Women`s language features in doc. love`s articles.


Kasmiran, Marselus Suarta. 2016. Women's Language Features in Doc. Love’s Articles. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Based on Lakoff's (1973) study, men and women use different language features. Somehow, men and women nowadays interact and assimilate in order to be acceptable in the working world. The researcher was interested in analyzing which women's language features are used. The researcher was also interested in analyzing what factors affect men to use women's language.

There were two formulated questions in this research. They were 1) which women's language features are used by Doc. Love in askmen.com? 2) What factors affect Doc. Love to use women's language?

This research used discourse analysis to analyze the data. The articles in askmen.com were used as the main data. The articles analyzed to answer the two research questions. In answering the first question, the researcher analyzed women's language features used by Doc. Love in his articles. The researcher used nine features from Lakoff (1973) and one from Jespersen (1922). To answer the second research question, the researcher linked the findings with the changes of masculinity concept in society and a man in his profession.

The researcher identified that in his articles Doc. Love used lexical hedges, fillers, hypercorrection grammar, intensifiers, tag question, empty adjectives, superpolite forms, and avoidance of strong swear words. In answering the second question, the researcher discovered factors that affected the use of women's language features by Doc. Love. The factors are the changes of masculinity concept in society and a man in his profession.

In the last part, the researcher expects that the research delivers some benefits to English Language Education Study program students, English teachers, and future researchers. For English language study program teachers and students, it is expected that the study can be the source of learning. For future researchers, it is expected that the future researchers can use this study as the reference and produce the better studies.



Kasmiran, Marselus Suarta. 2016. Women's Language Features in Doc. Love Articles. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Lakoff (1972), wanita mengunakan fitur bahasa yang khas. Di lain sisi, sekarang ini pria dan wanita berinteraksi dan berasimilasi untuk keperluan pekerjaan. Pria yang diakui memiliki posisi yang lebih tinggi dari wanita di masyarakat, cenderung mengunakan fitur khas bahasa wanita. Peneliti tertarik untuk menganalisis fitur bahasa khas wanita apa yang digunakan oleh pria. Peneliti juga tertarik untuk menganalisis faktor apa yang mempengaruhi seorang pria untuk mengunakan bahasa khas wanita.

Terdapat dua rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini: 1) Fitur khas bahasa wanita apa yang digunakan oleh Doc. Love di artikel artikelnya? 2) Faktor apakah yang mengakibatkan Doc. Love mengunakan fitur khas bahasa wanita?

Penelitian ini mengunakan analisis wacana untuk menganalisa data. Artikel karangan Doc. Love di askmen.com digunakan sebagai data utama. Artikel-artikel tersebut digunakan untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah pertama, peneliti menganalisa fitur bahasa khas wanita yang digunakan oleh Doc. Lovedalam artikel-artikelnya. Peneliti mengunakan sembilan fitur dari Lakoff (1973) dan satu dari Jespersen (1922). Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah kedua, peneliti mengaitkan hasil penemuan dengan perubahan pandangan tentang maskulinitas di masyarakat masa kini dan seorang pria dalam pekerjaannya.

Peneliti mengidentifikasi bahwa dalam artikel-artikelnya Doc. Love mengunakan lexical hedges, fillers hypercorrection grammar, intensifiers, tag question, empty adjectives, superpolite forms, and avoidance of strong swear words. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan kedua, peneliti menemukan dua faktor yang mempengaruhi Doc. Love dalam pengunaan fitur khas bahasa wanita, yaitu: perubahan konsep maskulinitas di masyarakat dan pria dalam pekerjaannya.

Pada bagian akhir, peneliti mengharapkan bahwa penelitian ini memberikan beberapa manfaat untuk mahasiswa, pengajar di program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris, dan para peneliti di kemudian hari. Untuk pengajar dan mahasiswa, peneliti berharap penelitian ini dapat menjadi sumber belajar. Untuk para peneliti di kemudian hari, peneliti berharap penelitian ini dapat menjadi referensi dan para peneliti selanjutnya dapat menghasilkan penelitian yang lebih baik.






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the SarjanaPendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


MarselusSuartaKasmiran Student Number: 121214112











Kasmiran, Marselus Suarta. 2016. Women's Language Features in Doc. Love’s

Articles. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Based on Lakoff's (1973) study, men and women use different language features. Somehow, men and women nowadays interact and assimilate in order to be acceptable in the working world. The researcher was interested in analyzing which women's language features are used. The researcher was also interested in analyzing what factors affect men to use women's language.

There were two formulated questions in this research. They were 1) which women's language features are used by Doc. Love in askmen.com? 2) What factors affect Doc. Love to use women's language?

This research used discourse analysis to analyze the data. The articles in askmen.com were used as the main data. The articles analyzed to answer the two research questions. In answering the first question, the researcher analyzed women's language features used by Doc. Love in his articles. The researcher used nine features from Lakoff (1973) and one from Jespersen (1922). To answer the second research question, the researcher linked the findings with the changes of masculinity concept in society and a man in his profession.

The researcher identified that in his articles Doc. Love used lexical hedges, fillers, hypercorrection grammar, intensifiers, tag question, empty adjectives, superpolite forms, and avoidance of strong swear words. In answering the second question, the researcher discovered factors that affected the use of women's language features by Doc. Love. The factors are the changes of masculinity concept in society and a man in his profession.

