Results Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:P:PlantScience:PlantScience_Elsevier:Vol160.Issue1.2000:

3. Results

3 . 1 . Protoplast culture and plant regeneration At 3 weeks after dilution with fresh VKM medium, dividing cells gave rise to hundreds of microcolonies, which developed rapidly into calli after the cultures were transferred onto the soli- dified growth medium. Early selection of the puta- tive somatic hybrids was based on the apparent difference in the cultural behavior of the parental and hybrid calli, particularly the ability of the latter to grow faster and regenerate early [34]. Therefore, 2 weeks later, only calli 2 – 3 mm in size were selected to be transferred onto the regenera- tion medium. Their growth was at least twice as rapid as that of the parental lines in the control cultures. After 5 weeks on the regeneration medium, some selected calli produced shoots with a frequency of one to five shoots per callus. Only one shoot was excised from the regenerating callus and multiplied by subculture on hormone-free MS medium. Finally, 55 of 322 selected calli produced shoots, representing a percentage of 17.0. 3 . 2 . Ploidy le6el of the selected putati6e hybrids The ploidy level was determined by comparing the position of dominant peaks corresponding to nuclei at G0-G1 phase of the cell cycle, between putative hybrid and parental plants Fig. 1. Clear differences in peak position are shown in Fig. 1 between diploid parents and their somatic hybrids. The analysis of plants recovered from the fusion experiments showed that more than 80 were diploids. In total, ten plants were found to have a higher ploidy level. These plants were retained, as they were putative somatic hybrids. Among the selected plants, six BP3, BP4, BP6, BP14, BP15, BP16 were tetraploids, two BP1, BP8 mixo- ploids, one BP9 amphiploid \ 4 × ; 48 and one BP13 octoploid 8 × ; 96. Chromosome counts made on root tips of a sample of the selected plants confirmed the ploidy level determined by flow cytometry. 3 . 3 . Morphological analysis Both parental and putative somatic hybrid plants were grown up to maturity in the green- house. Most putative hybrid plants grew vigor- ously and were larger than the parental plants. Their morphology was relatively homogeneous and intermediate between the parental lines, in- cluding leaves, flowers and tubers, all of which were larger than those of the parents Fig. 2, except for the mixoploid clones having small leaves with irregular forms. Pollen viability of putative hybrid flowers varied widely, ranging from 20 to 60 compared to 50 – 70 viable pollen in the parental plants. 3 . 4 . Isoenzyme analysis The hybrid nature of the selected putative hy- brids was confirmed by examining the elec- trophoretic patterns for esterases and peroxidases Fig. 3. Each isoenzyme system revealed differ- ences between potato BF15 and S. phureja. They also distinguished somatic hybrids from the par- ents. The somatic hybrid pattern for esterases contained bands which were identical to those found in the mixed extracts of the parents Fig. 3A. For peroxidase system in addition to the sum of the parental bands, the hybrid pattern showed additional bands, which were specifically relevant to the hybrid nature and not found in the mixed extracts of the parents Fig. 3B. Fig. 1. Histograms of fluorescence intensities associated with 10 000 nuclei isolated from leaves of in vitro dihaploid potato, cv. BF15, S. phureja, and their somatic hybrids. After DAPI staining, fluorescence is proportional to nuclear DNA quantity and the position of the dominant G0 and G1 peak reflects the ploidy level. Fig. 2. Plants: S. tuberosum St, S. phureja Sp and four somatic hybrids SH; the mixoploid is indicated by the arrow A; leaves and flowers: S. tuberosum cv. BF15 B, E, S. phureja D, G and their somatic hybrids C, F. 3 . 5 . DNA analysis Out of 34 ten-mer primers tested, eight gave reproducible RAPD patterns showing polymor- phism between S. tuberosum cv. BF15 and S. phureja. Three of them led to clear identification of the somatic hybrids. RAPD patterns obtained with the primer AB1-12 5-CCTTGACGCA-3 are given in Fig. 4A. Parental patterns can be distinguished by DNA bands 500 – 1000 bp in size. The ten putative somatic hybrids showed similar patterns with specific parental bands and with an additional band 1.5 kb in size which was absent from the parents. The NTCP6 primers 5-GGTTCGAATC- CTTCCGTC-3 and 5-GATTCTTTCGCATCTC- GATTC-3 led to distinction between the two parents of the fusion experiments. Unique and specific ctDNA bands of 180 and 130 bp were amplified with the cultivated as expected from Ref. [31] and the wild species, respectively. All the somatic hybrids examined showed the ctDNA pattern of either one or the other parent. The ctDNA of potato was found in two somatic hybrids and the remaining eight hybrids possessed the S. phureja ct type Fig. 4B. Taking into account the intermediate morphol- ogy, the ploidy level and the analysis of nuclear and chloroplast genomes of the selected plants by examining the isoenzymes and DNA markers, it was concluded that the ten selected plants were somatic hybrids between S. tuberosum and S. phureja. 