The Problem of the Study The Objectives of the study

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the above conclusions, the following suggestion are given as follow: 1. It is suggested that other researchers of pragmatics should develop the theory of speech acts in communicative events in school contexts by introducing it to the students so that they will be interested to conduct a research related to the field. 2. The use of speech acts will influence the successful of communication in school contexts. So, it is suggested to the school board, headmaster and teachers have to use appropriate speech acts in order that the hearers understand easily the utterance spoken by the speakers. Further research need to be conducted in other school context to compare the use of speech acts used by school board, headmaster and teachers to enrich speech acts theory. REFERENCES Afgari .A. 2011, Effects of Culture and Gender in Comprehension of Speech Acts of Indirect Request,Journal English Language Teaching Vol. 4, No. 4; December 2011Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran. Arif.M.R. 2012.Speech Acts used in courtroomText in Langsa.Journal College of Basic Education ResearcersVol. 10, No. 1, pp. 528-552. Austin.J.L . 1962. How to do Things with Words.Clerandon, Oxford, UK. Bach.B. Harnish.R.M 2000.Linguistic Communication andSpeech Acts.Massachusetts, and London, England:The MIT Press Cambridge. Bascia.N. 2014. The School Context Model, Canada : The University of Toronto. Barker.S.J. 2004.Renewing Meaning.A speech –Act Theoritic Approach.Oxford : Clarendon Press. Bodgan. R. And Biklen, S. 1992. Qualitative research for education 2nd ed. Boston : Allan and Bacon. Buck. R and Vanlear C. Arthur. 2002. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication: Distinguishing Symbolic, Spontaneous, and Pseudo-Spontaneous Nonverbal Behavior. Journal of Communication. 15, 522-528. Retrieved November12, 2012 Carbaugh. D. 2007. Etnhnography of Communication. London : The Blckwell Publishing. Denzin. N. K. Lincoln, Y. S. 1994. Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousands Oaks:Sage Publication. Haverkate. H. 1990 . Speech acts, Hearers and Speakers. Reference and Referential Strategies in Spanish.Holland:University of Amsterdam . Hurford. J. RHeasley. B. 1993.Semantic a course book, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kasper. G. 1990. ‘Linguistic Politeness: Current Research Issues’, Journal of Pragmatics. 14, 193-218. Retrieved November 12, 2012 Kissine. M. 2013.From Utterances to Speech acts,Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Leongkamchorn.S. 2011. Speech Act Analysis of British and American poetry, Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok Leech. G.N. 1983.Principles of Pragmatics. London: Longman.