Register Number: 102108001



Submitted to Institute of Teacher Training and Education of Gunungsitoli in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Register Number: 102108001




Telaumbanua, Ade Putri, 2016, Increasing the Students’ Ability in Speaking Skillby using Liar Game at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho . Thesis’ advisors (1) Adieli Laoli, S.Pd., M.Pd and (2) Yasminar A. Telaumbanua, M.Pd

Key word : Speaking, Liar Game.

Speaking is an activity of people to put ideas into words. Through speaking, the students can share personal experience through direct participation in giving and taking conversation and discussion. So, the students can express the ideas, thoughts, opinions, information, and feelings to others. In fact, there were some problems in studying speaking such as the lack of students’ training to pronounce English frequently, the lack of students’ ability in mastering grammar and vocabularies so that they sometimes misunderstood each other, the strategy used by the teacher in teaching English especially in speaking skill was very uninteresting, the teacher did not give the opportunity for the students to practice their speaking, the students did not get fun that could motivate themselves to practice their speaking.

The purpose of this research is to increase the students ability in speaking skill. In increasing the students’ ability in speaking skill, the researcher uses Liar Game. To achieve the purpose, the researcher conducted Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subject of the research was SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho at the eighth grade. In doing the research, there were two cycles had done by the researcher. Each cycle consist of two meetings.

From the result of each Cycle, the researcher found that the students got an increasing in their speaking by using Liar Game. The increasing looked in the second meeting of Cycle I to the second meeting of Cycle II; the students’ active was 90,90% and students’ less active was 9,09%. The average of the students’ mark is 54,84. Then in the second meeting of Cycle II the students’ active was 96,96% and less active 3,03%. The average of the students’ mark is 72,81. The researcher stop this research in Cycle II because the students’ ability achieved Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) was 60.

Based on the result of each cycle, the researcher concluded that Liar Game can be done in teaching speaking and can increase the students’ ability in speaking skill. From the research, the researcher has some suggestions such as (a) the English teacher suggested to apply Liar Game as in teaching their students in speaking skill, because it makes the students actively in learning English; (b) the English teacher should always increase their qualification to get confident in teaching.


Praise the Lord! Because His blessing, the researcher can finish this research. This research is made as the requirement for S-1 program at English Education Program in Institute of Teachers Training and Education of Gunungsitoli. Based on the requirement, the researcher makes a research entitled : “Increasing the Students’ Ability in Speaking Skill by using Liar Game at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho in 2015/2016.

For the beginning, the researcher had found some difficulties in doing this research. So, it made me almost give up but because of who helped her, this research had done. So, she wants to thankyou to :

1. Drs. Henoki Waruwu, M.Pd., as rektor IKIP Gunungsitolifor his supports to her of IKIP Gunungsitoli in finishing my study.

2. Mr. Adieli Laoli, M.Pd., as the Dean of Faculty Languages and Arts, and also as the first advisor for his opinions, advices, patients to her in finishing this research.

3. Miss Yasminar A. Telaumbanua, M.Pd., as the Chair of English Education Program and also as the second advisor for guiding her, giving her opinions, patients, advices in doing this thesis.

4. Mr. Afore Tahir Harefa, S.Pd., M.Hum., as secretary of English Education

Program for helping her in preparing the letters required during this research.

5. Mr. Elwin Piarawan Zebua, M.Pd as the examiner of education, thankyou for suggestions, opinions, and advices in finishing this thesis.

6. Mr. Kristof M. Telaumbanua, S.S., M.Pd., as the examiner of study, thankyou for suggestions, opinions, and advices in finishing this thesis.

7. Mr. Ellyanus, M.Pd., as the examiner of Research method, thankyou for suggestions, opinions, and advices in finishing this thesis.

8. The entire lecturers of English education program for lecturing and sharing your knowledge to me.

9. Her beloved family, her father, Faigimboro Telaumbanua (Alm) and her mother, Meryati Zebua (Alm), her beloved sister Ikrar Cahyani Telaumbanua, her brothers Yudisman Zebua, Damaris Telaumbanua, her sister Desta Yanti Zai, her brothers Desman Telaumbanua, Silvester Gea, and her sister Tris Erna Telaumbanua and also her beloved Syukur Damai Mendrofa who always understand me in all her condition. You had given to her all of the things that she needed in material way. She love you all! May God bless you!

10. All of her friends of English education program for supporting and accompanying me during this research. Especially for class B. They are Masnilam Bate’e, Indri Yanti Larosa, Gunung Berial Hondro, Meswan Zega, Marianus Zendrato, Juris Rahyu Zendrato and the other friends and more especially for her beloved sister Sri Agus Yani Gea.

