Knowledge of Action Class Research Knowledge of the Characteristics of

57 Figure 1.Knowledge of Action Class Research There are 97.37 of the teachers know how to identify problems, 97.73 of the teachers are able to formulate the cause of problem clearly, 87.72 of the teachers are able to plan action to resolve the problem, 87.72 of the teachers carry out the action, 97.37 teachers observe the students performance, 99.12 of the teachers explain the successfailure the action, and 98.25 do redesign. Thus, it can be said that the knowledge of teachers of secondary school in Hulu Sungai Selatan on the implementation of Action Class Research is very high.

a. Knowledge of Action Class Research

Objectives More than 90 of teachers know the purpose of the implementation of action research there are only a few teachers who do not know. 98.25 teachers know that action research can improve teaching practice, helping teachers overcome learning problems, and improve the professionalism of teachers. Thus, it can be said that the knowledge of Junior High School teacher in the District of Hulu Sungai Selatan about the purposes of conducting action research is very high. The knowledge of action class research objectives is presented in Table 2 and Figure 2. Table 2.Knowledge of Action Class Research Objectives No Question Criteria Frequency Percentage a Repairing and improvement of learning practices Yes 112 98.25 No 2 1.75 b Helping teachers to solve the problems in the classroom Yes 112 98.25 No 2 1.75 c Improving the professional attitude of educators Yes 112 98.25 No 2 1.75 d Creating a proactive attitude in improving the quality of education Yes 111 97.37 No 3 2.63 Source: Primary Data 2015 58 Figure 2. Knowledge of Action Class Research Objectives

b. Knowledge of the Characteristics of

Action Class Research Knowledge of Junior High School teacher in the district of Hulu Sungai Selatan about the characteristics of a class action is presented in Table 3 and Figure 3. Based on Table 3 and Figure 3, approximately 91.23 of the teachers know that action research can be planned by a teacher. 91.23 of the teachers realized that the Action Class Research conducted to resolve learning problems in class. 90.35 teachers know that the results of Action Class Research useful for students and teachers. Based on the results of the percentage of junior high school teachers in Hulu Sungai Selatan understand the characteristics of Action Class Research. Table 3. Knowledge of the Characteristics of Action Class Research No Question Criteria Frequency Percentage a Researchers of Action Class Research done by teachers Yes 104 91.23 No 10 8.77 b Action Class Research plan done by teachers allowing assisted by outsiders Yes 98 85.96 No 16 14.04 c The appearance of the problem is felt directly by the teachers Yes 104 91.23 No 10 8.77 d The main characteristic of Action Class Research is to repair a recurring Yes 99 86.84 No 15 13.16 e The role of teachers in the Action Class Research as a teacher and researcher Yes 106 92.98 No 8 7.02 f Action Class Research implemented in the classroom Yes 82 71.93 No 32 28.07 g Data collection is done by teachers and assisted by outsiders Yes 88 77.19 No 26 22.81 h Action Class Research results directly utilized by teachers and felt by students Yes 103 90.35 No 11 9.65 Source: Primary Data 2015 59 Figure 3. Knowledge of the characteristics of Action Class Research A. The problem of Action Class Research a. Implementation of Action Class Research Implementation of action research class at Junior High School in the district of Hulu Sungai Selatan is presented in Table 4 and Figure 4 below. Based on Table 4 and Figure 4 above of some questions are given to teachers about the implementation of the Action Class Research is only about 34.21 of teachers who carry out action research, while 65.79 of teachers do not carry out action research. 34.21 teachers who have done the research do not find any difficulty in the implementation of Action Class Research. Table 4. Implementation of Action Class Research No Question Criteria Frequency Percentage a Implementation of Action Class Research Yes 39 34.21 No 75 65.79 b Difficulty of Action Class Research Implementation Yes 4 10.26 No 35 89.74 c Difficulty to achieve the purpose of Action Class Research Yes 9 23.08 No 30 76.92 d Difficulty to distinguishing the characteristics of Action Class Research with Non- Action Class Research Yes 1 2.56 No 38 97.44 e Constraints of each activity Yes 26 66.67 No 13 33.33 f Students get benefit Yes 4 10.26 No 35 89.74 g Experiencing problems when Action Class Research activities Yes 9 23.08 No 30 76.92 h Difficulty in finding problems Yes 1 2.56 No 38 97.44 i The problem can be solved by Action Class Research Yes 1 2.56 No 38 97.44 j Need to get a guidance Yes 39 100 No k Receive a guidance in preparing of Action Class Research Yes 4 10.26 No 35 89.74 Source: Primary Data 2015 60 Figure 4. Implementation of Action Class Research b. Implementation Guidance of Action Class Research The implementation of Action Class Research in Junior High School in the District of Hulu Sungai Selatan is presented on the Table 5 and Figure 5 below. Based on the Table 5 and Figure 5, Guidance is done in Action Class Research and the highest scientific publications. Guidance of colleagues is 56.41. Forms of guidance is personalized ie 48.72. Teachers have received training through training activities to provide assistance to their colleagues. The governments role in teacher training is still lacking in quantity of training and training time.

c. Teacher guidance in implementing the