H -bubbles in a perturbative setting

Parametric surfaces 223 We remark that the energy of u ε is close to the unperturbed minimal energy of H -bubbles. However in general we cannot say that u ε is a minimal H + εH 1 -bubble. Finally, we notice that Theorem 19 cannot be applied when the unperturbed curva- ture H is a constant, since assumption h 3 is not satisfied. That case is studied in the next subsection.

7.3. H -bubbles in a perturbative setting

Here we study the H -bubble problem when the prescribed mean curvature is a per- turbation of a nonzero constant. More precisely we investigate the existence and the location of nonconstant solutions to the problem B H ε 1 u = 2H ε uu x ∧ u y on R 2 R R 2 |∇u| 2 +∞. where H ε u = H + εH 1 u being H ∈ R \ {0}, H 1 ∈ C 2 R 3 and ε ∈ R, with |ε| small. All the results of this subsection are taken from [18]. To begin, we observe that the unperturbed problem B H is invariant under transla- tions on the image, since the mean curvature is the constant H . It admits a fundamental solution ω = 1 H ω with ω defined by 51, and a corresponding family of solutions of the form ω ◦g + p where g is any conformal diffeomorphism of R 2 ∪ {∞} and p runs in R 3 . Notice that the translation invariance on the image is broken for ε 6= 0, when the perturbation H 1 is switched on, but problem B H ε maintains the conformal invariance for every ε. An important role for the existence of H ε -bubbles is played by the following Poincar´e-Melnikov function: Ŵ p : = − Z B 1 |H0| p H 1 q dq which measures the H 1 -weighted volume of a ball centered at an arbitrary p ∈ R 3 and with radius 1 |H |. For future convenience, we point out that: Ŵ p = V H 1 ω + p , 65 ∇Ŵ p = Z R 2 H 1 ω + pω x ∧ ω y . 66 The first equality is like 52, the second one can be obtained in a similar way, noting that div H 1 · + pe i = ∂ i H i · + p e 1 , e 2 , e 3 denotes that canonical basis in R 3 , ∂ i means differentiation with respect to the i -th component. 224 F. Bethuel - P. Caldiroli - M. Guida The next result yields a necessary condition, expressed in terms of Ŵ, in order to have the existence of H ε -bubbles approaching a sphere, as ε → 0. P ROPOSITION 4. Assume that there exists a sequence u ε k of H ε k -bubbles, with ε k → 0, and a point p ∈ R 3 such that ku ε k − ω + pk C 1 S 2 ,R 3 → 0 as k → ∞. Then p is a stationary point for Ŵ. Proof. The maps u ε k solve 1u ε k = 2H u ε k x ∧ u ε k y + 2ε k H 1 u ε k u ε k x ∧ u ε k y . Testing with the constant functions e i i = 1, 2, 3 and passing to the limit, we get = Z R 2 H 1 u ε k e i · u ε k x ∧ u ε k y = o1 + Z R 2 H 1 ω + pe i · ω x ∧ ω y = o1 + ∂ i Ŵ p, thanks to 66. Then the Proposition is readily proved. In the next result we consider the case in which Ŵ admits nondegenerate stationary points. T HEOREM 20. If ¯p ∈ R 3 is a nondegenerate stationary point for Ŵ, then there exists a curve ε 7→ u ε of class C 1 from a neighborhood I ⊂ R of 0 into C 1,α S 2 , R 3 such that u = ω + ¯p and, for every ε ∈ I , u ε is an H ε -bubble, without branch points. In the case of extremal points for Ŵ, we can weaken the nondegeneracy condition. More precisely, we have the following result. T HEOREM 21. If there exists a nonempty compact set K ⊂ R 3 such that max p ∈∂ K Ŵ p max p ∈K Ŵ p or min p ∈∂ K Ŵ p min p ∈K Ŵ p , then for |ε| small enough there exists an H ε -bubble u ε , without branch points, and such that ku ε − ω + p ε k C 1,α S 2 ,R 3 → 0 as ε → 0, where p ε ∈ K is such that Ŵ p ε → max K Ŵ , or Ŵ p ε → min K Ŵ , respectively. To prove Theorems 20 and 21 we adopt a variational-perturbative method intro- duced by Ambrosetti and Badiale in [1] and subsequently used with success to get existence and multiplicity results for a wide class of variational problems in some per- turbative setting see, e.g., [2] and [3]. Firstly, we observe that solutions to problem B H ε can be obtained as critical points of the energy functional E H ε u = E H u + 2εV H 1 u . Parametric surfaces 225 Notice that E H is the energy functional corresponding to the