Verbal Irony Analysis of the Irony

29 about to happen, he wants to contend his job in any accounts. No matter how much he wants to deny the truth, however, the truth of him being fired is still coming. Barry will not keep him as an employee. Rudy does not deny that he understands the situation through the statement. On the other hand, he clarifies it more by saying “I don’t understand” towards what Barry will say. Simply put, he says it not because he does not understand the situation, but he just cannot comprehend why this kind of experience recurs to happen to him. Since he is so optimistic in doing the job in the beginning, the reality of him being jobless in such a short time is too horrible for him to perceive that he states the sentence. The intended meaning behind the statement is also supported by actions described by the author as Rudy saying it. As found in page 151, “I close my eyes and want to cry.”, the actions preceeding the statement enhance that Rudy actually grasps the situation in which he is in. Otherwise, not fully comprehending the situation, Rudy will not act so in responding to Barry’s explanation. Verbal irony occurs when the intention of the character is conveyed through the contradictory spoken statement. Following the story, the readers could perceive the background of causes and reasons which make Rudy state it. However, the discrepancy between true intention and spoken words remains in the sentence. The fact that Rudy himself saying something totally the contrast of something both readers and him know creates the irony. c Vulnerability in Its impressive. The word impressive is used to describe something which deserves respect and admiration. However, the statement of Rudy addressed to Drummond as the 30 defense lawyer of Great Benefit contains many other things aside from respect and admiration. The utterance is found on the crisis part of the story, when the paper war between Rudy and the defense lawyer starts p. 240. Rudy states it when he receives the motion to dismiss Blacks’ case from the defense lawyer. It is incoherent and rather contradictory from Rudy’s intention of saying it that it is analysed as verbal irony. Rudy feels more than impressed with the motion sent by the defense lawyer to dismiss the Blacks lawsuit, with a sixty-three pages supporting brief p. 240. Rudy who is still a rookie and has just started his career as a lawyer has to oppose Drummond from a great firm. He is described as a marvelous senior partner and trial lawyer from Tinley Britt who has represented all sorts of commercial litigation and rarely loses in the courtroom p. 225. Not only it is Rudy’s first time to reply to a motion, but also he has to do it fast and accurate all by himself. Compared to Drummond’s motion which is a work of three associates and two paralegals p. 241 , Rudy’s is nothing. All those work cannot be considered as little to do alone. Every rookie in the world of lawyer job would respect and admire Drummond, the legend indeed. Nevertheless, by saying the statement, Rudy also acknowledges at the time that he is no juxtaposition to be considered as a plaintiff confronting a great lawyer. More than respect and admiration, by complimenting the other side in a war, there is a sense of defeat that Rudy realises the moment he is to begin the paper war. The paper war is the beginning of the real war he initiates; and the war means that to attack and look for other side’s weaknesses. Obliquely, Rudy is also open to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 31 be attacked and harmed until the war is over, either by winning or losing that he has no vision of it. His vulnerability of being attacked is emphasised by Rudy’s feelings and additional response. The story illustrates that Rudy already feels tired and bothered from where he has to start on responding the motion pp. 240-241. Instead of plainly expressing his admiration, Rudy embeds his nervous and tempted intention by praising the defense lawyer. Intending more than what he verbally states, the statement becomes verbal irony.