In the last part, the researcher expects that the research delivers some benefits to English Language Education Study program students, English teachers, and future researchers. For English language study program teachers and students, it is expected that the study can be the source of learning. For future researchers, it is expected that the future researchers can use this study as the reference and produce the better studies.





Kasmiran, Marselus Suarta. 2016. Women's Language Features in Doc. Love

Articles. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Lakoff (1972), wanita mengunakan fitur bahasa yang khas. Di lain sisi, sekarang ini pria dan wanita berinteraksi dan berasimilasi untuk keperluan pekerjaan. Pria yang diakui memiliki posisi yang lebih tinggi dari wanita di masyarakat, cenderung mengunakan fitur khas bahasa wanita. Peneliti tertarik untuk menganalisis fitur bahasa khas wanita apa yang digunakan oleh pria. Peneliti juga tertarik untuk menganalisis faktor apa yang mempengaruhi seorang pria untuk mengunakan bahasa khas wanita.

Terdapat dua rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini: 1) Fitur khas bahasa wanita apa yang digunakan oleh Doc. Love di artikel artikelnya? 2) Faktor apakah yang mengakibatkan Doc. Love mengunakan fitur khas bahasa wanita?

Penelitian ini mengunakan analisis wacana untuk menganalisa data. Artikel karangan Doc. Love di askmen.com digunakan sebagai data utama. Artikel-artikel tersebut digunakan untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah pertama, peneliti menganalisa fitur bahasa khas wanita yang digunakan oleh Doc. Lovedalam artikel-artikelnya. Peneliti mengunakan sembilan fitur dari Lakoff (1973) dan satu dari Jespersen (1922). Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah kedua, peneliti mengaitkan hasil penemuan dengan perubahan pandangan tentang maskulinitas di masyarakat masa kini dan seorang pria dalam pekerjaannya.

Peneliti mengidentifikasi bahwa dalam artikel-artikelnya Doc. Love mengunakan lexical hedges, fillers hypercorrection grammar, intensifiers, tag question, empty adjectives, superpolite forms, and avoidance of strong swear words. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan kedua, peneliti menemukan dua faktor yang mempengaruhi Doc. Love dalam pengunaan fitur khas bahasa wanita, yaitu: perubahan konsep maskulinitas di masyarakat dan pria dalam pekerjaannya.

Pada bagian akhir, peneliti mengharapkan bahwa penelitian ini memberikan beberapa manfaat untuk mahasiswa, pengajar di program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris, dan para peneliti di kemudian hari. Untuk pengajar dan mahasiswa, peneliti berharap penelitian ini dapat menjadi sumber belajar. Untuk para peneliti di kemudian hari, peneliti berharap penelitian ini dapat menjadi referensi dan para peneliti selanjutnya dapat menghasilkan penelitian yang lebih baik.




First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to The Almighty

God, for blessing and guiding me to finish my thesis. He always gives me chances

to learn to be a better person.

My special thanks go to my thesis advisor, Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed.,

Ph.D., for his guidance to help me finish my thesis. He kindly encouraged me to

give my best in my thesis. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to all

my lecturers in ELESP for the invaluable advice and knowledge that I have

learned throughout my four-year study in Sanata Dharma University. They gave me much experience to be a great teacher in the future. I also want to thank to

PatrisiaSenita, who always supports and loves me. Last but not least, I

acknowledge my gratitude to my beloved family and friends who always give me love and continuous support even when I facedifficulties in finishing my thesis.









ABSTRAK ... vi





CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Research Background... 1

B. Research Problems ... 4

C. Research Limitation ... 4

D. Research Objectives ... 4

E. Research Benefits ... 4

F. Definition of Terms ... 6


1. Women’s Language Features in Speaking ... 8

2. Women’s Language Features in Writing ... 15



4. Pro-Feminist Men and Men’s Perspective Changes ... 18

5. A Man in His Profession ... 20

6. Men, Women, and Culture ... 20

7. Critical Discourse Analysis ... 22

8. Doc. Love’s Biography ... 23

B. Review of Related Studies ... 25

C. Theoretical Framework ... 27


B. Research Setting ... 31

C. Data Source ... 31

D. Data Gathering Technique ... 32

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 32

F. Research Procedure ... 34


B. The Reason Why Doc. Love Used Women Language Features ... 50


B. Recommendations ... 55






Table Page

1. Table 3.1 Observation Checklist ... 33 2. Table 4.1. The Occurrence of Women’s Language Features in Doc. Love’s




Page A. Appendix. A. List of Women Language Features in Doc. Love’s Articles .. 60 B. Appendix. B. Examples of Color and Hypotaxis Used by Doc. Love ... 67 C. Appendix. C. Articles which the Researcher Used in This Study ... 68




This chapter consists of five parts, namely the research background, the research question, the research objective, the research benefits, and the definition of terms. The research background represents the reasons why the topic is conducted. Moreover, this chapter also discusses the reasons why the topic is worth studying. The research problems deal with the problems that will be analyzed in chapter four. The research objectives provide the purposes of the study. The next part is the benefits of the study. In the last part, the researcher provides the definition of the terms to deepen readers' understanding.

A. Research Background

Compared with men, women use different language features. Many studies have scientifically proven that men and women have specific language features used in speaking. The most famous study about women’s language features is

Lakoff’s (1973) study. Lakoff (1973) states that women have specific language features. The language features distinguish women from men. Spender (1980) claims that men’s language is the norm of a society. Lakoff (1973) states that society places women’s language in the lower position. It implies that men’s language and women’s language are different.

