The Discussion on the Designed Materials Evaluation Respondents’ Comments and Suggestions on the Designed Materials

a. The Discussion on the Designed Materials Evaluation

The result showed that the means ranged from 3.2 – 3.8 and the grand mean was 3.58 on 4-point scale. It indicated that the designed materials were good and appropriate for the first grade students of SMAN 4 Yogyakarta. However, the designed materials still needed revision based on the respondents’ evaluation, comments, suggestions, and feedback.

b. Respondents’ Comments and Suggestions on the Designed Materials

In the materials evaluation questionnaire, the writer also asked the respondents to give comments and suggestions on the designed materials. There were four questions to gain respondents’ comments and suggestions. The first question was about the strengths of the designed materials. The second question asked about the weaknesses of the designed materials. The next question was about respondents’ comments or opinions to improve the whole designed materials. The last question asked the suggestions or expectations of the overall designed materials. From the five respondents, the writer gained six points of the designed materials’ strengths. They were: 1 The materials were well-developed, creative and interesting, especially with the pictures used to support the materials. They also stated that there were always interesting games which were related to the topic in each unit. 2 There were variation activities and the materials can develop the students’ individual knowledge and social skills through group activities. 3 The materials which consisted of 8 unit met the needs of the curriculum and the sections of each unit were in line with the principles of language PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI learning, especially in “Are you ready to try this?” section showed the consistency with the Cooperative Language Learning theory. 4 It gave a lot of interpersonal conversations not only transactional ones. 5 The designed materials should be applied because they were applicable and well-organized. They are also of good quality. 6 No grammar mistakes or either mistyped. However, some improvements needed to develop the designed materials. There were five points of comments and suggestions from the respondents. They were: 1 The writer should develop detailed learning indicators that reflect the attainment of Cooperative Learning objectives. 2 The writer sholud provide grammatical and pronunciation sections to help the students to improve their speaking skill. 3 The writer should provide list of reference showing the source of materials and theory. 4 The writer should provide suggested expressions or list of difficult words especially in role play. 5 The writer should change the border colour of the conversation in Unit 6, “Speak Up” section. One respondent said it hurts the eyes.

2. Final Product Revision

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