11. The head of Balai Penelitian, Mrs. Dra. Nursayani Maru’ao, M.Pd and staff of administration.

12. The head of Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Nias, Mr. Syukur Arman Mendrofa, S.Ip., who allowed her to do the research at the SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho.

13. The headmaster of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho, Mr. Temasokhi Telaumbanua, S.Pd and Mrs. Lindawati Zendrato, S.Pd., as teacher collaborator who allowed her to do this research and the students of the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho for your cooperation in teaching-learning speaking by using Liar Game. The researcher hopes you to do the best in speaking.

14. And the last but non least to all of the people who enlighten her way in many ways, you may not know how about it, but she learned lots from you all.

Gunungsitoli, December 2016 Researcher,

Ade Putri Telaumbanua Register Number 102108001



1. The Procedures of Applying Liar Game in Speaking Skill .........................


2. The Procedures of Implementing the Action of the Research ......................



1. The Researcher’ Activities in the Second Meeting of Cycle I................


2. The Students’ Activities in the Second Meeting of Cycle I....................


3. The Researcher’ Activities in the Second Meeting of Cycle II ..............


4. The Students’ Activities in the Second Meeting of Cycle II ..................


1. Syllabus

2. Lesson Plan

3. Material

4. Table of Specification

5. The Test Instrument Validation

6. Evaluation Sheet

7. Key Answers

8. The Observation Sheet of Researcher

9. The Observation Sheet of Students

10. Field Notes

11. Present List

12. The Students’ Ability in Speaking by Using Liar Game

13. Documentation.


A. The Background of the Problem Speaking is an activity of people to put ideas into words. As Urdang

(1969:115) says, “Speaking is the act, utterance or discourse of a person who speaks”. Based on the statement above it is known that speaking is one of the most important skills for anyone to be competent in language, she or he can scrutinize, read, write and express her or his idea and feeling when communicating whit others.

Through speaking, the students can share personal experience through direct participation in giving and taking conversation and discussion. The students learn to express their ideas in real time. The students soon discover that if they want to influence their peers, the students must speak clearly and accurately. According to Nunan (2001:29), “Speaking is the way of presenting information to tell a story, describing something, giving a set of instruction, making a comparison and those that are evaluating, giving explanation, making a justification, predicting, coming to decisions, and making interview”. It can be said that by speaking the students are able to receive information, deliver messages, and produce utterance and so on.

Chaney (1998:3) says, “Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols in a variety of contexts.” It means that speaking is a way to express something by using language accurately in

Furthermore, Speaking can be a way of developing students’ ability in making communication. As Mulgrave (1954:3) says, “Speaking is not only to say the words but is instrument to express our opinion to other people.” It means that speaking is a tool for the students and people to express opinions, ideas, and feelings to others everywhere, anytime, and for everybody as long as we are in a social environment.

In syllabus, speaking as one of those four skills which is studied based on the curriculum KTSP of junior high school. the competence standard hopes the students are able to pronounce the meaning of short transactional and interpersonal conversation in short and simple oral to interact with their sorroundings. The basic competence hopes the students to be able to understand the meaning of transactional and interpersonal (to get things done)by using oral language accurately and acceptable in the environment around which involves greeting: complaining, giving suggestion, asking someone feeling, symphathy, hope, and asking the health of someone, while the indicators of this basic competence are, as follows; pronouncing the oral text in giving suggestion, comprehending the meaning of oral text, and pronouncing the words. In order the hopes above can be achieved, the teacher must teach the students in mastering speaking well and the students must learnt hard. The MCC (Minimum Competence Criterion) at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho is 60 scores. When the students are not able to reach it, they are categorized as unsuccessful students.

Based on the researcher’s observation at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho, basically the students are not able to speak English in simple short oral

The situation above is caused by some problems, such as; the lack of students’ training to pronounce English frequently, the lack of students’ ability in mastering grammar and vocabularies so that they sometimes misunderstand each other, the strategy used by the teacher in teaching English especially in speaking skill was very uninteresting, the teacher did not give the opportunity for the students to practice their speaking, the students did not get fun that could motivate themselves to practice their speaking. In this case, for each meeting the teacher used Convensional Strategy in teaching and learning process. According to Reostiyah (1998:78), “The Conventional Strategy is a traditional strategy and it had been long time ago underwent by the teacher in the teacher story in from of speech strategy”. Conventional strategy is defined as the oldest teaching method in which the teacher has full responsibility for presenting facts and principles orally. In this strategy, the teacher is more active and the students are passive. The teacher gives and reads the material while the students just listen to the teacher’s explanation without saying anything. After that, the teacher gives some explanation based on the material and asks to do exercises. So, the students get bored during the teaching and learning process and they were uninterested to learn English. Conventional strategy is not appropiate to be applied in recent time because it is a part of teacher-centered technique, so it is unable to improve the students’ ability in speaking skill.