2. Situational Irony

Situational irony occurs when a character conducts different behaviours of what is appropriate according to the story. The use of it, thus, brings unexpected outcomes. It is also included as situational irony when events in the story turn out differently from what the events should be van Thompson, 2016. It involves incongruity between appearance and reality and between expectation and fulfillment Arp and Johnson, 2012. There are six situational ironies discovered in the story: worst scenario vs best chance on working with Bruiser; finish line vs new baton on Donny Ray’s death; justice vs eternal loss on Rudy winning the Blacks’ case; worth vs waste on Rudy winning the Blacks’ case; nightmare vs happy ending on the murder of Cliff Riker; and responsibility vs avenge on Rudy quitting lawyer. As situational irony involves expectation and reality that happens, the following analysis would provide the readers’ expectation in interpreting the analysed events versus what actually happens in the story. Taking the first form of situational irony as an example, the readers would expect it to be the worst scenario PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 32 for Rudy when he works for Bruiser. However, as the analysis is carried out, it is proven to be the situational irony since the event turns out to be the best chance for Rudy. The worst scenario presumes as readers’ expectation, while the best chance presumes as the contradictory reality that happens in the story. Both the readers’ expectation and the reality that happens in the story are formulated into some terms. The terms are expected to convey similar meaning to the readers in order to have similar understanding with the researcher’s point of view. a Worst Scenario vs Best Chance on Working with Bruiser It is described in the novel that Bruiser Stone is well-known as a lawyer with questionable ethics. Bruiser is “an enormously fat and broad man with long, thick gray hair and sagging goatee ” p. 111. In addition to the location of Bruiser’s law firm which is around the industrial area of the town p. 160, there are many rumours going around about Bruiser. Together with Prince Thomas, the boss of Rudy’s part-time job, they have done many shady deals. Even they have bribed politicians and police. Bruiser is the man behind every act of Prince and he is also ready to secure Prince in courtroom. Prince has never been afraid of guilty verdicts because Bruiser is a very effective lawyer in a courtroom who is supported by jurors in return of the significant amount of cash he gives p. 111. The fact that Bruiser is a best friend of Rudy’s boss gives Rudy no reason to talk with Bruiser. Aside from serving drinks for them, he has no further intention to go near Bruiser. The dreary reputation of his own boss is one thing that is though Prince has never treated him bad, speaking to Bruiser would be too much. Apart from Bruiser’s appearance and who Bruiser is, Rudy has a good reason to keep his 33 distance from Bruiser because what the rumours say about him is enough to tell. Contradictory to the idealism Rudy holds related to ethical guidelines, Bruiser clearly has crossed all those. It gives additional reasons for Rudy to not causing any problems to both Prince and Bruiser. In spite of the many reasons mentioned above, the situation in which Rudy is finally compels him to speak to Bruiser. Rudy is wanted by police because he is the main suspect of arson and homicide in Lake firm the firm of which Lancester pretends to give Rudy a job just to steal his case. Having his case stolen, losing his job suddenly, and added by the arson and homicide accusation happens only in one night, he has no power anymore p. 150-157. However, not being able to stand powerless for any longer, Rudy asks for a help from Prince, who directly tells Bruiser every detailed thing. Bruiser directly takes care of everything related to the case. Remembering many triumphant legal cases won by Bruiser to defend Prince, Rudy oddly feels safe to be in the right hand to handle such kind of case pp. 157- 162. Feeling safe is not the end of the story. Being offered a job at Bruiser’s law firm makes a highlight of the day. Rudy assumes that it is the last job available in the town. If he does not take the job as one last chance, he may end up not becoming a lawyer forever. Not becoming a lawyer means he also cannot actualize his ideal. Yet, working under Bruiser whose ethical guidelines is questionable becomes another thing to ponder about. If he is to actualize his ideal, can he really actualize it under Bruiser? It does not make sense to actualize his ideal ethic guidelines and 34 help the weaklings if he becomes a successful lawyer through dishonourable ways pp. 162-164. I dont really want Bruiser Stone as my boss. But I cant insult the man either, not with the cops poking around, making not so vague references about the death penalty. Im unable to muster the strength to tell Bruiser that hes sleazy enough to represent me, but too sleazy to employ me. Bruiser is watching me closely. Hes offering me the only possible job left in the city of Memphis, and he seems to know Im not anxious to take it p. 163. Thus, when Rudy decides to take Bruiser’s offer p. 164, situational irony takes place. On one side, he does not want to take it, given Bruiser as his superior. As if having Bruiser as superior is not enough, Rudy has never known how much he will be stepping on ethical lines as a lawyer. On another side, he has to take it as the best opportunity he has to start building his career. Putting the ethical points for granted, Rudy promises to give all his best he can to learn as much as possible before he is able to stand on his own. The event becomes situational irony as it falls out from worst scenario for Rudy into the best chance that he has gotten. b New Baton vs Finish Line on D onny Ray’s Death As described in the story that Donny Ray, main client of Rudy, is diagnosed of having leukemia, the conflict occurs when the insurance company does not want to pay its insured money for him. After writing eight letters of plea addressed to the comp any, Dot, Donny Ray’s mother, decides to sue them. She meets Rudy in Cypress Garden when he is still a law student pp. 18-27. Indeed, Dot hates the company for not giving what is supposed to be covered in the insurance. She feels outraged to be deceived and to lose his son forever. Although it takes a long time before she decides to sue Great Benefit – the insurance company, she vows to prove their misdeed to the world. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 35 As a mother, her situation is understandable, to fight for every account of his son’s life. It does not matter anymore, in what ways she would take, as long as she could accomplish it. The actions take more account for the goals to be actualised. Because writing letters does not make any good to Donny Ray, prosecuting Great Benefit becomes the last option she braces to take. Seeing him suffered without getting the treatment is already a torture for herself. It is supposed to be her that can provide the treatment. She has done what she is obliged. She pays eighteen dollars per week for five years as she purchases the insurance of Great Benefit to cover her family. Instead, all claims she proposes are denied. Further, she has to do everything before anything happens to him. Donny Ray’s life becomes the strength she has to strive. Aware of the situation, Rudy also does his best to save Donny Ray. The hearing has started officially with the help of the judge. Even when Great Benefit tries to hinder the investigation process, the judge is more than capable of handling the situation. Both Rudy and Dot are nervous for their first case, but everything goes well. Great Benefit is actually wrong, and they also realise it that they offer sum of cash to settle the case. As the offer is conveyed to Dot, she grows more infuriated. Her eyes are red and wet. I was wrong. This mother has not given up. She wants blood. Just exactly whatre we supposed to do with seventy-five thousand dollars? Donny Rayll be dead, and itll just be me and him. She points with her forehead in the direction of the Fairlane p. 278. The unfold of the next story is unexpected. Donny Ray has died, after his condition worsens days before. Dot, as if she already gets a feeling about it, does not cry much PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI