Women`s language features used by Indonesian female lifestyle bloggers





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Gemelia Liberti Rimba Student Number: 101214024








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Gemelia Liberti Rimba Student Number: 101214024








I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 15 June 2017

The Writer

Gemelia Liberti Rimba 101214024





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Gemelia Liberti Rimba

Nomor Mahasiswa : 101214024

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Rimba, Gemelia Liberti. (2017). Women’s Language Features Used By Indonesian Female Lifestyle Bloggers. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

The rapid development of internet worldwide has brought impact to the emergences of social networking sites, including web blog. Nowadays, many people share the information, news, or even lifestyle through web blog. It is become a phenomenon in the society. This research is aimed to seek the use of

women’s language features by three worldwide famous Indonesian female

lifestyle bloggers. There is a research question which is discussed in this research: Do Indonesian female bloggers posts reflect the features of women’s language?

This research was conducted in the form of qualitative research in which the content analysis was used to support the researcher in conducting the research. To gather the data, the researcher employed a checklist to analyze women’s language features used by the Indonesian female bloggers namely Anaztasia Siantar from www.brownplatform.com, Clara Devi from www.lucedaleco.com and Sonia Eryka from www.soniaeryka.com. After that, the researcher use human instrument to gather the data and then analyzed it.

The findings showed that women’s language features which used by Indonesian female lifestyle bloggers were intensifier (69.56%), followed by lexical hedges or fillers (12.23%), emphatic stresses (7.07%), empty adjectives (7.07%), precise color terms (1.91%), superpolite forms words (1.36%), hypercorrect grammar (0.53%), and question tag (0.27%). The rest of the feature which is rising intonation on declaratives could not be found because this research was conducted in written language form.

The findings showed that the three Indonesian female lifestyle bloggers have the same pattern in using women’s language features. Moreover, it also showed that they were trying to boost what they said by using intensifiers as it was the most used feature in this study. The rest of the features showed their uncertainty and lack of confidence.



Rimba, Gemelia Liberti. (2017). Women’s Language Features Used By Indonesian Female Lifestyle Bloggers. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

Perkembangan internet yang sangat cepat menyebar luas dan mendunia telah membawa pengaruh terhadap kebutuhan akan media sosial, termasuk web blog. Saat ini, banyak orang yang membagikan informasi, berita, atau bahkan gaya hidup melalui web blog. Hal ini telah menjadi sebuah fenomena di tengah masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan fitur-fitur bahasa wanita oleh tiga blogger wanita Indonesia yang telah dikenal secara mendunia. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat sebuah rumusan masalah, yaitu Apakah blogger wanita Indonesia merefleksikan fitur-fitur bahasa wanita?

Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam bentuk penelitian kualitatif di mana analisis dokumen digunakan untuk mendukung peneliti dalam melakukan penelitian. Dalam mengumpulkan data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan checklist dalam menganalisis fitur-fitur bahasa wanita yang digunakan oleh blogger wanita Indonesia, yaitu Anaztasia Siantar dari www.brownplatform.com, Clara Devi dari www.lucedale.co dan Sonia Eryka dari www.soniaeryka.com. Setelah itu, peneliti menggunakan dirinya sendiri sebagai

‘human instrument’ untuk mengambil data dan kemudian menganalisis data yang telah terkumpul.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa fitur-fitur bahasa wanita yang digunakan oleh blogger wanita Indonesia adalah intensifier (69.56%), lexical hedges or fillers (12,23%), emphatic stresses (7,07%), empty adjectives (7,07%), precise color terms (1,91%), superpolite forms (1,36%), hypercorrect grammar (0,53%), dan question tag (0,27%). Sisa fitur yaitu rising intonation on declaratives tidak dapat ditemukan karena penelitian ini dilakukan dalam bentuk bahasa tulis.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ketiga blogger wanita Indonesia tersebut memiliki pola yang sama dalam menggunakan fitur-fitur bahasa wanita. Selain itu, ketiga blogger tersebut menunjukan bahwa mereka menggunakan intensifier untuk menambah atau menekankan pesan yang mereka sampaikan. Selebihnya, fitur-fitur wanita yang mereka gunakan menunjukkan tanda ketidakpastian dan kurang percaya diri.




First of all, I would express my greatest gratitude to God, for the eternal blessings, guidance, miracle and love along the journey of my study in Sanata Dharma University, especially during the process of this paper making. I thank Him for letting me finished what I have started even though in the middle of the battlefield I almost give up on this. However, He successfully gets me back on track and gives me uncountable blessings along the way.

My special gratitude goes to my family, especially my son, Mikhelle Abrio Adam, for his presence and the joy he brings into my life. I also thank my parents, Bapak Ruspendi and Ibu Merlin, and my siblings, Igo, Gabby and Winda, for the endless support and great love for me. I also thank my favorite team, Valentina Danova, Regita Permana, Eswara Kathina Dewi, Vinencia Lefrianita Cendana Sari, Herlina Dwi Sitarani, Novianti Carolina Sandang, Elsa Putri Arbitasari and Dessy Natalia. I thank them for their support along the bitter sweet journey.

My deepest gratitude goes to my academic advisors Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. and Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. I thank them for their guidance and care to me. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to the chairperson of English Language Study Program Yohana Veniranda, S.Pd., M.Hum., M.A., Ph.D. for her guidance and care to me. My gratitude also goes to all ELESP lecturers for sharing the knowledge and skills during my years in this



study program. I would also thank all the staffs of Sanata Dharma University for their hard work and help during my study here.

I truthfully thank my ELESP friends from 2010 batch for the journey and memories we through, especially to Thia Sinan, Jervince, Siwi, Priska, Helen, April, Mbak Putri, Jumva and Astri from batch 2011. My sincere gratitude also goes to EPSILON members, Dian, Tya, Galih, and Ndolu, for the journey during SPD class. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to whose names cannot be mentioned. May God bless them all and may all beings be happy.



This research paper is dedicated to me and

my time.

Thank you for being strong, even though it

was hard, you kept moving forward.

Cheers to the awesome things to come along

the way.

And for Mikhelle, thank you for your

presence in Mommy’s life.

You are my sunshine!