Regarding to the explanation above, the researcher is interested to use another method to solve the problem that is being undergone by the students in studying in the classroom. There are some strategy/method/techniques that can be used by the

Horner (2007:31) says, ”Liar Game is a short and interesting game which one of the students’ in the group tells a lie.”

It can be said that Liar Game is an interesting game which there is a student will tell a lie when they do conversation in English and then other students will find the lier. So, this game make the students are not boring during teaching and learning process.

Regarding to the explanation above, the researcher is interested to conduct a research by proposing a title “Increasing the Students’ Ability in Speaking Skill by Using Liar Game at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho in 2015/2016”.

B. The Identification of the Problems The identification of problems as follows:

1) The lack of students’ training to pronounce English frequently.

2) The lack of students’ ability in mastering grammar and vocabularies so that they sometimes misunderstand each other.

3) The students did not get fun that could motivate themselves to practice their speaking.

4) The strategy used by the teacher in teaching English especially in speaking skill was very uninteresting.

C. The Limitation of the Problems Because the problems in this reseach are quite wide, the researcher wants to

limit the problem that is to increase the students’ ability in speaking skill by Using Liar Game especially in asking and giving opinion at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri

2 Hiliduho in 2015/2016.

D. The Formulation of the Research Based on the limitation of the problem above, the researcher wants to

formulate the problem as follows: “How does Liar Game increase the students’ ability in speaking skill especially in asking and giving opinion at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho in 2015/2016?.”

E. The Purpose of the Research The purposes of this research are:

1) To increase the students’ ability in speaking skill especially inasking and giving opinion by Liar Game.

2) To increasethe atmosphere of the teaching and learning process in teaching speaking.

F. The Significances of the Research The significances that can be taken from this research are as follows:

1) For researcher, as an experience to teach speaking in her teaching-learning

2) For the students, as a medium to help for them to solve their difficulties and weakness in speaking.

3) For English teachers, as an input to them to use the appropriate Strategy in teaching speaking to the students in the next time.

4) For the next researchers, as a comparative material to conduct the relevant research.

5) For the readers, as an information for them that Liar Game can be used in increasing the students’ ability in speaking skill.

G. The Assumptions of the Research In this research, the researcher has some assumptions as follows:

1) Speaking is one of the language skills that has to be mastered by the students in studying English .

2) Liar Game ia a way in achieving goals.

H. The Limitations of the Research In doing this research, the researcher give the limitation of the research as


1) The subject of this research is the students of the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho.

2) In this research, the researcher uses Classroom Action Research.

3) The researcher focuses herself on the students’ ability in Speaking skill by Using Liar Game.

I. The Key Terms Definition of the Research There are some the key terms definitions given by the researcher to avoid

misunderstanding in this research, such as:

1. Speaking skill is an ability to express the ideas into systematic verbal utterances that have meaning.

2. Liar Game is an excellent activity for the students to practice their speaking in the classroom. For example: one student will tell a lie when she/he speaks.


A. Theoretical Framework

1. Speaking

a. The Definition of Speaking

Speaking is an ability to produce sounds. According to Richard and Renandya (2001:201), “Speaking is used for many different purposes and each purpose involves different skills when we use casual conversation”. In other words speaking can be used to express opinions, describe things, complain about people, make polite request, and entertain people with jokes.

Furthermore, Morris and Novia (2002:20) say that speaking is as a tool of communication naturally among the members of the society to express thought and as

a form of social behavior. It can be said that speaking is as a tool of the human to make communication with other people. Celce (2001:103) says that speaking is an activity requiring the integration of many sub systems, seems as a central skills stressed at all second and foreign language pedagogy. It can be said that speaking holds an important skill in the English language.

In addition, Penny (2009:120) affirms, “Speaking is a form of communication that is arranged and developed based on the listener’s need”. In other words that speaking is as a tool of communication for human to convey ideas, thoughts and

In conclusion, speaking is the instrumental act between the speaker and listener to exchange ideas, feelings, opinions and information with others. So, speaking is a tool for the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho.

b. The Elements of Speaking According to Walberg (online), there are five the elements of speaking as


1) Speaker The process of communication begins with a speaker who wishes to communicate an idea or some ideas.

2) Topic (message) The second element in the communication process is message. The sender insures that the listeners attend to the message an understand it. The speaker must encode it in language that is both interesting and clear.

3) Channel Channel is as a medium that connects between the speaker and listener. Messages can be transmitted through hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching channels.

4) Listener Without the audience, communication does not take place. A listener turns words into ideas, trying to reconstruct the perception, feeling, and intention they are meant to grasp.

5) Listener’s Response In the final analysis, the success or failure of a communication is determine by audience respons.

Based on the elements above, the researcher concludes that success or failure of a communication of the students of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho is measured by whether or not those in the audience are informed, entertained, and persuade.

c. The Types of Activity in Speaking According to Clark and Eve (1977:224), speaking is divided into two types of

activity as follows:

1) Planning Speakers plan what they want to say based on how they want to change the mental state of their listeners.

2) Execution Speaker utters the segments, words, phrases, and sentences that make up the plan. How is speech planned and executed? In rough outline the process looks like this:

1) Discourse plans. The first step for speakers is to decide what kind of discourse they are participating in. Are they telling a story, conversing with other people, giving instructions, describing an event, or making a pledge? Each kind of discourse has a different structure, and they must plan their utterances to fit. Each utterance must contribute to the discourse by conveying the right message.

2) Sentence plans. Given the discourse and their intention to produce the sentence with the right message, speakers must select one that will do this. They must decide on the speech act, what to put as subject, and give new information, and what to subordinate to what. They must also decide how they want to convey their message: directly, by means of the literal meaning of sentence, or inderectly, by means of irony, understatement, or other indirect rhetorical devices.

3) Constituent plans. Once they have decide on the global characteristics of a sentence, they can begin planning its contituents. For this they must be pick the right words, phrases, or idioms to inhabit each contituent and put them in the right order. Although they may have planned the global form of a sentence, they normally select specific words also phrase by phrase.

4) Articulatory program. As specific words are chosen, they are formed into an “articulatory program” in a memory “buffer” capable of holding all the words of a planned constituents at once. It contains a representation of the actual phonetic segments, stresses, and intonation pattern that are to be executed at the next step.

5) Articulation.the final step is to execute the contents of the articulatory program. This is done by mechanism that add sequence and timing to the articulatory program, telling the articulatory muscles what they should do and when. This step results in audible sounds, the speech the speaker intens to produce.

Based on the type an activity in speaking above, the researcher concludes that speaking is done by planning and execution. In planning, the students plan what they want to say. It begins from descriding what the discourse they are participating in Based on the type an activity in speaking above, the researcher concludes that speaking is done by planning and execution. In planning, the students plan what they want to say. It begins from descriding what the discourse they are participating in

d. The Principles for Teaching Speaking According to Nunan (2003:54-56), there are five principles for teaching

speaking as follows:

1) Be aware of the differences between second language and foreign language context. It can be said that the teacher in teaching speaking a second language is different from teaching speaking as foreign language to the students. A second language (SL) context is one where the target language is the language of communication in the society, where as a foreign language (FL) context is one where the target language is not the language of communication in the society. So, the students have more knowledge about their second language than the foreign language so that it is easy for them in learning their second language than the foreign language.

2) Give the students practice with both fluency and accuracy. It can be said that in teaching speaking, the teacher gives a change for the students to practice with both fluency, and accuracy. Fluency is the extent to which speakers use the language quickly, and confidently, with few hesitations or unnatural pauses, false starts, word searchers, etcetera. Accuracy is the extent to 2) Give the students practice with both fluency and accuracy. It can be said that in teaching speaking, the teacher gives a change for the students to practice with both fluency, and accuracy. Fluency is the extent to which speakers use the language quickly, and confidently, with few hesitations or unnatural pauses, false starts, word searchers, etcetera. Accuracy is the extent to

3) Provide opportunities for the students to talk by using group work or pair work, and limiting teacher talk. It can be said that teaching speaking, the teacher limits to talk more and provides more opportunities for the students to practice their speaking ability through group or pair works.

4) Plan the speaking tasks that involve negotiation for meaning. It can be said that in teaching speaking, the teacher gives tasks to the students. By the task, the students can learn to undertand the meaning that is conveyed each other.

