Private Sub Command8_Click Form17.Show WindowsMediaPlayer2.Close End Sub Private Sub Command9_Click Form19.Show WindowsMediaPlayer2.Close End Sub Private Sub Image1_ClickIndex As Integer Form3.Show WindowsMediaPlayer2.Close End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer Label1.ForeColor = RGBRnd 250, Rnd 250, Rnd 250 If Label1.Left + Label1.Width = 0 Then Label1.Left = Me.Width End If Label1.Left = Label1.Left - 100 End Sub Private Sub Form_Load Label1.FontSize = 20 Label1 = Aplikasi Budaya Indonesia WindowsMediaPlayer2.URL = video\form2.amr End Sub


Dim gambar As Integer Private Sub Form_Load gambar = 1 Image1.Picture = LoadPictureApp.Path \gambar\index gambar .jpg WindowsMediaPlayer2.URL = video\form3.amr End Sub Private Sub Timer2_Timer gambar = gambar + 1 If gambar 6 Then gambar = 1 Image1.Picture = LoadPictureApp.Path \gambar\index gambar .jpg End Sub Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara Private Sub Image4_Click Form5.Show WindowsMediaPlayer2.Close End Sub Private Sub Image5_Click Form2.Show WindowsMediaPlayer2.Close End Sub Private Sub Form_Load1 Label1.FontSize = 20 Label1 = Rumah,PakaianAdatdanAlatTradisional End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer Label1.ForeColor = RGBRnd 250, Rnd 250, Rnd 250 If Label1.Left + Label1.Width = 0 Then Label1.Left = Me.Width End If Label1.Left = Label1.Left - 100 End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click Form4.Show WindowsMediaPlayer2.Close End Sub Menu Rumah Adat,Pakaian Adat Alat Tradisional Option Explicit Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection Dim strconnect As String Function openconn As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrHandler strconnect = provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= + App.Path + \Database3.mdb If conn.State = adStateOpen Then conn.Close Set conn = New ADODB.Connection conn.Open strconnect openconn = True Else conn.Open strconnect openconn = True End If Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara Exit Function ErrHandler: openconn = False MsgBox koneksi tidak bisa dibuka, vbExclamation, koneksi error End Function Private Sub Command1_Click Form4.Show WindowsMediaPlayer2.Close End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click Form2.Show WindowsMediaPlayer2.Close End Sub Private Sub DataGrid1_RowColChangeLastRow As Variant, ByVal LastCol As Integer With Adodc1.Recordset Text1.Text = .Fields.Item0.Value Text2.Text = .Fields.Item1.Value Text3.Text = .Fields.Item2.Value Text4.Text = .Fields.Item3.Value End With Image4.Picture = LoadPictureApp.Path \gambar\ Adodc1.Recordsetgambar End Sub Private Sub Form_Load If Not openconn Then End Adodc1.ConnectionString = strconnect Adodc1.RecordSource = SELECT from Table1 adodc1.refresh DataGrid1.AllowUpdate = False Set DataGrid1.DataSource = Adodc1 Image4.Picture = LoadPictureApp.Path \gambar\ Adodc1.Recordsetgambar WindowsMediaPlayer2.URL = video\form4.amr End Sub Private Sub Form_Load1 Label5.FontSize = 20 Label5 = Rumah Adat,Pakaian Adat Dan Alat Tradisional End Sub Private Sub Image2_Click Form3.Show WindowsMediaPlayer2.Close End Sub Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara Private Sub Image7_Click Form2.Show WindowsMediaPlayer2.Close End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer Label5.ForeColor = RGBRnd 250, Rnd 250, Rnd 250 If Label5.RightToLeft + Label5.Width = 0 Then Label5.RightToLeft = Me.Width End If Label5.RightToLeft = Label5.RightToLeft - 100 End Sub

4. Tempat Wisata