To all of my family and true people, thank

you for not giving up on me

Lastly, thank you universe to let this











ABSTRAK ... vii




LIST OF TABLE ... xiii


CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A.Research Background... 1

B.Methodology of the Study ... 6

CHAPTER II.DISCUSSION The Use of Women’s Language Features by Indonesian Female Lifestyle Bloggers ... 11

1. Intensifiers ... 13

2. Lexical Hedges of Fillers ... 16

3. Empty Adjectives ... 20

4. Emphatic Stresses ... 22

5. Precise Colour Terms ... 24

6. Superpolite Form ... 26

7. Hypercorrect Grammar ... 29




A.Conclusions ... 33

B.Recommendations ... 36





Table 2.1 The Occurrence of Women’s Language Features in blog posts

of three Indonesian Female Lifestyle bloggers ... 16 Page




Figure 1.1 Anaztasia Siantar’s blog interface ... 7 Figure 1.2 Clara Devi’s blog interface ... 8 Figure 1.3 Sonia Eryka’s blog interface ... 9



This chapter provides the research background and the methodology of the study. The background provides the general information about women’s language, weblogs as one of internet mediums of communication, the researcher’s reasons for choosing the topic, the research problem and the benefits of this research. Meanwhile, the research method provides the description of sample research and procedures used in this research.

A. Research Background

From the beginning of its existence, humankind has used elements from its natural environment to express its feelings and aspirations. From time to time the way of humankind communication has changed and developed becomes what it has nowadays. There are some factors that influenced the communication, one of them is gender. As stated by Coates (1993) the most affecting social factor is gender. It explains that gender takes a crucial role in human interactions. When it comes to language and gender, it seems narrowly focused field, but it is very interesting to be discussed. The way men and women talk is different. As there are also many stereotypes of women as presented in the next following paragraphs.

Start with the definition of woman as described by Hornby (1989), woman is an adult female human being or female sex. It is believed that women are



talkative and love to gossip. Moreover, it seems that any kind of topic would be an interesting topic to be told and shared. For example, women spend a chunk of their day discussing people’s personal life including dating related topic, shopping, TV shows, and diets (Shaadilive, 2013). Every topic could be very interesting to be discussed among women. Women could spend hours just for gossiping, venting or discussing. As stated by Coates (2004, p. 9) that “If three

women gather together, it will become clamorous”.

In contrast, women are also claimed to have less confidence to talk than men because women are powerless. Lakoff states that women are generally lacking status in society because they are more subordinate to men (as cited in Holmes, 2001). It happens in most society, when society standard is more likely put men as the superior. Therefore, women are more aware of the way they talk by

hedging and boosting their utterance to attract the addressee’s attention. Lakoff

states that hedging devices explicitly signal lack of confidence, while boosting

devices reflect the speaker’s anticipation that the addressee may remain

unconvinced and therefore supply extra reassurance (as cited in Holmes, 2001, p. 287). Furthermore, in a certain situation women are also expected to be polite and should speak with standard forms because they are guardian of society (Holmes, 2001). It makes women talk more appropriate compare to men, who are commonly labeled have the “rude” way of speaking.

Moreover, according to Holmes (2001), speaking politely aims to protect their face and also their addressee’s face. Speaking politely also relates to the opinion that women are not allowed to show their temper or complain in rage



(Lakoff, 1975). These stereotypes affect the way women talk in every situation. Women are expected to be the lady in charge in society, in the past, in present day, and also in the future.

Meanwhile, not only the way of human interaction which has developed fast. One of the best human inventions is technology. Nowadays, technology has been developed rapidly. This rapid development has affected many aspects in life. The innovation in technology has improved the society and the way of life. As a part of technology, computer has played role in advancing the society’s way of life. Computer which has been developed in the middle of 20th century, has led to

the advancement of human’s life in many aspects, including education,

communication, business. Then, as the computer developed rapidly, Internet, as the expansion of computer development is widely used by the global population.

With the development of internet in the last few years, the way people communicate starting to change. Telecommunication, which is a technology which makes communication among people in such a huge distance closer without the presence of the messenger (Huurderman, 2003). The internet which is the latest telecommunication media has created a way where people with the same interests connected from the real life into the virtual one. This media called Social Networking Sites or SNS where people could connect to a site or service providing them features to get connected with people virtually under certain system administered by the site (Boyd & Ellison, 2007). There are so many social networking sites found in the internet, namely Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blogspot, Wordpress, Snapchat, and Flickr.



In this study, the researcher chooses weblogs out of so many social networking sites. Blog first appeared in the late of 1990s and have been a topic of public debate and research ever since. Based on daily phenomenon that the researcher found, which is very interesting, many Indonesian women now starting to have their own blog and using English as the main language. It can be seen from some Indonesian female bloggers communities like as Indonesian Beauty Bloggers, Jogja Bloggirls and Blogger Perempuan,. The tendencies of using English as the main language in the blog mostly occur for some reasons, for instance to get more attention from readers from outside Indonesia, to get more attention from brands Public Relations (PR) or to be more exclusive.

In Indonesia, there are many female bloggers run some of the most popular and well-known blogs. The popularity of female bloggers is frequently commented on the media discourse or blogging community, often through the use

of stereotypical representations of “girl blogs” that write about private life,

fashion, and gossip (Schulmann, 2009). The indicators of being famous bloggers could be identified by the rating of page views, national and international collaboration with famous brands and media, being parts of social events as guests or speakers. Thus, these blogs have become symbols in a public discussion of

women’s blogging as well as references for other bloggers.

Regarding the general stereotypes of women mentioned before, this study

intends to investigate women’s language features particularly in social media, in

this context blog. Nowadays, social media namely Facebook, Twitter, blog, or Youtube cannot be separated from our daily life. The changes of information



technology and communication formats have influenced the way people talk or communicate. For those reasons, the present study is interested in analyzing

blog’s postings using women’s language features, proposed by Lakoff framework

(1975) as a tool of analysis. This study aims at examining women’s language

features, the most frequent features, and the possible reasons of using the features.

The researcher chose blog as the sample is because nowadays digital citizen is increasing very fast. Digital citizen shares the news to their lifestyle to many mediums, namely social media, websites, etc. Blog as the medium of changing the information also has it uniqueness compare to the traditional media. A blog can be changed easily by the user or the author of the blog itself, for instance the layout, the up to date content, that make it more interesting to be read.

Another reason it is interesting to study women’s language is because it is

important to the readers to learn women’s language features. Especially women

readers which might already start their blogs in recent days. This study is aimed to help the female bloggers in Indonesia to have better English in their blogs. In

order to study women’s language features used by three Indonesian female

lifestyle bloggers, the following research problem formulated:

Do Indonesian female bloggers posts reflect the features of women’s

language as suggested by Lakoff’s theory?

