Chinese Traditional Therapy Chinese Traditional Festival

name of Beverly Hills is the name of a luxurious housing in the USA. Also, the furniture is same with the modern USA furniture such as a soft chair, a glass table, and a television. When he turns on the television, he also finds the television program like the one in the USA. The experiences of Dre in China show the orientalist point of view as the West. His perspectives about China are only in his perception and they do not relevant with the reality. The description of Dre above explains the orientalism point of view. The experience of Dre proves that his imagination is contradictive with the reality. In the last period, Dre s negative perception changes into positive. The changes is caused by his experiences in the middle period. Besides that, in the last period, he starts to like the culture and tradition of China such as kung fu, Chinese traditional therapy and Chinese traditional festival. He also finds the unique traditional therapy that uses traditional material such as cotton, chopstick, bottle, and fire. He is in surprise when he can be cured by it. It proves that his perception has changed from negative into positive about China. He also enjoys the puppet show in the festival.

B. Suggestion

For other researchers, the writer suggests there are several important aspects to be analyzed discourse of binary opposition between the West and the East in a movie. First, the story must be about and located in East. Second, the main character must be the West or the the East who brings the West s thoughts. Third, the movie is produced by the West. Fourth, the West s figure is the hero in the end of story. Furthermore, there is another issue in The Karate Kid that needs to be explored namely the culture of China because the more also shows the traditional and modern culture in China. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ahmad, Al-I Jalal. OCCIDENTOSIS: A Plague from the West, trans by R. Campbell. Iran: Mizan Press Berkley, 1984. Buchari, Mannan. Menyingkap Tabir Orientalisme. Jakarta: Amzah, 2006. Budianta, Melani. Teori Sastra Sesudah Strukturalisme Dari Studi Teks ke Studi Wacana Budaya . Makalah di presentasikan di PPKB-LPUI: Pelatihan teori dan kritik sastra, PPPG bahasa 27-30 Mei, 2002. Chamber, Mortimer. Barbara Hanawalt, Rabb K Theodore, Isser Woloch, Raymond Grew. The WESTERN Experience Eight Edition Volume I: to the eighteen century. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003. Gamer, Robert E. Understanding Contemporary China. London: Lynne Rienner Publishers. 2003. Harris, Lillian Craig. China Considers the Middle East. London: I.B Tauris Co Ltd Publishers. 1993. Hinton, Harold C. China s Turbulent Quest: An Analysis of China s Foreign Relations Since 1949. Canada: Fitzhenry Whiteside Limited, don Mills, Ontario. 1970 Hutheesing, Raja. THE GREAT PEACE: An Asian s Candid Report On Red China. New York: Harper Brothers Publishers. 1953. Jakub, Ismail. Orientalisme and Orientalisten. Surabaya: C.V Faizan. 1970. Mahmud, Moh. Natsir. Orirentalisme Al-Quran di Mata Barat: Sebuah Studi Evaluatif. Semarang:DIMAS. 1997. Nung, Chien Li. The Political History of China 1840-1928. Trans by Ssu-Yu Teng and Jeremy Ingalls. New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. 1956 Said, W Edward. Orientalism. London: Penguin Books,1978. Sou yb, Joesoef . Orientalisme dan Islam. Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1985. Tim Grolier International. Negara dan Bangsa jilid 4. Jakarta: Grolier International, Inc and PT. Widyadara. 2003. Zuhdi, Achmad. Pandangan Orientalis Barat Tentang Islam Antara Yang Menghujat dan Yang Memuji. Surabaya: PT. Karya Pembina Swajaya. 2004