Ragil Poedjono’s The intrapersonal conflicts in the process of finding a true lover as seen in Emma Woodhouse the main character of Jane Austen`s Emma

X ABSTRACT Tika Kusumasari, Theresia. 2010. The Intrapersonal Co nflicts in the Process of Finding A True Lover as seen in Emma Woodhouse, the Ma in Character of Jane Austen’s Emma. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University. This study discusses Jane Austen’s novel Emma. The novel tells about the story of a young girl, Emma, who wants to make matches for people around her in order to give happiness to them. This idea comes to Emma’s mind because of her perception that it was thanks to her matchmaking effort, that her governess, Miss Taylor, and the widower, Mr. Weston fell in love and married. Then, Emma wants to find a good husband for her friend, Harriet Smith. In this novel, Emma deals with her own heart in the process of matchmaking. This study discusses the portrayal of the main character, Emma, her intrapersonal conflicts in the process of matchmaking and finding a husband for herself. The problems to answer in this study are: 1”How is Emma Woodhouse portrayed in Jane Austen’s Emma?” 2 “What are the intrapersonal conflicts that Emma has in the process of matching for Harriet and finding a true lover for herself? 3 “How does she solve her intrapersonal conflicts in the process of matching for Harriet and finding a true lover for herself?” There are two sources used in this study: primary and secondary sources. The primary source is Jane Austen’s Emma. The secondary sources are some books, journals, and articles found on the internet that provide information related to the study. This study examines the theory of character and characterization, the theory of intrapersonal conflict and conflict resolution, the theory of motivation, and also the triangular theory of love. Furthermore, this study uses the psychological approach according to Sigmund Freud. It is used to analyze Emma’s intrapersonal conflicts. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that Emma Woodhouse is a well-meaning girl and she wants to give happiness to everybody by her matchmaking. But, there are some intrapersonal conflicts taking place in the process of doing so. The first one is when she has to decide whether or not she and Mr. Knightley will stay together with Mr. Woodhouse in Hartfield, after their marriage. She has to face an intrapersonal conflict in the form of a double approach-avoidance conflict. In solving the problem, Emma uses “mediation”. The second one is when Emma has to decide whether or not she will tell Harriet that Mr. Elton has expressed his love to Emma. In this conflict, Emma has to face an avoidance-avoidance conflict. Emma solves this problem by using the “integrative negotiation.”The third intrapersonal conflict is when Emma has to face an intrapersonal conflict in the form of a double approach-avoidance, in deciding whether or not she will confess her love toward Mr. Knightley. In solving the problem, Emma uses “distributive negotiation”. The last intrapersonal conflict is in the form of an avoidance-avoidance conflict. Emma has to decide XI whether or not she will tell Harriet about her relationship with Mr. Knightley. In order to resolve her intrapersonal conflict, she uses the “integrative negotiation”. It is suggested that future researchers conduct studies in interpersonal conflicts of the main characters of the novel Jane Austen’s Emma and also recommends that English teachers use part of the novel Emma as material to teach reading skills. In the Appendix of this study, a lesson plan for doing so is provided. XII ABSTRAK Tika Kusumasari, Theresia. 2010. The Intrapersonal Conflicts in the Process of Finding A True Lover as seen in Emma Woodhouse, the Main Character of Jane Austen’s Emma. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Studi ini membahas tentang novel karya Jane Austen yang berjudul Emma. Novel tersebut bercerita tentang seorang gadis yang bernama Emma Woodhouse yang memiliki keinginan untuk melakukan perjodohan bagi orang-orang disekitarnya yang bertujuan untuk memberikan kebahagiaan bagi mereka semua. Ide perjodohan ini muncul berawal dari persepsi Emma yang merasa bahwa dirinyalah yang berhasil menjodohkan Nona Taylor dan Tuan Weston saling jatuh cinta hingga akhirnya menikah. Kemudian, Emma ingin membantu mencari seorang suami yang baik untuk temannya yang bernama Harriet melalui perjodohan yang ia buat. Di dalam novel ini, Emma harus berhadapan dengan batinnya sendiri di dalam proses perjodohan yang ia buat. Studi ini membahas tentang karakteristik tokoh utama yang bernama Emma dan juga pergolakan- pergolakan batin yang ia hadapi selama proses perjodohan dan pencarian pasangan bagi dirinya sendiri. Dalam studi ini, terdapat tiga masalah yang akan di jawab, yaitu: 1 “Bagaimana Emma Woodhouse digambarkan dalam novel tersebut?”2 “Apa saja pergolakan-pergolakan batin yang dialami oleh Emma selama proses perjodohan bagi Harriet dan pencarian cinta sejati bagi dirinya sendiri?” 3 “ Bagaimana Emma Woodhouse menyelesaikan pergolakan-pergolakan batinnya selama proses perjodohan bagi Harriet dan pencarian cinta sejati bagi dirinya sendiri?” Terdapat dua macam sumber yang digunakan dalam studi ini, yaitu: sumber utama dan sumber kedua. Sumber utamanya adalah novel karya dari Jane Austen yang berjudul Emma itu sendiri. Sedangkan sumber keduanya adalah buku-buku, jurnal-jurnal, dan artikel-artikel dari internet yang menyediakan informasi yang berkaitan dengan studi ini. Studi ini menggunakan “the theory of character and characterization”, “the theory of intrapersonal conflict”, “the conflict resolution”, “the theory of motivation”, dan juga “the triangular theory of love”. Lebih mendalam, studi ini menerapkan “the psychological approach” menurut Sigmund Freud. Pendekatan ini digunakan untuk menganalisis gejolak- gejolak batin yang dimiliki Emma. Berdasarkan pada analisis, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Emma Woodhouse adalah gadis yang menyenangkan dan ia ingin memberikan kebahagiaan bagi setiap orang melalui perjodohan yang ia buat. Akan tetapi, ada beberapa gejolak batin yang muncul di saat perjodohan itu ia lakukan. Pertama, situasi dimana Emma harus memutuskan apakah dia dan Tuan Knightley akan tinggal bersama dengan Tuan Woodhouse di Hartfield atau tidak setelah mereka menikah. Emma juga harus menghadapi pergolakan batin dalam XIII bentuk “a double approach-avoidance conflict”. Dalam menyelesaikan masalah, Emma menggunakan “mediation”. Pergolakan batin yang kedua adalah situasi disaat Emma harus memutuskan apakah dia akan memberitahu Harriet bahwa Tuan Elton telah mengungkapkan rasa cintanya kepada Emma atau tidak. Dalam masalah ini, Emma menghadapi konflik jenis “an avoidance-avoidance conflict”. Emma mengatasi konflik ini dengan “integrative negotiation”. Pergolakan batin yang ketiga adalah situasi dimana Emma harus menghadapi konflik dalam bentuk “a double approach-avoidance”, dalam memutuskan apakah dia akan menakui perasaan cintanya kepada Tuan Knightley atau tidak. Dalam mengatasi konflik, Emma menggunakan cara “distributive negotiation”. Pergolakan batin yang terakhir adalah konflik dalam bentuk “an avoidance-avoidance conflict”. Emma harus memutuskan apakah Emma akan memberitahukan kepada Harriet tentang hubungannya dengan Tuan Knightley atau tidak. Untuk mengatasi pergolakan batin ini, Emma mengguanakan “integrative negotiation”. Disarankan kepada peneliti-peneliti mendatang agar melakukan studi tentang konflik interpersonal yang dihadapi tokoh utama dalam novel karya Jane Austen yang berjudul Emma dan mendiskusikannya dengan menggunakan pendekatan sejarah budaya. Studi ini juga menyarankan agar Guru Bahasa Inggris dapat mempergunakan bagian dari novel ini sebagai materi untuk mengajar Reading membaca sama seperti yang telah disertakan pada bagian lampiran. Sebagai tambahan informasi, studi ini menyediakan Rencana Program Pembelajaran RPP untuk mengajar Reading membaca dengan mempergunakan bagian dari novel yang berjudul Emma. 1


A. Background of the Study

Human beings are social creatures because they should interact with other human beings in their live. It is normal that human beings share their love with their family, friends and relations. Love is something that cannot be described, but everybody in this world can feel it and also need it in their live. The feeling of love happens through the emotion from one to another in the world. Sometimes, love comes in unpredictable ways. When the love comes to somebody, everything looks so different. However, conflicts can arouse in the family and the relationship with others. The conflicts can be either within their selves or the other human beings. Conflicts are divided into two major types. There are intrapersonal conflicts and interpersonal conflicts. Intrapersonal conflicts are conflicts that occur inside a person. Whilst interpersonal conflicts are conflicts that occur between a person with another person or other people. This study will deal with intrapersonal conflicts. The intrapersonal conflicts of a girl, Emma, are the topic in this study. This study wants to find out what intrapersonal conflicts of Emma in the process of finding a good partner for her friend, Harriet, and a husband for herself. In the process of understanding the intrapersonal conflicts is quite difficult because it is laid in the bottom of the heart. However, through media of literature, it will so much help. According to Hudson, p.10, literature can portray such an issue. “Literature is the expression of life through the medium of language. It can be regarded as something essential since it contains about real life, people, thought, and their feeling about life.” This thesis will analyze a novel as one of literary works which can portray such conflicts. In the novel, there are so many conflicts happen within the character’s heart and also in the society. Novel can stimulate the readers’ thought by portraying the real life experiences toward the reader. Considering this understanding, it is valuable to discuss a novel by Jane Austen, Emma. This novel is so interesting to discuss because there are many conflicts that the main character faces both intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. The way she deals with the conflicts is also interesting to analyze. This novel tells about the story of a young girl, Emma Woodhouse. She is beautiful, smart and also rich. She is twenty one years old. She is a tough girl because her mother passed away when she was child. Then, she continues her life together with her father, Mr. Woodhouse. Emma’s older sister, Isabella, married with Mr. John Knightley and they live in London. Emma has Miss Taylor as the governess in Mr. Woodhouse’s family and they have close relationship. Actually, the dominant theme of Emma is the marriage, and all of the major activities of the novel revolve around the marriage and matchmaking. The novel begins with Emma and her father was talking about the marriage of Miss Taylor to Mr. Weston. Emma believes that she successfully matched Miss Taylor with Mr. Weston and was responsible for their happy marriage, and Emma wants to make other matches. The process of matchmaking gives Emma an important lesson that love cannot be persisted and it comes in unpredictable ways including Emma’s conflicts with her own heart about her feeling toward Mr. George Knightley, someone who cares about her.

B. Objectives of the Study

The objective of this study is to find out one’s intrapersonal conflicts as seen in Emma, the main character of Jane Austen’s Emma, when she is in her situation to find a good partner for her friend, Harriet Smith.

C. Problem Formulation

The problems of the study can be formulated as follows: 1”How is Emma Woodhouse portrayed in Jane Austen’s Emma?” 2 “What are the intrapersonal conflicts that Emma has in the process of matching for Harriet and finding a true lover for herself? 3 “How does she solve her intrapersonal conflicts in the process of matching for Harriet and finding a true lover for herself?”

D. Benefits of the Study

There are some benefits of this study. This study is hoped to be beneficial to the readers of Jane Austen’s Emma. This study provides the analysis of intrapersonal conflicts that Emma has as a young girl who does not want to get married with anybody. What Emma really want is just becomes a matchmaker for people around her in order to make them happy. But in the process of matching, Emma gets important lessons that change her life. I hope that the analysis of this study can give the readers a description about the main character’s intrapersonal conflicts in order to find out what is the true need of the main character, Emma. Finally, I hope this study will be useful for Sanata Dharma University students especially for the English Department students.

E. Definition of Terms

Some terms need to be explained to avoid misunderstandings. There are: 1. Literature It is anything written which is “invite our emotional and intellectual involvement and response’ Roberts and Jacobs, 1987. 2. Characters. According to Abrams in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms, p.20, characters are defined as persons who are established in literary work that have moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say in the form of dialogue and what they do in the form of action. 3. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the word conflict defines as: 1. a situation in which people, groups or countries are involved in a serious disagreement or argument. 2. a violent situation or period of fighting between two countries. 3. a situation in which there are opposing ideas, opinions, feelings or wishes; a situation in which it is difficult to choose. 4. Intrapersonal conflict. According to Worchel and Cooper in Understanding Social Psychology, p.499 define intrapersonal conflict as a conflict that takes place within an individual when he makes choice between two or more alternatives. In this study, the researcher uses the third definition of conflict.