Handling a 12-Year-Old Girl Who Was Dependent Too Much on Me as Her Homeroom Teacher at Grade 6 at Equal Bright School.

Dalam tugas akhir ini saya menganalisis masalah yang saya hadapi ketika
melakukan kegiatan magang di Equal Bright School Bandung. Masalah tersebut
adalah seorang siswi berusia 12 tahun yang duduk di bangku kelas enam yang
bergantung kepada saya sebagai wali kelas nya.
Saya menganalisis penyebab-penyebab siswi tersebut selalu bergantung
kepada saya. Penyebab yang pertama adalah siswi tersebut memiliki masalah
dalam hal kepercayaan diri. Penyebab yang kedua adalah siswi tersebut kesulitan
bergaul dengan teman satu sekolah nya karena pengalaman dia di sekolah
sebelumnya. Penyebab yang ketiga adalah siswi ini seringkali bertanya tentang
banyak pertanyaan yang selalu saya jawab.
Ada tiga pilihan solusi yang dapat saya pergunakan untuk mengatasi
masalah ketergantungan siswi tersebut kepada saya. Solusi yang pertama adalah
saya akan memotivasi dia untuk percaya pada dirinya sendiri. Solusi yang kedua
adalah saya akan meminta siswi tersebut untuk bekerja dalam grup dengan rekan
sekelasnya untuk belajar bersama. Solusi yang ketiga adalah saya akan membatasi
pertanyaan yang dia akan berikan, setiap harinya saya hanya akan mengijinkan dia
untuk bertanya 3 pertanyaan kepada saya per hari dan setelah itu saya tidak akan
memberikan kesempatan lagi. Solusi yang terbaik adalah saya akan
menggabungkan ketiga solusi tersebut. Saya yakin ketika saya menggabungkan
ketiga solusi tersebut, saya akan berhasil menangani masalah ketergantungan

siswi tersebut kepada saya secara efektif.


Maranatha Christian University

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... i
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ............................................................ ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS .......................................................... 6

CHAPTER III. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS ................................................... 10
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION ...................................................................... 15


Maranatha Christian University


A. Background of the Study
From 18th July to 12th August 2016 I did my internship at Equal Bright School
which is located on Setiabudhi 20 Bandung. My position at Equal Bright School was
as a classroom assistant, a children supervisor and a homeroom teacher. Basically, as

a children supervisor, my duties were to observe the children activity, while as a
classroom assistant my main duty was to manage the classroom. I also became the
homeroom teacher for 6th grade students. As a homeroom teacher, my job were to
remind the students if there were a test or homework or group project, assign the
classroom leader, manage the seating arrangement, and handle the printing of
student’s works. There were eight pupils at 6th grade, five of them were Koreans, and
three of them were Indonesians and my student who was dependent too much on me
was an Indonesian student.
When doing, my internship I faced a problem. The problem is there was a

12 -

year-old girl who was too dependent on me as her homeroom teacher at Equal Bright
School. In my journal on 26th July 2016 it is stated that Grace demanded so much


Maranatha Christian University

attention from me as her homeroom teacher. Also, there was one situation when this

girl demanded extra attention and so many times she interrupted me by calling my
name and throwing many questions. Based on my teaching experience that was not
always recorded on internship journal, Grace several time interrupted me not only by
calling my name but also she wanted me to be on her side while she was doing her
tasks. On my journal on 26th July 2016 I observed that Grace was asking questions
that were actually not related to the subject, such as her hobbies during free time, her
favorite movies, and her favorite cartoon characters.
I think this topic is important to be explained, because I think as a teacher I need
to know how to handle a dependent student while teaching elementary school
students. As stated by Linsin (2015) that,
The level of dependency in your classroom is directly related to how you
respond to it. This is a key issue, because if left unchecked, a culture of
neediness will infiltrate everything you do. It will affect every lesson, every
activity, and every routine. It will make your life infinitely more difficult and
stressful and cause you to be a less effective teacher (para. 5).
When dealing with a dependent student, the teacher should fix this kind of problem as
soon as possible. If the teacher ignores the situation, this problem can be more
difficult and stressful and the teacher be a less effective teacher. Therefore, I would
like to analyze the causes and effects of the problem and find the best solution.


Maranatha Christian University

B. Identification of the Problem
The research questions are as follow:
1. Why was the 12-year-old girl at grade 6 at Equal Bright School dependent
too much on me as her homeroom teacher?
2. How did the problem influence me and the girl?
3. How should I solve the problem effectively?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
This Term Paper has three objective and three benefits. The objectives are to
discuss the causes, the effects, and find out the best solutions of the problem. The
first benefit is for the teachers at Equal Bright School, they will know how to
handle the dependent students. The second benefit is for the readers, to make them
understand about dependent children and know how to deal with this type of
children. The third, I will get more information about how to make students
become more independent learners.

