The impact of mobile phone video-making task on students` communicative skill.



Fitria Rahmawati. 2014. The Impact of Mobile Phone Video-Making Task on Students’ Communicative Skill. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Being urged by both the educational and technological changes, English teachers need to carefully utilize appropriate teaching media so that students‟ motivation and interest in learning English can be facilitated. The implementation of mobile phone video-making task (MPVMT), thus, becomes one alternative compared to the common oral classroom presentation. Therefore, this study attempted to seek the answers for the two research questions. The first is does the implementation of MPVMT improve students‟ communicative skill better than the oral classroom presentation technique? This was conducted to find out the difference of students‟ achievements between the experimental group and the control group after conducting the treatment. The other is what features contribute to the effectiveness of MPVMT?

In order to answer the research questions, this study employed both quantitative and qualitative research design. The experimental research was implemented to find out the communicative skill difference of the two groups after the treatments. Two variables of this study were the treatment (MPVMT) as the independent variable (X) and the students‟ communicative skill as the dependent variable (Y) presented by their performance. Moreover, close and open-ended questionnaire were used to answer the second question. The results of the questionnaire were then confirmed and strengthened by the interview to investigate students‟ opinion toward what features contributed to the effectiveness of MPVMT treatment. This study was conducted in a state vocational high school of arts and crafts in Yogyakarta, SMK 5 Yogyakarta, in the odd semester of academic year 2011/2012. The subject of this study was the second graders from

animation and DKV programs.

The research results are presented as follows. To see the effectiveness of MPVMT treatment, the gain scores of the experimental group and the control group were analyzed. From the calculation for the experimental gain or loss scores, it is found out that the obtained F-value is 14.271. Meanwhile the critical F-value, based on the F table, at α = 0.05 and (d.f.) = 3 is 3,182. Therefore, since the obtained F-value is higher than the critical F-value (14.271 > 3,182), the decision is to reject the null hypothesis (Ho = µe ≤ µc) and accept the alternative hypothesis (H1 = µe > µc). The results indicate that there was a statistically significant difference between groups. From the results, the first research question of this study is answered that is, the implementation of mobile phone video-making task improves students‟ communicative skill better than the oral classroom presentation. Therefore, the implementation of mobile phone video-making task is effective in improving the students‟ communicative skill. Moreover, from the results of open-ended questionnaire and interview, the feature which contributed the highest to the effectiveness of MPVMT implementation was content. Other features which gave significant contribution were goal and objective, input, role of teacher, setting, activity and output. Meanwhile the features considered to give less impact were procedure and roles of students.



Fitria Rahmawati. 2014. The Impact of Mobile phone video-making task on Students’ Communicative Skill. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Terdorong oleh perubahan paradigma pendidikan dan perkembangan teknologi, guru bahasa Inggris perlu dengan sangat teliti memanfaatkan media pembelajaran yang sesuai, sehingga motivasi dan ketertarikan siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris dapat terfasilitasi. Oleh sebab itu, mobile phone video-making task (MPVMT) atau pembuatan video melalui perekam video telepon genggam, menjadi salah satu alternatif teknik pembelajaran. Sehingga, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab dua permasalahan. Permasalahan pertama yakni, „Apakah penerapan MPVMT dapat lebih meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa dibandingkan dengan kegiatan presentasi kelas?‟ Hal ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan prestasi siswa setelah pemberian tindakan. Pertanyaan penelitian kedua adalah „Unsur-unsur apa saja yang berkontribusi dalam keefektifitasan penerapan MPVMT?‟

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Penelitian eksperimen dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa dari dua grup setelah pemberian tindakan. Terdapat dua faktor yang diteliti, yakni MPVMT sebagai faktor bebas (X) dan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa sebagai faktor terikat (Y). Selain itu, kuesioner digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian kedua. Selanjutnya, interview dilaksanakan guna mengetahui pendapat siswa tentang fitur-fitur dalam MPVMT yang berkontribusi efektif dalam peningkatan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMK seni dan kerajinan, SMK 5 Yogyakarta pada semester gasal tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Peserta penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas II dari jurusan Animasi dan Desain Komunikasi Visual.

Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut. Keefektifitasan penerapan teknik MPVMT dilihat dari hasil analisis perbedaan nilai antara kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok pembanding. Dari perhitungan nilai selisih antara pre-test dan post-test, didapatkan nilai F-hitung sebesar 14.271, sedangkan nilai F-tabel pada α=0.05 dan d.f.(3) adalah 3.182. Dengan demikian, karena nilai F-hitung lebih besar dari nilai F-tabel (14.271 > 3,182), keputusannya adalah untuk menolak hipotesis null (Ho = µe ≤ µc) dan menerima hipotesis alternatif (H1 = µe > µc). Hasil tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan statistik yang signifikan di antara kedua grup. Sehingga, berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik, pertanyaan penelitian pertama terjawab, yakni, penerapan „Mobile Phone Video Making Task‟ meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa lebih baik dibandingkan dengan presentasi kelas. Selain itu, diketahui bahwa unsur atau komponen dalam MPVMT yang berkontribusi paling besar dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa adalah content. Unsur lain yang memberikan kontribusi berarti dalam penerapan teknik MPVMT adalah goal and objective, input, role of teacher, setting, activity and output. Sedangkan unsur yang memberikan sedikit pengaruh adalah procedure dan roles of students.





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to ObtainMagister Humaniora(M.Hum) Degree

in English Language Studies


Fitria Rahmawati Student Number: 10 6332 025








Fitria Rahmawati Student Number: 10 6332 025

Approved by

Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A.





Presented by Fitria Rahmawati Student Number: 10 6332 025

Defended before the Thesis Committee and Declared acceptable.


Chairperson : F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D. ______________

Secretary : Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. ______________

Members : 1. Dr. J. Bismoko ______________

: 2. Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A. ______________


The Graduate Program Director Sanata Dharma University




This is to certify that all ideas, phrases, sentences, unless otherwise stated, are the ideas, phrases, and sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands the full consequences including degree cancellation if she took somebody else‟s ideas, phrases, or sentences without proper references.

Yogyakarta, March, 2014 The Writer,

Fitria Rahmawati 10 6332 025





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Fitria Rahmawati NIM : 10 6332 025

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:



beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal : February 2014

Yang menyatakan,



Menuntut ilmu adalah Ibadah

Belajar adalah Jihad

Mengajarkan ilmu adalah Amal

(Agus Priya Atmaka, 1985)

I dedicate this thesis to ALLAH SWT,

all teachers and academicians,

my beloved parents, husband, and sister,

and all of my best friends and colleagues.




In the name of Allah SWT, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. Praise is for Him, The Cherisher and Sustainer of the world, and Muhammad, His final Prophet and Messenger.

The greatest gratitude goes to ALLAH SWT, who has given His Blessings and graces so that the writer can finish composing this thesis. The writer would like to give her ‘Very Big Thanks’, respect and appreciation to the following great people who have made this thesis possible:

1. Mas Danang Supriyanto, “We made it! Yeay! Thank you for your prayers, spirit, patience and love, Mas... You’ve been very supportive.”

2. Her Father, Drs. Agus Priya Atmaka, for having taught her to believe in the value of principles. “Thank you for being so care and wise, Bapak…

3. Her Mother, Sri Supargianti, for having endured hardship to raise her. “Thank you for your prayers and spririt Mah!”

4. Her sister, Nur Purnama Ratri, S.E., for trusting her as someone whom she shares her problems with.“Adeeek, thank you for the SPSS tutorials!”

This Thesis is dedicated to you four!

5. Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A., as her thesis advisor who has guided her so patiently. “Thank you for spending your valuable time to give me guidance, help, suggestions, and support, Pak Dwi. You really are the ‘Best of the Best’, Sir!”

6. Mr. F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D., as the Head of the Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University. “Thank you for your prayers and support every time I ask for your signature, Sir.

7. All the lecturers in The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University, Dr. J. Bismoko, Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo, Prof. Dr. C. Bakdi Sumanto, Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A. for having imbued in her a thirst for knowledge.

8. All secretariat staffs in English Language Studies, especially Mbak Lely and Pak Mul, for always helping her with the administrative matters and for providing any information.



