Tema Produk dan Konsumen


Lampiran 1

Daftar Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility

Tema Kemasyarakatan

  1. Dukungan pada kegiatan seni dan budaya

  2. Dukungan pada kegiatan olahraga (termasuk sponsorship)

  3. Partisipasi pada kegiatan masyarakat sekitar kantor pabrik

  4. Dukungan ke lembaga kerohanian

  5. Dukungan ke lembaga pendidikan (termasuk bea siswa, kesempatan magang, dan kesempatan penelitian)

  6. Dukungan ke lembaga sosial lain

  7. Fasilitas sosial dan fasilitas umum

  8. Prioritas lapangan pekerjaan bagi masyarakat sekitar (temasuk pemberian fasilitas dan motivasi oleh perusahaan untuk berwiraswasta)

  Tema Produk dan Konsumen

  1. Mutu produk

  2. Penghargaan kualitas (termasuk sertifikat kualitas, sertifikat halal, dan penghargaan)

  3. Customer Satisfication (upaya untuk meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen)

  Tema Ketenagakerjaan

  1. Jumlah tenaga kerja

  2. Keselamatan kerja (kebijakan dan fasilitas keselamatan kerja)

  3. Kesehatan (termasuk fasilitas dokter dan poliklinik perusahaan)

  4. Koperasi karyawan

  5. Gaji/upah

  6. Tunjangan dan kesehatan lain (termasuk UMR, bantuan masa krisis, kesejahteraan untuk karyawan, asuransi, dan fasilitas transportasi)