unperturbed problem B H . Since in our argument we will need enough regularity for E H ε , a first technical difficulty concerns the functional setting see Remark 10, 2. We can overcome this problem, either multiplying H 1 by a suitable cut-off function and proving some a priori estimates on the solutions we will find, or taking as a domain of E H ε a Sobolev space smaller than H 1 , like for instance the space W 1,s = {v ◦ ω : v ∈ W 1,s S 2 , R 3 } with s 2 fixed. Let us follow this second strategy, taking for simplicity s = 3. Hence E H ε is of class C 2 on W 1,3 , since H 1 ∈ C 2 and W 1,3 is compactly embedded into L ∞ . Secondly, we point out that the unperturbed energy functional E H admits a mani- fold Z of critical points that can be parametrized by G × R 3 , where G is the conformal group of S 2 ≈ R 2 ∪ {∞}, having dimension 6, and R 3 keeps into account of the trans- lation invariance on the image. Thanks to some key results already known in the literature, see e.g. [32], Z is a nondegenerate manifold, that is T u Z = ker E ′′ H u for every u ∈ Z , where T u Z denotes the tangent space of Z at u, whereas ker E ′′ H u is the kernel of the second differential of E H at u. This allows us to apply the implicit function theorem to get, taking account also of the G-invariance of E H ε , for |ε| small, a 3-dimensional manifold Z ε close to Z , constituting a natural constraint for the perturbed functional E H ε . More precisely, defining T ω Z ⊥ : = {v ∈ H 1 | Z R 2 ∇v · ∇u = 0 ∀u ∈ T ω Z } , we can prove the following result. L EMMA 13. Let R 0 be fixed. Then there exist ¯ε 0, and a map η ε p ∈ W 1,3 defined and of class C 1 on −¯ε, ¯ε × B R ⊂ R × R 3 , such that η p = 0 and E ′ H ε ω + p + η ε p ∈ T ω Z η ε p ∈ T ω Z ⊥ Z S 2 η ε p = 0. Moreover, for every fixed ε ∈ −¯ε, ¯ε the set Z R ε : = {ω + p + η ε p | | p| R} is a natural constraint for E H ε , that is, if u ∈ Z R ε is such that d E H ε Z R ε u = 0, then E ′ H ε u = 0. We refer to [18] for the proof of Lemma 13. Now, the problem is reduced to look for critical points of the function f ε : B R → R defined by 67 f ε p = E H ε ω + p + η ε p p ∈ B R . 226 F. Bethuel - P. Caldiroli - M. Guida This step gives the finite dimensional reduction of the problem. The proofs of Theo- rems 20 and 21 can be completed as follows. Proof of Theorem 20. Let ¯p ∈ R 3 be a nondegenerate critical point of Ŵ and let R | ¯p|. One can show that the function f ε defined in 67 satisfies: 68 ∇ f ε p = 2εGε, p where Gε, p = Z R 2 H 1 ω + p + η ε pω + η ε p x ∧ ω + η ε p y . By 66, one has that G0, p = ∇Ŵ p and, in addition, ∂ i G k 0, p = ∂ 2 ik Ŵ p. Hence G0, ¯p = 0, because ¯p is a stationary point of Ŵ. Moreover, since ¯p is non- degenerate, ∇ p G0, ¯p is invertible. Therefore by the implicit function theorem, there exists a neighborhood I of 0 in R and a C 1 mapping ε 7→ p ε ∈ R 3 defined on I , such that p = ¯p and Gε, p ε = 0 for all ε ∈ I . Hence, by 67, 68 and by Lemma 13, we obtain that the function ε 7→ u ε : = ω + p ε + η ε p ε ε ∈ I defines a C 1 curve from I into W 1,3 of H ε -bubbles, passing through ω + ¯p when ε = 0. It remains to prove that the curve ε 7→ u ε is of class C 1 from I into C 1,α S 2 , R 3 . This can be obtained by a boot-strap argument. Indeed u ε solves 1u ε = F ε on R 2 , where F ε = 2H ε u ε u ε x ∧ u ε y . Since ε 7→ u ε is of class C 1 from I into W 1,3 we have that ε 7→ F ε is of class C 1 from I into L 32 . Now, regularity theory yields that the mapping ε 7→ u ε turns out of class C 1 from I into W 2,32 . This implies that ε 7→ du ε is C 1 from I into L 6 , by Sobolev embedding. Hence ε 7→ F ε belongs to C 1 I, L 3 . Consequently, again by regularity theory, ε 7→ u ε is of class C 1 from I into W 2,3 . By the embedding of W 2,3 into C 1,α S 2 , R 3 , the conclusion follows. Lastly, we point out that u ε has no branch points because u ε → ω + ¯p in C 1,α S 2 , R 3 as ε → 0, and ω is conformal on R 2 . Proof of Theorem 21. Since η ε p is of class C 1 with respect to the pair ε, p, and η p = 0, we have that 69 