Development Process Class Diagram

223 university LPTK, which is not equipped with the Islamic courses; some who are graduates from Islamic university PTKI also no provisions on how to develop teaching materials based on the study of the Qur’an. Kosin 2012 through research with a qualitative approach and analysis of documents on science teaching materials in MA concluded that the content of the Islamic religion in science teaching materials at the school are very limited and insignificant. To implement the idea of integration of science and Islam at the school, it takes a number of supporting components, especially teaching materials. Instructional materials for chemistry subjects in MA must be integrated with Islamic values that teachers and students have established guidelines. Similarly, MA teachers must be prepared in order to have more capabilities, which is skilled of integrating the material with the Islamic values. Therefore, this study is one alternative solution to resolve issues related to chemistry teaching, focusing on teaching materials are based on the concept of the integration of chemistry and Islam. Compedia of the Quran for chemistry subjects can be categorized as knowledge enrichment book, so it can serve as a supplement to the main teaching materials. Great 2011 said that the textbook is one of the strategic learning resources to improve the quality of education. Research has been conducted on the study of a wide range of literature relating to chemistry and material values relegius in the verses of the Quran and supported by the experience and prepare for teaching chemistry textbooks. On the other hand, Rosyada 2015 said that the integration of science and religion would be more effective to try to articulate science with religion in any subject matters, either through exploration of meaning explicit verse with scientific theory, or bringing back the theory of science in paragraph through understanding the cues texts, so that all actions of Muslim weighs spirituality and becomes an act of worship as a Muslim. This study used the type of research and development R D that aim to develop the Compedia of Quran for chemistry subjects, through preliminary research needs assessment, product development, and final research test the effectiveness of the product. The development model used in this study was Borg Gall 1989: 775-788, and then was operationalized into research and development activities in accordance with the study. The instruments used in this study were: a. Guidelines for the interview to identify the potential and problems of conducting preliminary research on chemistry learning in MA and its influencing factors, including the curriculum, teachers, teaching materials and student characteristics. b. Observation sheet for chemistry learning tools, to examine what learning tool prepared by the teacher. c. Form the material selection and review of the literature for selecting the material to be made. d. The expert validation sheet. e. Product assessment sheet. f. Questionnaire for student responses on using the compendia. In accordance with the research objectives of this development, then the data were obtained and the instruments used in this study include: a. Qualitative data about the development process of stage 1-5, obtained through descriptive notes and sheet product assessment by subject matter experts, media specialists, and linguists. b. The quantitative data from field trials in the main stage acquired through product assessment sheet. The qualitative data obtained were analyzed descriptively, while quantitative data product testing were analyzed using descriptive quantitative methods.

a. Development Process

Research and development compedia of the Quran for the chemistry subject was successfully developed using a development model of Borg and Gall. Compedia of the Quran is one kind of knowledge enrichment book, which contain materials of chemistry subjects written by studying the verses of the Quran. This compedia is also equipped with teaching tips for teachers and reflection for the readers. Compendia development was done through several stages of review by two experts’ materials chemistry and Quranic studies, one media expert, and given feedback by three teachers and 30 students of MA. The process of drafting and developing compendia Al Quran procedures implemented through several stages of development, namely: 1 Identify the potential and problems of conducting preliminary research on 224 chemistry learning in MA and its influencing factors, including the curriculum, teachers, teaching materials and student characteristics. The initial research was conducted through interviews and observations to teachers and students. Interviews showed that learning chemistry in MA refers to the curriculum 2006 because the school was not ready yet to implement the curriculum of 2013. MA in this case the teachers do not provide specialized teaching materials that integrate Islamic values as well as review the verses of the Quran to be delivered to students. Teachers find difficulty how to integrate chemistry with Islamic values. Teachers also admitted the difficulty to find the right verse and seek its interpretation to be integrated with the subject matter. Until today there has been no training about the development of teaching materials based on the integration of Islam and science. Therefore, when the proposed development of this Compedia, teachers welcomed and hope can be realized to assist teachers in presenting the chemistry material. Teachers also said they did not understand the meaning of a compedia itself. Therefore, it is explained that the compendia is a summaryoverview written to complement the main teaching materials textbooks. So, the material in the compedia is not as widely and deeply in the textbooks, but there is up-to-dated info linked with the verse in Qur’an and it is important to increase the knowledge of the reader. Results of interviews conducted to students in some madrassas 2 November 2015 revealed that teachers had not conveyed Islamic values and the content of the Quran, which is integrated with chemistry subjects. Teachers usually give additional tasks to search for articles on the internet for students who have completed at one subject matter, while unresolved asked to get the remedial testing. 2 Selection of products Compedia of Quran for Chemistry to be made, a tentative outline of what will be included in the product and how the product will be used, the specific statements about the purpose of the product is made. In this step, discussions with the research team were held to choose the features that will be included in the compedia. Based on the discussions, it was agreed there are some features that are incorporated into the compedia, namely: a Advance organizer , an image match with the chapter and followed by verse and translation. The purpose of giving advance organizer is to draw literacy and a general description of the material. b The main material , the main discussion of chemistry materials, which are described after paragraph presented along with its interpretation. c Teaching tips , a guide for teachers how to introduce chemistry terms are actually cited in the Quran. For example the term dzarah as the meaning of sub-atomic particles, not atoms; the word amad pole as an analogy of the buffer, and so on. In addition to the introduction of the term, teachers were also given tips on how to deliver the verses dealing with chemistry materials. d Reflection , the study of how to be a better Muslim, which is actually analogous to chemstry materials. e The history of Muslim chemists contains information of Muslim figures that contributed in the development of science in general and chemistry in particular. f Info chemistry , an explanation of the development of chemistry more applicable in daily life. 3 Review of the literature, which was to determine the areas that are the focus of research, in this case studyreview focused on literature relating to the problem of student competence; study the verses of the Quran that match with the content in chemistry eg, atoms, molecules, chemical bonding, acid-base, and so on; and research development. In this step, discussions were held with the research team, to select the material that will be developed into a compedia. Selection results presented in Table 1. 225 Table 1. The results of material selection and review of the literature No. Material Review Selection Chapter Title Yes No Atomic Structure In a verse of the Quran about the dzarrah , which is interpreted as a subatomic particle. ✔ Menguak Dzarrah, Bagian dari Atom translation: Revealing Dzarrah, part of the Atom Periodic System of Elements ✔ The Chemical Bond According to the Quran, the material world is always in pairs, as well as atoms are linked together by chemical bonds. ✔ Penciptaan Materi secara Berpasangan translation: Matter Creation in Couples Stoichiometry Everything God created in a certain size. Similarly, chemical reactions that occur also because of their size amount specified by the Fundamental Law of Chemistry. ✔ Hukum-Hukum Allah dalam Ilmu Kimia translation: Laws of God in Chemistry Thermochemistry ✔ Reaction Rate ✔ Chemical Equilibrium Everything has been created equal, even the processes that occur in nature that do not seem too are created equal though. Environmental balance is dynamic, which means constantly changing but remain in balance for the amount of accretion balanced by the amount of reduction. ✔ Kesetimbangan Kimia translation: Chemical equilibrium Acid Base There are verses of the Quran, which describes the type of seawater and river water. The verse implicitly explained about acids and bases, adzabun furat and milhun ujaj . Tasteless, salty and bitter are characteristic of acids and bases. So the verse tells us one of them about the solution of acid and base. ✔ Karunia Asam Basa translation: The Mercy of Acid and Base Buffer The word amad on Q.S. Ar - Rad: 2 means the pole, the point supporting the objects that lie on it. All objects are spread on the ground certainly require a pole as a prop. In terms of chemistry, also known buffer solution is one of the forms in the blood. We can maintain the pH of the blood although we eat foods that are too acidic because we have a blood buffer systems which maintain the pH. ✔ Larutan Penyangga translation: Buffer Hydrolysis There is a verse that