5) Design classroom activities that involve guidance and practice in both transactional and in transactional speaking. Regarding to the principles above, the researcher concludes that in teaching speaking, the teacher has to be able to design classroom activities included transactional and interactional speaking.

The principles for teaching speaking above will help the English teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho to design and conduct the teaching-learning process in the classroom effectively in order that the students in the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho have spirit to join teaching-learning process and their ability especially in speaking can be better.

e. The Purpose of Speaking According to Murcia (2000:2) the purpose of speaking is communication

efficiently. Learners should be able to make themselves understand, using their current proficiently to the fullest. They should try to avoid confusion in the message due to faulty pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary and to observe the social cultural rules applied in each communication situation. Yule (1983:21) also supports the opinion above. He says that the purpose of speaking is to establish and maintain social relations, and the transactional functions, which focuses on the exchange of information.

Regarding to the opinions above, the researcher concludes that the purpose of speaking is to communicates with other people to present information, to tell a story, describe something, give a set of instruction, make a comparison and those evaluations, give explanation, make a justification, prediction, come to a decision and make interview. It means that in speaking skill, the learners should be able to carry on an efficient communication with others in accordance with the situation in which the communication takes place.

f. The Technique of Evaluate Speaking In this research, the researcher uses an oral test. The test is used to test the

students’ ability in speaking specially in expression of asking and giving opinion. The researcher chooses the test because it is appropriate with the method that the researcher will apply in this action. In which, the students are hoped to share students’ ability in speaking specially in expression of asking and giving opinion. The researcher chooses the test because it is appropriate with the method that the researcher will apply in this action. In which, the students are hoped to share

1) Pronunciation frequently unintelligible.

2) Frequent gross errors and very heavy accent make understanding difficult, require frequent repetition.

3) “Foreign accent” requires concentrated listening and mispronunciation lead to occasional misunderstanding and apparent errors in grammar or vocabulary.

4) Marked “foreign accent” and occasional mispronunciations which do not interfere with understanding.

5) No conspicuous mispronunciations, but would not be take for a native speaker.

6) Native pronunciation, with no trace of “foreign accent.” Grammar

1) Grammar almost entirely inaccurate except in stock phrases.

2) Content errors showing control of very few major patterns and frequently preventing communication.

3) Frequent errors showing some major patterns uncontrolled and causing occasional irritation and misunderstanding

4) Occasional errors showing imperfect control of some patterns but no weakness that causes misunderstanding.

5) Few errors, with no patterns of failure.

6) No more than two errors during the interview. Vocabulary

1) Vocabularies inadequate for even the simplest conversation.

2) Vocabulary limited to basic personal and survival areas (time, food, transportation, family, and etcetera).

3) Choice of words sometimes inaccurate, limitations of vocabulary prevent discussion some common professional and social topics.

4) Professional vocabulary adequate to discuss special interest, general vocabulary permits discussion of any non-technical subject with some circumlocutions.

5) Professional vocabulary broad and precise, general vocabulary adequate to cope with complex practical problems and varied social situations.

6) Vocabulary apparently as accurate and extensive as that of an educated native speaker.


1) Speech is so halting and fragmentary that conversation is virtually impossible.

2) Speech is very slow and uneven expect for short or routine sentences.

3) Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky, sentences may be left uncompleted.

4) Speech is occasionally hesitant, with some unevenness caused by rephrasing and grouping of words.

5) Speech is effortless and so smooth, but perceptibly non-native in speech and evenness.

6) Speech on all professional and general topics as effortless and smooth as a native


1) Understands to little for the simplest type of conversation.

2) Understands only slowly, very simple speech on common social and aoristic topics requires constant repetition and rephrasing.

3) Understands careful, somewhat simplified speech when engaged in a dialogue, but may require considerable repetitions and rephrasing.

4) Understands quite normal well educated speech when engaged in a dialogue, but requires occasional repetition or rephrasing.

5) Understands everything in normal educated conversation except for every colloquial or low frequency items, or exceptionally rapid or slurred speech.

6) Understands everything in both formal and colloquial speech to be expected of an educated native speaker.


1 2 3 4 5 6 (A) Accent

Score: Accent + Grammar + Vocabulary + Fluency + Comprehension =

So, from the criteria of scoring above, the researcher considers how accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension of the students during share information with their friends. In interpreting the students’ fluency in speaking, the researcher uses the table of conversion, as follows:


Total Score Fluency Levels 16-25

There are two examples of the result of scoring of two students (Risna and Rily) as follows:

1) The results of proficiency description’s Risna are: accent 5 (score 3), grammar 5 (score 30), vocabulary 6 (score 24), fluency 5 scores (10), and comprehension 5 (score 19).

