə-ˈlī-və\ saliva \saliva\



8 herpes \ˈhər-(ˌ)pēz\ herpes \hèrpes\

The words in the table above are medical terms from English that are used in Indonesia without any change neither in their pronunciation nor in their written.

3. 2.1 Assimilated/assimilation

According to Crystal in his book titled Dictionay of Linguistics and Phonetics, Assimilated word is a process of borrowing a terminology from source language with some adaptation to the phonological system and written of the source language. For more detail, it will be described on the table below.

Table 2. Lists of medical terms with some adaptation

No English Bahasa

1 candidiasis kandidiasis (c) before (a, u, o) and become ( k)

2 circulation sirkulasi (c) before (e, i, oe), and (y) become (s)


5 vaccine vaksin (cc) before (e) and (i) become (ks)

6 chromosome kromosom (cch) and (ch) before (a, o) and consonant become (k)

8 phase fase (ph) becomes (f)

9 frequency frekuensi (q) becomes (k)

10 schizophrenia skizofrenia (sch) before vocal become (sk)

11 patient pasien (t) before (i) become (s) if the pronunciation is (s)

From the table above, we can see the changes of loan words from English. Unlike the loan word that does not suffer from phonological change, assimilated word always suffers from phonological change according to the phonetic system of the target language. According to Lucia, "in a phonological translation, while grammar and lexis do not change. Furthermore, Lucia V. Aranda says that "the source language phonology of a text is replaced by the equivalent target language phonology"



Handbook of Spanish-English Translation, p.10). Based on the theory above, we can see that the adaptation of loan words is required to make readers in the target language easier to spell them.

3.3Problem Identification

Since medical translation is a new experience for the writer, he faces some problems in translating the documents with medical terms. First, he finds it difficult to translate certain medical terms, for example, the term candidiasis, if this term is translated by its literal meaning to Bahasa Indonesia it will be infeksi yang disebabkan oleh jamur. However, the health professionals in Indonesia are more familiar with term kandidiasis..

3.4Solution of the Problem

In solving the problem, the writer finds several ways to translate medical terms. The first way is to search the definition in Indonesian medical dictionary. The second way is to ask the health professionals whether they are more familiar with borrowed medical terms or not. The health professional that the writer has interviewed said that most of medical terms that are used by Indonesian health professionals are borrowed, and they are more familiar with loan words. This way is more effective because it gives the writer significant change in the way the writer translates the medical terms.




4. Conclusion and Suggestion

This chapter describes the conclusion of the problems that are discussed in this paper and suggestion. For the further details, it will be explained below.


During conducting his job training, the writer was contracted by the organization to translate several medical books from English to Bahasa Indonesia and vice versa.

Translating medical terms require more understanding, so before a translator translated any text, the translator must first know who the reader is. Due to the target reader of the writer are health professional, the writer must know the terms that are familiar with Indonesian health professionals. In solving the problem, the writer asks a doctor that works with him to know the types of translation those Indonesian health professionals familiar with. Based that question, the writer knows that most of medical terms that are used in Indonesia are borrowed from Europe.

Loan translation helps the Indonesian health professionals to communicate with other health professionals from different language. Due to the development of medicine is fast, and there are so many medical terms that need to be understood by



Indonesian health professional, it will be easier for them to use borrowed medical terms.

4.2 Suggestion

The suggestions from the writer are as follow: 4.2.1 Suggestion to The Faculty of Letters

The English Faculty of Letters should support the students to find the institution for their job training, through developing connection with many institutions. It will make The English Faculty of Letters become more widely known by publics, and help the student.

4.2.2 Suggestion to The English Department

The department should develop connections with institutions that will make the students easier to do their job training.

4.2.3 Suggestion to The Students

The students need to find information about the job training, and the company where the students want to conduct the job training earlier.