3 . 6 . E6aluation of resistance to bacterial wilt S. tuberosum cv. BF15 was susceptible to both races, as 71.8 and 100 of plants were wilted 30 days d30 after inoculation with races 1 and 3 strains, respectively, and disease indices reached 0.87 and 1.00 Tables 1 and 2. Moreover, charac- teristic symptoms of bacterial wilt necrosis and wilting occurred earlier and stronger for the di- Fig. 4. Electrophoresis profiles of PCR amplification prod- ucts. A RAPD patterns. DNA from S. tuberosum St, S. phureja Sp and their somatic hybrids BP3, BP4, BP6, BP15 and BP9 lanes 1 – 5, respectively was amplified using the primer AB1-12. Fractionation was on 1.4 agarose gels. The other five hybrids not shown led to patterns identical to the above hybrids. B Chloroplast microsatellite patterns. DNA from the same seven genotypes as above was amplified using NTCP6 primers. Fractionation was on 1.8 agarose gels. The other five hybrids not shown led to patterns identical to S. phureja L.: 100-bp DNA ladder Biolabs. haploid potato line than for the S. phureja line. S. phureja appeared to be tolerant to race 1 strain, showing a low disease indices 0.36 and no wilted plants at d30. S. phureja was moderately suscepti- ble to race 3 strain with 50 of wilted plants at d30 but with a rather high disease indices 0.85 Tables 1 and 2. A total of six somatic hybrid plants, including five tetraploids and one amphiploid, were checked for resistance to bacterial wilt using race 1 and race 3 strains. Race 3 strain induced plant wilting earlier and with a higher frequency than did race 1 strain Tables 1 and 2. Three tetraploid hybrids BP3, BP6 and BP16 appeared moderately sus- ceptible to race 1 strain with 30.6 – 48.6 of wilted plants but their disease indices were not signifi- cantly different from that of the susceptible parent 0.78 – 0.80 versus 0.87. Two hybrids BP4 and BP15 were less susceptible with 7.9 and 20.5 of wilted plants at d30, respectively, and their disease indices were not significantly different from that of the wild parent Table 1. Only the amphiploid hybrid BP9 was found at least as tolerant to race 1 strain as S. phureja since no wilted plants were recorded for both. However, its disease indices 0.08 was significantly lower than that of S. Fig. 3. Electrophoresis banding patterns of A esterases EST E.C. and B peroxidases PRX E.C. for S. tuberosum cv. BF15 St, S. phureja Sp, a mixture of parental extracts M and their somatic hybrids BP3, BP4, BP6, BP15 and BP9 lanes 1 – 5, respectively. The other five hybrids not shown led to patterns identical to the above hybrids. phureja 0.36. All tetraploid hybrids were either more or at least similarly susceptible to race 3 strain compared to BF15 Table 2. They were more susceptible than S. phureja, except BP4 which showed a similar wilting rate but a higher disease indices than the wild parent. Interestingly, the wilting rate of the amphiploid hybrid was low 2.8 and not significantly different from zero. However, the disease indices 0.52 though signifi- cantly lower from that of S. phureja 0.85, would indicate that the hybrid was tolerant rather than resistant Table 2. Within roots of apparently healthy looking plants belonging either to both parental lines or to the amphiploid hybrid high populations expressed as logarithms of cfu g − 1 fresh weight were recov- ered, ranging from 7.27 to 7.93 whatever the clone or the strain. However, significant differences were recorded within stems of plants inoculated with race 1 strain between BF15 on the one hand 7.13 and S. phureja 3.74 and BP9 3.20 on the other hand. For plants inoculated with race 3 strain, the bacterial populations within stems of both parental lines were significantly different although the difference was lower than one logarithmic unit. In contrast, the population within stem of the Table 2 Disease indices and disease incidence recorded 15 days and 30 days after root inoculation by race 3 strain of R. solanacearum a Disease indices Disease incidence d15 d30 d15 d30 0.97 b 1.00 b BP3 2n = 4× 88.9 b 100.0 b 0.88 bc 68.4 c 0.75 cd BP4 2n = 4× 26.3 c 86.1 b 100.0 b BP6 2n = 4× 0.96 bc 1.00 b 0.48 d 0.52 d BP9 2n\4× 0.0 d 2.8 d BP15 2n = 4× 0.96 bc 1.00 b 86.1 b 100.0 b 1.00 b 100.0 b 1.00 b 100.0 b BP16 2n = 4× 100.0 b 0.96 bc BF15 1.00 b 86.1 b 2n = 2× = 24 S. phureja 50.0 c 0.64 d 0.85 c 11.1 c 2n = 2× = 24 0.00 e 0.0 d 0.0 d Non-infected 0.00 e controls a Disease indices is the weighted average of the disease index. Disease index ranges from 0 to 4: 0 = no wilted leaves, 1 = up to 25 wilted, 2 = up to 50 wilted, 3 = up to 75 wilted and 4 = plants entirely wilted. Disease incidence is the percentage of inoculated plants displaying a disease index of 4. Values followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P = 0.05. amphiploid hybrid was significantly reduced com- pared to both parents Table 3.

4. Discussion