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To realize the increase of productivity, it is recommended that Indonesia applies presidential’s innovation initiative 1-747 as a key driver in the transformation to innovation-based economic system by strengthening the education system human capital and technological readiness. Under the presidential innovation initiative 1-747 one percent of the GDP will be earmarked towards this strategy. This proportion should be increased gradually to 3 of GDP by 2025. Research and development funding portion as mentioned above, comes from the Government and the businesses. The transformation will be carried out through 7 improvement steps of innovation ecosystems, while the process will be carried out using 4 acceleration economic development instruments as a model for the strengthening of key stakeholders in innovation including tertiary institutions and community colleges. Therefore, it is expected that the 7 innovation targets in 2025 in the field of Human Resources and Science Technology will be achieved in order to ensure sustainable economic growth. In line with the economic progress of the factor-driven economy towards innovation driven economy, it is expected over time the role of government in funding R D will decrease and the role of private sector in funding R D will increase. Innovation Implementation Initiatives in MP3EI The following are some initiatives of innovation implementation that will support the success of MP3EI: 1. Cluster Development in Support of 6 six Economic Corridors Development of 6 six economic corridor should be accompanied by innovation cluster strengthening as the center of excellence in order to improve the ability for innovation to enhance competitiveness. The development of the Center of Excellence is expected to integrate with industrial clusters 2. Revitalization of PUSPIPTEK as Science Technology S T Park Revitalize PUSPIPTEK as an S T Park to deliver innovation-based SMISME in the various strategic areas, which are able to optimize interaction and utilization of university, research and development institutions, and business resources so that it is able to produce innovative products. To maintain the continuity of the management of the S T Park, it is necessary to carry out the following steps: a. Making PUSPIPTEK as a professionally managed Public Service Agency Badan Layanan Umum BLU, in order to create links between businesses and research. b. Making PUSPIPTEK as a leading center of high-tech research. 3. Establishment of Regional Innovation Cluster for Equitable Growth MP3EI encourages and empowers efforts by the communities, business entities, and local governments that already has initiatives to develop innovation potentials on regional prime products and programs, such as: a. Agroindustry Innovation Zone Development Model, in North Gresik, East Java Province. b. Integrated Downstream Innovation Program Development Model, to develop palm oil, cocoa, and fisheries. c. Non Renewable and Renewable Energy Based Innovation Zone Development Model, in East Kalimantan Province. Masterplan P3EI Basic Principles, Prerequisites for Success and Main Strategies of MP3EI 42