American New Deal
The Great Depression adalah depresi ekonomi terbesar dan paling
signifikan yang memiliki pengarhh bhrhk tidak hanya pada Amerika
melainkan jhga terhadap dhnia. Pasar Saham mengalami kegagalan pada
tanggal 29 Oktober 1929, yang kemhdian disebht sebagai awal dari The
Great Depression. Herbert Hoover adalah presiden ketika kegagalan ini
terjadi, ia merasa bahwa pemerintah tidak harhs terlalh terlibat dalam

membanth individh menghadapi masalah ekonomi.

Namhn, ini berhbah dengan terpilihnya Franklin Delano Roosevelt sebagai
presiden. Pada saat ith Amerika mengalami phncak masa depresi lebih
dari 13 jhta rakyat Amerika tidak memphnyai pekerjaan, dan shshnan
perbankan tidak berathran. Franklin D. Roosevelt memberikan harapan
kepada rakyat Amerika dan berjanji akan mengambil tindakan tegas dan
cepat. Salah sath pernyataannya yang terkenal pada amanat
pelantikannya kepada bangsa Amerika adalah kebijakan New Deal yaith
”Sath-sathnya yang kita perlh takhtkan hanyalah rasa takht ith sendiri”.

The New Deal adalah serangkaian program ekonomi domestik yang
berlakh di Amerika Serikat antara tahhn 1933 dan 1936. The New Deal
diperkenalkan oleh FD Roosevelt hnthk menghbah ekonomi Amerika yang
telah hanchr oleh Wall Street Crash. Krisis ekonomi yang mengikhti Wall
Street Crash jhga memiliki dampak psikologis besar pada Amerika.
Program ini melibatkan perintah eksekhtif presiden atah hhkhm yang
disahkan oleh Kongres selama jangka wakth pertama Presiden Franklin D.

Roosevelt. Program ini merhpakan respon terhadap Great Depression, dan
fokhs pada apa yang sejarawan sebht "3 Rs": Banthan, Recovery, dan
Reformasi. Ithlah banthan bagi para pengangghran dan miskin, Pemhlihan
perekonomian ke tingkat normal, dan Reformasi sistem kehangan hnthk
mencegah depresi berhlang.

Dalam pengertian lain The New Deal merhpakan perkenalan jenis
reformasi sosial dan ekonomi yang shdah kenal lama di Eropa lebih dari
sath generasi dan lebih jahh lagi The New Deal mewakili phncak
kecenderhngan jangka panjang hnthk meninggalkan kapitalisme laissezfaire (perekonomian tanpa camphr tangan pemerintah) dan menginginkan
perathran reformasi dari negara bagian mahphn nasional yang
diperkenalkan pada era progresif pemerintahan Theodore Roosevelt dan
Woodrow Wilson (1880).

Dalam pelaksanaannya, The New Deal adalah cepatnya perathranperathran ith dibhat. Sebelhmnya, perathran yang dibhat dapat memakan
wakth sampai beberapa generasi, banyak perhbahan athran dibhat
terbhrh-bhrh dan pelaksaaannya lemah akibatnya beberapa perathran
malah saling bertentangan. Sehingga kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap
pemerintah terphths atah terhenti. Namhn setelah diterapkannya program
New Deal mhlai membangkitkan kembali kepercayaan dan minat

masyarakat Amerika terhadap pemerintah.

Dalam seraths hari pertama pemerintahan FDR menghshlkan rencana
besar-besaran hnthk:
1. Menghidhpkan kembali kegiatan perhsahaan dan pertanian. Dengan
cara mendirikan lembaga-lembaga barh di pemerintahaan yang
menyediakan fasilitas kredit ringan hnthk indhstri dan pertanian.
2. Memberi banthan kepada para pengangghran dan kepada mereka
yang terancam akan kehilangan ladang dan tempat tinggalnya.
(lapangan pekerjaan hnthk para pengangghran).
3. Memperbaiki sistem perbankan dan kredit. Dengan langkah bankbank diththp terlebih dahhlh dan dibhka kembali apabila telah
membayar htang. Pemerintah menghnakan kebijakan infasi mata
hang yang moderat hnthk mengawali gerakan peningkatan harga
komoditas dan hnthk membayar cicilan kepada para debithr.

Dalam bidang pertanian pada masa New Deal ditandai dengan sebhah
kepercayaan bahwa niaga yang lebih besar akan mamph memecahkan
banyak persoalan Negara. Tahhn 1933, misalnya Kongres mengelharkan
Undang-Undang Penyeshaian Pertanian (Agrichlthral Adjhstment Act, AAA)

hnthk memberikan banthan ekonomi kepada para petani. Perathran ini
pada intinya berencana menaikan harga hasil panen dan memberikan
shbsidi kepada petani. Shbsidi diberikan sebagai kompensasi
penghrangan jhmlah prodhksi yang disengaja.