9. The principal of SMK N 5 Yogyakarta, Mr. Suyono, S.Pd. M.Eng., for letting her to conduct the research and gather the data at his institution.

10. The English teacher of SMK N 5 Yogyakarta, Ms. Dra. Arnita Budi Susanti, M.Hum, “Thank you for your permission, for your hospitality, for your help and for your kind assistance…”

11. The students of SMK N 5 Yogyakarta, DKV class and Animation class, grade XI, especially for Arifaza, Elina and Wanda, “You guys rock! Thanks for your help and cooperation, dear…”

12. The lovely 2010 ELS colleagues, especially class B Education community, for the moral and intellectual support.

13. To all the colleagues at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, especially PBI and PPB, for giving her chances to improve her practical teaching experiences and share knowledge. “I am so honored and blessed to be part of these institutions…”

14. To every person whose name has not been mentioned here. Thank you!

May ALLAH SWT blesses you all

Best Regards,
















ABSTRAK ... xv


A. Background ... 1

B. Problem Identification ... 3

C. Problem Limitation ... 7

D. Problem Formulation ... 9

E. Research Objectives ... 10

F. Research Benefits... 11

G. Operational Definition Of Terms ... 14


A. Theoretical Review ... 18

1. Language Learning ... 18

a. Competence and Performance ... 19

b. Language Input and Language Output ... 21

c. Interaction... 23

2. Communicative Skill ... 24

a. Concept of Communicative Skill ... 25

b. Communicative Language Teaching ... 29

1) Theory of CLT... 29

2) The need of CLT ... 31

3) Issues in CLT Principle and Practice ... 32

c. Task-based Instruction ... 34

1) Task-based Instruction in Practice... 34

2) The Benefit of Task-based Activity ... 38

3. Mobile Phone Technology ... 39

a. ICT in Language Learning and Teaching... 39

b. Mobile Phone in Language Learning and Teaching... 40

1) Useful Features of Mobile Phone ... 40

2) Characteristics of Mobile Phone ... 41

c. Integrating MPVMT in Language Learning... 43



5. Related Studies ... 48

B. Theoretical Framework ... 51


A. Research Methodology ... 56

B. Research Design ... 58

C. Nature of Data ... 60

D. Research Setting and Participants ... 61

E. Data Collection Instruments ... 62

F. Data Collection Procedures ... 67

G. Operation ... 69

H. Data Analysis ... 70


A. Results ... 76

1. Quantitative Data Analysis... 76

a. Experimental Data Analysis ... 77

b. Requirement Analysis Test... 78

1) Test of Normal Distribution ... 78

2) Test of Homogeneity ... 80

c. Hypothesis Testing ... 81

d. Survey Data Analysis ... 85

2. Qualitative Data Analysis... 89

B. Discussion ... 95

1. Experimental Research Findings... 95

2. Survey Findings... 99

a. Goal and Objective ... 100

b. Input ... 104

c. Content ... 107

d. Roles of Teachers ... 109

e. Roles of Students ... 112

f. Setting... 115

g. Procedure ... 119

h. Activity ... 123

i. Output ... 127


A. Conclusion ... 136

B. Suggestions ... 139





Table 1.1. The Blueprint of Research Variables ... 15

Table 2.1. The Features of Mobile phone video-making task... 37

Table 3.1. Data Gathering Instruments of Students’ Communicative Skill Learning Achievement ... 63

Table 3.2. The Aspects of Communicative Skill Performance ... 63

Table 3.3. Communicative Performance Assesment Rubric ... 64

Table 3.4. The Aspects of Communicative Skill and Supporting Features in Mobile Phone Video-Making Task (MPVMT) ... 66

Table 3.5. Table Blueprint of Data Gathering of Questionnaire ... 68

Table 3.6. The Percentage Result of Questionnaire Statement (Blank) ... 72

Table 3.7. The Rules of Answer Weight Standard ... 73

Table 3.8. The Evaluation of Features in MPVMT ... 73

Table 3.9. The Interpretation Criteria of Range Score ... 74

Table 4.1. One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test ... 80

Table 4.2. Test of Homogeneity of Variances ... 81

Table 4.3. Group Statistics ... 82

Table 4.4. ANOVA ... 83

Table 4.5. Multiple Comparisons ... 84

Table 4.6. The Questionnaire Interpretation of Features in MPVMT ... 86

Table 4.7. The Examples of Translated Coding of Open Ended Questionnaire .... 89




Figure 2.1. Components of Task (Adapted from Nunan, 2004) ... 36

Figure 2.2. Construct Mapping of Mobile phone video-making task ... 53

Figure 3.1. Research Design (Adapted from Creswell, 2003, p. 169) ... 59




Appendix 1. The Letters of Permission ... 146

Appendix 2. The Syllabus ... 148

Appendix 3. The Lesson Plan ... 149

Appendix 4. The Working Procedures ... 151

Appendix 5. The Learning Materials ... 152

Appendix 6. The Questionnaire for the Data Gathering ... 158

Appendix 7. The Students’ Response ... 160

Appendix 8. The Guidelines for Interview ... 162

Appendix 9. The Sample’s Gain Score from Pre-test and Post-test ... 164

Appendix 10. The Results of Questionnaire ... 165

Appendix 11. The Questionnaire Interpretation of Features in MPVMT ... 167

Appendix 12. The Questionnaire Narrative ... 169

Appendix 13. The Translated Coding of Open-Ended Questionnaire ... 174




Fitria Rahmawati. 2014. The Impact of Mobile Phone Video-Making Task on Students’ Communicative Skill. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Being urged by both the educational and technological changes, English teachers need to carefully utilize appropriate teaching media so that students’ motivation and interest in learning English can be facilitated. The implementation of mobile phone video-making task (MPVMT), thus, becomes one alternative compared to the common oral classroom presentation. Therefore, this study attempted to seek the answers for the two research questions. The first isdoes the implementation of MPVMT improve students’ communicative skill better than the oral classroom presentation technique? This was conducted to find out the difference of students’ achievements between the experimental group and the control group after conducting the treatment. The other iswhat features contribute to the effectiveness of MPVMT?

In order to answer the research questions, this study employed both quantitative and qualitative research design. The experimental research was implemented to find out the communicative skill difference of the two groups after the treatments. Two variables of this study were the treatment (MPVMT) as the independent variable (X) and the students’ communicative skill as the dependent variable (Y) presented by their performance. Moreover, close and open-ended questionnaire were used to answer the second question. The results of the questionnaire were then confirmed and strengthened by the interview to investigate students’ opinion toward what features contributed to the effectiveness of MPVMT treatment. This study was conducted in a state vocational high school of arts and crafts in Yogyakarta, SMK 5 Yogyakarta, in the odd semester of academic year 2011/2012. The subject of this study was the second graders from animationandDKVprograms.

The research results are presented as follows. To see the effectiveness of MPVMT treatment, the gain scores of the experimental group and the control group were analyzed. From the calculation for the experimental gain or loss scores, it is found out that the obtained F-value is 14.271. Meanwhile the critical F-value, based on the F table, at α = 0.05 and (d.f.) = 3 is 3,182. Therefore, since the obtained F-value is higher than the critical F-value (14.271 > 3,182), the decision is to reject the null hypothesis (Ho = µe ≤ µc) and accept the alternative hypothesis (H1 = µe > µc). The results indicate that there was a statistically significant difference between groups. From the results, the first research question of this study is answered that is, the implementation of mobile phone video-making task improves students’ communicative skill better than the oral classroom presentation. Therefore, the implementation of mobile phone video-making task is effective in improving the students’ communicative skill. Moreover, from the results of open-ended questionnaire and interview, the feature which contributed the highest to the effectiveness of MPVMT implementation was content. Other features which gave significant contribution were goal and objective, input, role of teacher, setting, activity and output. Meanwhile the features considered to give less impact wereprocedureandroles of students.