The researcher hopes that this study will be beneficial for some parties. First, for the students of English Language Study Program that they have to be



communicating. Moreover, the researcher hopes that this study enrich the

students’ awareness of the existence of women’s language in society. Second, for

the lecturers, the researcher hopes that this study will help them to use the features in the classroom, because they know that different genders have different styles of

communicating. Third, for the future researcher of the same interest, women’s

language, hopefully this study providing the information about women’s language

based on Lakoff’s theory if they conduct the similar topic. The last, for the

readers, the researcher hopes this study providing the information about the

features of women’s language.

B. Methodology of the Study

In this study, the researcher used qualitative research. Qualitative research is an approach to study human behavior and social behavior phenomena from the

insider’s perspective, for instance, the particular social setting: a culture, school,

community, group, or institution (Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh, 2002, p. 422). The goal is to understand the phenomenon by focusing on the total picture deeply, rather than a numerical analysis of data. Thus, this study was a content analysis, where the researcher analyzed about content in a form of writing, in this study it was blog content. However, even though this study was qualitative in nature, quantifications were also needed in order to support the qualitative findings in

revealing the percentage of women’s language features used by Indonesian female



The data in this study were collected from three Indonesian female bloggers, at their 20s-30s, who have passion in writing, fashion, creative media, and business. The researcher chose there Indonesian female lifestyle bloggers as the sample of this research. They were namely Anaztasia Siantar from www.brownplatform.com who further in this study will be discussed as Blogger A, Clara Devi from www.lucedaleco.com as Blogger B, and Sonia Eryka from www.soniaeryka.com as Blogger C. This study employed Wordpress.com and Blogspot.com from January to May 2017 as the data to be observed. The blog content were bloggers’ activities such as daily life, business, fashion, travel and special events.



From the Figure 1.1, showed that the content she wrote was about her travel to Los Angeles. Her blog interface is very simple with a white background. She uses Blogspot.com as her main hosting and it can be seen from the layout and template that she applied.

Figure 1.2 Clara Devi’s blog interface

From the Figure 1.2, it can be seen from the interface that Clara Devi’s content

mostly about her lifestyle. She uses a simple yet eye-pleasing layout. She uses grid layout to show her content and make it looked more organized.



Figure 1.3 Sonia Eryka’s blog interface

From Sonia Eryka’s blog interface, it showed that she wrote her traveling

experience to her blog as her blog content. She also uses grid layout but she uses an advanced grid layout because the grid could automatically slides to show the blog content.

The next step was analyzing the data by underlining or highlighting every word, phrase, clause, and sentence in every post that has been collected from January to May 2017. After that, the data were classified into relevant theories

based on Lakoff’s (1975) framework. To analyze the data, the researcher was

using checklist as an instrument. It was purposed to check if the language which used by three Indonesian female lifestyle bloggers conformed to women’s language features or not.



The next step was counting the existing women’s language features which

used by three bloggers to know the number and the frequency of each feature used. After that, the researcher counted the percentage of each feature by using a formula. The formula was presented below.

P = x 100%


P = the percentage of each feature

F = the frequency of each feature

N = the number of women’s language features used by three Indonesian

female lifestyle bloggers

Then, the result was put into a table. Referring to the table the researcher was able to know which feature(s) was absent in three Indonesian female lifestyle

bloggers’ blog content. Finally, the researcher analyzed the women’s language



This chapter contains a review of related literature and the findings as well as the interpretation of the findings. The review of literature provides relevant theories underlying this research paper. Followed by the finding results and the interpretation of the findings.

The problem addressed in this research focused on the features of

women’s language found in the blog postings from three Indonesian female lifestyle bloggers that have been mentioned in Chapter I. In order to answer the research problem, the researcher analyzed the blog postings to identify the

features of women’s language used by three famous Indonesian female bloggers.

Then, the researcher discussed the definition of women’s language continued with the features of women’s language in order to answer the formulated research problem.

Generally, there is a stereotype in society that shows women are subordinate than men. Women are expected to be more polite than men. This makes the way women speak are different from men. Thus, there are some features that used more by women than men. Lakoff (1975) states there are some linguistic features used more often by women than men to express women’s uncertainty and lack of confidence. Those features are labeled as women’s language, namely lexical hedges or fillers, tag question or question tag, rising



“hypercorrect” grammar, “superpolite” forms, and emphatic stress. Later, some words in the example are bolded to indicate the significant features which are discussed.

In this research, the researcher found eight features from three Indonesian

female lifestyle bloggers’ blog posts namely intensifier, lexical hedges, precise color term, empty adjective, emphatic stress, hypercorrect grammar, and tag questions. These features were presented in Table 2.1 along with the number and

percentage of each feature’s occurrence in blog posts of Indonesian female lifestyle bloggers.

Table 2.1 The Occurrence of Women’s Language Features in blog posts of three Indonesian Female Lifestyle bloggers

No. Women’s language features

The frequency of each feature

The percentage of each feature

1. Lexical hedge or filler 45 12.23%

2. Tag question 1 0.27%

3. Rising intonation on declarative 0 0%

4. Empty adjective 26 7.07%

5. Precise color term 7 1.91%

6. Intensifier 256 69.56%

7. Hypercorrect grammar 2 0.53%

8. Superpolite form 5 1.36%

9. Emphatic stress 26 7.07%



Table 2.1 showed the women’s language features that used by three Indonesian female lifestyle bloggers within January to May 2017. From the table it could be seen that from nine features, only eight features that were used by three Indonesian female lifestyle bloggers. The most used feature was intensifier (69.56% ), followed by lexical hedge or filler (12.23%), emphatic stress and empty adjective (7.07%), precise color term (1.91%), superpolite form (1.36%), hypercorrect grammar (0.53%), and question tag (0,27%). The rest of the features which was rising intonation on declaratives could not be found. Rising intonation on declarative did not appear because this was a written language. Further discussions of the findings will be explained in the following sections.

1. Intensifier

Unlike the lexical hedge and filler, intensifier is used as boosting device to strengthen the intended meaning (Holmes, 2008, p. 323). Lakoff (2004) claims that women are afraid of being ignored. Thus, the use of intensifier is used more frequent by women than men, though certainly men can use it (Lakoff, 2004, pp. 79-80). The examples of intensifiers are so, very, really. By using this feature, women also expect their message is taken seriously by the addressee (Lakoff, 2004, p. 81).