The total score of Risna = 3 + 30 + 24 + 10 + 19 = 86

So, the fluency level of Risna was 4

2) The results of proficiency description’s Rily are: accent 4 (score 3), grammar 6 (score 36), vocabulary 6 (score 24), fluency 6 scores (12), and comprehension 6 (score 23). The total score of Rily = 3 + 36 + 24 + 12 + 23 = 98

So, the fluency level of Rily was 4 + After collecting the score, the researcher will get obtained score (raw score) of

the students’ ability in speaking. Then, the researcher comes to get their value by considers the formulation of Cartier 1986; Cziko 1983; Hudson and Lynch 1984; Bachman 1987; and Brown 1984a, 1988a, 1989a, 1990, 1993, 1995 in Brown (1966: 1-8) as follows:

obtained score

Value =

maximum score

After that the researcher describes the level of the students’ ability in speaking as Cartier in Nurgiyantoro (1986: 363) classifies that:

0 – 39 is fail,

40 – 59 is less,

60 – 74 is enough,

75 – 84 is good,

85 – 100 is very good.

From the evaluation above, the researcher knows whether the students are fail or past from the Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) that have decided in their school.

g. The Syllabus of Speaking at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho

In learning English, the students are expected to have the ability in making communication. English as a foreign language involves the four skills that have to be mastered by the students at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho, such as: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Syllabus is the plan in a group of subject that consists of competence standard, basic competence, material, learning activities, indicator, assessment, time allocation, and learning sources. Below is the explanation of the components of syllabus:

1) Competence Standard Competence standard is quantification of the students’ activity that describes the mastery of the lesson that is expected to be achieved, such as: expressing the meaning in simple short oral transactional and interpersonal to interact with environment.

2) Basic Competence Basic competence is the ability that has to be mastered by the students that has been arranged in syllabus to achieve the learning goal, such as: expressing the meaning in transactional conversation (to get thing done) and interpersonal accurately, fluently, and appropriately to interact with around environment.

3) Material Material is a lesson that will be learnt by the students and it must relevant with the standard competence and basic competence. In the syllabus, there are some materials that have related to the speaking skill, such as asking and giving opinion. Asking and giving opinion is one of expression that help the students to express their view about something. Related to the Slowly Reveal a Picture this topic is appropriate because this strategy asked the students’ to able guessing and express their view point about something (picture). There are some definition and examples of asking and giving opinion, as follows:

Definition of Asking Opinion

a) Expression of asking opinion is an expression that is used to ask someone’s opinion about something.

b) There are some expressions of asking opinion.

1) What do you think ...?

2) What is your opinion .....?

3) How do you feel about ....?

c) The example of using the expression of asking opinion. Budi

: Susi, what do you think about this cat? Susi

: I think, it is a cute cat. Budi

: What do you think about this book? Susi

: I think this book is very wonderful. Budi

: Yes, That is right.

Definition of Giving Opinion

a) Definition of expression of giving opinion Expression of giving opinion is an expression that is used to give our opinion about someone’s statement about something.

b) The expressions of giving opinion

1) I think ....

2) I must say....

3) I think ....

4) From my point of view ...

a. The example of using the expression of giving opinion Milka

: Ucok, what do you think about my new hair?

Ucok : I think your hair make you beautiful. Milka

: Thank.

2. Liar Game

a. The Definition of Liar Game According to Lavery (2008:96), “Liar Game is a game that guides the students to be active participants in a two-way conversation”. In other words that Liar Game makes students more active in practicing their speaking in conversation. And also Baker (2009:29) says, “Liar Game is a short and interesting game which one of the students’ in the group tells a lie”.

Furthermore, Horner (2007:31) says, “Liar Game is a game which students

Andreeve (2005:15) says that Liar Game is a game which writes down three experiences; the tricky part here is that one of them is lie”. It is a very good chance to get to know each other and have some fun whilst speaking English. By using Liar game, the students are encouraged to speak with other friends.

Regarding to the opinions above, the researcher concludes that Liar Game is

a game that makes the students to be active to practice their speaking in two-way conversation and have some fun whilst speaking English.

b. The Procedure of Implementing Liar Game According to Brindley (2005:32) that there are some of the procedures of Liar Game, they are; to:

1) Make a list of question you want to review on a worksheet.

2) Give the worksheet out to the students.

3) Before you explain the activity, make sure they understand and can ask all of the questions.

