Instrument and Data Gathering Technique Data Analysis Technique


D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

The researcher uses a personal interview as the main instrument in order to gather the data for this research. The first reason is because interview is the most effective technique to dig information about someones experiences. According to Ary et al. 2010, the interview “is used to gather data from people about opinions, beliefs, and feelings about situation in their own word” p. 438. Besides, doing an interview can also help the researcher to understand and make meaning from people’s experience Ary et al., 2010. The other reason is because the researcher avoids giving printed open-ended questionnaire and asking participants to fill it. The researcher found from the past experiences that it was quite difficult to get rich data or responses from participants by using open-ended questionnaire, which made the researcher prefers to the interview. In line with this, Babbie 1973 stated that interview will typically attain higher response than mail printed instrument when it is properly designed and executed. Therefore, the researcher uses interview because the data gathering deals with people experiences and the researcher wants to have rich data or responses from participants. The researcher does the interview, which Ary et al. 2010 suggested, by doing the interview in face to face setting and using the recording to memorized the taken data from the interview.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The researcher analyses the data for the research findings from the interviews in form of recordings and some notes. According to Ary et al. 2010, analyzing the data in qualitative research is time consuming because the researcher faces massive amounts of information from the instruments e.g. audio recordings, 29 field notes, etc., which must be examined and interpreted. However, Creswell 2007 claims that analyzing qualitative data can appear overwhelming but becomes manageable when broken down into key stages as cited in Ary et al., 2010, p. 481. Therefore, the researcher decides to divide or break down the process of analyzing the data from recordings into several stages so that it can be manageable. The researcher adopts the qualitative data analysis from Ary et al. 2010. These are the detail of the steps: 1. Familiarizing and Organizing In this step, the researcher transcribes the audio recordings from of the interview results into form of notes. After transcribing is done, the researcher will familiarize the raw data from the transcription by putting it into tables. Table 3.1. Example of Raw Data Table Pre-Service Teachers Question number 1 PST 1 answer for question number 1 PST 2 answer for question number 1 2. Coding and Reducing In this step, the researcher begins to specify the raw data from the tables into more specific range. Then, the researcher summarizes from the transcriptions and take the data which are needed to answer the research questions. Table 3.2. Example of Table for Analysis Pre-Service Teachers Tensions Strategy PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30 3. Interpreting and Representing In this step, the researcher interprets the data by explaining and elaborating those data with the theories. After that, the researcher represents the data by using figures. The researcher quotes from several chosen transcribed raw data, and then give explanation related. Besides analyzing the data, the researcher also does data validation. The researcher does two ways of validation. First, the researcher asks validation from two external reviewers. The reviewers are a lecturer and a student from ELESP. In this case, the lecturer also conducted a study about pre-service teachers identity. Meanwhile, the ELESP student also conducted a research in the similar topic related to professional identity of pre-service teachers. the reviewers are considered having deep understanding of the research topic that led to objective reviews of validation process. Second, the researcher also distributes close-ended questionnaire, made from related theory and several statements from interview results, to the same participants that the researcher interviews. The role of the close-ended questionnaire here is for validating or confirming the participant’ answers from the interview rather than as an instrument, although the researcher refers it as validating instrument. The focus of the close-ended questionnaire is at the professional identity tensions only. The results of the close-ended are used to validate the raw data from transcription which are presented on appendices 31