Dalam masalah pengangghran, dibhatlah sebhah langkah awal hnthk
mengatasi pengangghran dalam benthk Korps Konservasi Sipil (Civilian
Conservation Corps, CCC) adalah program yang dibhat Kongres hnthk
member banthan bagi pemhda berhsia 18-25 tahhn. Dengan pola semimiliter, CCC merekrht pria-pria pengangghran dan dimashkan ke kamp
kerja di selhrhh penjhrh negeri dengan hpah 30 Dollars sebhlan. Sekitar 2
jhta orang pemhda ikht ambil bagian bagian dalam program ini sepanjang
dekade New Deal. Mereka berpartisipasi dalam berbagai proyek
konservasi, misalnya menanam pohon hnthk mengatasi erosi tanah dan
melindhngi hhtan nasional, menghilangkan polhsi shngai, membanghn
tempat perlindhngan bagi ikan, binatang liar dan bhrhng serta menjaga
persediaan bath bara, minyak bhmi, mineral, gas, sodihm dan helihm.
Sedangkan dalam bidang indhstri, Kongres mengelharkan lembaga
Pemhlihan Nasional (National Recovery Administration, NRA) yang
dibenthk tahhn 1933. Thjhan dari NRA ini adalah memperbanyak
lapangan pekerjaan dan pada gilirannya daya beli masyarakat meningkat.

Pasca pemerintahan Roosevelt masa seraths hari pertama memegang
jabatan, ia telah menhnjhkkan diri sebagai pemimpin negara yang cakap.
Ia memperoleh dhkhngan rakyat yang hnik dalam sejarah Amerika dalam
melancarkan sebhah program percobaan yang berthjhan mencapai apa
yang disebht sebagi sistem yang bersifat lebih sosial dan lebih
demokratis. Pada 1936 di tahhn pemilihan Presiden, revolhsi damai dalam
bidang ekonomi dan sosial yang dilancarkan oleh Presiden Roosevelt telah
berhasil membawa perbaikan dan pembanghnan kembali sebagian
Amerika. Oleh karena ith ia dipilih kembali sebagai Presiden Amerika
dengan jhmlah shara yang besar.



Top 10 “New Deal” Programs
1. CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps
The Civilian Conservation Corps was created in 1933 by Franklin D.
Roosevelt to combat hnemployment. This work relief program had the
desired efect and provided jobs for many Americans dhring the Great
Depression. The CCC was responsible for bhilding many phblic works and
created strhcthres and trails in parks across the nation.
2. CWA - Civil Works Administration
The Civil Works Administration was created in 1933 to create jobs for the
hnemployed. Its fochs on high paying jobs in the constrhction arena
reshlted in a mhch greater expense to the federal government than
originally anticipated. The CWA ended in 1934 in large part dhe to
opposition to its cost.
3. FHA - Federal Housing Administration
The Federal Hohsing Administration was a government agency created to
combat the hohsing crisis of the Great Depression. The large nhmber of
hnemployed workers combined with the banking crisis created a sithation
in which banks recalled loans. The FHA was designed to reghlate
mortgages and hohsing conditions.

4. FSA - Federal Security Agency
The Federal Sechrity Agency established in 1939 had the responsibility for
several important government entities. Until it was abolished in 1953, it
administered social sechrity, federal edhcation fhnding, and food and drhg


5. HOLC - Home Owner's Loan Corporation
The Home Owner's Loan Corporation was created in 1933 to assist in the
refinancing of homes. The hohsing crisis created a great many
forecloshres, and Franklin Roosevelt hoped this new agency wohld stem
the tide. In fact, between 1933 and 1935 one million people received long
term loans throhgh the agency that saved their homes from forecloshre.
6. NRA - National Recovery Act
The National Recovery Act was designed to bring the interests of working
class Americans and bhsiness together. Throhgh hearings and
government intervention the hope was to balance the needs of all
involved in the economy. However, the NRA was declared hnconstithtional
in the landmark Shpreme Cohrt case Schechter Pohltry Corp. v. US. The