4) Teach the meaning of the liar “if don’t know it already”.

5) Tell them that they must now stand up and ask the questions to the other.

6) When they ask the question that corresponds with the number they are given.

In addition, according to Horner (2007:31) that there are some procedures of Liar Game, they are; to:

1) Make list of questions you want to review on a worksheet.

2) Try to think as many questions as students you have in your class.

4) Before you explain the activity, make sure they understand and ask all of the questions.

5) Teach the meaning of liar secretly (Without the other students noticing).

6) Assign each student a number which correspond to a question.

7) Tell them that they must now stand up and ask the question to the others.

8) Tell them that the purpose of the game is to find out who the liar is for all of the questions.

Based on the opinion above, the researcher makes the conclusion that in applying Liar Game, there are some activities as follows:

1) The researcher divides the students into some groups.

2) The researcher makes a list of questions you want to interview on a worksheet

3) The researcher tries to think as many questions as students you have in your class.

4) The researcher gives the worksheet out to the students.

5) The researcher makes sure the students understand and can ask all of the question before you explain the activity.

6) The researcher teaches the meaning of liar secretly, (without the other students noticing).

7) The researcher assigns each students a number which correspond to a question.

8) The researcher tells students that they must now stand up and ask the question to the other.

9) The researcher tells students that the purpose of the game is to find out who the liar is for all of the questions.

c. The Advantages of Liar Game According to Brindley (2005:33) that there are some advantages of Liar

Game, they are: it

1) Can be a growth opportunity for individuals and the company.

2) Can help solve problems.

3) Can be fun. In addition, according to Horner (2007:33) it gives some advantages of using Liar Game as follows:

1) It enhances communication.

2) It demonstrates how people interact.

3) Id develops confidence and self-efficacy. Based on the opinion above, the researcher concludes that the advantages of Liar Game are to help the students more interested in practicing their speaking ability in the classroom. It is fun, developing the students’ self-confidence, and works cooperatively.

d. The Disadvantages of Liar Game According Baker (2009:33) that there are some disadvantages of Liar Game., they are:

1) Liar Game is less “safe”, as there is less control, as far as the teacher is concerned, over what occurs during the Game.

2) This activity takes a long time to be done in the classroom.

Furthermore, Sudjana (2010:118) gives also some disadvantages of using Liar Game as follows:

1) There are some students who do not like the roles given to them.

2) This activity takes a long time to be done in the classroom. Regarding to the disadvantages of Liar Game above, the researcher will make

a great effort to use this strategy better or look for the way out from these disadvantages by preparing materials related to the students’ life everyday based on their ability, in order that the using of this game has an effect towards the students’ ability in speaking skill.

B. The Latest Related Research Suryani Simanjuntak searched about, “the effect of using Liar Game towards

the students’ ability in speaking skill. The subject of the research is the students of SMP Negeri 5 Padang Sidempuan at the eighth grade.

There are similarities and differences between the previous research and this research. The similarities between her research and this research are:

1) Her research and this research have the same object about speaking as an important component of language skills that should be mastered by the students.

2) Her research and this research use Junior High School students as the subject of the research.

3) Her research and this research have the same skill that is speaking.

4) Her research and this research subject is the eighth grade of SMP level.

However, her research has differences from this research, there are:

1) The title of her research is “The Effect of Using Liar Game towards the Students’ Ability in Speaking skill at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 5 Padang Sidempuan”, while this research’s title is “Increasing the Students’ Ability in Speaking skill by Using Liar Game at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho”.

2) Her research is quantitative research while this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR).

3) Her research has material about agreement and disagreement, while this research has a material about expression of asking and giving opinion.

Based on the explanation above, it is clear that both of the research have some differences and some similarities.

C. The Conceptual Framework To make this research easy to be understood, the researcher describes a framework. In teaching speaking by using Liar Game, the researcher should be able to design the teaching and learning activities efficiently and effectively. The researcher needs to prepare all the equipment of the teaching such as materials, the purposes of teaching an activity is be used in the teaching-learning process.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher described the scema about teaching speaking through Liar Game from the scema below:

The researcher

Speaking Skill

Liar Game

Speaking Skill

Ekspression asking and giving opinion

The result

Teaching and learning


The Students’ Ability in

Speaking Skill


A. The Object of Classroom Action Research In doing this research, the researcher will use Classroom Action Research

(CAR). Classroom Action Research is know as the action related with classroom practice. As Grabe and Stoller in Sihura (2010:22) state that basically, classroom action research gives access to information wide range of classroom practice (e.g. classroom management, classroom interaction, the use of resources, the effectiveness of instructional techniques).

