Method of the Study

burned leg and they ran after her. To make her safe, Katniss picked a high tree and began to climb. To release herself from the Careers who stood by to catch and kill her at the ground, she cut the branch which wasp nest hung on it by her knife just like what Rue; a twelve year old girl from District 11 told her doing. The nest smashed on the ground and tracker jackers hit the Careers, they ran away from there but two of them could not make it. They both died. At the beginning of the Games Katniss did not get any bow and arrows, but finally Katniss got them from the dead girl. Her courage is seen through her thoughts. The weapons give me an entirely new perspective on the Games. I know I have tough opponents left to face. But I am no longer merely prey that runs and hides or takes desperate measures. If Cato broke through the trees right now, I wouldn’t flee, I’d shoot. I find I’m actually anticipating the moment with pleasure p. 197. Katniss bravery became stronger after Rue’s death because she loves her and Rue reminds her of her sister. She got mad to the Capitol for their treat to every tribute, force them to do and join their Games. She showed that she was not afraid of anything and she wanted to do something to shame Capitol. It is seen through her thoughts. I want to do something, right here, right now, to shame them, to make them accountable, to show the Capitol that whatever they do or force us to do there is a part of every tribute they can’t own. That Rue was more than a piece in their Games. And so am I p. 236-237. She thought she will not be an easy target although she lost Rue. She would not be afraid of anything. Her loss would be the other reason why she has to win the Games. This courage is also seen through her thoughts. I’ve no idea where to go. The brief sense of home I had that one night with Rue has vanished. My feet wander this way and that until sunset. I’m not afraid, not even watchful. Which makes me an easy target. Except I’d kill anyone I met on sight p. 238.

2. Spontaneous

Katniss is spontaneous. It can be seen through her reactions about something that she hears and sees. Her spontaneity is also shown through her speech. In the novel, it was told that on the third day of training, tributes were called one by one for private session with the Gamemakers. When Katniss’s session, she took a bow and arrow but she missed the target a couple of inches and lost the Gamemakers’ little attention because the bow and arrows were made different from that she usually uses. After trying a couple times, she got the feel of those new weapons. Then she could shoot excellently but only a few Gamemakers were nodding approval, the majority of them were fixated on a roast pig that has just arrived at their banquet table. She felt furious because she was being upstaged by a dead pig and her life on the line but the Gamemakers did not pay attention to her. So, she shot an apple in the pig’s mouth. Her spontaneous characteristics when she shot an apple in the pig’s mouth is seen through her reactions. Without thinking, I pull an arrow from my quiver and send it straight at the Gamemakers’ table. I hear shout of alarm as people stumble back. The arrow skewers the apple in the pig’s mouth and pins it to the wall behind it. Everyone stares at me in disbelief p. 102. Her spontaneity to respond the Gamemakers ignorance to her is also shown through her speech when she explains to Effie that she was upset of the Gamemakers ignorance and she spontaneously shot an arrow to an apple in the roast pig’s mouth. “I shot an arrow at them. Not exactly at them. In their direction. It’s like Peeta said, I was shooting and they were ignoring me and I just . . . I just lost my head, so I shot an apple out of their stupid roast pig’s mouth” I say defiantly p. 106. It is also told that when six tributes remained in the Game, there was an announcement of rule changing. The winner of the Games could be two people, both tributes from the same district if they are the last two alive. Katniss felt so relief when she hears the news so it made her could not stop to call out Peeta’s name. Her spontaneity is seen through her reactions. The news sinks in. Two tributes can win this year. If they’re from the same district. Both can live. Both of us can live. Before I can stop myself, I call out Peeta’s name. I clap my hands over my mouth, but the sound has already escaped. The sky goes black and I hear the chorus of frogs begin to sing. Stupid I tell myself. What a stupid thing to do I wait, frozen, for the woods to come alive with assailants. Then I remember there’s almost no one left p. 244- 247.

3. Persevering

Katniss is a persevering person. She will fight as much as she can besides to give up easily. Her spirit can be seen in the novel through speech and thoughts. Katniss was in conversation with Haymitch and Peeta. They were talking about what Katniss and Peeta can do to survive and even win the Games. Peeta felt unconfident because he thinks he cannot do anything except baking bread and he does not believe himself. He seemed like just want to give up even before the