Dampak Pencemaran Udara Terhadap Tumbuhan di Kebun Raya Bogor

Impact of Air Pollution on Vegetation at Bogor Botanical Garden

The Bogor Botanical Garden is the one of the biggest and most complete
botanical garden in the world. But recently, pollution sources around of the
garden such as motor vehicles could be harms to the garden. Air pollution gasses
such as SO,,NO, and Pb particle are released by the motor vehicles and known as
a phytotoxic agent. The objective of this research is to study the impact of the air
pollution on the vegetation by measuring; concentration of SO,, NO, and Pb
particles in the air, chlorotic and necrotic damage level on the leaves, damage
percentage and the measurement of the cells and chlorophyll content in the
This research was conducted from August 1997 to Februw 1998.
Research used seven plots and nineteenth plants species of dicotyl class. Air
pollution gasses were observed by Spectrophotometer and Pb particles by Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometer. Chlorotic and necrotic damages were observed
by magnifying glass, cells damages and measurement by microscope, and leaves
chlorophyll content by Spectrophotometer. Varian, regression and descriptive
analysis analyzed data.
The result of this research shows that pollution by SO2, NO2 gasses and
Pb particles in the air of the garden mostly higher in every side of the garden.

NO2 and Pb particles polluted the garden over the threshold limit allowed.
Statistic analysis result that from the three pollutants in the air observed NO2 was
only significant between plots. The concentration was mostly influenced by
-amount of motor vehicles and wind directions.
The impact on the vegetation showed that there are no both chlorotic and
necrotic on the 19 plant species observed, so it was classified as zero in Kovack's
levels. Cells damage was variously founded from one species to another. The
highest damage was founded on F. Racemosa, V.cofassus and T. Hornemanium,
which are growth on the roadside plots and highly air pollutant concentration.
Chlorophyll content are significant different between species in each plot and was
influenced by air pollution.
The impact on kenari (C. vulgare) plant clearly observed that the leave
cells anatomy measured become narrower, chlorophyll content lower and Pb
particles higher when the air pollutants concentration are high.


SUKARSONO. Dampak Pencemaran Udara terhadap Tumbuhau di Kebun
Raya Bogor (Dibawah bimbingan F. Gunarwan Suratmo sebagai ketua,
Yahya Pakuara dan Henny Suharsono sebagai anggota).

Kebun Raya Bogor sebagai salah satu kebun raya yang mengkoleksi
tumbuhan tropis terbesar di dunia, menjadi semakin disadari pentingnya baik
ditinjau dari kepentingan ekologi maupun ekonomi. Namun demikian, lokasi ini
tidak luput dari ancaman pencemaran udara dari lingkungan sekitamya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pencemaran pada pohon di
Kebun Raya Bogor dengan mengukur: kandungan pencemar udara oleh SOz, NO2
dan partikel Pb (timbel), tingkat kerusakan makroskopis (klorosis dan nekrosis)
dam, prosentase abnormalitas struktur anatomi daun, kandungan klorofil daun,
dan kandungan partikel Pb pada dam.
Plot-plot penelitian ditentukan dengan cara menarik garis transek dari sisi


Timur ke sisi Barat kebun raya disesuaikan dengan arah angin dominan di lokasi
pada saat penelitian.

Jumlah dan jenis pohon yang diambil dari tiap plot

pengamatan dilakukan dengan metode quota sampling. Dari tiap plot diambil

tiga pohon berbeda jenis dalam satu kelas karena penanaman pohon di kebun
raya berdasarkan famili. Sehingga untuk melihat dampak pencemaran udara
terhadap satu jenis tumbuhan, ditentukan jenis kenari (C. vulgare) yang
menyebar di plot 1, 2 dan 4. Daun yang diambil dari satu pohon
kedalam daun muda dan daun tua dan dari tajuk atas, tengah dan