In society, women use politer language forms, whereas men tend to speak harshly. Romaine (1996) states that women may use a language as a way to


assimilate to society and achieve status denied to them. In the past, women were considered in the lower society. Women were in the lower society because they were illiterate. Men led the society and women became mothers and housewives. There were only small places for women in other fields, such as in education and politics. In order to be accepted, some women do assimilation strategy. The assimilation strategy is a strategy that is persuaded by women in order to be in equal status with men. Coates (1993) mentions six ways which imply women’s assimilation. In some cases, women use deeper voices, swear, use taboo language, use a more assertive style in group interaction, use prosodic features, talk about traditionally male topics, and speak non-standard accents.

Nowadays, many women believe in feminism. In Indonesia, women have taken some positions which men used to lead, such as politics, education and other fields. In Indonesia, there are some women who have been famous in politics, such as Tri Rismaharini as Surabaya’s mayor, and Susi Pudjiastuti as

Indonesia’s Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. In Indonesia, there are many heroes who are women, such as RA Kartini and Cut Nyak Din.

On the other hand, some men have adopted women’s values. Italua (2013)

states that nowadays society considers femininity traits as a part of masculinity. West (1990) mentions some benefits of using women’s language features. She takes an example from doctor-patient talk and education field. The research discovers that those male doctors who use men’s language features perform more authoritarian and less sensitive. The doctors obtain difficulties in getting patients do what they are asked. It implies that female language features perform better in


doctor talk. The other example is in an education field. The new GCSE English examinations prove that girls performed more positively in interpersonal skill.

The evidence that men and women tend to assimilate nowadays invite the researcher to do a study. The researcher tries to recognize whether men’s

nowadays also use women’s language features in their literary works. If they use women's language features in their writings, it may imply ideologies the men believe. In order to examine the men's writings, the researcher chooses to obtain data from Doc. Love's articles in askmen.com. Doc. Love is a man who writes some articles in order to solve love problems. The researcher observes Doc. Love's articles because Doc. Love is perceived as a doctor. Because of his job, he may use women’s language. The researcher wants to know whatever Doc. Love uses women language features in his articles.

Doc. Love’s articles are in a website, named askmen.com. Askmen.com is a men’s website which helps men to improve their lives. Every man in the world can open the website and obtain some advice and knowledge about being a better man. Being the most famous men site, it influences many men in the world. If the writers in the askmen.com use women’s language features, it shows that assimilation between men and women is acceptable nowadays. The website is categorized as documents where the data of the research can be gathered easily. Because of the validity and accessibility, the study gains data from the site as the main data for the study.

This research is relevant to English education. This research can be a source of teaching. It will help teachers to gain more understanding in teaching,


especially in teaching sociolinguisticss. This research also helps English learners to learn sociolinguisticss. In English Language Study Program, students must past sociolinguisticss. Women language features are one of the materials discussed in sociolinguisticss. The students can expand their sociolinguistics knowledge by studying this research.

B. Research Problems

Based on the problems above, the study aims to answer these questions: 1. Which women’s language features are used by Doc. Love in askmen.com? 2. What factors affect Doc. Love to use women's language?

C. Research Limitation

This research focuses on two points. First, it analyzes which women’s language features by Doc. Love uses in his articles. The researcher uses women’s language features purposed by Lakoff (1972) and women language features in writing by Jespersen (1922). Second, the researcher analyzes the factors that influence Doc. Love used the features. Besides, the researcher also relates the obtained data with the theories that had been reviewed.

D. Research Objectives

The objectives of this study are to discover these things: 1. Women’s language features used by Doc. Love in askmen.com. 2. Factors affecting Doc. Love to use women’s language.


E. Research Benefits

The researcher expects that the study offers some benefits. The benefits are:

1. English Language Education Study Program Students

It is expected that this study will make the students expand their

knowledge of women’s language features. On the other hand, by understanding that women and men tend to assimilate nowadays, it may lead students to support diversity in their daily life. It will help male and female students to be aware that nowadays women are partners for men. Male students should learn to cooperate with female students when they study in university. The fact that women are acceptable to work with men nowadays should make the male students aware that they may work with female workers when they are in their jobs. Male students also should understand that there may be changes in society perspective of masculinity and femininity.

2. English Language Study Program Teachers

For English Language Study Program teachers, this study may become an additional source for teaching. There are many examples of women languages features discussed in chapter four. The data which are put in the appendices can be used in teaching process. The examples are taken from an online magazine. This study examines language features from websites. The website is quite popular and up to date. The content of the website may attract students to study. Hence, students may not become bored with class activities.

3. Future Researchers


may contribute as an additional source. By reading this research, the future researchers can replicate the study steps. It is expected that the future researchers will produce better results and explanation about problems discussed in this study. The references of this study also can be additional references for future researchers. Hopefully, if the future researchers can find mistakes in this study, they can produce a better research.

F. Definitions of Terms

In order to help readers, follow the discussion in this thesis, the researcher defines the terms which are used. Some of the terms are defined as follows.

1. Sex

Talbot (2010) states that the term sex refers to what has been given biologically to a human. Sex is an identity that a human obtains when he or she was born. Eckert & Ginet (2003) state that the term sex is a biological categorization based on reproductive potential. As a male, he has two kinds of chromosomes; that are chromosome x and y. On the other hand, Talbot (2010) adds that a female only obtains one kind of chromosome; that is chromosome x. 2. Gender

The term gender is not the same as sex. If sex is obtained when an individual was born, gender is socially constructed. Talbot (2010) states that gender is learned from the society; Society divides people into masculine and feminine categories. Gender is not obtained biologically. Gender does not depend on his sex types. If someone is a man, it does not mean the man must be


masculine. He may adopt feminine traits. Gender is psycho-social. People are decided whether they are masculine or feminine by society.

