communicative skill learning achievement and to find out what features provided in the treatment that contribute to the improvement of students’ communicative skill performance. Therefore, this study employed experimental research and survey research as the strategy of inquiry.

B. Research Design

This study was intended to identify differences in learning outcomes of students communicative skills in two different classes using different treatment. There were two groups being observed, control group and the experiment group. Both groups were taught using the same material and activities. However, one group relied on the common teaching method which is a classroom oral presentation, while the other group incorporated the use of mobile phone video-making task technique for both inside and outside classroom activities. The variables in this experimental research were described as follows. For the experiment group, the independent variable T1 was the proposed treatment technique, which was mobile phone video-making task. While for the control group, the independent variable T2 was the common classroom activity, which was classroom oral presentation. The dependent variable was the score of students’ communicative skill Y, which could be presented from their performance. Y1 represented a pretest of dependent variable before treatment, while Y2 represented a post-test of dependent variable after the treatment. The research design was as presented in Figure 3.1. Groups Pretest Treatment Independent Variable Posttest Experiment group Y1 T1 Y2 Control Group Y1 T2 Y2 Figure 3.1. Research Design Adapted from: Creswell, 2003, p. 169 In the first meeting, both groups were sat to a pre-test to decide their actual level before being taught. After that, the experiment group applied the use of mobile phone video role playing T1 in communicative activities, whereas the control group meet in a regular classroom for all its sessions with an oral classroom presentation T2 as the final task. Assignments for both groups were on conducting communicative tasks, based on their syllabus and their needs of English for communication in the work-field. Then, a post-test was given for both groups following the treatments. Later on, necessary calculations and analytical procedures using the gain or loss score Y2-Y1 were followed and provided. The selection of topics was based on two considerations, which were degree of relevance and degree of significance. The degree of relevance refers to how relevant the topics are with the programs of expertise offered by SMK 5. Also, it refers to how relevant the topics are with the everyday contexts of language use. Meanwhile, the degree of significance is defined as the level of importance the topics have in assisting students to communicate in English for the job demands. Accordingly, there were two topics selected, the first was describing processes and the other topic was telephoning skills. Since SMK 5 focuses its programs on the Art and Craft, the students are required to be able to understand the process of designing and at the final phase, producing artworks in terms of craft and or technological design. Thus, the topic of describing process was selected since its indicators were considered appropriate for SMK students. The indicators are enabling students to 1 state the goal of a process, 2 describe the steps in doing or making artworks, and 3 mention the materials needed by using appropriate language expressions. Moreover, the choice of telephoning skill topic was considered significant since it is one of the skills needed in almost every work field. The telephoning skill being practiced included 1 identifying the caller and yourself, 2 taking and leaving phone messages, 3 directing and transferring calls, 4 holding the line and also 5 apologizing on the phone.

C. Nature of data