Doble klik button Exit, lalu ketik program berikut.

procedure TFormMorpologi.btMorpologiClickSender: TObject; var Mtrx:TMatrixFilter; nRow,nCol,r,c:integer; begin Image2.Visible := True; Image2.Picture.Graphic := Image1.Picture.Graphic; begin nRow:=16; nCol:=16; nRow:=8; nCol:=8; coba coba for c:=1 to nCol do for r:=1 to nRow do Mtrx[r,c]:=1; ImgFilterMorphology Image2,Mtrx,nCol,nRow,2,ProgressBar1; ImgFilterMorphology Image2,Mtrx,nCol,nRow,1,ProgressBar1; end; end; procedure TFormMorpologi.btExitClickSender: TObject; begin FormMorpologi.Close; end; end. unit UnitImageProses; interface uses WINPROCS, Graphics, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Variants; type TFreqHist = array [0..255] of longint; TMatrixFilter = array [1..16,1..16] of real; function RgbToGray Clr:TColor : byte; function ImgGetGray var Image:TImage; x,y:integer : byte; procedure ImgConvertToGrayscale var Image1:TImage; var ProgressBar1: TProgressBar; procedure ImgFilterMorphology var Image:TImage; Mtrx:TMatrixFilter; nCol,nRow,MaxMin:byte; var ProgressBar1: TProgressBar; implementation const PercentR = 0.299; PercentG = 0.587; PercentB = 0.114; function ByteRange r:double : byte; begin if r0 then ByteRange:=0 else if r255 then ByteRange:=255 else ByteRange:=Roundr; end; function RgbToGray Clr:TColor : byte; var r,g,b:byte; begin r := GetRValueClr; g := GetGValueClr; b := GetBValueClr; RgbToGray := ByteRange rPercentR + gPercentG + bPercentB; end; function ImgGetGray var Image:TImage; x,y:integer : byte; begin Result := RgbToGray Image.Canvas.Pixels[x,y]; end; procedure ImgConvertToGrayscale var Image1:TImage; var ProgressBar1: TProgressBar; var x,y:integer; ClrGray:byte; begin ProgressBar1.Max := Image1.Width-1; ProgressBar1.Position := 0; for x:=0 to Image1.Width-1 do begin for y:=0 to Image1.Height-1 do begin ClrGray := ImgGetGray Image1,x,y; Image1.Canvas.Pixels[x,y] := RGB ClrGray,ClrGray,ClrGray; end; Image1.Repaint; ProgressBar1.Position := x; end; end; MaxMin=1 : dilasi+ MaxMin=2 : erosi- procedure ImgFilterMorphology var Image:TImage; Mtrx:TMatrixFilter; nCol,nRow,MaxMin:byte; var ProgressBar1: TProgressBar; var dx,dy:byte; ImgTemp:TImage;