Theoretical Framework REVIEW OF LITERATURE

further becoming a hybrid. Meanwhile, Baba’s development of identities contains resistance and conflicts. The issues of cultural identity take part quite big in the story. It is relevant to use the postcolonial criticism particularly analyzing the diaspora context of the characters and the hybridity theory in which there is a crosscultural interaction in the novel. The novel also tells how Amir’s dynamic growth as an individual with two cultures learnt and adapted by him. Then, the theory of hybridity and resistance are applied to analyze how Amir as an hybrid character is presented in the novel.

C. Method of Study

This research uses library research. The sources are collected through books to find related studies and theories. The primary source isThe Kite Runner novel by Khaled Hosseini. The secondary sources are from books to gain theories and information, internet articles, and many others. In constructing this research, the researcher conducted several steps. In order to understand the object of the study, the writer conductedclose reading on The Kite Runner novel. In this step, the writer took notes the important points related to the topic of the research. Then the writer decided what kind of topic and approach suitable to the novel.The second step was searching for supporting data fromlibrary and internet articles. Library and internet research became the sources which wereimportant in analyzing the novel based on the decided topic. The writer collected supporting theories and related studies to analyze the novel based on postcolonial perspective. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The third step is critical analysis conducted to answer the problem formulations by utilizing postcolonial approach, theory of character and characterization, theory of diaspora, theory of postcolonial identity, hybridity and resistance. Lastly, the writer drew a conclusion on the research. The conclusion was based on the analysis of the novel to show that the main goal of this research had been achieved. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 27


In this chapter, the writer answers the questions in the problem formulation. The theories and method mentioned earlier are used in this chapter. In order to configure the identity of Amir and Baba in the novel, the analysis is segmented into two parts. First is finding out how are Amir and Baba characterized, second is how the characteristics unveil the construction of identity based on the diasporic discourse.

A. The Depiction of Amir and Baba in Hosseini’s The Kite Runner

In this subchapter, M. J. Murphy’s theory is used to analyze Amir and Baba as the main characters.In general, Amir and Baba’s characterizations are derived from another character’s point of view, character’s speech, character’s past life, character’s thoughts, character’s habits, and conversations among other characters. Amir lives as a rich boy in Kabul with his Baba, a rich businessman. However, their condition changes when they move to the US, they become poor. Baba has to work in little jobs with little payment. Nevertheless, Amir successfully graduates from creative writing major and he becomes a published writer. The complete analysis of Amir’s and Baba’s characteristics are as follows.

1. The Depiction of Amir a. Amir and His Afghan Cultural Background

In order to know Amir’s characteristics, dissecting the cultural background inside the novel is necessary since his life and personality are closely