3. Askmen.Com

Askmen.com is a man lifestyle website. It provides men with much information, such as dating, news, grooming, style, etc. Mediakit.askmen.com (n.d) claims that every month there are about 14,000,000 readers who open askmen.com. For over 7 years, AskMen has been an industry leader in what is

now known as “native advertising”. Askmen.com provides articles and videos

which help the readers to become better men. The website also provides some advertisements.

4. Doc. Love

Thomas Hodge or Doc. Love is a relationship coach for men. He was born on 1 January 1945. Since 1965, Doc. Love has given advice on relationships and dating women. He has an own worldwide radio show every Wednesday on Blog Talk Radio. He also writes a popular column on the #1 men's website in the world, askmen.com. Doc. Love has been featured in some media appearances, including Fox News, Time Magazine, The 9-5-0/ Houston and Kills/ Los Angeles (Retrieved from doclove.com on Friday, 15 July 2016).





In this chapter, the researcher will discuss the review of related theories, the review of related studies, and the theoretical framework. The first and the second part discuss some of the theories and the relevant studies which were conducted before this study. In the last part, it will discuss the theoretical framework. It summarizes the theories which are discussed before. It will discuss how the theories are used in the study.

A. Theoretical Description

This section provides some theories that are used in the study. They are

women’s language features by Lakoff (1973), women language features in

writing, feminism, pro-feminism movement, men's perspectives changes, men, women, and culture, critical discourse analysis, Doc. Love’s biography and a man in his profession.

1. Women’s Language Features in Speaking

The most famous study of women’s language is Lakoff’s study (1973, 1975 and 2004). She discovers that some features which are specifically used by women in speaking. The features are lexical hedges and fillers, tag questions, rising intonation on declarative, empty adjectives, precise color terms, intensifiers, hypercorrect grammar, super polite forms, avoidance of strong swear words, and emphatic stress. The language features will be discussed in the following sections.


a. Lexical Hedges or Fillers

Lakoff (1975) claims that lexical hedges and fillers are used to weaken what a person is saying. Talbot (2010) adds that lexical hedges and fillers can also strengthen the intended meaning. Holmes (2008) claims that fillers and hedges

have some differences. “Sort of” and “kind of” are classified as hedges, while “well”, “uh” “um”, “ah”and “you see” are fillers.

There are some purposes of using lexical hedges. Lakoff (1975) states that the use of lexical hedges aims to imply the speaker’s uncertainty. The use of

lexical hedges produces speaker’s sentences less dogmatic. She adds that the politeness doing by women have some purposes. The women intend to raise their

status. Women’s places in the society are in the lower position. Another reason is

given by Lakoff & Bucholtz (2004). They state that the use of hedges is caused by the fear of seeming masculine.

Eckert & Ginet (2003) claim that fillers are not integrated into the main utterance. Fillers also do not contribute much to content. Discourses usually are

called "empty". Here are some of the examples: “Her family is rich, you know” or “Of course men will be fathers”. You know and of course in the sentences do not

contribute much to the sentence meanings. People who read the sentences can still understand the meaning of the sentences, although the words of course and you

know are omitted. Somehow, Eckert & Ginet (2003) add that some fillers such as like and you know have other functions. You know may make an addressee feel

collectivity with a speaker. You know is found more in women’s talks. Women like using you know to connect themselves to others. On the other hand, Siegel (2002)


argues that “like” decreases a meaning in a sentence. Her study discovers that the use of like happens more between close friends. Her study is different with what popular media have stated at the time.

b. Tag Questions

The use of tag questions implies uncertainty from the speaker. Eckert & Ginet (2003) state that tag questions contain an inverted auxiliary form. It is determined by the auxiliary in the main clause, and the pronoun that refers to the

subject in the main clause. These are the examples of tag questions, “It was a dream, wasn’t it?” or “We should love each other, shouldn’t we?” Moreover,

Lakoff (1973) adds that tag questions aim to obtain approval. Women use the features to obtain a confirmation of her claim from the addressee. Holmes (2008) states there are four functions of the tag question uses. They are to express uncertainty, to show positive politeness devices, to soften a directive or criticism, and to avoid confrontational arguments. The use of tag question does not aim to ask, but it intends to imply uncertainty the speaker says.

Almost similar to Holmes (2008), Eckert & Ginet (2003) state that there are at least four functions of using tag questions. The first is to indicate uncertainty and ask for confirmation from the other. The second is to facilitative or to invite others into a conversation. This function is usually used in a talk show. The third is to soften the potential negative impact of something like criticism. For example, when a person does a critic, but she avoids the negative impacts of the critics, she may use a tag question. The last is to challenge or to make the addressee silent or guilty. We can usually discover it in father and his son talk.


c. Rising Intonation on Declarative

The use of rising intonation which is done by women aims to ensure the accuracy of information when they are not sure about something. Lakoff & Bucholtz (2004) explain that the use of rising intonation aims to change a statement into a question. It is used to weaken the force and shows the uncertainty

of the speaker’s utterance.

