Program Corporate Social Responsibility Berbasis Pemberdayaan Masyarakat.

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyak pemahaman yang keliru terhadap
corporate social responsibility (CSR) yang hanya dipandang sebagai kosmetik
perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) latar belakang dan motif
program CSR, 2) mengetahui implementasi program CSR, 3) mengetahui respon dan
partisipasi masyarakat terhadap program CSR yang dilaksanakan PT. PLN (Persero)
DJBB. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori legitimasi, teori stakeholder, dan teori
interaksi simbolik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain studi
kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa latar belakang program CSR ini yaitu
keprihatinan PT. PLN (Persero) DJBB terhadap isu planet, profit, dan people,
kemudian motifnya sendiri yaitu motif kewajiban moral, izin operasi, ,reputasi, dan
keberlanjutan. Implementasi program CSR ini melalui strategi kombinasi (mixed
type), dimana PT. PLN (Persero) DJBB melibatkan masyarakat serta berbagai
stakeholder dalam pelaksanaannya. Respon dan partisipasi masyarakat terhadap
program CSR ini sangat positif, namun saat ini mengalami penurunan karena
menurunnya intensitas komunikasi antara PT. PLN (Persero) DJBB, Pengelola
Program, dan Masyarakat, minimnya media sosialisasi dan publikasi. Simpulannya
yaitu program ini merupakan program yang dapat membangun kemandirian
masyarakat dalam mengatasi, mengelola, dan memanfaatkan sumber daya alam
Kata Kunci: Corporate cocial responsibility (CSR)


This research is inspired by some wrong perception of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) that it is often considered as merely company’s accessory. The
research aims to investigate 1) the background and the motives of CSR program 2)
the implementation of CSR program 3) the people’s response and participation
towards the CSR program conducted by PT PLN (Persero) DJBB. The theory used is
the legitimacy theory, stakeholder theory, and symbolic interaction theory. The
research uses qualitative approach through a study case. The result of the research
shows that the backgorund of the CSR program is the company’s concern on planet,
profit, and people issues, while the motives are moral obligation, operating license,
reputation, and sustainability. The CSR program was implemented by applying
combination strategy (mixed type) in which the PT PLN (Persero) DJBB involves the
people and stakeholders in its execution. For the reason, in the strategy, the people
and stakeholders’ participation holds such a siginificant role to the success of this
program. The people’s response and participation on this program is quite positive,
yet is recently suffering from decline. The decline was caused by the decrease of
communication intensity among the PT PLN (Persero) DJBB, the program organizer,

and the people, as well as the lack of socialization and publication media. It can be
concluded that this program could help the people cope with, manage, and take the
benefits of the natural resources around them.

Keywords: Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