Fitria Rahmawati. 2014. The Impact of Mobile phone video-making task on Students’ Communicative Skill. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Terdorong oleh perubahan paradigma pendidikan dan perkembangan teknologi, guru bahasa Inggris perlu dengan sangat teliti memanfaatkan media pembelajaran yang sesuai, sehingga motivasi dan ketertarikan siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris dapat terfasilitasi. Oleh sebab itu, mobile phone video-making task (MPVMT) atau pembuatan video melalui perekam video telepon genggam, menjadi salah satu alternatif teknik pembelajaran. Sehingga, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab dua permasalahan. Permasalahan pertama yakni,

‘Apakah penerapan MPVMT dapat lebih meningkatkan kemampuan

berkomunikasi siswa dibandingkan dengan kegiatan presentasi kelas?’ Hal ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan prestasi siswa setelah pemberian tindakan. Pertanyaan penelitian kedua adalah ‘Unsur-unsur apa saja yang berkontribusi dalam keefektifitasan penerapan MPVMT?’

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Penelitian eksperimen dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa dari dua grup setelah pemberian tindakan. Terdapat dua faktor yang diteliti, yakni MPVMT sebagai faktor bebas (X) dan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa sebagai faktor terikat (Y). Selain itu, kuesioner digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian kedua. Selanjutnya, interview dilaksanakan guna mengetahui pendapat siswa tentang fitur-fitur dalam MPVMT yang berkontribusi efektif dalam peningkatan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMK seni dan kerajinan, SMK 5 Yogyakarta pada semester gasal tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Peserta penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas II dari jurusan Animasi dan Desain Komunikasi Visual.

Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut. Keefektifitasan penerapan teknik MPVMT dilihat dari hasil analisis perbedaan nilai antara kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok pembanding. Dari perhitungan nilai selisih antara pre-test dan post-test, didapatkan nilai F-hitung sebesar 14.271, sedangkan nilai F-tabel pada α=0.05 dan d.f.(3) adalah 3.182. Dengan demikian, karena nilai F-hitung lebih besar dari nilai F-tabel (14.271 > 3,182), keputusannya adalah untuk menolak hipotesis null (Ho = µe ≤ µc) dan menerima hipotesis alternatif (H1 = µe > µc). Hasil tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan statistik yang signifikan di antara kedua grup. Sehingga, berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik, pertanyaan penelitian pertama terjawab, yakni, penerapan ‘Mobile Phone Video Making Task’ meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa lebih baik dibandingkan dengan presentasi kelas. Selain itu, diketahui bahwa unsur atau komponen dalam MPVMT yang berkontribusi paling besar dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa adalah content. Unsur lain yang memberikan kontribusi berarti dalam penerapan teknik MPVMT adalah goal and objective, input, role of teacher, setting, activity and output. Sedangkan unsur yang memberikan sedikit pengaruh adalahproceduredanroles of students.





This chapter discusses the reasons why it is necessary to study the topic and the advantages the study gives. It covers the discussion of background, problem identification, problem limitation, problem formulation, research objectives and research benefits.

A. Background

The globalization era has made its entry and together with it comes free-trading requiring highly empowered and competitive Indonesian citizens who are able to stand facing the ever changing challenges of the era. One of the ways to prepare Indonesian citizens to be proactive in the challenging era is by improving their English skills and technological literacy. English plays a prominent role in the world, where most people use English as a means of communication. Meanwhile technology acts as the primary tool since everything that can be digitized, will be digitized.

The globalization era, moreover, has triggered some changes including the changing of both educational and technological changes. There have been significant changes in the ways that languages are taught. The focus of instruction has been expanded from the teaching of grammatical structures to the improvement of communicative skills. Besides, the teaching techniques have been expanding. From the traditional teaching technique which is a teacher-centred instruction using traditional grammar-translation method into modern teaching


technique, a learner-centred instruction, focusing not on the accuracy but more on the fluency (Brown, 2000; Richards & Rodgers, 2001; Richards & Renandya, 2002).

Furthermore, the technological changes have come into existence and can be seen from the following situations. By the advance of technology, teaching materials which can be digitized have started to be digitized, for example, books become interactive CDs or e-books, letters become e-mails, lesson can not only be carried out through face to face interaction but also via online website, tasks can be submitted to a server in a digital format, and lab works can be presented in video streaming over the internet. Students also get exposures to the internet which enables them to connect and communicate with people around the world. In other words, students are given chances to be exposed to a more interesting and interacting learning instruction.

In Indonesia, English is considered as a foreign language (EFL). English has been introduced in the primary to university level as a compulsory subject. In accordance to the importance of English, the Indonesian government has attempted to improve the system of education and human resources development in realizing the objectives of national education. Some efforts are done by improving the system of secondary educational levels, implementing the Competency-Based Curriculum and encouraging students to continue their study in Vocational High Schools orSekolah Menengah Kejuruan(SMK).

A vocational High School or SMK is considered as an appropriate choice in preparing the Indonesian citizens to adapt with the demanding and competitive era. SMK emphasizes its system by the use of English and technology in the


teaching-learning activities. For English lesson, the curriculum of SMK is based on notional (the specific or topic-related notions that the students will be able to handle) and functional (the language functions that the students will fulfil) syllabus. The instructional materials, then, are chosen from the language used in

work setting such as describing process, telephoning, making and handling

reservation, making report and handling complaint. This is in line with the general objective of the teaching and learning English in SMK which is preparing the

students to be ready to enter the job market (The National Education System Act,

2006:5). There is a requirement for SMK students to acquire communicative skill in English. The students should be able to express meanings with the appropriate form to communicate well for their job demands.

Therefore, the need to develop alternative methods of language teaching is considered a high priority. Teachers need to figure out ways to make their teaching performance effective and fit into their students’ characters in order to empower students as active language users.

B. Problem Identification

Being urged by both the educational and technological changes, vocational school English teachers need to carefully consider the following aspects of classroom instruction. The first aspect is creating students’ friendly learning environments which can minimize students’ anxiety to communicate in English and which can stimulate students to actively participate in the classroom discussion. The next aspect is providing a variety of practical English activities and tasks that can be applied in the real-life communication contexts. Finally, it is


significant to implement appropriate teaching media in terms of technology so that students’ motivation and interest in learning English can be facilitated.

Referring to the main challenge faced by vocational school programs or SMK which is to produce empowered and competent graduates, the goal of language learning in SMK is then, to develop what Hymes (1971) in Savignon (1997, p. 15) refers to as “communicative skill” which is the ability to use

language for communication in a certain context, for this case, the context is job

or work demand. Some educational experts have pointed out the importance of adapting communicative skills in language learning for preparing students to be able to communicate well in working fields. Richards (2006, p. 35) asserts that communicative skill willenable students to use the language properly in a range

of different purposes and functions. In the sense that it enables the students to vary

the language based on the participants, settings and the degree of formality as well. In addition, it is communicative skill addressed by Skehan (1998) which plays an important role in enhancing one’s success in learning the language and

using the language to cope with the working demands.

Therefore, communicative principals in communicative language teaching (CLT) should be adopted throughout the lesson based on the following explanations. In contrast to the teaching of grammar and vocabulary drills, communicative task lets students collaborate on tasks that demand authentic, relevant, and real-life communicative interactions where students are allowed to use their individual learning styles. Besides, the activities in CLT, which focus on the students’ interests, allow students to creatively use their thought and actively express themselves in a variety of interesting and enjoyable tasks.


However, the principles of CLT are not always easy to put into practice. The causes triggering to the failure of CLT implementation can be seen from many factors. Firstly, the focus of the English instructions is mostly on the written test. The activities, thus, were mostly discussing a number of test items being tested in the national final examination orUjian Nasional(UN). Besides, students

were rarely assigned to perform and communicate in English with other students during the classroom activities. There was no special time allocated to evaluate the students' spoken English. These situations likely lead to limited opportunities to improve students’ English communicative skills appropriately and contextually. In addition, the lack of exposure to communicative tasks, the limited classroom hours, the limited activities, as well as the absence of opportunities to use English outside the classrooms, also contribute to students’ insufficient comprehensible inputs.