  7. Pendidikan dan latihan (termasuk kerjasama dengan perguruan tinggi negeri)

  8. Kesetaraan gender dalam kesempatan kerja dan karir

  9. Fasilitas peribadatan (termasuk peringatan hari besar agama)

  10. Cuti karyawan (termasuk cuti yang diperlukan oleh pekerja wanita)

  11. Pensiun (termasuk pembentukan/pemilihan dana pensiun)

  12. Serikat pekerja

  13. Kesepakatan kerja Bersama

  14. Turn over pekerja

  Tema Lingkungan Hidup

  1. Kebijakan lingkungan

  2. Sertifikasi lingkungan dan analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan (AMDAL)

  3. Rating (termasuk penghargaan di bidang lingkungan)

  4. Energi (termasuk energi saving, total energi yang digunakan, dan sebagainya)

  5. Pencegahan/pengolahan polusi (termasuk pengolahan limbah)

  6. Dukungan pada konservasi satwa

  7. Dukungan pada konservasi lingkungan


Lampiran 2

Populasi dan Sampel


  X X

  X X

  26 CINT

  X X

  25 CEKA √ √


  24 BUDI √ √ √

  23 BTON √ √ √

  X √ √


  22 BRPT √ √ √


  X √

  21 BRNA √


  20 BRAM √ √ √


  27 CNTX


  19 BIMA √

  32 DLTA √ √ √

  X √ √

  35 EKAD

  X X

  34 DVLA √ √


  33 DPNS √ √ √


  X X

  28 CPIN √ √ √

  X X

  31 DAVO


  X √ √

  30 DAJK


  29 CTBN √ √ √


  X √

  X X



  X X


  7 ALKA √ √ √


  6 ALDO √ √ √


  X √ √

  5 AKPI

  4 AKKU √ √



  3 AISA √ √ √


  2 ADMG √ √ √

  X X

  1 ADES √ √



  8 ALMI √ √ √

  9 ALTO

  18 BATA √ √


  X X

  17 BAJA √ √


  16 AUTO √ √ √


  15 ASII √ √ √


  14 ASGR √ √ √

  13 ARNA √ √ √

  X √ √


  12 ARGO √ √ √


  X √ √

  11 APLI


  10 AMFG √ √ √



  36 ERTX √ √ √



  64 JECC √ √ √

  X X

  63 ITMA √ √


  X √ √

  62 ISSP

  61 IPOL √ √ √

  X √


  60 INTP √ √ √

  X X

  59 INRU √ √


  58 INKP √ √ √


  57 INDS √ √ √

  65 JKSW √


  56 INDR √ √ √

  71 KBLM √ √ √

  75 KICI √ √ √


  74 KIAS √ √ √


  73 KDSI √ √ √


  72 KBRI √ √ √


  X X

  66 JPFA √ √

  70 KBLI √ √

  X X

  69 KARW √ √

  X X

  68 KAEF √ √

  X X

  67 JPRS √ √

  X X


  X X


  41 GDST

  44 GJTL √ √


  43 GGRM √ √ √


  42 GDYR √ √ √


  X √ √


  45 HDTX

  X √

  40 FPNI √


  39 FASW √ √ √

  X X

  38 ETWA √ √


  37 ESTI √ √ √

  X X

  X √ √

  55 INDF √ √

  X X

  X X

  54 INCI √ √


  53 INAI √ √ √

  X X

  52 INAF √ √


  51 IMAS √ √ √

  50 IKBI √ √



  49 IKAI √ √ √


  48 IGAR √ √ √


  47 ICBP √ √ √


  46 HMSP √ √ √


  76 KLBF √ √ √


  X X 104 ROTI √ √ √

  58 103 RMBA √ √

  57 102 RICY √ √ √

  X X 101 PYFA √ √ √

  56 100 PTSN √ √

  99 PSDN √ √ √

  98 PRAS √ √ √

  60 106 SCPI √ √


  97 POLY √ √ √


  X √

  96 PICO √


  95 PBRX √ √ √

  59 105 SCCO √ √ √

  X X 107 SIAP √ √ √

  94 NIPS √ √ √

  X 112

  X X 115 SMGR √ √ √

  X 114 SMCB √ √

  X √ √

  64 113 SMBR

  √ √ √


  X √ √

  61 108 SIDO √ √

  63 111 SKBM

  √ √ √


  62 110

  √ √ √


  X X 109





  X X

  83 MAIN √ √


  82 LPIN √ √ √

  X X

  81 LMSH √ √

  80 LMPI √ √ √



  79 LION √ √ √

  X X

  78 KRAS √ √


  X √ √

  77 KRAH

  84 MASA √ √ √

  85 MBTO √ √ √

  93 NIKL √ √ √



  92 MYTX √ √ √


  91 MYRX √ √ √


  X √ √

  90 MYOR

  X √ √


  89 MRAT


  88 MLIA √ √ √

  X X

  87 MLBI √ √

  X X

  86 MERK √ √


  116 SMSM √ √ √

  82 139 UNIT √ √

  77 133 TPIA √ √ √

  78 134 TRIS

  X √ √

  X 135 TRST √ √ √

  79 136 TSPC √ √ √

  80 137 ULTJ √ √ √

  81 138 UNIC √ √ √

  X X 140 UNTX √ √ √

  75 131 TKIM √ √ √

  X 141 UNVR √ √

  X X 142

  VOKS √ √ √

  X 143 WIIM √ √

  X X 144 WTON

  X √ √

  X 145 YPAS √ √ √

  76 132 TOTO √ √ √

  X 130 TIRT √ √ √

  66 117 SOBI √ √ √

  70 123 STAR √ √ √

  67 118 SPMA √ √ √

  68 119 SQBB √

  X √

  X 120 SRIL

  X √ √

  X 121 SRSN √ √ √

  69 122 SSTM √ √ √

  71 124 STTP √

  X √ √

  X √

  X 125 SULI √ √ √

  72 126 TALF

  X √ √

  X 127 TBMS √ √ √

  73 128 TCID √ √ √

  74 129 TFCO



Lampiran 3

Data Penelitian






  0.00 ICBP




  0.00 HMSP




  85.00 GGRM



  0.00 GDYR






  18.42 ERTX



  15.11 ESTI





  33.78 FASW



  0.00 IGAR



  0.00 INTP



  0.00 INKP





  10.02 INDS



  51.00 IPOL








  0.00 IKAI




  41.24 IMAS




  0.00 INAI




  0.00 INDR


  64.38 DPNS


  2011 ADMG



  0.00 AMFG




  43.86 ARGO




  18.26 ARNA




  36.54 ASGR


  78.88 ALMI






