Pictures Field Notes Tests

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3.4.1 Pictures

This study involved pictures as a media of teaching to elementary students, while pictures according to en.wikipedia.orgwikiPicture 2007 in its article, in common usage, an image or picture was an artifact that reproduces the likeness of some subject, it was usually a physical object or a person. In this study the students were demanded to create the pictures according to the topic given. The teaching process would be begun at the level of the students’ knowledge about the things surrounding and it might make the teaching process became easier for me to transfer the knowledge to them. After I knew exactly about the amount of mastering vocabulary they possessed, and then it would certainly facilitate me to create and to perform an appropriate test which it was based on the vocabularies they create.

3.4.2 Field Notes

Due to www.etr.orgrecappresearchresearchglossary.htm 2007 in its article said that field notes were a writtentyped record of events and observations kept by a researcher. It was used to know the activity during the teaching and learning process, to record events happen in the class. For example, they were about how I as a teacher carried out the material, the students’ responses toward the lesson and the teacher, and the most important thing was a child development I might keep field notes as I observed toddlers interacting in a play group. In using the field notes, I would systematically keep notes of the class situation, either while the lesson was in progress or afterwards. 32 32

3.4.3 Tests

Referring to en.wikipedia.orgwikiTest_student_assessment 2007 in its article it said that In education, certification, counseling, and many other fields, a test or exam short for examination was a tool or technique intended to measure students expression of knowledge, skills andor abilities. A test had more questions of greater difficulty and requires more time for completion than a quiz. It was usually divided into two or more sections, each covering a different area of the domain or taking a different approach to assessing the same aspects. In completing this study the test would be based on an achievement test which was the result later used as data. In order to get an enough data I divided the test into two: they were pre test and post-test. The purpose of giving the classroom tests was to check the students’ achievement as an indicator of progress toward educational objectives set for the students. According to Arikunto 2006: 150-151, it was the reason why the role of pre and post-test was important toward this study which it would determine whether the use of circle game was effective or not to apply to elementary school students.

3.4.4 Questionnaire