In this research, intensifier appeared the most compared to other features. Holmes (2008) states that intensifier is used by women to strengthen the intended meaning (Holmes, 2008, p. 323). Women use this feature in order to convince the addressee that they are serious with their statement. Moreover, women also use this



feature to show that their statement is amazing, more than usual. As women, three Indonesian female lifestyle bloggers also applied intensifier in their writing. It appeared about 256 times in their blog posts from January to May 2017.

The words so, very and too were mostly used in their posts. In this research, the researcher found that intensifier were used mostly by the bloggers A, it were used for 256 times. Followed by the blogger B by 116 times and blogger C 22 times used. The researcher provided some examples of the statements from their blog content that used intensifier, including the reason based on the analysis and theory.

[1] Told you it’s so good.

[2] It really explains the idea that being fit into your own paradigm can

lead to more meaningful encounters: if I’m confident with my style, I

can focus on seeing the good in others.

[3] I think that was very sweet of her but also I assumed that some of you might think that way too, and somehow I feel bad for it because working in fashion is closely related to promoting high consumerism and that is against what I stand up for.

For statement [1], the blogger A tried to convince her readers that the food she was eating which was dan dan mian, was really good. She conveyed her satisfaction after eating the food. Thus, she put so before good to strengthen the fact that food was delicious and she was serious about it and she wanted to show



to her readers that she loved the food. The researcher believed the intensifier so occurred because in the last time she ate the same food and she already stated that the food was delicious. Thus, this time she wanted to strengthen her opinion by using intensifier.

In statement [2], blogger B strengthened her statement about being confident in her self-esteem. She tried to deliver to her readers that being fit into her own view was important rather than trying to fit in somebody else’s paradigm.. The researcher analyzed it was occurred because before this statement the blogger B said that sometimes she lost her confidence in wearing orange colors but as soon as she felt comfortable with it, it could help her even more looked good. It was also showed that she wanted to convey her idea about being confident is the most important thing.

Then, in statement [3] there were three intensifiers used by the blogger C; very, too and closely. Blogger C used very to show her feeling toward the comment from one of her loyal readers. The researcher interpreted the blogger C used very as an intensifier was to express her gratitude towards her loyal reader and it was important for her to have a compliment from her reader. It is important for a blogger to have loyal readers in order to grow her blog.

The used of intensifier too here showed her uncertainty from her readers’s point of view about her style that had changed from the beginning time of blogging. The researcher analyzed that blogger C used this word was also to gain the same view from other readers about her style since she also realized that she



had changed her style. It might be because she got a lot of similar questions or comments from many of her readers before.

Lastly, the used of closely in blogger C’s statement was also to show that the reason behind she changed her style was because she worked in fashion industry that rapidly changes. She wanted to strengthen her reason by adding closely before related. On the other hand, it was also showed that she was uncertain about her reason too, whether the reason was only because of her job or that her tastes of style had changed as time goes by. It was shown by her next

statement ‘…and if you’re wondering if I still wear vintage outfits by now, I’m

telling you this: My love for vintage will never die.’ From the researcher interpretation, it was clearly showing her uncertainty about her changing style. Thus, she used those words to strengthen her statement and gained more confidence in delivering it to her readers.

2. Lexical Hedge or Filler

Lexical hedges are part of hedging that can be used to weaken the strength of an assertion (Lakoff, 2004, p. 48). Hedges and fillers are also used as the sign of lacking confidence or to avoid offending people (Lakoff, 2004, p. 48). Women use this feature in their speech to show politeness. There are some examples of lexical hedges or fillers namely: well, you know, think, seems, may, can, believe, looks. Lexical hedges also express of uncertainty in the conversation, which aimed to fill the gap between the conversations or to take and hold on the turn of the conversation, to begin the conversation, and to keep the conversation on the track.



Since the stereotype in society states that women have lower position than men, women tend to speak something indirectly and tend to be more polite when talking. For example, kind of maybe used to weaken the strength of assertion that

might cause offence, as in “Paul is kind of cruel”. Women use this hedge to show

politeness to talk about a thing that might offend others (Lakoff, 2004, p. 48). On the other hand, there is a difference between hedges and fillers stated by Holmes. Fillers are used to pause when someone is not yet finished speaking. It lets the speaker think before speaking such as uh, um, and ah. Since well and you see belong to meaningless particles, both are considered as the same category as

“pause fillers” (Holmes, 1992, p. 315). In addition, Holmes (1995, p. 75) includes pauses and hesitations like eehhmm and eeehhh in the category of hedges since they can be used to express a speaker reluctance to impose.

In this study, the researcher found 45 (12.23%) lexical hedges and fillers used by three Indonesian female lifestyle bloggers. The researcher would differentiate the further discussion of lexical hedges and fillers.

[1] Kind of want to stay here forever.

[2] You know, I often (most of the times) opt for comfortable outfits before anything else

[3] I’ve been so excited during the unboxing because, well, IT’S GOLD.

The lexical hedge that blogger C used as seen in [1] showed that she was not sure about her statement. The researcher concluded that she was uncertain about her



words of staying at the fashion show event because it was just an event, not even a real living space. Besides, it showed her admiration to the event that much as she thought about living in that dreamy place which filled of her favorites fashion items. The hedge, kind of, was to weaken the meaning of the whole statement she made.

In line with the Lakoff’s theory, blogger A showed her lack of confidence

in the example [2]. The researcher concluded that blogger A used you know as hedge because she was uncertain about her choices of outfit which in the researcher opinion were almost look like the same. Her lack of confidence can be seen that she used two adverbs of frequency after she used the hedge, often and in the bracket most of the time. Those two adverbs of frequency strengthened the use of hedge you know that showed she was uncertain about what she was talking about.

Statement [3] showed that blogger B used hedge well in her statement. The researcher concluded that she was uncertain about her feeling while she opened the item she mentioned, which was a new laptop from a particular brand. Moreover, the researcher also concluded that she was not certain enough whether or not this brand new laptop was good or met her needs as it was a sponsored

item. On the other hand, she added IT’S GOLD in capitals to strengthen her feeling towards her hesitance before. Thus, it was very clear that she used this hedge to fill the gap between her excitement and hesitance.



Lastly, the used of lexical hedges in their blog post clearly showed that although they were not doubtful in delivering their feeling or ideas, they still had uncertainty in delivering some of their opinion.

Lakoff (1975) states that filler is a meaningless particle in which its occurrence does not alter the intended meaning. In this study the researcher found two words that were classified into fillers namely ew and yup.

[1] Ew, another Indian drama?