Furthermore, it becomes essential to understand how teachers can provide teaching aids that fit students’ interests and characteristics. One of the ways is by implementing technology which the students are mostly exposed to and interested in. The implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is believed to benefit the SMK students in some aspects. Firstly, the nature of ICT provides an ideal framework for language teaching and learning, since its main entity is information and its purpose is communication (Levy, 2010). Secondly, technology provides the potential as mentioned by Ganderton (1999), to engage native speakers at a distance, to utilize authentic materials and to enable students to interact with rich, multi-dimensional learning environments. In other words, ICT enables students to receive information and communicate with others in


English. Also, by the development of technology, it gives more chances for creating authentic, relaxing and motivating learning interactions. Lastly, technology reflects a non-traditional and less boring teaching. It reflects student-centeredness which caters students’ interests and views in learning a language.

Unfortunately, the implementation of technology is not without obstacles. The problem is not only on the absence of available resources and or facilities but also on the absence of practical ideas to use those available resources. In other words, the problem is on how the way the new technology is presented to the students and the way this new technology can maximally facilitate their language learning. Another disruptive problem is that most of the literature reviews on technology place students in the consumer seat (Thornton & Houser, 2005; Levy & Kennedy, 2005). The students are mostly considered as only the users of either using the technology to learn or access course documents. These situations become another challenge for teachers to create learning environments in which students can participate actively improving their communicative skills and to provide learning media which fit the students’ needs.

In addition to the educational and the technological changes, other challenges faced by EFL teachers including Indonesia consist of the following. The problems are related to large classroom sizes, insufficient instructional materials and technological support. Furthermore, the anxious, uncooperative, and unmotivated students who feel reluctant to participate in classroom activities are also considered as problems. As Harmer argues (2007), uncooperative and unmotivated students are a serious barrier and can easily disturb the instructional process and the language acquisition as well.


C. Problem Limitation

In relation to the general objective of learning and teaching English in SMK, the activities need to be focused on communicative skills rather than on mere mastery of structures. Then, the approach which is considered appropriate to the characteristics and conditions of the students of SMK 5 is the communicative

approach, while the suitable methodology is the communicative language

teaching (CLT) method. Moreover, the possible techniques that can be

implemented are communicative task-based activities. The current research

employed task-based activities, in the effort of improving students’

communicative skill. The communicative skill being focused in this study refers to the ability in using English appropriately to understand a series of utterances,

to use expressions, to convey information and to maintain the flow of

communication in a certain context. Furthermore, from the variety of available

educational-related technologies this research is limited to the use of video as

teaching media and the implementation ofmobile phone video-making taskas the

interactive learning activity.

Studies on the impact of videoin English language teaching have asserted

significant benefits that video contributes to students’ communicative skills (Fisher, 1996; Richards and Renandya, 2002). Fisher (1996) asserts that audio-visual materials are able to promote perception, understanding, transfer of training, reinforcement, or knowledge of results and retention. Furthermore, Richards and Renandya (2002) state that by using audio-visual, the lack of opportunity in foreign language settings to interact with native speakers can be minimized because of the exposure to many kinds of scenes, situations and


accents as well as voices. Inferred from that explanation, videos can be utilized to train listening comprehension, to practice communicating using target language and to show a real experience of native speaker communication by the assistance of audio and visual facilities provided by video. Therefore, video breaks the monotony of traditional class teaching and is enjoyable and stimulating.

The use of mobile phone in language learning context has started to be researched. Some of the most discussed results are the m-learning (mobile

learning) and MALL (mobile assisted language learning). Unfortunately, though

there has been an increasing interest in the use of mobile phone into the language learning, it is surprising that most of those researches position the students only as the user of it. What disregards to be considered is how students can use the

technology to further produce and share their own learning materials.

However, by video recorder feature installed in almost every recent mobile phone, the above assumption about the students’ passive role toward technology can be diminished. In order to create enjoyable environments, teacher can take advantage of students’ interest in the latest mobile phone technology by designing mobile phone video-making tasks. These tasks, the combinations of video, mobile phone technology and CLT, influence students’ language acquisition because they enjoy recording with their mobile phones, and when they do so in a group or in pair in which interaction occurs, they can cooperate and support each other to use English for communication (Harmer, 2001). Accordingly, such activity gives potentials to change the students’ role from mere consumers to producers by the technological advancement. Furthermore, when the enjoyable learning


environment is generated and the language acquisition can be facilitated, thus, learners’ communicative skills can be promoted.

In consideration to the problems and the related theoretical perspectives, the investigation over the implementation of interactive, enjoyable and stimulating teaching techniques into language instruction, thus, becomes indispensable. This research proposed a Mobile Phone Video-Making Task (MPVMT) as a technique

to assist students in using English to communicate and perform optimally in their future work field. Moreover, it is conducted to find out the impact of mobile phone video-making task to students’ communicative skill revealed from their communicative performance in the video.

An experimental research was conducted in one vocational school in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, namely SMK 5 Yogyakarta. SMK 5 Yogyakarta,

focusingartandcraftas the areas of expertise, is a state vocational school located

at Kenari Street no. 71, Mujamuju, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta. The samples of the study were sixty (60) students from two different classes in the second (2nd) grade, as an experiment group and a control group. The research was done during October to January of the academic year 2011/2012.

D. Problem Formulation

This research attempts to answer the following questions:

1. Does the implementation of mobile phone video-making task improve

students’ communicative skill better than the oral classroom presentation


2. What features of mobile phone video-making task contribute to the

improvement of students’ communicative skills?

E. Research Objectives

There are two objectives of conducting this study. Finding out the difference of the students’ communicative skill achievements between the experiment group and the control group after conducting the treatments becomes this research’s primary objective. This is conducted to investigate whether or not mobile phone video-making task as the proposed treatment has better effect on the improvement of students’ communicative skill than that the common oral classroom presentation technique? Therefore,quantitative approach serves as the

strategy of inquiry firstly employed in the study with theexperimental researchas

its methodology since it compares the students’ communicative skill learning achievement between the experimental and the control group to see the difference made by both groups.

The data required to answer this first research objective are the students’ communicative skill learning achievement in the form of scores. For the experiment group, the scores are obtained from the students’ recorded performance in the video. While for the control group, the scores are from the students’ oral classroom presentation. Then, their performance is assessed by utilizing a criterion-reference test ofCommunicative Performance, modified from

Richards (2006) & Nunan (2004). Since the data are gathered from the pre-test and post-test, the gain or loss scores are used in the data analysis. The scores are


Statistics 17.0. Lastly, the critical value (P-value) for t test is used for the

hypothesis testing.

The other objective of this research is operationalized in the second research question, which is ‘What features of mobile phone video-making task

contribute to the improvement of students’ communicative skills?’ The features being observed in this study are features dealing with the principal activities in the communicative language teaching (CLT) and with the task’s components developed from Nunan (2004) including the followings:goal and objective, input,

content, role of teacher, role of students, setting, procedure, activity, and output.

In order to identify the features of mobile phone video-making task and to analyze their impacts which contribute to the students’ communicative skill improvement, the quantitative approach is adopted by conducting survey research.

The data needed in order to answer the second research objective are both numerical and narrative data. The numerical data are gained through the five-point Likert scale questionnaires, while the narrative data are gathered from the open-ended questionnaire and the interview. The results from those two instruments are used to support the findings in the quantitative study. Therefore, the second objective of this research is to find out the students’ opinion toward the features provided in mobile phone video-making task and their contributions on the improvement of the students’ communicative skill.

F. Research Benefits

This study presents a proposed technique, mobile phone video-making


are some benefits of this study. These benefits confirm how the study accounts for the development of English education, especially, the teaching and learning English of vocational school (SMK) levels. The benefits of this study are as follows:

1. Theoretical Benefits

From the theoretical benefits, this study enriches findings to the existing researches concerning the possibilities of implementing technology in language learning. Also, it provides significant generated theory for other researchers interested to replicate the study. Specifically, it helps to reveal the underlying justification of providing comprehensible input and communicative tasks in the classroom instruction, leading to efficiency and productivity in terms of media and materials to promote students’ communication skill.

The technique proposed in this study is mobile phone video-making task which is the combination of video, mobile phone technology and task based activity in communicative language teaching. When the students’ communicative skill learning achievements increase after the treatment, it reveals that the mobile phone video-making task is effective to be implemented in a speaking class since its activities raise both students’ motivation and confidence to speak and practice their communicative skill with their peers.

