Research Instruments English instructional reading materials using interactive models for the tenth grade students of SMK BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta.

students answered no and 60 of the students answered yes. The percentage showed that most of the students have any difficulty in reading subject. Then the 60 are to be used as a basis to design the materials. Here, the researcher tried to design materials that make the students understand passages, dialogs, effectively. Then, the results of questionnaires were used to design appropriate materials for students. Next, the data collected from the questionnaires were counted. The researcher used descriptive statistics for analyzing the data. One of the ways to count the data was by using Central Tendency formulation. Central Tendency was the tendency of a set of numbers to cluster around a particular value. Here, the researcher used Mean, Median, and Mode. The mode, median, and mean were derived from the analysis of the data from the evaluation questionnair es. Students’ answers were counted to find the average values of the questionnaires as a basic of students’ needs. The assessment of the respondents’ opinion of the designed materials used five points of agreement: Table 3.1 The presentation of assessing respondents’ opinion using Likert Scale The data were presented in the form of table as follows. Points of Agreement Meaning 4 Strongly agree 3 Agree 2 Disagree 1 Strongly Disagree Table 3.2 The presentation of t eachers’ opinion about the designed materials No. Question 1 2 3 4 1. 2. 3. The data resulted were presented as follows. Table 3.3 The format of the presentation of product evaluation results No Respondents’ Opinion Central Tendency N Mn Note: N : The number of the respondents Mn : Mean, indicated the central tendency of the respondents Mdn : Median, indicated the middle point of the gathered data Md : Mode, indicated the value in a distribution that occurs most frequently The results of the analyzed questionnaires were used to evaluate and revise materials designed. In the questionnaires for evaluation, the data analyzed to find out the mode, median, and mean. Mode is the value in a distribution that occurs most frequently. Median is the score that is at the centre of the distribution after the data are arranged in a rank order. The mean or average point X is obtained by counting the sum of the score divided by the number of the subjects N. The formula is: N X X Where X : mean the average point X : scores N : number of scores : sum or add The formulation was used to analyze the answer in each number. For instance, there were eight respondents and the first question asked was whether the designed materials were suitable for students in that level or not. The answers might be like this 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3. Then to look for the mean, the researcher used this formula { N X X }. From the data above, the mean was 3.53. The median, the score that was at the centre of the distribution after the data were arranged in rank order, was 4. Moreover, the rest of the data were analyzed similarly from the data above. The standard point used to measure whether the designed materials appropriate or not were as follows. Very good : 3.5 – 4.0 Good : 3.0 – 3.4 Average : 2.5 – 2.9 Poor : 2.0 – 2.4 Very Poor : 0 – 1.9 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI