Technique of Collecting Data

of the action research were used to collect the data through the participants’ comments who were involved in the process of doing action research. The interview was about students’ background knowledge, the needs of reading skills, the problems of reading, and the way of solving the problems, the use of technology. Table. 3.2. The Blueprint of Students Reflection Interview Concept Construct Data gathering instruments Reading competence Students’ reading competence in conveying meaning from the text Students have low reading competence. The needs of reading The importance of reading competence reading competence is important for students in their study and future Learning process in classroom The problems of reading in conveying meaning Some problem which faced by students in conveying meaning of reading text. The way of solving the problems The reading skills which need to consider in comprehending the reading text The use of CALL in reading The benefit of CALL in learning reading There several benefit of CALL which used to improve students’ reading skills. The interview was also conducted after the cycle, the students were asked to give feedbacks of what they had done using the cycle. The result of interview was important because the results of the interview were used to reflect the cycle and they were used to decide the next plan of the cycle. Table 3.3 The Blueprint of Students’ Feedback to the Techniques No Research Question Category Interview Questions 1 1. How is teaching learning process in Background experience • Can you tell how do you fell in practicing reading before using Research Question Category Interview Questions Mechanical Engineering study program conducted using CALL? • CALL? • Is there any difference practice reading before and after using CALL? Learning process • What do you think about practicing reading exercise using Jcross feature in guessing the meaning of unknown words • What do you think about practicing reading exercise using Jquiz feature in stating mean ideas, drawing conclusion, summarizing, skimming, and scanning in mechanical passage? • What do you think about practicing reading exercise using Jcloze in filling the blank in mechanical passage? • What do you think about practicing Jmatch in reviewing mechanical passage using your background knowledge? • What kinds of exercise feature do you like the most? Why? • what dou you think using Hot potatoes as pre- reading or while reading or post reading? • How do you like Hot Potatoes? explain • What are your difficulties when Table 3.3. Blueprint of Students’ Feedback to the Techniques continued. In the observation, the researcher collected information about the context and the students’ needs. The result of the observation was evaluated and reflected with the students to improve the learning process better in the next activities. Besides, the result of the observation was crucial resources to design the kind of activities, the material, needed by the students while doing reading practice. The tests were used to measure the students` achievements on the lesson. The pre-test which was conducted before the cycles was carried out to know the students prior knowledge on reading. After the pre test, reviews were conducted at the end of every cycle to measure the students` achievement upon the lesson being present through cycle. The tests which were used in this study were the test before the cycle and the test of every cycle. The pre-test was used in the preliminary study to find out information dealing with the students’ competence. To obtain data about the students’ progress in learning reading after the strategy applied, the researcher conducted an evaluation by administering a test after students had done the cycle. The scores were operating Jcloze, Jmatch, Jquiz, Jcross features in Hot Potatoes? Intention • What do you expect to get at the present and future practicing reading using Hot potatoes? Table 3.3 The Blueprint of Students’ Feedback to the Techniques continued. used to see whether there were any the improvement or not. The students individually did the test at the end of each cycle.

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

The four different types of research instruments resulted in different data analysis process. These data are valuable for the researcher to analyze to answer the research questions. After all data are collected, the researcher analyzed the data.

1. Qualitative Data

In this research, the process of analyzing data uses some components. They were reducing of data, presenting data, and conclusion or verification. It also supported by Burn, she mentions that analyzing qualitative data, there are three steps. Those processes are reducing data, presenting data and conclusion. According to Best and Kahn 2006 there are some steps in analyzing qualitative data: organizing, describing, and interpreting. In the first stage, the gathered data were grouped or coded based on certain categories. After they were put in categories, in the second stage, each data category was described and explained. The last stage was interpretation. The data which has been categorized and described then were interpreted based on the research questions of the study.