[2] Yup, this will be the last one for #brownplatformnewyeargiveaway

and of course it’ the most special one, at least for me

From the statement [1] the used of filler ew by blogger B showed that she

hesitated to express her next statement about her parents’ current addiction of

watching Indian drama. Besides, she used the filler ew in her statement was also giving her time to think about her next statement. The researcher also found that she used filler ew because she was considering of being polite so that she did not offend her parents about her thought. As found in blogger A’s statement in example [2], she used filler yup to fill the gap on what she was going to say next. The researcher concluded that she was uncertain about what to say to open her blog post on that day because it was the first word she used in her blog post.

Generally, the used of lexical hedges and fillers in this research was quite similar. Moreover, the researcher also found that the aim of lexical hedge and



filler were to show the bloggers’ uncertainty in expressing their feelings and also as the consideration of being polite in delivered their speech.

3. Empty Adjective

Empty adjectives are group of adjective in terms of vocabulary and it is

indicating speaker’s approbation or admiration for something, such as gorgeous, fabulous, lovely, adorable, charming, holy, brilliant, super, and etc. (Lakoff, 1973). Women’s language is categorized as ‘powerless language’. It focuses on condition how women tend to use more particular features in their speech and

women’s position in the society (Lakoff, 1973, p. 6). In addition, Lakoff states that the use of this feature also signal the feeling of ‘uninvolved’ or ‘out of power’ instead of feminine (Lakoff, 2007, pp.46-47). In other words, women use empty adjective to attract more attention from the addressee that their message to the addressee are important and worth the attention.

Thus, the use of empty adjective focuses on how a person delivers affective meaning than referential meaning. In this study, the researcher found 26 (7.07%) empty adjectives used by three Indonesian female lifestyle bloggers. For instance gigantic, humble, pretty, holy, simply, super, incredibly, practically, huge, and adorable. The researcher categorized those words as empty adjectives because there were extraordinary words that showed the bloggers’ feeling of impression or admiration.



[1] Told you it’s so good, I always have it whenever I visit Cathay Pacific

lounges, yup even at their other lounges, you can still find this holy noodle.

[2] I’m pretty sure I’d hit the sack within the next two hours

[3] A delightful start for someone who works with gadget and electronic devices is by making sure that we use only our best favorites to create content.

[4] …and their signature heart-shaped collars that is so incredibly eye-pleasing, especially if you have peculiar addiction of wavy silhouette & corners like me.

From statement [1], the blogger A wanted to show her feeling towards the noodle she ate. She wanted to emphasize it by adding the empty adjective holy, even though she already added the intensifier so in the beginning of her statement. The researcher believed that blogger A wanted to add more feelings toward her statement so that she could influence her readers having the same agreement on the taste of that noodle.

Moreover, as found in the blogger B’s statements, statements [2] and [3], she emphasized her feeling towards her statement by using the empty adjectives. In statement [2], the use of word pretty by the blogger B was to strengthen her statement that she would sleep immediately as she described before this statement that she was in a cozy position; in a relaxing position in the evening. Moreover, it can be seen in [3], blogger B used word delightful to add more feelings in her



statement about using gadgets and electronic devices. In the researcher’s interpretation, she used this word to emphasize and also to persuade the readers to have the same opinion about a particular gadget she was promoting. It was because in this posting, she promoted a well known brand of laptop. In the other words, as this was a sponsored post, she had to persuade more people to use this kind of brand. Thus, she used the empty adjective to help her strengthened the message she would like to deliver.

Another example was found in the blogger C statement as seen in [4], she used the word incredibly before eye-pleasing to show her excitement on how good the fashion item she saw in a fashion show event. The empty adjective incredibly helped her to deliver how good the fashion item was. It could be seen that eye-pleasing actually had a strong meaning already; it meant that it was really good to be seen by the eye. Thus, as she found it was more than usual, she added an empty adjective in her statement to make it even more convincing.

From those findings above, the researcher concluded that empty adjectives were used by those bloggers aimed to strengthen their feeling towards their statements or opinion. They used it to make it seem like more than a usual thing and to get more attention from the readers.

4. Emphatic Stress

As said by Lakoff that perhaps women realize that they are often not being

listened to, because obviously they couldn’t say anything that really mattered,



(Lakoff, 2004, p. 81). Women use this feature as a boosting device to ensure that

the message is received and responded. It signs women’s anticipation that the

addressee may remain unconvinced and therefore women supply extra reassurance in their message (Holmes, 2008, p. 299). In written language, emphatic stress could be identified by the use of capital letter and exclamation mark at the end of sentence. Similarly, emphatic stress has the same function with intensifier which is to strengthen the intended meaning (Holmes, 2008, p. 323).

There were 26 words (7.07%) that were classified into emphatic stress. The emphatic stress was used to emphasize the bloggers statement. Emphatic stress was used because they might be afraid if they were not being listened or got the attention from their readers.

[1] Am currently obsessed with Shabby De Hat boater collection just because their pieces are so fine.

[2] So many lovely pictures taken by Hans, I know!!

[3] She experienced multiple horrifying accidents and lived in pain her whole life, but love is her biggest source of inspiration to create.

From statement [1], the blogger A expressed her excitement on the hats from a particular brand. The researcher concluded that blogger A was not doubtful at all to show her feeling and satisfaction towards the hats. She was confident to reveal what was on her mind about it without considering the reaction from other people.



In the statement [2], blogger A wanted to deliver her gratitude towards her blogger friend who took great pictures of her during the trip in Japan. The researcher concluded that she wanted to emphasize the meaning of her sincere words to her friend using word lovely and two exclamation marks at the end of the sentence which indicated the use of emphatic stress.

In addition, blogger C used emphatic stress to express her feeling about

the accidents that Frida Kahlo’s experienced. Frida Kahlo is the muse of the photography exhibition. In the researcher interpretation, she wanted to show how deep her feeling about the muse’s life story was. Thus, the use of horrifying as an empty adjective here was to strengthen her statement and to get more attention from her readers about her feeling and opinion.

Overall, the use of emphatic stress by the bloggers in their blog posting functioned as boosting devices. Women boost the force of their utterance because they want to be heard or paid attention to (Lakoff, 2004, p. 81). Thus, the three Indonesian female bloggers used emphatic stress as booster to express their confidence in expressing their feeling. Although, the use of emphatic stress in their blog postings might be considered to get more attention from their readers, but it also showed that they truly meant what they said.

5. Precise Colour Term

Lakoff (2004) also states that women have richer lexical than men. The more specific one is about the color terms. Women consider those colors term are commonly used, but they are seen to be trivial and unreal for men. This point



shows how color discrimination gives women opportunity to participate in making the real decisions of life since women are not expected on making decisions on important matters.