2. Practical Benefits

The research contributes to further insight on the importance of selecting various communicative activities in order to create pleasant environment to facilitate English learning. Besides, it suggests alternative options in terms of providing more practical materials, tasks and media with modern technology


relevant to SMK students’ characteristics which can be applied in the work fields, later on. Furthermore, the implication of this study gives benefit for the following parties, including the researcher, English teachers, students and Sanata Dharma University.

Understanding the educational challenges in terms of technology and educational paradigms, the researcher becomes aware of providing meaningful and practical activities in her teaching practices. One of the ways is as suggested in this study by using mobile phone video since students are exposed to this technology. Then she can take advantages of such technology to help the students in learning English and use it to communicate with others. Moreover, this study broadens her knowledge on selecting and adopting teaching materials and media which are suitable for the students’ characteristics.

For English teachers, this research offers alternative option in terms of providing practical learning materials, tasks and media that can be applied into their classroom instructions. Especially in vocational high school, the English teachers can take advantages from the use of video and mobile phone technology in assisting the students to be native-like users of English as required in the curriculum. Moreover, the study explains some possible steps or stages in acting-out the proposed technique which is the use of mobile phone video-making tasks in the effort of improving students’ communicative skill.

Furthermore, this study gives significant benefits for vocational high school students. They can take advantages from this study in terms of being provided by the interactive and practical materials, tasks and media. Video is believed to give comprehensible input to language learning since its contents


include both audio and visual, in terms of sound, words, movement, body language and real communication context. The use of mobile phone is based on the belief that mobile phone creates pleasant learning environment as it is the technology which the students are mostly exposed to and interested in. Thus, its presence in language learning contributes in creating enjoyable learning environment which can reduce students’ anxiety in learning English. Also, by the implementation of task-based activities, students get the chance to use English for communication in the interaction process with their peer or other group members. The students make a short instructional video and a short conversational video based on the given context using appropriate language expressions. By the video making, the students become active users of both technology and the target language.

Lastly, this research offers a basis of consideration for Sanata Dharma University as a widely-acknowledged institution for its exceptional works in English education to be a kind of video production house. Facilitating students

from every level to be active users of English to communicate in real-life and natural settings, Sanata Dharma can develop video projects to help the students to be ready to enter a work field with English communicative skill. Furthermore, the videos are used for the sake of presentation, seminars, training, and the like for both students and teachers.

G. Operational Definition of Terms

In this study, there are some terminologies related to the theme of the research that has been stated in the problem formulation. Those terminologies are


still necessary given the operational definition. This is done to facilitate the perception and understanding of the terms used. The terms are related to the research variables and the research treatments.

There were two variables in this study, the independent and dependent variables, namely mobile phone video-making task and communicative skill. The independent variable,mobile phone video-making task, is operationally defined as

a language learning instruction which involves students in comprehending, using,

producing and interacting in the target language to complete a task using mobile

phone video recorder. The intention of such activity is principally focused on

meaning rather than form or fluency rather than accuracy. The outcome of the task is a short tutorial video produced by students.

Meanwhile, the dependent variable, students’ communicative skill, refers

to the students’ skill or ability in using English appropriately to understand a

series of utterances, to use expressions, to convey information and to maintain the

flow of communication in a certain context.The data of students’ communicative

skills were revealed from their performance in the recorded video they made. Table 1.1. The Blueprint of Research Variables

Variable Category Indicator Data Gathering

Technique Independent Variable


Mobile phone video-making task

Working Definition:

A language learning instruction which involves students in comprehending, using, producing and interacting in the target language to complete a task which is created using mobile phone video recorder.

1.Non-paper based

2.Technology based teaching technique, using mobile phone video feature.

 The outcome of the task is a short tutorial video produced by students.

‘Likert Scales Questionnaires’ are utilized in order to find out its impact and its contribution to students’ communicative skill.


Other than the research variables, there are two treatments given in two different classroom setting. The first treatment is done in the treatment group and employs mobile phone video-making task to improve students’ communicative skill. The other treatment is a common classroom setting which is done in the control group and employs only oral group presentation as the main task.

The treatment given to the experiment group employs the use of technology namely, mobile phone video-making task, in which the students

produce two short videos as the final product of task completions. The videos include a short tutorial video on describing processes and a short video on telephoning. In the videos, the students act out a role-play based on the given topics as if in the real-life contexts. They are free to choose the topics and the settings. Before recording the video, the students perform the role play in front of the classroom with their peer or group members. This step is called a rehearsal activity in order to minimize mistakes in the process of recording. Next, the role

Dependent Variable (Y): Students’ Communicative skill Working Definition: Conversational and questioning skills defined asthe students’ skill or ability in using English appropriately to understand a series of utterances, to use expressions, to convey information and to maintain the flow of communication in a certain context.

Able to understand a series of utterances,Able to use expressions,Able to convey

and ask for information  All are skills

needed to maintain the flow of


 Indicator of students’ communicative improvement:

a. Delivery(including fluency, volume, eye contact, note-reliance, peer-cooperation, confidence) b. Pronunciation

(including intonation, stress, pauses, rhythm) c. Content(including language expression; conjunction/

prepositional phrase; focus; clarity, originality, and video quality) d. Vocabulary

(including diction or word choice related to topic of discussion) (Modified from Richards (2006) & Nunan (2004)).

The students’ communicative skills can be revealed through their performance in the video.


play is recorded by using their mobile phone video recorder device. The videos are then played in the classroom in order to get comments or inputs from the other students about their friend’s performance in the video. The comments are in terms of delivery, pronunciation, content and vocabulary. The scores of students’ communicative skill are gained from their recorded performance in carrying out

the role play shown in the video. The scoring system used in assessing their performance is based on a criterion-reference test of Communicative

Performance, modified from Richards (2006) & Nunan (2004).

Different from the experiment group, the treatment in the control group is a common teaching technique which isoral classroom presentation. In the control

group, the students are only assigned to act out a role play orally in front of the classroom based on the given context. They do not record their performance and do not produce any video. Therefore, the score of this group communicative skill is obtained from their classroom performance of the role play presentation. In

assessing the control group students’ performance, the scoring criterion used is the same as in the experiment group.





There are mainly two variables in this research, namely mobile phone video-making task and students’ communicative skill. This chapter is presented with the aim at clarifying relevant concepts between those two variables and their interrelationships to build research theoretical framework. A number of related literatures and previous studies on similar topics are presented, reviewed and combined to as the basis in conducting the study. At the last part of this chapter, theoretical framework is constructed as the summary of all related theories and findings in order to get conceptual and operational definition for each variable of this study.

A. Theoretical Review

Five major discussions under the research variables are presented in the theoretical review section. The discussions cover Language Learning, Communicative Skill, Information and Communication Technology, Vocational Education and Related Studies.

1. Language Learning

Every person has begun to realize the importance of learning a language other than his first language. The main reason is because of by mastering some languages, one is able to actualize himself through a higher level of communication which will provide him a chance to improve his life quality. One of the foreign languages that is considered beneficial and influential to be learnt is


English. The ability to speak and write English properly allows people to advance in the professional world. Moreover, being able to speak in English also widens one’s horizon in communicating globally. Some issues in language learning including competence and performance, language input and language output, and interaction are discussed here.

a. Competence and Performance

In language learning context, basic distinction between competence and performance has been significantly drawn by some language experts and practitioners. Chomsky (1965) distinguished between competence and performance by making a fundamental distinction between the speaker-hearer’s knowledge of his language (competence) and the actual use of language in concrete situation (performance). It is generally agreed that by the term

competence, Chomsky was referring exclusively to knowledge, not including the notions of capacity or ability. Thus, competence refers to a ‘state’ or product rather than to a process to the underlying knowledge of an idealized native speaker of a language in the area of grammar. In the term of performance, Chomsky referred to actual performance, and not the realization ability and potential.

