In Service Learning 1 IN-1 • Mengkaji Materi

Bahasa Inggris SMP KK F 3 3. menggunakan action verbs material processes, dan ada yang menggunakan verbal and mental processes; 4. menggunakan kata sifat atau keterangan untuk merinci orang, binatang, tempat atau tindakan action; 5. menggunakan linking words yang berkenaan dengan waktu; 6. sering memasukkan dialog; 7. menggunakan ungkapan langsung atau tak langsung; 8. descriptive language digunakan untuk menciptakan kesan di benak pembaca; dan 9. dapat ditulis sebagai orang pertama I, atau ketiga he, she, they atau orang kedua you. Berikut ini adalah contoh cerita beserta keterangan bagian struktur generiknya. Contoh 1: The Fairy and the Soap Bubble Teks Struktur Teks Once upon a time there was a tiny little fairy. She was flying around in search of something to do when she spied an open window. orientation She landed gently on a window and peeped inside and found that it was a little boy’s playroom. Inside she saw all the lovely toys, soldiers trains, bricks. She crept inside, she looked at them all, and suddenly she felt very weary, she was so tired she decided to have little rest. She looked for place to sleep and she found the bowl of the boy’s bubble pipe. She slept inside the boy’s bubble pipe. Then while the tiny fairy was a sleep, the little boy decided to blow some soap bubbles. When the bubble was big enough he suddenly noticed that it was different from the ordinary soap bubbles. For there inside the bubble was a beautiful tiny fairy. The little boy watched it float away. He was sad because he did not want her to go away. It floated over the tress and the right a cross the countryside. The fairy was frightened at being locked up in the soap bubble. She began to wonder how she would be released from the bubble. Then suddenly the breeze dropped the soap bubble downwards to earth. complication It landed gently right by the river bank, almost touching the water. She saw a tiny little fish. He was watching her too. “ Help me’ the fairy said.. “ I’m locked in this bubble and I can’t get out” But the little fish did not know what he could do. resolution