The examples of this feature can be found easily on women’s makeup or

clothing line catalogue. On the lipstick selection, for instance, there are dusky pink, coral, peach, nudes, blush pink, burgundy. On the other hand, men see it in common term like pink, red, blue, brown. Men tend to relegate the things that do not belong to their concern. They do not think too much about the naming of specific color terms as in women because they also do not involve their egos (Lakoff, 1973, p. 6). Moreover, if men know these kinds of color terms they might be considered as homosexuals. Furthermore, a man might also deal with those color terms in his daily conversation because of his profession, such as deign interior and hair stylist (Lakoff, 2004, pp. 43-44).

In this study, the researcher found seven findings from the use of precise color term namely blonde, pastel lilac, mustard, green emerald, neon colors, fuchsia, and crystal clear. The researcher only found this feature used by the blogger B and C. The researcher did not find this feature used by the blogger A. The used of this feature clearly showed that women have more lexical terms for color than men. Blonde and pastel lilac were used by the blogger B to convey her hair colors, because she colored her hair into several different colors and those two were mentioned in her blog posts. Blonde is a light yellow toned color while pastel lilac is light purple toned color.



Then, mustard is also a yellow toned color which has almost the same tone with the mustard sauce but darker. Mustard was used by blogger B to show a

coat’s color. Another precise color term used by blogger B was green emerald, this is a dark green toned color which has the same tone with emerald stone. She used green emerald to show the color of a pendant precisely. The researcher believed that the used of these precise color terms by the blogger B were to impress and to show the readers that she had wide color knowledge. Moreover, it was also showed that she wanted to get more attention from her readers about this. In addition, this feture was also used by the blogger C. She used neon colors to show her choices of clothes in one of her blog postings where she combined some different color as her outfit. Neon colors are bright, vivid, reflective and eye-catching colors. She was also used the term fuchsia, it is a vivid pink purplish color. In the researcher interpretation, she used this feature with the same reasons why it was used by the blogger B which was to show that she had larger knowledge of color terms.

In conclusion, the researcher concluded that the used of precise color terms by the bloggers as seen above were to get more attention from the readers as they considered they were experts of color terms. Moreover, they wanted to show

6. Superpolite Form

Lakoff (1973) emphasizes three things in superpolite form namely avoidance of swearing words, extensive use of euphemism, and using more



particles in a sentence request. Those three terms used by Lakoff in order to show how women consider the politeness in their speaking.

Lakoff (1973) suggests that in Middle America, the majority might condone the use of strong swear words by men, but not for women. It is because women are expected to be like a lady since they are young. They are allowed to fuss and complain, but not to flinch or below like men.

Women are believed to be experts of euphemism and to know the right things to say to other people (Lakoff, 2004, p. 80). People are expected women to talk nicely and to know the right time to say something. Moreover, Lakoff (2004, p. 50) states that the more particles in a sentence that reinforce the notion that it is a request, rather than an order, the politer the result. By using this feature, women are considered speaking in a polite way.

In this research, the researcher found that only avoiding strong swear words occurred. Avoiding strong swear words was used by women in order to show how they consider politeness in their speech. In this research, the researcher found five statements that were considered as avoiding strong swear words as follows.

[1] I swear I will never be like you!

[2] It’s so good I swear.

[3] It’s so damn good I swear.

[4] The costumes make up, her choices of shoes, OMG, and she even managed to dance energetically; it was all worth it I swear.



From the statement [1], blogger B wanted to express her anger towards her parents because her parents were trying to command her life and she did not agree about it. In this statement, blogger B wanted to show that she still had

consideration that she was her parents’ daughter and was not supposed to talk rough even though she was very angry. This form also showed that she showed or performed her politeness towards her parents, as in eastern culture it is considered bad if you express your anger to your parents using a strong swear word and it will bring you bad luck in the future.

In the second finding as seen on statement [2], blogger A used this form to express her politeness and to strengthen the message to her readers. She expressed her feeling after she ate dan dan mian, it was a Shanghainese styled noodle in spicy hot peanut sauce. She wanted to express that the meal she ate was delicious so she shared her feeling to her readers about it. Compared to the statement [3], she used the word damn at first which in the researcher perspective was less polite. However, she added I swear at the end of her statement, in the researcher interpretation she tried to get back on track when she must speak politely. Thus, she added this words to express that the dessert she had was delicious and worth to try.

On the same line with the previous two examples, the use of superpolite form in statement [4] was also to express the blogger A’s feeling after watching Lady Gaga live on the stage in a music festival called Coachella. She even used it twice; OMG and I swear. The researcher believed that she wanted to express her excitement and joy after watching a worldwide famous singer live in the concert.



She wanted to be heard and wanted her readers to pay more attention to her feeling since women are afraid of not to be heard.

Moreover, in this research, the researcher found that sometimes the use of avoiding strong swear words also strengthened the meaning intended. It could be seen from those three examples. The researcher believed that the blogger A could use strong swear words if she wanted to. However, she considered her position as a woman and also as a public figure that she must show her attitude especially in her writing. The use of word damn was the proof that she could use it every time, but she avoided it as she had this consideration.

7. Hypercorrect Grammar

According to Lakoff (2004), women are not supposed to talk rough. Thus, women tend to use standard form to show their good behavior in society. Therefore, women are supposed to always use hypercorrect grammar. In addition, Holmes states that women use standard form to show good behavior as a speech-role in front of society (Holmes, 1992, p. 172). Moreover, women use hypercorrect grammar to show that they have better grammatical English. Besides, women use hypercorrect grammar to gain their need to be valued in society. As women are seen as subordinate group, they must speak carefully and politely. Holmes adds that women are not supposed to offend men (Holmes, 2008, p.166). In addition, Holmes (1995, p. 75) includes pauses and hesitations like eehhmm and eeehhh in the category of hedges since they can be used to express a speaker reluctance to impose.



Thus, women have to speak politely. In this study, the researcher found two statements which were considered as hypercorrect grammar and those were used by the blogger A as follows.

[1] First of all, I would like to say Happy New Year 2017!!

[2] Once again, I would like to thank Trade Victoria and also Shopping Links for supporting this collaboration, for making it all happen and for taking so much care of us

From the statement [1], blogger A used correct form in using modal to wish her readers a happy new year. The researcher concluded that she was showing a polite and sincere wish to her readers about the new coming year. Moreover, from the next statement [2], was also provided by the blogger A, the researcher also concluded that she was showing her politeness and gratitude to the event coordinator whom invited her to the fashion show in Australia.