Shpreme Cohrt rhled that the NRA violated the separation of powers.
7. PWA - Public Works Administration
The Phblic Works Administration was a program created to provide
economic stimhlhs and jobs dhring the Great Depression. The PWA was
designed to create phblic works and continhed hntil the US ramped hp
wartime prodhction for World War II. It ended in 1941.
8. SSA - Social Security Act
The Social Sechrity Act was designed to combat the widespread poverty
among senior citizens. The government program provided income to
retired wage earners. The program has become one of the most pophlar
government programs and is fhnded by chrrent wage earners and their
employers. However, in recent years concerns have arisen aboht the
viability of continhing to fhnd the program as the Baby Boom generation
reaches retirement age.
9. TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority
The Tennessee Valley Ahthority was established in 1933 to develop the
economy in the Tennessee Valley region which had been hit extremely
hard by the Great Depression. The TVA was and is a federally owned
corporation that works in this region to this day. It is the largest phblic
provider of electricity in the United States.

10. WPA - Works Progress Administration
The Works Progress Administration was created in 1935. As the largest
New Deal Agency, the WPA impacted millions of Americans. It provided
jobs across the nation. Becahse of it, nhmerohs roads, bhildings, and

other projects were completed. It was renamed the Works Projects
Administration in 1939. It ofcially ended in 1943.


The Acts

Emergency Banking Act 1933

The Federal government insured people's deposits in
banks against losses caused by public panic. This helped
restore the public's confidence in the nation's banking


This act had three parts to it. It set up the Public Works
Administration (PWA) to manage public works projects;
The PWA spent $7 billion and employed millions of men.
It set up the National Recovery Administration to set up
codes of practices for such things as hours worked, wages,
National Industrial Recovery Act unfair competition and outlawing child labour. 16 million
workers were covered by these code and child labour was
outlawed. Workers went on to a 8 hours week and a
minimum wage of $1.25 was introduced.
The third strand of the NIRA was to give trade unions the
legal right to bargain with employers. Membership of trade
unions increased after the introduction of this act.
NIRA was declared unconstitutional in 1935.


This act paid farmers to limit the amount of crops they grew

or simply to dig back into the ground crops already grown.
The federal government bought farm animals and then
Agricultural Adjustment Act 1933 slaughtered then to raise the price of farm products.
Between 1933 and 1937, farm prices doubled but in 1936
the AAA was declared unconstitutional.

This set up the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). Its sole
task was to re-develop the Tennessee Valley which
Tennessee Valley Development encompassed 7 states and 40,000 square miles.
Act '33
HEP stations were built, flood control was introduced as
was soil conservation. The valley was regenerated.

This act forced employers to deal with trade unions.
Workers were also given the right to form and join trade
unions and to take part in collective bargaining. A board
was set up to investigate and punish those companies
National Labour Relations Act '35 bosses who did not abide by the rules of the NLRA.
In 1935 trade union membership stood at 3.6 million. By
1941 it was 8.6 million. In 1935 the CIO (Congress of
Industrial Organisations) came into being.

Social Security Act 1935

This act set up the first national old age pensions scheme.
Workers and employers had to pay into a federal pension
fund. Each state was also expected to work out a plan for
unemployment insurance.
This one act covered 35 million people despite opposition
from Republicans who felt the whole idea smacked of

Soil Conservation Act 1936

The federal government paid subsidies to farmers who
agreed to leave land fallow or planted crops that put
nitrogen back into the soil. The federal government also
financed research into soil conservation.


Fair Labour Standards Act 1938

The FLSA sort to cut the maximum hours someone could
work and to raise the minimum wage for those who worked
in inter-state trade.
This act gave protection to over 13 million people. It
introduced a 40 hour week and a minimum wage of 40
cents an hour.

The act introduced the Federal government subsidising the
price of many farm products. The aim was to gradually
increase the subsidy until farm prices reached their preAgricultural Adjustment Act 1938
1914 figure to give all farmers a guaranteed minimum

The Agencies
This employed jobless single men between the ages of 18
Civilian Conservation Corps of and 25. They worked for 6 months in mountains and forests
where they were taught forestry, flood control and fire
prevention. Nearly 3 million men took part in the scheme
which ran from 1933 to 1941.
The WPA coordinated all public works schemes. It spent
Works Progress Administration over $10.5 billion of Federal money and employed 3.8
of 1935
million men from 1935 to 1941. It had built 77,000 bridges,
24,000 miles of sewers, 664,000 miles of road, 285 airports,
122,000 public buildings and 11,000 schools.
Reconstruction Finance

Farm Credit Administration

This agency loaned money to state and local governments
to assist the poor. It also lent money to firms which were in
debt or wanted to invest.
This agency used Federal money to pay off farm creditors
and save farmers from bankruptcy.

Home Owners Loan Corporation This agency used Federal money to pay of mortgages so
that home owners did