A few years later, an expansion of the competence or performance distinction was made by Hymes (1972) who differentiated between linguistic and communicative competence, and linguistic and communicative performance. This difference refers to the relationship and interaction between grammatical and sociolinguistic competence and performance. Hymes included a new type of


ability, i.e. the ‘ability for use’ which is the individual’s underlying potential to realize a possible, feasible and appropriate speech act, and not the actual performance. Thus, the term performance, according to Hymes, refers to ‘actual use and actual events’ and ‘ability for use’.

Referring to Hymes (1972) cited in Mitchell & Myles (2004), competence is the abstract and hidden representation of language knowledge held inside one’s mind. Performance, on the other hand, concerns with the process of applying the underlying knowledge to the actual language use in a concrete situation. Besides, Brown (2000) identifies competence as, “One’s underlying knowledge of a system, event or fact”. It is the non-observableabilityto do something, to perform something. Further, he describes performance as, “The overtly observable and concrete manifestation or realization of competence. It is the actual doing of something: walking, singing, dancing and speaking”.

From the above definitions, some inferences about the distinction between competence and performance are drawn. Competence is the knowledge or usage or skill of a language system which has potential that enables students to create and understand original utterances in a given language. Differ from competence,

performance is the actual use of language, including production (speaking and writing) and comprehension (listening and reading). That is to say, a student’s competence can be seen from their performance. As what Ellis (2008) suggested, competence is identified as a language user’s underlying knowledge of language, which is drawn on in actual performance. Furthermore, the competence can be measured and assessed by observing the elicited samples of performance called ‘tests’ or ‘examinations’.


b. Language Input and Language Output

In acquiring a second or foreign language, the role of input is undeniably essential. There are some arguments that associate the needs of input in language learning. One of the most well-known input theories is proposed by Krashen (1985; 1990; 2003). Input refers to all the target language that the learner is exposed to and that potentially provides the learner with knowledge about the target language (Egbert & Hanson-Smith, 1999). Simply, input is defined as every target language that the student is exposed to through senses. The Input Hypothesis as proposed by Krashen (1985) involves students’ understanding of what they hear and read or the input which goes into their minds through ears and eyes. Based on the Krashen’s points of view, students need to receive a lot of comprehensible input in the target language in order to assist them in understanding it. In addition, that input should foster meaningful communicative use of the language in appropriate contexts.

Krashen (1985) also asserts the affective filter hypothesis in which a low anxiety instruction setting helps comprehensible input build students’ language skill. The affective filter hypothesis is incorporated by Krashen as one of his five input Hypotheses. Krashen argued that people acquire second languages only if they obtain comprehensible input and if their affective filters are low enough to allow the input ‘in’. In his theory, affect includes motivation, attitude, anxiety, and self-confidence. People with high affective filter will lower their intake whereas people with low affective filter allow more input into their language acquisition device.


Although there are some critiques of this input hypothesis, affective factors are seen to play an important role in acquiring a L2. Comprehensible input may not be utilized by L2 acquirers if there is a “mental block” that prevents them from fully profiting from it. The affective filter acts as a barrier to acquisition. The filter is up when the acquirer is unmotivated, lacking in confidence, or concerned with failure. The filter is down when the acquirer is not anxious and is trying to become a member of the group speaking.

However, the Krashen’s view about input hypothesis that becomes the only matters in language acquisition did not receive many supports. Swain (2000) identifies that much of the input the students get is comprehensible without any need for analyzing the grammar fully. That is to say, when a student’s focus is to understand the message instead of the grammar, then, why should be bothered by the grammar. Other theorists believed to focus more on the practice function of language production rather than merely on input, especially in fluency. This view is based on the information-processing theory that views language competence consists of both a knowledge component or knowing what and a skill component or knowing how. Researchers in this point of view come to an agreement that language use and language performance are equally important to develop skill components in language learning.

Contrast to Krashen’s view is the so-called comprehensible output hypothesis, asserted by Swain and colleagues (Swain, 1985; Swain and Lapkins, 1995). Outputis language produced by the student. The Output Hypothesis states that to learn a language, in addition to comprehensible input, students also need to create comprehensible output, involving students speaking or writing. The output


can be comprehensible or incomprehensible to an interlocutor. Swain (1985) as cited in Ellis (2008, p. 957) has proposed that, “When students have to make efforts to ensure that their output is comprehensible, acquisition is fostered”. Swain argued that, while input is necessary, it is not sufficient for language acquisition. In addition to input, students need opportunities to produce the target language. That is to say, both language input and language output impact a student’s acquisition of the target language. Therefore, the researcher highlights both the comprehensible input and output as factors being considered in designing the research methodology.

c. Interaction

Related to the notion of input is that of output. Moreover, another significant aspect that plays a role in language learning is interaction. Interaction is considered essential since it is a means by which input and output, at the same time, can be provided. Learners need practice in processing the input and producing comprehensible output using all the language resources they have already acquired. Thus, discussions of the concept and the roles of interaction in language learning are presented as follows.

There are different ways of defining the term ‘interaction’ in language learning. Referring to Longman dictionary of Contemporary English, the word ‘interaction’ is formed by the prefix inter, which implies togetherness or reciprocity, and the noun action. Interaction, thus, is a mutual activity which requires at least the involvement of two persons and which causes mutual effect. Ellis (1999, p.1) defines interaction as “The social behavior that occurs when one


person communicates with another”. He also says that “Interaction can occur inside our minds, both when we engage in the kind of ‘private speech’ and when different modules of the mind interact to construct an understanding of or a response to some phenomenon”. Moreover, Hedge (2000) views interaction as an integral and powerful aid that bridges students to communicate in the target language. Inferred from those definitions, interaction is defined as both interpersonal and intrapersonal activities in which students are required to produce more accurate and appropriate language to communicate. By interaction, students have a chance to receive and to use English as the media of communication as occurred in the real-life context.

Interaction facilitates students’ language acquisition in terms of the following. First, students are facilitated by interaction to get input in the form of ‘models’ (Ellis, 2008). The models can be in the forms of statements, questions and instructions. Besides, students are assisted not only to get input but also to produce ‘output’ and to also get feedback from their interlocutor. Therefore, students can practice both receptive and productive skills at the same time. Secondly, Egbert & Hanson-Smith (1999) argues that during interaction, students have opportunities to check the comprehensibility of their own messages as well as to request clarification, confirmation or reiteration of each other’s messages.

2. Communicative Skill

Some educational experts have pointed out the importance of adapting communicative skills in language learning for preparing students to be able to


communicate well in working fields. The arguments on the need of improving communicative skill are elaborated in the following discussions.

a. Concept of Communicative Skill

The term communicative competence was first introduced by Hymes in (1972) as a sociolinguistic concept in reaction to the concept of linguistic competence which was proposed by Chomsky in 1965. Chomsky’s concept was “concerned with the tacit knowledge of language structure” but “omits almost everything of socio-cultural, significance” (Hymes, 1972, p. 270- 280). According to Hymes (1972, p. 28),communicative competencerefers to the level of language learning that enables language users to convey their messages to others and to understand others’ messages within specific contexts. It also implies the language learners’ ability to relate what is learnt in the classroom to the outside world. From this perspective, Hymes (1972) described the competent language user as the one who knows when, where and how to use language appropriately rather than merely knowing how to produce accurate grammatical structures.

Hymes’ ideas about the communicative competence were later developed by Canale and Swain in 1980 who introduced a theoretical model of communicative competence. Their concept of communicative competence refers to “the relationship and interaction between grammatical competence, or knowledge of the rules of grammar, and sociolinguistic competence, or knowledge of rules of language use” (Canale & Swain, 1980: 6).

Communicative skill covers the four different yet highly integrated competences (Canale and Swain, 1980, as cited in Savignon, 1997). The competences include grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence,


W W126 MPVMT Procedure

Yang dilakukan, menyusun kata" yang tpat dan mencari bhs inggris nya. Trus nyiapin vespa dan waktu yang tepat untuk rekamannya

Aku lupa ms. Brapa lamanya

C C107 Movie making output

bisa mengexplore kreativitas aja.

C C108 Movie making benefit

belajar merangkai kata2 sendiri, sma lebih pede buat speaking nya.