Lakoof (1975) provides an example of rising intonation. It can be analyzed

from these sentences; (a) “When will dinner be ready? (b) “Oh..Around six

o’clock? From these sentences, we can analyze that the answer turns into a

question. It weakens the force of the answer and shows the uncertainty from the speaker.

d. ‘Empty" Adjectives

Lakoff (1973) lists some adjectives that are the representative of admiration. Some of the adjectives are neutral. Neutral means the adjectives can be used by either women or men. Neutral adjectives are such as great, terrific,

cool, and neat. However, there are some specific adjectives which are only used

by women. The adjectives which are used only by women are such as, adorable,

charming, sweet, lovely and divine.

Asri (2015) states that women will feel positive if they use women’s adjectives. Lakoff (1973) adds further that women can use the neutral adjectives freely. Somehow, to some extend a man is not allowed to use the adjectives that

are listed as women’s only. The use of female adjectives may create a wrong image. He may be considered as a feminist.


e. Precise Color Terms

Women tend to classify some specific terms for color. The terms are not supposed to be used by men. Some specific colors are such as beige, ecru,

aquamarine, and lavender and so on. The words are not familiar with men’s

vocabulary. Eckert & Ginet (2003) state men who use women's specific color may be considered as feminists or men who work for home decoration.

Lakoff (1973) states that women have much larger color vocabulary than men’s color vocabulary. Eckert & Ginet (2003) add that color blindness happens more in men than women. Precious colors relate to home decoration and clothing

practices. The fields connect with women’s jobs. Because women are good at

classifying colors, men confirm that color-blindness refers to masculinity. f. Intensifiers

Intensifiers imply on decreasing or increasing of the intense sentences which a speaker says. Holmes (2008) states that the intensifiers (such as really, so, and very) are aimed to strengthen intended meaning. For example, “I don’t like

him so much”. The use of so in the sentence implies the strong feeling of dislike.

Lakoff (2004) adds that intensifiers are classified as boosting devices.

Intensifiers are associated with women. Some linguists state in their studies that the use of intensifiers is more in women than men. Precht (2002) adds

that the uses of intensifiers are more in women’s speaking than men’s. Precht

(2002) adds that the use of intensifiers develops through fashion. Jespersen (1922) states that the word “vastly” is classified a female word. Then, Lakoff (1973) adds that the word so is specifically female vocabulary.


g. Emphatic Stress

Lakoff & Bucholtz (2004) state that emphatic stress aims to emphasize the

most important word in a speaker’s sentence. The examples of emphatic stress are seen in these sentences: “What a beautiful shoes!” or “It was a brilliant performance!” The aims of using the emphatic stress are to boost and ensure the

message received and responded by the listener.

In the past, women have limited access to education. It causes women are put in the lower position. In order to have same status in the society, women do some assimilation. Using emphatic stress is one of the ways to make their sentences sound serious. In their study, Lakoff & Bucholtz (2004) add that women use emphatic stress to make them taken seriously.

h. Hypercorrect' Grammar

Women tend to use hypercorrect grammar. Some researchers discover that in term of grammar, women usually use hypercorrection grammar. Asri (2015) states that hypercorrection grammar means that women use correct grammar more than they should be. Hypercorrection happens because of a specific reason. Women are in the lower positions; hence the use of super polite forms will make

speakers’ positions higher in a society. White (2003) states women do self-correction of sensitivity toward a standard speech. On the other hand, men do not show the self-correction. Self-correction may gain someone’s status by doing opposite speech patterns. Trundgil (1972) in his study adds that male speakers put a high value on working class nonstandard speech.


are (1) “a number of” followed by a singular verb, (2) foreign articles preceding foreign terms, (3) double adverbs, (4) “as” in place of like, (5) substituted for the

object me, (6) Latin plurals formed incorrectly, (7) prepositions prevented from ending a sentence, (8) un-split compound verbs, (9) un-split infinitives, and (10) whom in place of who.

i. Avoidance of Strong Swear Words

In language and women’s place, Lakoff (1973) describes that women

should not talk roughly. Since women were little girls, they have been taught not to speak harshly. If women swear, they will be considered as unladylike. Eckert & Ginet (2003) state swearing words are unsuitable for women and children.

Moreover, Lakoff & Bucholtz (2004) deliver two examples that

differentiate women’s and men’s speech.

(1). Oh dear, you’ve put the peanut butter in the refrigerator again

(women’s talk).

(2). Shit, you’ve put the peanut butter in the refrigerator again (men’s


j. Superpolite Forms

Lakoff (1973) states that the aims of using super polite forms are to avoid using swear words and extensive use of euphemism. Euphemisms are indirect expressions used to utter taboo words in a conversation. Since women are little girls, they are not supposed to talk harshly. It implies that women will choose more polite form than men. For example: (1) “Close the door, please” will sound


any other polite form will sound un-masculine. The use of the polite form also prevents expression of strong statements.

Eckert & Ginet (2003) state directives, such as requests, commands, and other speech acts, can affect negatively to addressee’s faces. It is more polite if a sentence is delivered indirectly. Somehow, Eckert & Ginet (2003) add that the use

of indirect speech does not always lower the speaker’s position. It depends on the

context, such as a mother who is talking to her child. Another example is a teacher talk. A teacher talks politely to his students in order to deliver his teaching to the students. When he talks politely, it does not mean a teacher in a lower position. It happens to make his teaching acceptable.

2. Women’s Language Features in Writing

In this part, the researcher focuses the discussion on some language features in writing. It aims to make this study specific. This part will discuss

women’s vocabulary, a concept of parataxis and hypotaxis.

a. Women’s Vocabulary

Women have specific vocabularies. Jespersen (1922) argues that women tend to use an adverb of intensity, such as extremely, rather, and completely. She provides the use of the adverbs in European speech community. Another tendency

of women’s writing is the use of some specific adjectives. Women use certain adjectives which differentiate women’s writings from men’s writing. Jespersen (1922) claims that women use certain adjectives, such as pretty and nice. These findings relate to the previous section. Lakoff (1975) specifically points out that



Jespersen (1922) also adds another vocabulary writing tendency from women. It is the use of conjunction with an adjective. The use of conjunction and adjective combination such as, "Thank you so much; it is so lovely!" The theory from Jespersen (1922) provides a theory which seems to be the same as the classification from Lakoff. She states that women prefer the use of intensifier so in their sentences.

b. Concept of Parataxis and Hypotaxis

The concept of parataxis and hypotaxis are introduced by Jespersen (1922). Parataxis and hypotaxis are features aimed to join clauses. Parataxis is the term used to describe a sequence of clauses where there are no links at all, such as

“I got up, I went to work”. On the other hand, hypotaxis is a term used for the clause which uses coordination conjunctions, such as and, or and but. The

example of hypotaxis is that “After I got up, I went to work”.

Jespersen (1922) states that the crucial difference between these two modes are that parataxis involves a series of main clauses. Each clause is being of equal value. Hypotaxis consists of the main clause with one or more subordinate clauses dependent on it. The logical connection between the clauses is made explicit in a hypotactic style but the connection was left implicit in a paratactic style.

Jespersen (1922) makes the differences of male and female syntax. He states that women tend to use parataxis. On the other hand, men use hypo taxis. He says that a male period can be illustrated as a set of Chinese boxes, one with


another, while a feminine period can be compared to a set of pearls joined together on a string of bands and similar words.

3. Feminism

The discussion of gender leads us to gender movement. In the past, women were considered illiterate. They are seen inferior because of lack of education. The perspective that women in the second position is supported by these following reasons. The first is that women hardly ever leave their village, unlike men. Then, women stay at home and talk to each other. Women do not mix with strangers. Lastly, women do not do military service.

The fact that women are in the second position leads women to do what people call feminism. Moffitt (n.d) states that feminism supports equality for women and men. In feminism view, the equality of women and men should

implement in all lives’ aspects. Feminism happens in some waves. The first wave

of feminism happened in the twentieth century. At the time, the feminists spoke either about the productive work of women, women’s material rights and the lack of equality. First wave feminists together with labors, working women and anti-colonial organizations claimed that all women should be equal citizens with men.

In the second wave, the feminism moved from labors and streets to the conditions of many groups on the street and in the home. In the first wave, feminist resembles other political theories, because it considers as the state’s responsibility. In the second wave, Humm (1992) states that feminists search for equality in the politics.


spaces to women. Kennedy in early 1960 signed equal pay act of 1963. Williams (1989) states woman also makes a party which supports women in the politics field. Freeman (1975) also argues that in 1960-s women were better educated than they have been before. The same idea from the two waves is that women and men are unequal. Men create the meanings of equality. Hence, the feminists search for the same equality in all fields of life.

4. Pro-Feminist Men and Men's Perspectives Changes

The discussion of pro-feminist leads us to a categorization of feminism and masculine. Hence, readers can clearly understand what the meaning of

pro-feminist is. Feminism and masculine do not refer to sex terms. They refer to

ideologies adopted by a human. It implies that feminism and masculine do not relate to what sex a human has. Williams (1989) states feminists search for women's rights and women’s equality. On the other hand, masculinity searches for men's right and men’s equality.

On the other hand, there are some conservatives and anti-sexists. Conservatives do not seek gender equality at all. On the other hand, the anti-sexists or feminists support feminism. Williams (1989) explains that pro-feminists men's movement starts to grow when feminist women have a greater opportunity in politics.

The pro-feminists men are the opposite of traditional men. Traditional men are some men who have a spirit of resistance to change the traditional personal authority of men. They state that women should not undermine male’s authority. The risks of feminism are that men lost their motivation. The traditional men


argue that the larger opportunities given by the state to women will allow women to be more independent. It may risk that women will not need husbands. Besides, children will be rebellious, because they are not threatened in men's authority and disciplined. Green (1981) states that women can never be the equals of men in the leadership field, because of hormone men have.

The feminism wave started in 1990-s. The movement is followed by shifting state’s ideology. In congress 1923, The National Women's party demerged the suffrage campaigns with two focuses. The first is the equal rights amendment and the second is women running for public office. In early 1960-s, Kennedy tends to support feminism movement. Before he was elected, he promised equal pay for equal works. Williams (1989) reveals that Kennedy, after being elected as president, signed the equal pay act. It effected that if women were to be hired for professional jobs, they had to be paid equally.

There are some studies found out that nowadays masculinity has a crisis. Italua (2013) states the meaning of masculinity is not natural. The meaning of masculinity changes over time because of the changes in society. Italua (2013) states nowadays femininity is considered as one of the traits in masculinity. She also adds that the meaning of masculinity changes because of works men have to do nowadays. The role of men's jobs will determine whether they have to adopt feminists traits or not, for example, male doctors and male teachers. In order to have better outcomes, they have to adopt women's traits.

Connell (1995) divides masculinity into two kinds. The first is the physical masculinity. These second is technical masculinity. The first applies to the


working class. On the other hand, upper class tends to consider technical masculinity. Upper-class men judge a man's masculinity from his scientifically and political power. It does not mean that physical masculinity is unimportant for upper-classmen.