2. Quantitative Data

There were two kinds of quantitative data. They were data from the need analysis questionnaire and data from the test. In analyzing the need analysis, there were several steps to be done. The first was recapitalizing the data into table then used a likert 5-scale. According to Best Kahn 2006 each of the five responses in likert scale assigns a scale value: Strongly disagree = 1; disagree = 2; undecided = 3; agree = 4; and strongly agree = 5. It was used to collect students need analysis of reading competence. Table.3.4.Template of Descriptive Statistic of Need Analysis Questionnaire result No Statements Point of agreement N Mean Mn 5 4 3 2 1 After the data were recapitulated in a table, the next step was calculating the mean. The mean which were calculated than interpreted based on some criteria. For reading competence, If the value was between 1.00-1.99, it means that most of the respondents were strongly disagree with the statements, and indicates that the reading really need to be improved If it was 2.00-2.99 means that most of the respondents disagree with the statements, it indicated reading need to be improved. 3.00-3.99 means they were agree about the statement. It can be inferred that the reading does not need to be improved. If it was 4.00-5.00 means that most of the respondents agree with the statements and it shows that the reading really is not improved. For the need of reading skill and the use of technology for reading practice, the mean which were interpreted based on some criteria as follows. If the value was between 1.00-1.99, it means that most of the respondents were strongly disagree with the statements, and indicates that the reading is not important to be improved. If it was 2.00-2.99 means that most of the respondents disagree with the statements, it indicated reading is not need to be improved because it is not important enough. 3.00- 3.99 means they were agree about the statement. It can be inferred that the reading is rather important to be improved. If it was 4.00-5.00 means that most of the respondents agree with the statements and it shows that the reading is important to be improved. On the other hands, a quantitative data was also taken from the test score of each cycle. The data were analyzed by comparing the mean scores of the pre test, cycle I rest, cycle II test and Cycle III test. In analyzing the data in the form of number as the result of the test, each activity was scored and the improvement was seen from the mean of every activity which was done. The test score in every cycle was compared to measure the students’ achievement. The mean scores every test can be calculated with the formula: M = mean ∑x = number of students score n = number of respond To know the students improvement percentage in every cycle, the formula is used as follows. P in fist cycle = x 100 P in second cycle = x 100 P in third cycle = x 100 Where: P = Percentage of students’ improvement Y = Pre test Y 1 = Cycle 1 test result Y 2 = Cycle III test result Y 3 = Cycle III test result

G. Triangulation

Triangulation is one of the most commonly used ways of checking for validity. The aim of triangulation is to gather multiple perspectives on the situations being studied. According to Cohen, Manion and Morrison 2007, triangulation is defined as the use of multiple data collection methods in the study of some aspect of human behavior to provide corroboration evidence. Merriam 1984 in Creswell, 2002 says that triangulation or multiple methods of data collection and analysis will be used, which strengthens as well as internal validity. Meanwhile, Slake 1994 in Holliday, 2002 says that triangulation is normally thought of as increasing the validity of qualitative research by getting and comparing multiple perceptions of the same phenomena. This can be done by establishing relationship between several types of data collected from various resources. In the action research, the researcher conducted the triangulation by involving the findings from the result of qualitative data in the form of result interview of students’ reflection every cycle and the quantitative data from the students’ works from the result of the pre-test to the third cycle and from the result of questionnaire data. I also checked the findings from all participants who were involved in the research. In presenting the data of the interview, the researcher used coding. It was used to make the researcher easier to categorize some aspects that were going to be analyzed. The way of presenting the interview data was described as shown in the table below. Table. 3.5. The Way of Presenting Data Interview Code Explanation [] Transcript of Need Analysis Interview 1 [ tri.1.hand] Transcript of Reflection Interview 1_1Handy [tri.2.Hand] Transcript of Reflection Interview 2_2Handy [tri.3. Hand] Transcript of Reflection Interview 3_3Handy [ tri.1.Esti] Transcript of Reflection Interview 1_1Esti [tri.2.Esti] Transcript of Reflection Interview 2_2Esti [tri.3.Esti] Transcript of Reflection Interview 3_3Esti [ tri.1.Aji] Transcript of Reflection Interview 1_1Aji [tri.2.Aji] Transcript of Reflection Interview 2_2Aji [tri.3.Aji] Transcript of Reflection Interview 3_3Aji [ tri.1.Sans] Transcript of Reflection Interview 1_1Sansan [tri.2.Sans] Transcript of Reflection Interview 2_2Sansan [tri.3.Sans] Transcript of Reflection Interview 3_3Sansan [tri.1.] Transcript of Reflection interview 1 _ all students [tri.2.] Transcript of Reflection interview 2 _ all students [tri.3.] Transcript of Reflection interview 3 _ all students