E E067 (b) Movie making Output

manfaatnya,jadi lebih paham sama materi yg d beri,, n bisa ngedit video live shoot,, hehe (b)

E E069 Movie making benefit

iyaa,, sapa tau pergi ke luar negri,, kan berinteraklsinya pake bahasa inggris ..

E E089 Movie making task benefit


iyaa.. sedikit miss,

soalnya speaking ku egak lanyah,, hehe terus jadi lebih PD lebih berani berbicaranya.

W W071 Video making atmosphere

Enjoy ms enjoy.

W W105 The MPVMT


Kalo aku sih dalam mencari kosa katanya ms.

W W106 The MPVMT


Jadi tau artinya, meskipun cuma satu dua kata.

W W107 The MPVMT


Kalo speaking ya pd ms

C C058 MPVMT Benefits of

Iyaa, soalnya diberi keleluasaan utk meng explore kata2 sendiri :D

C C059 (examples of autonomy)

Dlm hal menulis, merangkai kata2, dan speakingnya ;D

C C084 The increase of communication skill in MPVMT (output)

Waaktu kmrin iya terasa banget miss, sekarang masih terasa tp ga terlalu krna hrus sring di latih

C C091 Ability to use formal and informal language

Iyaa, kita jadi tau mana bahasa inggris yang sopan sm yg ga, miss

C C092 The output of MPVMT

Tata cara bertelepon dlm bhsa ingg, cara melafalkan dg benar

C C104 The atmosphere of MPVMT

lebih menyenangkan dan mudah diterima aja..

C C105 The output of MPVMT

sedikit demi sedikit, peningkatan dlm memahami arti maksut dlm kalimat.

C C119 The output of MPVMT

increasing one’s creativity and self- confidence, improving speaking ability, practicing to ask / answer questions spontaneously

C C123 The output of MPVMT

Vocabulary or language expressions sma expressing ideas

E E024 The output of MPVMT

Iyaa miss.. Membuka jendela dunia lebih lbar.. Jadi lebih mengenti juga cara pengucapan yang bnar and pass.. Terus vocabulary aku jadi bertambah..

E E053 The benefit of MPVMT

Aku sih ngerasanya terutamajd bs ngerti pengucapan yang benernya gimana trz jg ekspresi2 nya.

E E084 The benefit of MPVMT

jadi lebih paham urutan step one step.. dari pembelajaran yang prossesing..

segi bahasa juga nambah walaupun sdkit,,

terus sama segi berbicara, pas waktu menjelaskan,,

E E087 The benefit of MPVMT

lebih mengikuti perkembangan jaman miss,, biar gag kamseupay.. sama lebih membuat siswa lbih aktif


E E104 The benefit of MPVMT

jadi lbh bisa berinteraksi pake miss.. nambah kosakata.. nglatih speaking juga..

E E106 The benefit of MPVMT

A good way to practice speaking / express ideas in English, improving speaking ability, practicing to handle speaking problems.

E E111 The output of MPVMT

grammar, vocabulary or language expressions, self-confidence and also ability to speak.

W W034 The benefit & atmosphere of MPVMT

Kalo aku sihh,jadi nambah ilmu bhs inggris

Klo buat video.nya, itu jga suatu cara untuk mengekspresikn diri kita, n menambah kita jadi semangat

W W052 Atmosphere of MPVMT activity

Bermanfaat ms, menyenangkan jg.

W W053 Output from MPVMT

Ya kita bisa tau ekspresi2 bahasa inggris sm berlatih cara melafalkannya.

W W065 The atmosphere of MPVMT

Lebih merefresh kan diri. Belajarnya egak liat tulisan trus

W W074 The output of MPVMT

Kalo untuk belajar ekspresi. Berminat.

W W075 The output of MPVMT

Kalo kyk gitu biasa nya jadi tertarik di speaking & ekspresi. Tapi kurang tertarik untuk mempelajari toefl dan grammar.

W W097 The output of MPVMT

Bertmbah ms. Dalam cara membacanya maupun menambah vocab

membacanya = melafalkannya W W098 The output of


Iya ms. Seperti itu. Jadi kita itu tau. (tau ekspresi2 yang dipake)

Seperti cnth, kita harus gmna sih kalau harus bercakap" formal melalui telephone itu.

W W123 The output of MPVMT

A good way to practice speaking / express ideas in English.

W W124 The output of MPVMT

Lbh tau vocabulary, lalu konteks formal dan informal, lebih tau ekspresi2 bahasa inggris, itu bagaimana.

W W131 The output of MPVMT

Vocabulary or language expressions. Expressing ideas. Ability to speak.

W W144 The strength/ benefit of MPVMT

Bisa ms. Kemungkinan banyak yang suka teknik seperti itu. Soalnya itu kan gk membuat murid" menjadi bosan. Tapi ada jga sih ms yang gk suka teknik seperti itu.

C C075 The need of interaction (role of teacher)

Iya, trutama dgn guru

E E072 The need of interaction in EL (setting)

biar terjalin komunikasi,, juga saling membantu ,,

W W079 The need of interaction in EL (setting)

Perlu ms. Agar bhs inggris siswa dapat berkembang.

W W080 The benefit of interaction

Sepengalaman ku dlam hal speaking ms.

C C077 Teacher’s feedback Iyaa.. (bebas bertanya pada guru ketika kesulitan)

C C078 Examples of Teacher’s feedback (role of teacher)

Saat menanyakan arti, maksut, & bagaimana cara melafalkan..

C C080 The benefit of feedback on video

Baguss, jd kita bsa tau hasil kerja kita menurut pandangan teman2 dan guru.

C C081 Classmates’ feedback


C C082 Teacher’s feedback (role of teacher)

Klo pendapat guru ga bgtu mndetil, hny berkomentar dr segi penggunaan

C C083 Teacher’s feedback Maksutku, ga di kritik gitu miss, di kasih saran untuk komunikasinya gimana.

C C089 The output of teacher’s feedback

Iya bisa tau, dr segi melafaalkan, dan berekspresi :0 terus kita bs tau kekurangannya apa di video kita.

E E074 The benefit of students’ video playing

seneng,,bisa buat perbandingan sama video2 yang lain,.

E E075 (a) Role of students (weakness & strength) (b) Role of


iyaa.. kalo dari teman itu condong ke mencela.. jadi komentar2 gojekan,, bisa juga buat koreksi kekurangan,,(a)

kalo dari guru itu condong ke koreksi bijak.. jadi lebih bisa untuk lebih baiknya gmana.. (b)

E E076 Drawback of feedback from students

yaa tergantung sih miss, tergantung teman yang bagaimana,, hehe.

E E077 Benefit of feedback from students

iyaa.. kan kalo ada yang d cela jeleknya,,bsok pas buat lagi lebih berhati2 supaya lebih bagus,,

E E080 Benefit of feedback from teacher

bagus miss seperti itu,, biar pekerjaannya lebih maksimal lagi..

W W081 The role of teacher Ya ms bisa

W W082 The examples of role of teacher

Contoh nya saat kita kesulitan dalam menyusun kata" dlm bhs inggris. Dan dlam mencari arti kata" yang tdak dimengerti. Kita dapat bertnya.

Yang penting mencakup dalam pembelajaran bhs inggris atau dalam materi yang disampaikan.

W W083 The feedbacks given by teachers

Yang dikomentarin. Gimana kalo ditmbah video kecil saat menjelaskan step dan meyebutkan bagian" vespanya.

W W086 The benefit of classmates feedback

Jadi kita bisa tau apa kekurangan dan kesalahan nya Tapi malu ms.

W W087 Role of students (classmates’ feedback)

Iya ms kita jadi tau apa yang perlu ditambahin.

W W092 The atmosphere of classmate’s input

Iy ms jadi termotivasi

W W094 The benefit of teacher’s feedback & correction

Baik. Kita dapat mengerti kata" yang salah dalam pengucapan maupun kekurangan dalam penulisannya

C C038 The benefit of GW Berkelompok sih, soalnya bisa sharing hehe :D

C C039 The ideal number of GW’s member (setting)

Mungkin 3-4 org, klo kebanyakan malah gatot haha

C C040 The negative side

of GW (procedure)

Hmm gmna yaa, bukannya ga ikut kerja miss, tp cma dikit kerjanya :(

C C041 Member distribution;

Klo pembagian klompok sih tergantung orgnya miss, 2-3 org aja cukup klo bsa kerjasama, jd efektif yg kedua.

