Hubungan Pola Makanan Ternak dan Metoda Produksi Ranch Sapi Potong

Bul. Mater (1987). 7. (2) 26-35


Dr Bedjo Soewardi
Jurusan Ilmu Nutrisi dun Makanan Ternak
Fakultas Petemkan PI3

ABSTRACT. The existence of a a r t a i n beef cattle production W.tern i s fntluenmd by tbe physical
as well as wcioeconomic factors. One of the strong dctelaioants is the feed pattamof the specific


area. which includes both feed potential (high, medium, low) and tbeh quality
medium, how).
Hence, there are 9 combinations =hi& each b suitable to a certain production system (fatteniug,
r e h g and breeding. and cow and calf syutem).
Three mod distinct production wstemu are nvceh (i) Pattern 1 u fattening aenter. This
.sea is characterize by its high feed potential m d analtty ahieh L mostly area with dry land mops

es the mrin mop& (u) Pattem 11 L heedhe center. Such an area has moderate feed p o t e ~
tid but of hi& quality. G r a s d a d improvement is technically mad mdoeconorPiedly feuible, 8nd
is hd4fkd. (tii) breder cattle a n t e s .
supplemental feefor further hp-ment
Availability of hne m a of e n d a n d of e p p a .nd rvw type. Through a Im coat production ws
tern, ro grasdaud ismprowmtent L dope, much ur . r a e m carps* aith other e a s in the production
of feeder cattle. m r pattomaare mere flarsibh with could a c c o r d a t e both extractive metbod of
production (fattening .nd growhg) and productive method (feeder cattle pnd bleeding stock prodvction ).


Berbagai faktor mernpengsuuh perkembangan peternakan. Fenomena itu dapat
dilmbvykan dengyl persawan :
T = f @,s,e), d h a n a
T = p~k~mbangan
peternakikm, p = fiktor pmk, s = &tor Pssid d m c = fakhr ekonomi.
Faktor fioik termrruk kezQaon tanah, ikb, sumber mPkzaen t&
dan scbam a . Frktor sodd meliputi k e t r r n p h dim pengetahurn pendud& scrta sikap hi.
dupnya, sedvlgkan faktor ekonomi temasuk harga temak, keadaan prasarana, harga

input dan sebagainya.
Besarnya peranan tiap-tiap faktor tadi tidak sama untuk tiap lokasi, tiap daerah
atau tiap wilayah. Keadaan yang paling baik ialah apabila faktor-faktor tadi mendukung baik perkernbangan petemakan. Kemampuan merubah faktor pisik poda umum-