Submitted to fulfill one of the course requirements

Hary Pratama 63708004






1. Student`s profile

a. Name : Hary Pratama

b. Address : Jl Sekeloa utara No33B, Bandung

c. Place and date of birth : Sukabumi, September 2nd 1990

d. Sex : Male

e. Religion : Islam

f. Phone :085759837653

g. Email

2. Educational background a. Formal education

No Year Institution

1 1996-2002 SDN Sukaraja 1 Sukabumi

2 2002-2005 SMPN 15 Sukabumi


b. Informal education

No Year Name of Education Certification

1 2008 Mentoring of English Conversation Club Certified 2 2008 Mentoring Agama Jurusan Sastra Inggris Certified

3 2009

English Leadership Internal Training of Education (ELITE)


4 2009

Seminar and Workshop Copywriting as a Creative Thinking


5 2010

Copy Writing and Consumer Behavior Seminar


6 2010 Workshop Translating & Interpreting Certified

7 2010 Seminar IT-Preneur Certified

8 2011 Seminar Feminist, Feminine and Text Certified

9 2011

Kuliah Umum “Strategi Politik Luar Negeri



c. Competency

Here are the competencies that the writer has: 1.Spoken English both oral and written

2.Translating documents from English to Bahasa Indonesia and vice versa


4.Operating computer

d. Organizational and work experiences

1.June 2011 – December2011 work asConsultant translator at COMPAC-Female

Bandung, ____________________




Aranda, L. V., 2007. Handbook of Spanish-English translation. WikiAnswer, retrieved on September 11, 2011 from

Badudu, J.S, 2003, Kamus Kata-kata Separam Asing dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Penerbit Buku Kompas.

Crystal, D. (2008). A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. 6th edn, Oxford: Blackwell.

Crystal, D. (2003). English as a Global Language. 2nd edn Cambridge: CUP.

Oxford, 2003, Oxford Learner`s pocket Dictionary new Edition, Oxford University press.

Thareq Bharasabha, private interviewed by Hary pratama, Bandung: October 25th 2011.





Submitted to fulfill one of the course requirements

Hary Pratama 63708004




26 1. Student`s profile

a. Name : Hary Pratama

b. Address : Jl Sekeloa utara No33B, Bandung c. Place and date of birth : Sukabumi, September 2nd 1990

d. Sex : Male

e. Religion : Islam

f. Phone :085759837653

g. Email

2. Educational background a. Formal education

No Year Institution

1 1996-2002 SDN Sukaraja 1 Sukabumi

2 2002-2005 SMPN 15 Sukabumi



b. Informal education

No Year Name of Education Certification

1 2008 Mentoring of English Conversation Club Certified

2 2008 Mentoring Agama Jurusan Sastra Inggris Certified

3 2009

English Leadership Internal Training of Education (ELITE)


4 2009

Seminar and Workshop Copywriting as a Creative Thinking


5 2010

Copy Writing and Consumer Behavior Seminar


6 2010 Workshop Translating & Interpreting Certified

7 2010 Seminar IT-Preneur Certified

8 2011 Seminar Feminist, Feminine and Text Certified

9 2011

Kuliah Umum “Strategi Politik Luar Negeri


c. Competency

Here are the competencies that the writer has: 1.Spoken English both oral and written

2.Translating documents from English to Bahasa Indonesia and vice versa


4.Operating computer

d. Organizational and work experiences

1.June 2011 – December2011 work asConsultant translator at COMPAC-Female

Bandung, ____________________




Aranda, L. V., 2007. Handbook of Spanish-English translation. WikiAnswer, retrieved on September 11, 2011 from Badudu, J.S, 2003, Kamus Kata-kata Separam Asing dalam Bahasa

Indonesia, Penerbit Buku Kompas.

Crystal, D. (2008). A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. 6th edn, Oxford: Blackwell.

Crystal, D. (2003). English as a Global Language. 2nd edn Cambridge: CUP.

Oxford, 2003, Oxford Learner`s pocket Dictionary new Edition, Oxford University press.

Thareq Bharasabha, private interviewed by Hary pratama, Bandung: October 25th 2011.