Extended Life Coolant Cooling System Cleaning


7. Low Silicate Coolant

Any coolant that has low silicate content is acceptable if the coolant meets the following requirements: • TMC RP329 • TMC RP330 • ASTM D4985 For proper corrosion protection, Caterpillar recommends the use of a coolant mixture that is at least 30 percent glycol and 70 percent water and supplemental coolant additive. In order to prevent water pump cavitation, all Caterpillar engines that have an air-to-air aftercooler require a minimum glycol concentration of 30 percent. Although the minimum acceptable glycol concentration is 30 percent, Caterpillar recommends the use of a coolant mixture that is 50 percent glycol and 50 percent water and supplemental coolant additive. This coolant mixture helps to provide optimum engine performance. When you initially fill the cooling system with Caterpillar Diesel Engine AntifreezeCoolant, it is not necessary to add supplemental coolant additive. Caterpillar Diesel Engine AntifreezeCoolant already contains supplemental coolant additive. When you initially fill the cooling system with a commercial coolant that meets the requirements of ASTM D4985, add a supplemental coolant additive. The supplemental coolant additive in Caterpillar Diesel Engine AntifreezeCoolant and in commercial coolants must be replenished at regular service intervals. When you initially fill the cooling system with a commercial coolant that meets the requirements ofASTM D4985, refer to the table below for the proper quantity of liquid supplemental coolant additive.

8. Supplemental Coolant Additive SCA

Caterpillar SCA effectively prevents corrosion on all metals and Caterpillar SCA effectively prevents the formation of mineral deposits. Caterpillar SCA also prevents cavitation of the liner and Caterpillar SCA eliminates foaming of the coolant. Test the SCA concentration or submit a coolant sample to your Caterpillar dealer at every oil change. After every 250 service hours, liquid SCA or a SCA maintenance element may be needed. SCA additions are based on the results of coolant analysis. Your Caterpillar dealer has test kits that will evaluate the concentration of additives in Caterpillar DEAC. The following table indicates the amount of Caterpillar SCA that is needed at the initial fill to treat commercial heavy-duty coolantantifreezes. The table also shows the addition of an SCA for either liquid SCA or for the maintenance elements of a SCA. These additions are for commercial heavy-duty coolantantifreezes and for Caterpillar DEAC.