describes the sea contains salt, where the salt can run into hydrolysis. ✔ Hidrolisis Garam translation: hydrolysis Solubility and Solibility Product Constants K sp ✔ Colloidal System Many verses pertaining colloidal system, one of the clouds and fog. ✔ Sistem Koloid translation: Colloidal System Colligative Properties of Solution ✔ Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry Word maraja on Q.S. Ar - Rahman: 19- 20 originally means a release. This word is used among others to describe the animals are released to find their own meaning. Removing the sea in the sense of letting it flow freely. The most appropriate meaning for the verses that speak of this ocean is flowing and it can be analogous to the flow of electricity. ✔ Misteri Aliran Listrik dalam Reaksi Redoks dan Elektrokimia translation: Mystery Electrical Flow in Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry Chemical Elements With a variety of different contexts found in the Quran about gold and silver as a precious metal Surah Al Imran [3]: 14 and Al - Tawbah [9]: 34, as a luxury jewelery Surat al - Zukhruf [43]: 33-53, and as a sign of Gods gift that will be given to the dwellers of paradise Surah Al -Hajj [22]: 23 and Al - Kahf [18]: 31. ✔ Kekuatan Unsur-Unsur Kimia translation: The power of Chemical Elements 226 No. Material Review Selection Chapter Title Yes No Organic Compounds Allah mentions fruits that can be consumed at once can produce a beverage. Its just that these drinks can be something bad because of intoxicating. Q.S An- Nahl: 67 confirms that both the fruit can produce two different things, namely the strong drink and good provision. If so, a good strong drink that comes from grapes and dates is not a good provision. ✔ Rezeki dari Senyawa Organik translation: Sustenance of Organic Compounds Macromolecules An-Nahl word is the plural form of an- nahlah which means bee. In Surah An- Nahl verses 68-69, God explains that the bee was awarded an ability to produce things that are awesome, that something out of the stomach in the form of drinks variety of colors, which in this case is usually called honey as a cure for humans. Honey is one example of carbohydrates macromolecules. ✔ Makromolekul yang Halal translation: Halal Macromolecules 4 Planning, which determines the specific objectives to be achieved by the products to be made, the intended use of the product, who the users of the product, a description of the components of the product and its use. In this step has determined specific objectives of compedia, namely: a. The intended use of the product Compedia of the Quran was developed to supplement textbooks that are usually used by students in learning chemistry. So we can say that this product is an enrichment book, which contains additional knowledge about the chemistry and connection with the verses of the Quran relating to such materials. Aside from being a source of additional learning, this book can also be used by teachers as a manualguideline how to integrate chemistry materials with Islamic values and the verses of the Quran. b. Description of the components of the product and its use In general, the compendia printed in B5 size in accordance with ISO standards and has advanced features such as an organizer, teaching tips, reflection, the history of Muslim chemists, and chemistry information. 5 Development of the draft initial product, developed in collaboration with professionals or people who have the skills required for its development, including the cross study programs to assess aspects of the review of the Quran. After the determination of any material that will be developed along with its features, the next step is to develop a draft of the initial product. At this stage, after determining the subject matter, eg Atomic Structure and Elements Periodic System, followed by assessment of the verses of the Quran, which have been interpreted. One of the main references used in this study is Tafsir Al Misbah, because the explanation is more general and able to explain aspects of the scientist. For example the word dzarah in other commentators referred to as the ant eggs andor dust, but the interpretation of Al Misbah explained as partatomic particles, since referred to as the smallest particles. Having found a paragraph along with the interpretation that best suits the chemistry material, the next step is to assemble the verse and the interpretation and integrate the chemistry material. Each of the chapters the subject matter is finished, then attempted to write Tips Teaching for teachers as a guide to how to teach it to students and Reflection, in terms of everyday life, for example: No matter how tiny human actions will not escape the scrutiny of God, everything will be recorded in the book of deeds page 11 of the book compedia. After the initial draft is finished, the next step is to implement FGD with lecturers chemistry education and physics education background who are concerned with the development of integration Islam and science to give feedback on the initial draft. 