C C042 The benefit of GW Iyaa miss, bs sharing hehe

Bs ngomong pk bahasa inggris untuk berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi jg,


C C072 Benefits of GW/Pairwork

Jika ada masalah lebih cepat di selesaikan, tugas lebih ringan, bisa saling konsultasi...

C C073 Benefit of GW (setting & activity)

Iya, saat menjaalankan tugas klo berkelompok bs sambil praktek ngomong bhs inggris miss.

C C074 Benefit of Group work/ Pair work

Iyaa, soalnya saat membuaut tugas trus muncul ide2 gitu hehe

C C076 GW/Pair work: weakness in cooperation

Iya mis, slain membantu pas diskusi ngebahas kelebihan dan kekurangn video. Tp klo yang tugas kelompok pertama ga terlalu mis.

E E033 The benefit of GW (setting &


Berkelompok dung miss,, cz kebersamaan itu menyenangkan ;)

E E034 The ideal number of GW’s member

4 sampai 5 orang miss,, gag kbanyakan gag kdikitan juga,, jadi kalo debat egag terlalu rame , egak terlalu angker juga alias sepi,, hikshiks :D

E E035 (a) The negative side of GW (procedure) (b) The preferable

GW setting (effectiveness)

Yang kmaren yang pertama yang ngerjain aku semua miss,, eh tapi mereka juga bantu dinggg , hehe , kan suaranya gag bleh 1 orang :)) .. (a)

Kalo yang efektif menurut kinerja yang saya lakuin kmaren enakan yang ke2 miss,, cz emang gag terlalu berat tgasnya :) (b)

E E038 The benefit of GW (setting)

Heheee,, iyaa misssss.. Soalnya kalo berkelompok bisa sekalian latihan komunikasipk bahasa inggris miss.. E E067 (a) Benefit of GW seneng miss,, bisa membagi tugas juga,, jadi egak terlalu

kerempongan,, (a)

W W054 The positive side of individual and group work

Dua-duanya ms. Kalo sendiri bisa serius bljrnya. Kalo berkelompok bsa berbagi.

W W055 The preferable setting of learning English

Yang kelompok mungkin ms.

W W056 The ideal number of GW’s member

3-4 org mgkin ms.

W W057 The reasons of having ideal member number for GW

Biar gk terlalu ramai ngerjainnya trus bisa konsen ke tujuannya.

W W060 The drawback of GW (procedure)

Kmren yang kurang aktif si garbo ms. Trus yang super aktif cha" soal nya dia yg tgas editing.

W W061 The preferable GW setting in MPVMT activity

Aku lebih suka yang pembagian pertama ms, walaupun kadang gk smua setuju soalnya kadang gk seimbang. Soalnya kalo kita milih sendiri, jga kdang gk adil sih ms. Trus byk yang iri jga

W W063 (a) The drawback of GW (b) The benefit of

GW for

Enggak ms malah gak karuan kalo suruh ngmong pakek b.inggris hehe (a)

Tapi pas ngerjain tugas itu kita latihan dialognya pakek b. Inggris ms, biar ngelancarin (b)

W W064

= W067

The output of GW (creative & innovative)

Yupp tentu ms.

Aku kan kurang paham sama kayak

W W067 The benefit (output) of group work

Iya ms. Karena apabila kita belum mengerti cara membuat atau mengedit proses" dlm membuat video yang baik, kita dapat mempelajarinya dari tman satu kelompok kita. Jadinya mengerjakan tugas sambil belajar.

W W072 The atmosphere of video making in group

Nyenengin ms.


W W136 The problems in group’s members

Mksd nya. Kalo dikelompokku ms. Si garbo tgas nya apa. . .

Tifyan apa. .

Trus aku yang mana.. Gitu lho ms

W W138 Suggestion in selecting group members

Menurut ku ditentuin sama kelompk itu sndiri ms. Soalnya blom tentu yang diatur sama guru itu dikuasai murit nya.

C C069 Favourite MPVMT activity

Waktu pke proyektor , jd lebih jelasss

C C070 Favourite MPVMT activity

Waktu bikin video nya itu juga... Hehe

C C106 Favourite MPVMT activity

waktu bikin videonya mis hehe

W W066 Favourite MPVMT activity

Yang pas bikin video vespa ms

C C124 Problems when making video (content material)

cara membuat pemirsa mnegerti maksut dr videonya terus wktu bkin kalimat, sma ekspresi wktu menjelaskan

C C125 Problems of activity


C C126 Problems of procedure/ tool quality

resolusi gambar dr hp itu kecil miss, terus juga suaranya kekecilan

E E113 Problems when making video

waktunya mungkin,, kurang ,, hihi konsumsii haha

E E115 Problems of activity

Vocabulary (kosakata)

Nervousness (kegugupan dalam berbicara)

E E116 Problems of procedure/ tool quality

iya miss, kan cuma 2 megapixel.. suara yang d video yg kcil. tp kalo rekamannya lumayann baguss..

W W133 The problems in movie making process

Masalah dalam pembagian tgas.

Dalam mencari vocab. (kan perlu pulsa ms)

W W134 The problems in movie making process

Mksd nya yang tgas dlm kelompok lho ms. Kan kemaren nyari di google translate kan ms.

Nah. . . Kan kalo internetan gk ada pulsa nya gak jalan

W W139 Problems in MPVMT

Iya ms

Vocabulary aja ms.

C C128 The

implementation of MPVMT (setting)

kalo ada variasi bisa mnambah semangat blajar aja

C C129 The

implementation of MPVMT (setting)

improving speaking ability / self-confidence sma more effective / interesting / useful way of learning English

E E119 The

implementation of MPVMT (setting)

karena sbagai sarana belajar juga,, n siswa mudag untuk menangkap,,

E E120 The

implementation of MPVMT (setting)

 membantu kita untuk berkomunikasi dg bahasa inggris/ untuk bekerja nantinya

 cara yang lebih efektif/menarik/bermanfaat untuk belajar bahasa inggris

 membantu meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara / percaya diri


C C067 The learning activity in MPVMT:

Bagsu, tp lebih di simple in lg, ke pokok masalahnya gitu ..

C C131 Suggestion for further activity

mungkin lebih bnyak nonton video kyk kmaren, bgaimana cara pelafalan bhsa inggris yg bnar supaya lebih ningkatin speaking miss.

E E062 Suggestion (activity to increase students role)

Kuis mungkin miss,, dan gajarnya pake media, pake projector, powerpoint, video, music, biar variasi gitu miss. Pkoknya yang siswa itu bsa berperan aktif dalam pembelajaran.

E E124 Suggestion of activity & procedure

pokoknya yang siswanya jadi aktif,, biar lebih paham aja sihh,

E E125 Suggestion of activity & procedure

kayak yang kmren itu miss

E E126 Suggestion of activity & procedure

buat video, praktik membaca, berbicara, mengekspresikan,

E E128 Suggestion of setting

grup,, biar kalo gag bisa gag sendirian,, haha

W W147 Suggestions for a better treatment

Mungkin aja ms. Ya paling tdak 1 atau 2 kali dalam satu semester

Nah setelah kegiatan itu. Murid" diminta untuk memberi komentar, suka apa tdaknya

Trus bhs inggris nya tu berkembang nggak

Tpi guru yang lbih baik mencari tau perkembangan nya itu.

W W153 Suggestion for activity and procedure

Gmana kalo disuruh menjawab/percakapan sama video yang dibuat sama ms. Itu harus dijawab spontan ms. Kalo gak bisa, hukumannya membuat dialog lalu dihafalkan & percakapan nya tu ya sama video yang dibuat ms itu. Kan itu bisa menambah vocab dan kemampuan berbicara toh ms.

W W155 Suggestion for punishment

Iya gtu ms.

Nah yang gk bisa jawab harus membuat dialog (jawaban dari dialognya ms), lalu dihafalkan