5. A man in His Profession

Eckert & Ginet (2003) state that now a gender category depends on society practices. People act based on society needs. Gender is based on social practices refers to human activities and the relation to the society. Eckert & Ginet (2003) claim that if only minority people in a society do something different, it will be considered antisocial behaviors. Somehow, nowadays we can easily find women who go to work or a man who become a physician. In order to be acceptable in the working world, they have to adopt some traits. It aims to make their works operate.

Some studies have found that a gender does not depend on sex types. For example, the study which is conducted by Nuri (2015), she discovers that in the

movie “Hart”, female character, adopts men's traits. It happens because of Hart's profession. She is an FBI agent. She has to be more aggressive than women should be. Eckert & Ginet (2003) state that there are some possibilities that women and men change their roles. A woman can go to work, while her husband takes care of their children. Eckert & Ginet (2003) also argue that men can also assimilate with women traits. For example, a homosexual couple wants to adopt children. Then one of them or both of them should act and adopt women's traits.


6. Men, Women, and Culture

Gender is not the same as sex. Talbot (2010) states gender is learned. Gender is socially constructed. Women's and men's places in society relate to how their cultures treat them. Spender (1980) claims men's language was the norm of a society. Somehow, some other linguists debate the claim. Italua (2013) debates that nowadays femininity and masculinity are not separated. Femininity traits are considered as a part of masculine traits. It happens because of working world men and women face today.

Some linguists study social stratification. They conclude that women use more prestigious forms than man do. Labov (1966) observes that women consistently use prestige standard variety of language more than man do. Labov did his study in New York City. Another linguist, Peter Trudgil (1972), conducts a survey in Norwich. He models his survey like Labor's survey. Trudgil (1972) observes that women use less vernacular. On the other hand, men use non-standard variant in many cases. He adds that women feel they use more non-standard forms when they do not. On the other hand, men feel they use more vernacular when they do not. Lakoff (1973, 1975, and 2004) also states women have some specific language forms in order to raise their status in society.

However, some linguists make their studies in Europe, British, and New York. It may not suggest that all women in the world are in the lower positions. There are some other places which put women in higher class than men. In some societies, women run the societies. Garrison (2016) states there are six societies leading by women. She mentions six societies, namely Mosuo, Minangkabau,


Akan, Bribri, Garo, and Nagovisi. Garrison (2016) adds that Masuo Lineage is traced through the female side of the family, and property is passed down along the same matrilineal. Mosuo women typically handle business decisions and men handle politics. Children are raised in the mother's households and take her name. This kind of society is namely matriarchy.

Women’s nowadays have taken some places men used to lead before. Markham (2013) states that at the end of 2012 the global average of women in parliament stood at 20.3 percent. The percentage is up from 19.5 percent in 2010. She adds that in 2013 there are 17 states headed by a woman. The states are Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Costa Rica, Denmark, Germany, Jamaica, Kosovo, Lithuania, Liberia, Malawi, South Korea, San Marino, Slovenia, Switzerland, Thailand, and Trinidad and Tobago. The fact that there are some places which put women’s place on higher class leads us to a conclusion. It may suggest that men

and women’s places relate to how a culture treats them. 7. Critical Discourse Analysis

Discourse analysis is a study of language in use. Wood & Kroger (2000) claim that basic assumption of discourse analysis refers to an assumption that language is an action. It means that language does not stop only in the meaning of a word. Utterances do not only refer to a meaning of a word. Wood & Kroger (2000) add that utterances can consider three features. They are: 1) what the word means, 2) what the speaker does with the words, and 3) what the effects of the words on the hearer. Gee (2011) adds that in a language people can uncover different ways of saying things, doing things, and being things in the world.


Gee (2011) states that discourse analysis is classified into descriptive and critical discourse analysis. Descriptive discourse analysis answers a problem by understanding the problem. For example, the goal of the physics is to discuss how the physical world works in order to understand the problem. Descriptive discourse analysis does not apply what has been known or what has been discovered in a research. On the other hand, critical discourse analysis does not stop only in understanding of a problem. Critical discourse analysis applies what is understood. Critical discourse analysis does not only provide a deeper understanding a problem, people who use critical discourse analysis speak and apply their works in some fashion.

Wood & Kroger (2000) state discourse analysis combines two approaches. It uses qualitative and quantitative. Discourse analysis moves from quantitative data to qualitative. In collecting the data, the researcher processes the data in quantitative analysis, then the researcher moves to the analysis of the quantitative data. Gee (2011) claims that the desire to gain deeper evidences and contribute to the world are the reasons why a researcher should use critical discourse analysis. Dijk (1993) states discourse and communication are parts of our interpretation of the world. He claims that people can link from micro to macro levels of society. People can also link individual works to a social group.

8. Doc. Love’s Biography

Thomas Hodge or Doc. Love is a relationship coach for men. He was born on 1 January 1945. Since 1965, Doc. Love has given advice on relationships and dating women. He has an own worldwide radio show every Wednesday on Blog


Talk Radio. He also writes a popular column on the #1 men's website in the world, askmen.com. Doc. Love has been featured in some media appearances, including Fox News, Time Magazine, The 9-5-0/ Houston and Kills/ Los Angeles (Retrieved from doclove.com on Friday, 15 July 2016).