  17.21 AISA



  16.22 ALDO





  0.00 ALKA








  79.87 BUDI




  0.00 CPIN




  0.00 CTBN




  96.32 DLTA


  64.77 BTON

  0.00 ASII





  50.11 AUTO



  0.00 BRAM





  60.21 BRPT



  64.19 JECC


  11.89 SIPD



  0.00 SIMA





  11.81 SIAP



  41.23 SKLT




  57.39 SMGR







  54.70 PYFA




  0.00 RICY




  32.00 ROTI




  80.70 SCCO




  0.00 PSDN





  6.88 SULI



  21.74 TBMS





  52.42 TCID




  36.00 STAR


  40.66 SMSM

  0.00 SPMA




  5.32 SOBI








  40.70 SRSN




  35.21 SSTM






  31.40 KLBF




  0.00 LION




  57.70 LMPI




  59.75 LPIN



  93.51 KICI




  20.00 KBLM




  33.93 KBRI




  80.87 KDSI




  0.00 KIAS




  25.00 MASA





  55.00 NIPS




  0.00 PBRX


  58.77 NIKL


  7.60 POLY




  60.04 PRAS








  55.00 MBTO




  0.00 MLIA




  0.00 MYRX




  0.00 MYTX


  60.84 TIRT






  82.45 DLTA



  58.33 DPNS





  15.24 ERTX




  0.00 CTBN



  60.01 BTON




  84.13 BRPT








  79.87 BUDI




  0.00 CPIN

  42.07 ESTI




  0.00 IGAR




  0.00 IKAI



  41.24 IMAS





  71.49 INAI








  13.61 FASW




  0.00 GDYR



  85.00 GGRM

  0.00 ICBP




  0.00 HMSP




  0.00 BRAM





  0.00 ULTJ




  9.50 UNIC




  10.11 YPAS




  0.00 2013



  0.00 TSPC




  45.32 TKIM




  0.00 TOTO




  39.48 TPIA




  35.52 TRST






  55.38 ASGR




  18.26 ARNA








  0.00 ASII




  50.11 AUTO

  43.86 ARGO


  49.51 AISA

  3.87 ALKA




  31.21 ALDO








  78.88 ALMI




  0.00 AMFG

  0.00 INDR


  0.00 RICY



  54.70 PYFA





  0.00 PSDN



  32.58 ROTI




  39.25 SCCO




  0.00 PBRX




  50.00 NIPS








  6.52 POLY -0.08



  57.85 PRAS









  21.92 SOBI



  0.00 SPMA





  35.90 SRSN




  38.21 SMSM


  11.81 SIAP

  11.89 SIPD




  0.00 SIMA








  41.23 SKLT




  57.39 SMGR

  58.77 NIKL





  20.00 KBLM




  33.93 KBRI




  12.00 KDSI




  0.00 KIAS



  64.16 JECC




  10.18 INDS




  0.00 INKP




  0.00 INTP




  51.00 IPOL




  96.31 KICI


  0.00 MLIA



  31.00 MBTO





  34.74 MASA



  0.00 MYRX




  0.00 MYTX







  39.44 KLBF




  0.00 LION




  57.70 LMPI




  59.75 LPIN


  35.21 SSTM



  39.48 TPIA




  39.97 TRST




  0.00 TSPC



  0.00 ULTJ





  9.50 UNIC




  10.11 YPAS









  29.00 STAR




  5.00 SULI




  33.65 TBMS



  0.00 TOTO

  52.42 TCID




  60.84 TIRT




  45.46 TKIM






Lampiran 4

Hasil Pengolahan Data 2011 dan 2013

Descriptive Statistics

  N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

CSR 166 .000 .810 .41620 .177752


IO 166 .000 98.180 42.39964 27.430215

FO 166 .000 96.320 28.11307 27.735629

Q 166 -.080 10.460 1.55886 1.401402

Valid N (listwise) 166

  Grafik Histogram Sebelum Transformasi Grafik Histogram Setelah Transformasi

  Normal P-Plot Sebelum Transformasi Normal P-Plot Setelah Transformasi


Hasil Uji Normalitas Kolmogorov-Smirnov Sebelum Transformasi

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

  Unstandardized Residual a,,b N 166

Normal Parameters Mean .0000000

  Std. Deviation 1.36526176

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .221

Positive .221 Negative -.175 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 2.852 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000


Hasil Uji Normalitas Kolmogorov-Smirnov Setelah Transformasi

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

  Unstandardized Residual a,,b N 165

Normal Parameters Mean .0000000

  Std. Deviation .60412201

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .117

Positive .117 Negative -.086 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.498 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .022


Hasil Uji Multikolinearitas Sebelum Transformasi



  Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized

  Coefficients t Sig.

  Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta Tolerance

  VIF 1 (Constant) .744 .531 1.399 .164 CSR .844 .604 .107 1.396 .165 .997 1.003

  IO .011 .007 .206 1.573 .118 .342 2.925 FO .001 .007 .013 .097 .922 .341 2.930

  a. Dependent Variable: Q

Hasil Uji Multikolinearitas Setelah Transformasi



a Model Unstandardized

  Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig.

  Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta Tolerance

  VIF 1 (Constant) -.235 .235 -1.000 .319 CSR .614 .268 .174 2.291 .023 .997 1.003

  IO .005 .003 .198 1.532 .128 .344 2.904 FO .000 .003 .007 .051 .959 .344 2.909

  a. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q

  Grafik Scatterplot Sebelum Transformasi Grafik Scatterplot Setelah Transformasi


Hasil Uji Autokorelasi Durbin Watson Sebelum Transformasi


Model Summary

  Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson


1 .226 .051 .033 1.377845 1.902

a. Predictors: (Constant), FO, CSR, IO

  b. Dependent Variable: Q

Hasil Uji Autokorelasi Durbin Watson Setelah Transformasi



Model Summary

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson


1 .265 .070 .053 .60972 1.893

a. Predictors: (Constant), FO, CSR, IO

  b. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q

Hasil Uji Regresi Linear Berganda





Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

  Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) -.235 .235 -1.000 .319

CSR .614 .268 .174 2.291 .023

  IO .005 .003 .198 1.532 .128 FO .000 .003 .007 .051 .959

  a. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q


Hasil Uji F



Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig. a

  1 Regression 4.505 3 1.502 4.039 .008 Residual 59.854 161 .372 Total 64.359 164

  a. Predictors: (Constant), FO, CSR, IO

  b. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q

Hasil Uji t




Standardized Model Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

  B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) -.235 .235 -1.000 .319

CSR .614 .268 .174 2.291 .023

  IO .005 .003 .198 1.532 .128 FO .000 .003 .007 .051 .959

  a. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q

Hasil Uji Koefisien Determinasi



Model Summary

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson


1 .265 .070 .053 .60972 1.893

a. Predictors: (Constant), FO, CSR, IO

  b. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q


Lampiran 5

Hasil Pengolahan Data 2011

Descriptive Statistics

  N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Q 83 .540 9.300 1.54892 1.285074 CSR 83 .000 .720 .35422 .175319

  IO 83 .000 98.180 42.50470 27.960786 FO 83 .000 96.320 27.87205 28.307759 Valid N (listwise)


  Grafik Histogram Sebelum Transformasi Grafik Histogram Setelah Transformasi

  Normal P-Plot Sebelum Transformasi Normal P-Plot Setelah Transformasi


Hasil Uji Normalitas Kolmogorov-Smirnov Sebelum Transformasi

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

  Unstandardized Residual a,,b N

  83 Normal Parameters Mean .0000000 Std. Deviation 1.25964527

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .200

Positive .200

  Negative -.189 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.826 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .003 a. Test distribution is Normal.

  b. Calculated from data.


Hasil Uji Normalitas Kolmogorov-Smirnov Setelah Transformasi

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

  Unstandardized Residual a,,b N

  83 Normal Parameters Mean .0000000 Std. Deviation .58171731

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .134

Positive .134

  Negative -.090 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.221 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .101 a. Test distribution is Normal.

  b. Calculated from data.


Hasil Uji Multikolinearitas Sebelum Transformasi



  Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized

  Coefficients t Sig.

  Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta Tolerance

  VIF 1 (Constant) .855 .647 1.321 .190 CSR .700 .809 .095 .865 .390 .998 1.002

  IO .009 .008 .201 1.094 .277 .359 2.784 FO .002 .008 .042 .228 .820 .359 2.784

  a. Dependent Variable: Q

Hasil Uji Multikolinearitas Setelah Transformasi



a Model Unstandardized

  Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig.

  Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta Tolerance

  VIF 1 (Constant)

  • .116 .299 -.389 .698 CSR .575 .374 .168 1.540 .128 .998 1.002

  IO .003 .004 .158 .869 .387 .359 2.784 FO .000 .004 -.005 -.029 .977 .359 2.784 a. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q

  Grafik Scatterplot Sebelum Transformasi Grafik Scatterplot Setelah Transformasi


Hasil Uji Autokorelasi Durbin Watson Sebelum Transformasi


Model Summary

  Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson


1 .198 .039 .003 1.283340 1.877

a. Predictors: (Constant), FO, CSR, IO

  b. Dependent Variable: Q

Hasil Uji Autokorelasi Durbin Watson Setelah Transformasi



Model Summary

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson


1 .239 .057 .021 .59266 1.936

a. Predictors: (Constant), FO, CSR, IO

  b. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q

Hasil Uji Regresi Linear Berganda





Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

  Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) -.116 .299 -.389 .698

CSR .575 .374 .168 1.540 .128

  IO .003 .004 .158 .869 .387 FO .000 .004 -.005 -.029 .977 a. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q