Then, according to Ary and friends (2010:512), ”Action research is about taking action based on research and researching the action taken.” This research emphasizes systematic research that is cycle. In the cycle, there are two or more meetings. If in the first cycle, the students cannot achieve the target that expected, the researcher will continues to the next cycle until the students success or achieve the target.

Furthermore, Classroom Action Research is the patient, systematic study of students learning by disciplinary faculty in their classroom. It is aimed at insight and understanding that improve teaching and learning, Thomas A. Angelo (1993:52). This statement is supported by David Hopkins (1993:25) that, “Classroom research is kind of kinds of research in which teacher look critically at their own classroom primary of the purpose of improving their teaching quality of education in their school”.

Classroom Action Research is the relationship with the research that is done because the research tries to access the information and does classroom interaction in developing the students’ achievement in speaking by using Liar Game. Action research, we become aware of what is really happening in our own classrooms.

Based on the explanation above, the research concluded that Classroom Action Research (CAR) is a research used to solve the problem that appears during the teaching and learning in the classroom and used by the educator or teacher to develop the students’ achievement by implementing a new teaching method. Therefore, Liar Game as the teaching method of this research and speaking as the skill taught become the objects of this research.

Thus, in this research the researcher focuses to the speaking and Liar Game as the object of the research. In searching Liar Game, it refers to speaking process and while speaking refers to the students achievement in speaking.

B. The Setting and Subject of the Research In doing this research, the research is oblige to find out the cause of the

students weaknesses in speaking and try to solve it by implementing an alternative teaching method and theory that is related to the problem found.

The setting of this research is in SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho. It is located in hiliduho sub district. The total numbers of the teachers in the school consist of 22 persons and the total number of classes in 7. They are VII-1, VII-2, VIII-1, VIII-2,

Negeri 2 Hiliduho which consistent of 32 students. This explanation can be seen in the table below:

Table 3




The total number of the students

In this research, the researcher chooses the eighth grade (VIII-2) by considering the researcher’s observation in the field and the information from the English teacher at the school that the students who are sitting in this class have weakness in speaking.

C. The Schedule of Implementing the Action This research conducted by using the reseacher at beginning of February

2016, because based on the syllabus of the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho the teaching of ‘Asking and Giving Opinion’ will be conducted in the first semester. Moreover, the procedure of implementing the action is done in one or more than one cycle so it needs many times and it will be designed in lesson plan.

D. The Procedures of Implementing the Action In doing this research, the researcher uses Classroom Action Research (CAR).

It is done in one or more than one cycle. It depends on the result of the implementing the Liar Game in the first cycle. If the result of the first cycle is unsuccessful, it will

be conducted to the next cycle until this research achieves the Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC). But, if the first cycle is successful, the researcher stops to do the research and make the research report that Slowly Reveal a Picture can be used as a good mediain improving the students’ ability in speaking.

Furthermore, Lewin in Arikunto (2003: 83) states that there are procedures that must be done in Classroom Action Research, namely:

1. Planning, it is a process of Classroom Action Research that is arranged based on the preliminary study. From the study, the researcher gets the general description about his problem that is faced in the field. So, in this stage, the researcher designs action that will be done to solve the problem.

2. Acting, it is the application of the method that has been designed to solve the problem.

3. Observing, it is an activity of collecting the data and information that can be used as the input in doing reflection toward what have been done in action. In this case, the teacher-collaborator observes the students’ and the researcher’s activities during doing the action in the teaching-learning process.

4. Reflecting, it is an activity of analyzing, interpreting, and explaining all of the information gotten from the observation that has been done in the action. In reflection, the researcher takes the conclusion whether the problem has been overcome or not, and whether the research should be continued to be next cycle or not. For more clearly, the researcher made a figure about the cycle done by the

researcher in doing her research.

Preliminary Study

Cycle I

Research report


a. Looking for the syllabus. Conclusion b. Preparing a lesson plan and the material.

c. Preparing the observation paper, both of the

students and the researcher. d. Preparing oral test and camera (recorder).



a. Explaining the material to the students about Asking and Giving Opinion.


b. Giving the examples of the material to the students.

c. Introducing and explaining Liar Game. d. Giving instruction for the students how to discuss by using Liar Game. e. Ordering the students to practice the material by Using Liar



f. Taking conclusion about the material that has been discussed.

Revised planning a. Observing the students’ action, respond, attitude, and weaknesses


during the teaching-learning process.