Finally, the researcher agreed that women should be more polite in deliver a speech both written and oral. It would be better if women use correct grammar to avoid misunderstanding in communication especially when it comes to written language as in blog postings.



8. Question Tag

According to Lakoff (1973, p. 54) a tag is midway between an outright statement and a yes-no question: it is assertive than the former but more confident than the latter. Women use question tag to assert their confidence. The examples of question tag namely: aren’t you?, are you?, isn’t it?, right?, don’t we?. Question tag appears in the final statement to strengthen the confidence of the speaker. Moreover, Lakoff suggests that question tag is the second hedging device

called ‘syntactic device’.

On the other hand, Holmes states there are four functions of question tag namely to express uncertainty, to show positive politeness, to soften the negative comment, and to show the confrontational things (Holmes, 1992, pp. 318-319).

Question tags are the second hedging device called ‘syntactic device’ listed by

Lakoff (1973&2004) which may express uncertainty.

In this research, the researcher found only one question tag used by the

blogger A out of three bloggers. The evidence was: ‘We stayed for two nights to

experience the difference; sleeping inside the airstream and showering in the open air, why not?’. The used of question tag clearly showed that blogger A was not certain about the plan of sleeping in the middle of dessert. It was because she stated that it was her first time did something new like that.

It also showed that she was uncertain about that plan as the researcher believed that she always stayed in luxurious hotels as a part of her jetset lifestyle which showed by her blog posts previously. In the contrary, the use of why not



here by the researcher‘s interpretation was also to express how excited she was about enjoying life in the middle of dessert without any five-stars hotel facilities.




This chapter consists of two parts, namely conclusions and recommendations. The conclusions part summarizes the major findings and discussions. The recommendations part spells out the recommendations for the readers, lecturers and future researchers of women’s language features.

A. Conclusions

In this section, the researcher would sum up this research including the findings and discussions. This research aimed to answer the research question

which was ‘Do Indonesian female lifestyle bloggers posts reflect the features of

women’s language?’ Then, ‘human as instrument’ and three Indonesian female

lifestyle bloggers’ post were employed as research instruments in order to collect the data. After that, the researcher used a checklist to analyze the data and concluded the study about women’s language features used by three Indonesia female lifestyle bloggers.

Based on the discussion in Chapter II, the findings showed that only eight features that were used by three Indonesian female lifestyle bloggers in their blog posts from January to May 2017. It could be seen in Table 2.1 that intensifiers, lexical hedges and fillers, emphatic stresses and empty adjectives, precise color



terms, superpolite forms in this findings were avoiding the strong swear words, hypercorrect grammar and question tag.

The percentage of intensifier occurrence was 69.56% which was commonly used to strengthen the bloggers statement in delivering their message and to persuade others to take them seriously in order to not to be ignored. Followed by the percentage of lexical hedge or filler occurrence which was 12.23%, this feature was used commonly to show their uncertainty and politeness in some ways. The next were emphatic stresses and empty adjective with the same amount of percentage in occurrence 7.07%. The empty adjectives were used by those bloggers aimed to strengthen their feeling towards what they were talking about. They used it to make it seem more than a usual thing and to get more attention from the readers.

The next was emphatic stress. The emphatic stresses were used by the bloggers in their posts as boosting devices. Women boost the force of their utterance because they want to be heard or paid attention to (Lakoff, 2004, p.81). Thus, the three Indonesian female bloggers used these boosters to express their confidence in expressing their feeling and opinion towards something. Next, the percentage of precise color term occurrence was 1.91%, the bloggers used this features to show that they had a wide knowledge of color terms which might make them kind of exclusive. The percentage of superpolite form in this findings (avoiding the strong swear words occurrence) was 1.36%. The bloggers showed their politeness in society by avoiding the used of strong swear words in their blog posts. It showed that they still had this consideration of being polite in the society



as they are also public figures who might influence more women by the way they deliver their speech. The percentage of hypercorrect grammar occurrence was 0.53%. Based on the findings this feature was only used by the blogger A. She used this feature to show politeness and sincere gratitude as she used the correct form of modal in her statement. The percentage of question tag occurrence was 0,27% and this was the least feature used in bloggers blog posts and only occurred once. The use of question tag was to show blogger uncertainty in staying in the middle of dessert for the first time as she usually got to have luxurious hotel facilities.

One feature which did not appear at all was rising intonation on declaratives. Since this research employed document analysis and rising intonation can only find in spoken language, thus the researcher did not find this feature. In the researcher conclusion, rising intonation on declaratives could be

seen when we listen to the speaker’s speech.

In conclusion, the researcher found that the women’s language features used by three Indonesian female lifestyle bloggers were not only showing their lack of confidence and uncertainty. On the other hand, the use of some features like emphatic stresses showed that women could also show their confidence using emphatic stresses feature. Besides, the three bloggers had the same patterns in using the features. They tend used intensifier followed by lexical hedge or filler. The researcher concluded that this was because they wanted to be heard and got the same perspective from the readers about what they said. Besides, the findings also showed that they have the same patterns in using the women’s language



features. They had the same tendencies using intensifier the most in their content as could be seen in Appendix 2.

B. Recommendations

In this section, the researcher addressed some recommendations to the readers, lecturers and students of ELESP and future researchers.

For the readers the researcher expects that this study could give better or enrich the understanding in women’s language features. However, men sometimes use those features in their speech too. It is hoped that men will not think that women are inferior to them. Besides, some features like the use of precise color terms are also useful for men especially for those who work in creative industry, interior design, designer, and hair stylish.

For the lecturers and students of ELESP, the researcher suggests that providing more information or knowledge about sociolinguistic is very important. It can help the students to get better understanding in this field of study. For the students of ELSP, the researcher suggests to use this knowledge and to imply it to the real world. Some of these features show politeness in delivering speech in society. It can be useful if the students use it for good.

The last but not mean least, for the future researchers can use this study as the reference for a similar study. The researcher also suggests that future




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Appendix 1 Analysis Table of Women’s Language Features Used by Indonesian Female Lifestyle Bloggers Checklist of Women’s Language Features in bloggers posts

No. Women’s Language Feature

Is the featured

used? Evidence(s) of the features in blog posts Yes No

1. Lexical hedges or fillers v Anyway, well, you know, alright, moving on, really, kind of, I mean, sort of, ew , yup, yeah

2. Tag question v We stayed here for two nights to experience the difference; sleeping inside the airstream and showering in the open are, why not?

3. Raising intonation or declaratives v

4. Empty adjective v Whole, gigantic, humble, pretty, holy, simply, super, uuuuuber, incredibly, practically, huge, messed up, biggest, adorable, beautifully, delightful

5. Precise color terms v Blonde, pastel lilac, mustard, green emerald, neon colors, fuchsia, crystal clear

6. Intensifier v So, very, absolutely, of course, too, eventually, a lot, as much as, currently, just, more, definitely, really, even, especially, such, closely, actually, most, exactly, totally, for sure, more of, entirely, enough, a bunch, quite, merely, maybe, certainly, much much,

7. Hypercorrect grammar v First of all, I would like to say Happy New year 2017!, Once again, I would like to thank Trade Victoria and also Shopping Links for supporting this collaboration



No. Women’s Language Feature

Is the featured

used? Evidence(s) of the features in blog posts Yes No

8. Superpolite form v It was all worth it I swear! , Had a chance to visit their office during VAMFF and good Lord, I don’t mind staying here, I swear I will never be like you! ,

9. Emphatic stress v Obsessed, lovely, wonderful, beautifully, overwhelmed, great, super, horrifying, powerful, fascinating, crazy,



Appendix 2 Tables of Women’s Language Features Used by Indonesian Female Lifestyle Bloggers

A. The Occurrence of Women’s Language Features in blog post of three Indonesian Female Lifestyle bloggers

No. Women’s language features

The frequency of each feature

The percentage of each feature

1. Lexical hedges 45 12.23%

2. Tag question 1 0.27%

3. Raising intonation on declaratives 0 0

4. Empty adjective 26 7.07%

5. Precise color terms 7 1.91%

6. Intensifier 256 69.56%

7. Hypercorrect grammar 2 0.53%

8. Superpolite form 5 1.36%

9. Emphatic stress 26 7.07%



B. Women’s Language Features Used by Anastasia Siantar as Blogger A

No. Women’s language features The frequency of each feature

1. Lexical hedges 25

2. Tag question 1

3. Raising intonation on declaratives 0

4. Empty adjective 5

5. Precise color terms 0

6. Intensifier 118

7. Hypercorrect grammar 2

8. Superpolite form 2

9. Emphatic stress 12



C. Women’s Language Features Used by Clara Devi as Blogger B

No. Women’s language features The frequency of each feature

1. Lexical hedges 18

2. Tag question 0

3. Raising intonation on declaratives 0

4. Empty adjective 13

5. Precise color terms 4

6. Intensifier 116

7. Hypercorrect grammar 0

8. Superpolite form 1

9. Emphatic stress 9



D. Women’s Language Features Used by Sonia Eryka as Blogger C

No. Women’s language features The frequency of each feature

1. Lexical hedges 2

2. Tag question 0

3. Raising intonation or declaratives 0

4. Empty adjective 8

5. Precise color terms 3

6. Intensifier 22

7. Hypercorrect grammar 0

8. Superpolite form 0

9. Emphatic stress 5



Appendix 1 Analysis Table of Women’s Language Features Used by Indonesian Female Lifestyle Bloggers Checklist of Women’s Language Features in bloggers posts

No. Women’s Language Feature

Is the featured

used? Evidence(s) of the features in blog posts Yes No

1. Lexical hedges or fillers v Anyway, well, you know, alright, moving on, really, kind of, I mean, sort of, ew , yup, yeah

2. Tag question v We stayed here for two nights to experience the difference; sleeping inside the airstream and showering in the open are, why not?

3. Raising intonation or declaratives v

4. Empty adjective v Whole, gigantic, humble, pretty, holy, simply, super, uuuuuber, incredibly, practically, huge, messed up, biggest, adorable, beautifully, delightful

5. Precise color terms v Blonde, pastel lilac, mustard, green emerald, neon colors, fuchsia, crystal clear

6. Intensifier v So, very, absolutely, of course, too, eventually, a lot, as much as, currently, just, more, definitely, really, even, especially, such, closely, actually, most, exactly, totally, for sure, more of, entirely, enough, a bunch, quite, merely, maybe, certainly, much much,

7. Hypercorrect grammar v First of all, I would like to say Happy New year 2017!, Once again, I would like to thank Trade Victoria and also Shopping Links for supporting this collaboration


No. Women’s Language Feature

Is the featured

used? Evidence(s) of the features in blog posts Yes No

8. Superpolite form v It was all worth it I swear! , Had a chance to visit their office during VAMFF and good Lord, I don’t mind

staying here, I swear I will never be like you! ,

9. Emphatic stress v Obsessed, lovely, wonderful, beautifully, overwhelmed, great, super, horrifying, powerful, fascinating, crazy,



Appendix 2 Tables of Women’s Language Features Used by Indonesian Female

Lifestyle Bloggers

A. The Occurrence of Women’s Language Features in blog post of three Indonesian Female Lifestyle bloggers

No. Women’s language features

The frequency

of each feature

The percentage

of each feature

1. Lexical hedges 45 12.23%

2. Tag question 1 0.27%

3. Raising intonation on declaratives 0 0

4. Empty adjective 26 7.07%

5. Precise color terms 7 1.91%

6. Intensifier 256 69.56%

7. Hypercorrect grammar 2 0.53%

8. Superpolite form 5 1.36%

9. Emphatic stress 26 7.07%


B. Women’s Language Features Used by Anastasia Siantar as Blogger A

No. Women’s language features The frequency of each feature

1. Lexical hedges 25

2. Tag question 1

3. Raising intonation on declaratives 0

4. Empty adjective 5

5. Precise color terms 0

6. Intensifier 118

7. Hypercorrect grammar 2

8. Superpolite form 2

9. Emphatic stress 12



C. Women’s Language Features Used by Clara Devi as Blogger B

No. Women’s language features The frequency of each feature

1. Lexical hedges 18

2. Tag question 0

3. Raising intonation on declaratives 0

4. Empty adjective 13

5. Precise color terms 4

6. Intensifier 116

7. Hypercorrect grammar 0

8. Superpolite form 1

9. Emphatic stress 9


D. Women’s Language Features Used by Sonia Eryka as Blogger C

No. Women’s language features The frequency of each feature

1. Lexical hedges 2

2. Tag question 0

3. Raising intonation or declaratives 0

4. Empty adjective 8

5. Precise color terms 3

6. Intensifier 22

7. Hypercorrect grammar 0

8. Superpolite form 0

9. Emphatic stress 5