D. Description of the Institution
Based on Equal Bright brochures (2015) Equal Bright School which belongs
to Bina Anak Kebanggaan Bangsa Foundation, was established in August 2010.
Located on Jalan Setiabudhi 20, Equal Bright School is an institution which
executes education under a system which is based on the national curriculum and
International Primary Curriculum (IPC). Equal Bright is also an educational
institution which offers a method which accommodates student’s multiple
intelligences. It is expected that the students will be able to maximize their real


Maranatha Christian University

potentials. As quoted in Equal Bright School’s official website (2012-2013), “the
vision of this school is to provide an exceptional learning environment where
students are able to recognize and achieve their fullest potential so that they can
contribute in building a better society”. The mission of Equal Bright School is “A
place of excellence that provides a balance of academic rigor (knowledge) and the
teaching of life skills (values). The school strives to partner with parents in
empowering and inspiring learners to achieve their fullest potential in a fun and

nurturing environment” (2012-2013).

E. Method of the Study
This Term Paper contains data taken from Library research or electronic
sources, and printed source. I also use observation, internship journal and
electronic sources. The internship was from 18th July until 12th August 2016. The
data are used for analyzing the causes, effects, and finding the best solution.

F. Limitation of the Study
This study only focuses on handling a 12-year-old girl who was dependent too
much on me as her homeroom teacher at Equal Bright School. The subject of
research is I, as the homeroom teacher of 6th grade class, and Grace (Indonesian
student), the 12 year old girl at Equal Bright School. The period of the internship
was from 18th July-12th August 2016. Therefore, this study will not discuss other
things which are not related to this problem and limited the discussion on finding
the best solution for the problem during my internship.


Maranatha Christian University

G. Organization of the Term Paper
This Term Paper starts with the Abstract, Declaration of Originality,
Acknowledgements, and Table of Contents. The first chapter consists of
Background of the Study, Identification of the Problem, Objectives and Benefits
of the Study, Description of the Institution, Method of the Study, Limitation of the
Study, and Organization of the Term Paper. Chapter II consist of Problem
Analysis. Chapter III consist of Potential Solution. Chapter IV is the Conclusion.
The last part is the References which contain the list of references used for
analyzing the data. And Appendices which contains Flowchart, Internship Journal,
and School Brochure.


Maranatha Christian University


In this chapter, I would like to discuss the best solution for handling a 12year-old girl who was dependent too much on me as her homeroom teacher at

Equal Bright School. I found that there are three causes of my problem. The first
cause is the student had trouble in trusting herself. The second cause is the student
were afraid to make friends with others because she was bullied by her friends in
her former school. The third cause is the girl often kept throwing a lot of question
to me which I always responded.
There are also three effects of the problem. First, the student demanded
much of my attention that I had little time for other students. Second, it took so
much time for her to finish her work. Third, the student had very few
opportunities to develop her social skills with her peers. I also find three potential
solutions to solve my problem. First, I will encourage the student to trust her ownjudgments. Second, I will ask the student to do pair work with her classroom
buddy to study together. Third, I will only allow her to ask three questions per day
and I will not respond if she asks for more questions.
For the best potential solution, I will combine three potential solution.
When I only choose first potential solution I will only fix the girl’s problem in


Maranatha Christian University

trusting herself but the girl’s socialization process will not happen. When I only

choose second potential solution I will only fix the girl’s problem in making
friends but will not fix the girl’s problem in trusting herself. When I only choose
third potential solution I will only fix the dependency on herself and not fix the
girl’s problem in making friends. That is why I choose to combine both of three
potential solution that I feel will fix the girl’s problem effectively.
To sum up, I would like to suggest that when teacher applying the three
solutions, my suggestion the teacher must be patient and caring in dependent
student. When teacher can handle dependent students in the right way they will be
successful in handling them.


Maranatha Christian University


Maranatha Christian University


A term paper
submitted to DIII Programme for English
at Maranatha Christian University


DIII Programme for English
Faculty of Letters
Maranatha Christian University

Firstly I would like to express my gratitude to Jesus Christ who always gives me strength
and blessings during the writing of this Term-Paper. Without His guidance and help this TermPaper would not have been possible. I also would like to say thank you to Mrs. Lewinna C.
Aguskin as my supervisor, whose expertise, understanding, guidance, always give me motivation
and support so as to make it possible for me to work on a topic that was of great interest to me. It
was a pleasure working with her. I am thankful to Equal Bright School especially Mrs. Merry
Ellen, as the school principal, for give me a chance to do my internship and to all of the teachers
who have taught me how to be a good teacher. I am also grateful to my parents who always give
me motivation, and all of my friends at Maranatha Christian University for their encouragement
and moral support and believe in me that I can finish this Term-Paper. Above all, I would like to
say thank you and give my honor to those who I cannot say one by one, for all the support,
motivation, and prayer. Once again, thank you very much.

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School of Multiple Intelligences EqualBright. (2010-2013). Vission and mission.
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