Patriarchy Review of Related Theories

are assumed to be more active and aggressive, they typically are educated to assume the leadership roles in society, whether those roles are in business or politics. The education of boys, therefore, is given higher priority than the education of girls, as can be seen in the statistics on school attendance in developing countries. Boys often receive encouragement and training to pursue the higher-paying and higher- status jobs in a cu lture because boys are seen as both more ‘‘naturally’’ inclined to such work as well as the more likely breadwinner in a family. These stereotypes and perceptions in society rise feminism. Feminism appears because the unfair acts and treatment toward woman in society. Men often oppress and control women in many ways. It is believed by nature that women’s place is in the house, caring for husband, and children. Women are not given a chance to develop their potentialities in spheres. Fakih, 1996:69. Deborah L. Madsen in Feminist Theory and Literary Practice states that feminist literary theory has three main aims. First is to show the readers about the issue of patriarchal power that has structured in society. Second is to re-establish various achievements of women. Third is to find the new perspective about women and theory that shapes our lives Madsen, 2000: 15. Ms. Arksonkool also said in the International Seminar on Women’s Education and Empowerment that an individual empowerment of women is attained in relationship to the larger society 1975:9. Freeman in Women a Feminist Perspective 3 rd Edition states that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the persuade of happiness 1975:493. Particularly, this thesis deals with the unequal treatment that women get in patriarchal society because they are considered as inferior people who are powerless and useless. The division of gender roles which is based on ‘sex class’ then triggers inequality which affects other women economically, culturally, and socially. This situation then occurs feminist theory that tries to oppose the oppression toward women which is based on sex class. This theory tries to show how women as different sex from men accept different treatment in society. The aims of this feminist theory is to emphasize in “destroying” sex-class system by showing and proving that women have the same power to struggle with men. The agent who suppresses women’s movement is the supremacy privileges that men have over women Madsen, 2000: 153. Paludi 2010:68 states that , “the socialization of girls influences gender differentiation in personality chara cteristics and values”. For example, girls are often socialized to believe that when they become women, they should place other things ahead of their career advancement, such as home and family. Even if women do not hold these values as primary, they are often perceived as holding these values by the corporation; corporate managers do not promote people to positions of power who do not hold career as their main priority. To complicate this situation, women who do not hold these “traditionally feminine realm” sacred, as society deems they should, may be harshly judged by PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI this “failure of feminity”. Women are still, to certain extent, expected to value children and taking care of the home and family as a priority; women who deviate from this convention are often viewed with judgement. Regarding to those problems, feminism theory reveal the truth that men and women should be equal politically, economically, and socially. Similarly, Caroline Mooser states that the empowerment approach, which recognizes the triple role of women in the family, economic production and the community, and recommends challenging the social structure and oppresive situation women have to suffer. Women have to increase their power not in terms of domination over others, but in terms of gains over their self-esteem and internal force. This means women have the right to decide about their own life and to influence social change, through their ability to gain control over crucial natural and cultural resources Moser 1992:49. Palestinian women in this novel, especially the daughters, has represented the feminist movement. Their thoughts and views, the job opportunity they got and politic organization they joined are the results of the education background that they experienced. Stromquist said in The practical and the theoretical bases for empowerment that cognitive, psychological and political are part of empowerment’s components. These components are related to the understanding of women’s condition of subordination cognitive; the development of feelings that women can act upon to improve their conditions psychological; the ability to organize and mobilize for social changes political. 1993:50 This can be related