kη ε p k W 1,3 = Oε uniformly for p ∈ B R , as ε → 0 . Now we show that 70 f ε p = E H ω + 2εŴ p + Oε 2 as ε → 0, uniformly for p ∈ B R . Indeed, set R ε p : = f ε p − E H ω − 2εŴ p = E H ω + η ε p − E H ω +2ε V H 1 ω + p + η ε p − V H 1 ω + p . Parametric surfaces 227 Using E ′ H ω = 0 and the decomposition V H u +v = V H u +V H v + H R R 2 u · v x ∧ v y + H R R 2 v · u x ∧ u y we compute E H ω + η ε p − E H ω = E H η ε p + 2V H η ε p +2H Z R 2 ω · η ε p x ∧ η ε p y = Okdη ε p k 2 3 Therefore, using also 69, we infer that R ε pε −2 = Okdη ε p k 2 3 ε −2 + 2 V H 1 ω + p + η ε p − V H 1 ω + p ε −1 = O1 + 2dV H 1 ω + pη ε p + kη ε p k W 1,3 o1ε −1 = O1, and 70 follows. Now, let K be given according to the assumption and take R 0 so large that K ⊂ B R . The hypothesis on K and 70 imply that for |ε| small, there exists p ε ∈ K such that u ε : = ω + p ε + η ε p ε is a stationary point for E H ε constrained to Z R ε . According to Lemma 13, E ′ H ε u ε = 0, namely u ε is an H ε - bubble. Moreover, Ŵ p ε → max K Ŵ or Ŵ p ε → min K Ŵ as ε → 0. To prove that ku ε − p ε + ω k C 1,α S 2 ,R 3 → 0 as ε → 0 one can follow a boot-strap argument, as in the last part of the proof of Theorem 20. The assumptions on Ŵ in Theorems 20 and 21 can be made explicit in terms of H 1 when |H | is large. In particular, as a first consequence of the above existence theorems we obtain the following result, which says that nondegenerate critical points as well as topologically stable extremal points of the perturbation term H 1 are concentration points of H ε -bubbles, in the double limit ε → 0 and |H | → ∞. T HEOREM 22. Assume that one of the following conditions is satisfied: i there exists a nondegenerate stationary point ¯p ∈ R 3 for H 1 ; ii there exists a nonempty compact set K ⊂ R 3 such that max p ∈∂ K H 1 p max p ∈K H 1 p or min p ∈∂ K H 1 p min p ∈K H 1 p. Then, for every H ∈ R with |H | large, there exists ε H 0 such that for every ε ∈ [−ε H , ε H ] there is a smooth H ε -bubble u H ,ε without branch points. Moreover lim |H |→∞ lim ε →0 ku H ,ε − p ε k C 1,α S 2 ,R 3 = 0 where p ε ≡ ¯p if i holds, or p ε ∈ R 3 is such that p ε ∈ K and H 1 p ε → max K H 1 , or H 1 p ε → min K H 1 if ii holds. In addition, under the condition i, the map ε 7→ u H ,ε defines a C 1 curve in C 1,α S 2 , R 3 . 228 F. Bethuel - P. Caldiroli - M. Guida As a further application of Theorem 21, we consider a perturbation H 1 having some decay at infinity. T HEOREM 23. If H 1 ∈ L 1 R 3 + L 2 R 3 , then for |ε| small enough there exist p ε ∈ R 3 and a smooth H ε -bubble u ε , without branch points, such that ku ε − ω + p ε k C 1,α S 2 ,R 3 → 0 as ε → 0, and p ε is uniformly bounded with respect to ε. We refer to [18] for the proofs of Theorems 22 and 23. References [1] A. A MBROSETTI AND M. B ADIALE , Variational perturbative methods and bi- furcation of bound states from the essential spectrum, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 128 1998, 1131–1161. [2] A. A MBROSETTI , J. G ARCIA A ZORERO , I. P ERAL , Elliptic variational prob- lems in R N with critical growth, J. Diff. Eq. 168 2000, 10–32. [3] A. A MBROSETTI AND A. M ALCHIODI , A multiplicity result for the Yamabe problem on S n , J. Funct. Anal. 168 1999, 529–561. [4] A. A MBROSETTI , P.H. R ABINOWITZ , Dual variational methods in critical point theory and applications, J. Funct. Anal. 14 1973, 349–381. [5] T H . A UBIN , Probl`emes isop´erim´etriques et espaces de Sobolev, J. Diff. 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Fabrice BETHUEL Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions Universit´e Pierre et Marie Curie Boˆıte courrier 187 75252 Paris Cedex 05, FRANCE and Insitut Universitaire de France e-mail: bethuelann.jussieu.fr Paolo CALDIROLI, Michela GUIDA Dipartimento di Matematica Universit`a di Torino via Carlo Alberto, 10 10123 Torino, ITALIA e-mail: paolo.caldiroliunito.it e-mail: guidadm.unito.it 232 F. Bethuel - P. Caldiroli - M. Guida Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino Vol. 60, 4 2002 Turin Lectures