6 The field trials early stage and revision of the product, in this case do preliminary testing through initial product assessment by two subject matter experts, one expert medialanguages that includes assessment material aspects chemistry and Quran, 227 layout, and language. After the initial draft and improvement through FGD, the next step is field test of early stages. This stage involves some experts, the subject matter expert chemistry and Quranic studies and a linguist. Some aspects were reviewed by an expert chemical materials are: a. Compliance with the educational objectives b. Compliance with the development of science c. Reasoning ability development d. Truth chemical concepts e. The suitability of the material to the level of students progress f. Systematically logic g. Understanable presentation h. Creativity development i. The absence of elements of SARA, Gender Bias, and Violations of Human Rights and Copyrights As for subject matter experts review the Quranic studies includes the following aspects: a. Truth letteringverse of the Quran b. Truth interpretation of the Quran c. Suitability verses of the Quran and chemistry materials d. Integration of Islam and chemistryscience All those suggestions are presented in Table 2. Table 2. Chemical materials expert advice and review the Quran to the draft initial product Chapters Page Suggestions Atomic Structure 9 Should be given the size of the mass of atoms protons, neutrons, and electrons so that the reader can imagine how small the atom. If it is associated with the verses of the Quran can be taken wisdom that Allah SWT give attention to the very small thing that human alone can no longer imagine the size as small as atoms. That is the greatness of God as the creator. 10 Should be given the fusion reaction of atoms, so readers know the nuclear reaction. As afterthought wisdom, it turns out that humans should not underestimate the small things. Something small can make a big thing and can be destroyed. The Chemical Bond 19 Should be given an example of the formation of ionic compounds or Lewis structure covalent compounds compounds NaCl or CO 2 are often found in daily life so as to strengthen the paragraph about pairs. Fundamental Law of Chemistry 22 Should be given examples of the application of Dalton Law or Proust Law, which explains that the compound is formed by the composition of the specific substance. To strengthen the verses that everything is measured. 24 Should be given an example titration to determine the level of vitamin C to strengthen the verses that explain the levels and chemical information about the vitamin C. Chemical Equilibrium 35 Examples of the manufacture of ammonia given Kc value that can be associated with a verse about the concept tawazun. Acid and Base 41 Should be given an example of the neutralization reaction to give a real picture of the verses describing the concept of fresh, salty, and bitter. Buffer 47 Should be given to contemplate that God has compiled an incredible buffer systems in the human body so that human has the blood in a stable pH even though they consume foods that tend to be acidic or base. Hydrolysis 54 Giving the example of the four types of salt re-associated with the letter al-Fatir verse 12 about the And the two seas kinds of water are not alike, this fresh sweet, and pleasant to drink, and that saltish and bitter . ” Colloidal System 57 Ad-dukhan word actually means mist or dust? Although many translations call it a fog, but according to the explanation of the clergy, word dukhan described as scattered dust of the land by drought al-misbah. Chemically clearly different between the fog of dust if it is associated with the concept of chemistry. Dukhan words should be explained in more detail such words dzarah sub-atom because the meaning of words dukhan dustmist is an example of the real material and studied in colloidal systems. Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry 65 Should be given a picture of the circuit arrangement electrochemistry tool, so that the reader gets a clear picture of the two substances that cannot be mixed. Organic Compounds 82 Should be given examples of fermentation reactions of grapes and dates as explaination of an- Nahl verse 67 which explains the origin of all things good, but it can also be intoxicating if we mismanage and consume. It can also be coupled discussion on tapai. Is the tapai containing alcohol haram or halal, because tapai is Indonesian indigenous food. Macromolecul The composition of the editorial reorganized to read more systematic 228 The result of suggestions from subject matter experts and review the Quran used to improve the initial draft of the compendia. Media and language experts only focus on two aspects, namely the layout – illustration and typography. In general, there is no meaningful suggestion; only the size of the Arabic letters needs to be enlarged to be proportional to other text. 7 The main stages of field trials small-scale and the revision of the product, which is conducted on three chemistry teacher and three study groups of MA. The initial products, which have been revised by experts and the product is assumed to be valid, then tested on a limited respondent to 3 MA, ie MAN Maguwoharjo Sleman, MAN Wonokromo Bantul, and MA Wahid Hasyim Yogyakarta and involved 3 study groups on each MA.

b. Data Quality Products of Compendia and