Hasil Uji F



Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. a

  1 Regression 1.685 3 .562 1.599 .196 Residual 27.748 79 .351 Total 29.433


  a. Predictors: (Constant), FO, CSR, IO

  b. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q

Hasil Uji t





Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

  Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) -.116 .299 -.389 .698

CSR .575 .374 .168 1.540 .128

  IO .003 .004 .158 .869 .387 FO .000 .004 -.005 -.029 .977 a. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q


Hasil Uji Koefisien Determinasi


Model Summary

  Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson


1 .198 .039 .003 1.283340 1.877

a. Predictors: (Constant), FO, CSR, IO

  b. Dependent Variable: Q


Lampiran 6

Hasil Pengolahan Data 2013

Descriptive Statistics

  N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Q 101 -.080 10.460 1.49406 1.410789

CSR 101 .130 .810 .46406 .159143


IO 101 .100 99.750 44.98059 27.812026

FO 101 .000 96.310 27.00614 27.723715

Valid N (listwise) 101

  Grafik Histogram Sebelum Transformasi Grafik Histogram Setelah Transformasi

  Normal P-Plot Sebelum Transformasi Normal P-Plot Setelah Transformasi


Hasil Uji Normalitas Kolmogorov-Smirnov Sebelum Transformasi

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

  Unstandardized Residual a,,b N 101

Normal Parameters Mean .0000000

  Std. Deviation 1.37362636

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .237

Positive .237 Negative -.169 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 2.382 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000 a. Test distribution is Normal.

  b. Calculated from data.


Hasil Uji Normalitas Kolmogorov-Smirnov Setelah Transformasi

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

  Unstandardized Residual a,,b N 100

Normal Parameters Mean .0000000

  Std. Deviation .60307474

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .116

Positive .116 Negative -.083 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.158 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .137 a. Test distribution is Normal.

  b. Calculated from data.


Hasil Uji Multikolinearitas Sebelum Transformasi



  Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized

  Coefficients t Sig.

  Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta Tolerance

  VIF 1 (Constant) .730 .796 .918 .361 CSR 1.388 .886 .157 1.568 .120 .979 1.021

  IO .005 .009 .099 .568 .572 .321 3.112 FO -.004 .009 -.077 -.444 .658 .322 3.106 a. Dependent Variable: Q


Hasil Uji Multikolinearitas Setelah Transformasi



  Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized

  Coefficients T Sig.

  Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta Tolerance

  VIF 1 (Constant) -.366 .350 -1.047 .298 CSR .939 .389 .238 2.413 .018 .980 1.020

  IO .003 .004 .128 .748 .457 .326 3.070 FO -.001 .004 -.048 -.279 .781 .326 3.068 a. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q

  Grafik Scatterplot Sebelum Transformasi Grafik Scatterplot Setelah Transformasi


Hasil Uji Autokorelasi Durbin Watson Sebelum Transformasi


Model Summary

  Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson


1 .228 .052 .023 1.394706 1.918

a. Predictors: (Constant), FO, CSR, IO

  b. Dependent Variable: Q

Hasil Uji Autokorelasi Durbin Watson Setelah Transformasi



Model Summary

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson


1 .289 .083 .055 .61243 1.907

a. Predictors: (Constant), FO, CSR, IO

  b. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q

Hasil Uji Regresi Linear Berganda





Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

  Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) -.366 .350 -1.047 .298

CSR .939 .389 .238 2.413 .018

  IO .003 .004 .128 .748 .457 FO -.001 .004 -.048 -.279 .781 a. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q


Hasil Uji F



Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. a

  1 Regression 3.273 3 1.091 2.908 .039 Residual 36.006 96 .375 Total 39.279


  a. Predictors: (Constant), FO, CSR, IO

  b. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q

Hasil Uji t





Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

  Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) -.366 .350 -1.047 .298

CSR .939 .389 .238 2.413 .018

  IO .003 .004 .128 .748 .457 FO -.001 .004 -.048 -.279 .781 a. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q


Hasil Uji Koefisien Determinasi


Model Summary

  Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson


1 .289 .083 .055 .61243 1.907

a. Predictors: (Constant), FO, CSR, IO

  b. Dependent Variable: Ln_Q

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