F. Dalbono - C. Rebelo

∗ POINCAR ´ E-BIRKHOFF FIXED POINT THEOREM AND PERIODIC SOLUTIONS OF ASYMPTOTICALLY LINEAR PLANAR HAMILTONIAN SYSTEMS Abstract. This work, which has a self contained expository character, is devoted to the Poincar´e-Birkhoff PB theorem and to its applications to the search of periodic solutions of nonautonomous periodic planar Hamil- tonian systems. After some historical remarks, we recall the classical proof of the PB theorem as exposed by Brown and Neumann. Then, a variant of the PB theorem is considered, which enables, together with the classical version, to obtain multiplicity results for asymptotically linear planar hamiltonian systems in terms of the gap between the Maslov in- dices of the linearizations at zero and at infinity.

1. The Poincar´e-Birkhoff theorem in the literature

In his paper [28], Poincar´e conjectured, and proved in some special cases, that an area- preserving homeomorphism from an annulus onto itself admits at least two fixed points when some “twist” condition is satisfied. Roughly speaking, the twist condition consists in rotating the two boundary circles in opposite angular directions. This con- cept will be made precise in what follows. Subsequently, in 1913, Birkhoff [4] published a complete proof of the existence of at least one fixed point but he made a mistake in deducing the existence of a second one from a remark of Poincar´e in [28]. Such a remark guarantees that the sum of the indices of fixed points is zero. In particular, it implies the existence of a second fixed point in the case that the first one has a nonzero index. In 1925 Birkhoff not only corrected his error, but he also weakened the hypothesis about the invariance of the annulus under the homeomorphism T . In fact Birkhoff him- self already searched a version of the theorem more convenient for the applications. He also generalized the area-preserving condition. Before going on with the history of the theorem we give a precise statement of the classical version of Poincar´e-Birkhoff fixed point theorem and make some remarks. In the following we denote by A the annulus A : = {x, y ∈ R 2 : r 2 1 ≤ x 2 + y 2 ≤ r 2 2 , 0 r 1 r 2 } and by C 1 and C 2 its inner and outer boundaries, respectively. ∗ The second author wishes to thank Professor Anna Capietto and the University of Turin for the invita- tion and the kind hospitality during the Third Turin Fortnight on Nonlinear Analysis. 233