Doc. Love creates a teaching material called “The System”. Doc. Love states that he has interviewed thousands of women in the past thirty-six years; all ages, sizes, and backgrounds. “The System” is the result. “The System” is the result of a long-term study of the effects of male behavior on the behavior responses of women toward them, with applications for the male via behavior modification (Retrieved from https://www.scribd.com/doc/47140/Doc-Love-The-System-Synopsis on Friday, 15 July 2016). Doc Love (aka Thomas Hodges) has spent 30+ years of his life interviewing thousands of women to develop his dating women program that will coach you to success with women (Retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/datingwomenexpert/info?tab=page_info on Friday, 15 July 2016).

Doc. Love’s research was started because of his experience. At Fresno State College in 1961, he lived in Homan Hall with over 200 male students. He shared his experience that one day a fellow dorm wore a big brown army helmet around the dormitory. It turned out that his girlfriend had dumped this guy, and this crown was a symbol of his state of rejection. A bunch of guys later gathered in his room - not to console him like Doc. Love, but to find out what he “got off” of his ex before she gave him his walking papers. Doc. Love tells that he was there for another reason: to try to figure out why she left him. Four years later,


while his best friend and Doc Love were talking about their dates from the previous night, they came to a sad conclusion that they never really knew where they stood with the women they dated. Doc. Love then decided then to start interviewing women, to find out what they wanted in romantic relationships.

Thomas Hodges wrote The System: The Dating Dictionary, a manual advocating specific strategies for securing long-term relationships with the ever feisty American woman. The System has a ton of valuable advice, but it is sold at $100 per copy, and so much of the wisdom contained within is unavailable to the average man. With the down economy, and the modern flood of dating products,

most men aren’t going to pony up $100 for advice that can be found online if one

searches hard enough. $100 dollar products look like scams (Retrieved from http://www.returnofkings.com/2390/the-father-of-relationship-game-shares-his-secrets on Friday, 15 July 2016).

B. Review of Related studies

In this part, the researcher reviews some of the studies which were

conducted women’s language features. Some of studies which conducted women’s language features, such as Lakoff (1973, 1975, and 2004) & Jespersen (1922). Lakoff (1973) in her study, titled language and women’s place, discovered that women had different features in speaking. The findings were named women’s language features. The features were lexical hedges, fillers, hypercorrect grammar, intensifiers, tag questions, empty adjectives, precious color terms, super polite forms, avoidance of strong swear words, emphatic stress, and rising intonation on


declaratives. Lakoff (1973) stated the women’s language features existed because

of women’s place in the society. She claimed that women were in the lower

positions; hence they used a language to lift their positions in society. Jespersen (1922) did a study of women’s language features, titled Language: Its Nature, Development and Origin. Jespersen (1922) discovered that women used hypotaxis

in their literary works. Women tended to omit conjunctions, such as and, or and

but. They preferred to use only commas. Women also used some specific

vocabulary, such as: specific color terms and specific intensifiers. Another study which conducted the similar study is Asri (2015). She tried to analyze women’s language features in spoken used by a woman in a movie. She conducted a study titled Women’s Language Features in Miss Congeniality Movie. Asri (2015)

discovered that Hart used hypercorrection grammar, intensifiers, fillers, rising intonation, lexical hedges, and tag questions. She discovered that there were some factors affecting to Hart. The factors were community practice, women in profession, and psychological view.

A study which conducted male and female writing in formal written texts was done by Argamon, Koppel, Fine, & Argamon (n.d). They tried to explore the differences between male and female writings in British National Corpus. They discovered that male and female authors had some differences in their writings. They discovered that the differences were identified in simple lexical and syntactic features. Male author used clear distinguishing markers. The male authors tended to specify what they wrote about. On the other hand, the female writers tended to use involvedness in writings. The writers showed interaction


between the writer or speaker and the reader or the listener. In their writings, female writers used first and second person pronouns.

Another study which helps the researcher to understand cross gender differences in a written product is a study from Puji (2007). She tried to discover a

woman’s masculinity in “Little Women” novel. In the novel, the character was claimed that she had masculine traits, such as: she developed her skills to obtain money. Puji (2007) claimed that the trait was considered as a masculine trait. Puji

(2007) compared the character with other women in the character’s era. She states that the character in the novel denied her condition. The respond of the character was considered as a masculinity trait. Then, Puji (2007) argued that the masculinity trait was raised because of poverty and discrimination the character faced in her daily life.

C. Theoretical Framework

The study employs Dijk (1993) critical discourse analysis in analyzing the data. He states that discourse and communication are parts of our interpretation of the world. He claims that people can link from micro to macro levels of society.

People can also link individual works to a social group. In this study, Doc. Love’s

articles are considered as media discourse. Critical discourse analysis is employed to show the relation between a text and social practice. The application of the framework in this study is the collaboration of some theories to analyze the data and answer the research questions.


features used by Doc. Love in his articles. From Lakoff's (1973) theory, the researcher will only use eight features. They are namely; lexical hedges or fillers, tag question, empty adjective, precise color term, intensifiers, hypercorrect grammar, avoidance of strong swear words and superpolite forms. The researcher does not include rising intonation on declarative and emphatic stress, because it is difficult to combine the two features into writing features. From Jespersen (1922), the researcher includes women's vocabulary and parataxis which point out women's language features in writing. To answer the second research question, the researcher analyzes the language features. The aim of the analysis is to interpret

what possible factors influence Doc. Love’s writings. Finally, the researcher will provide the recomendations of the study in the chapter five.




This chapter is divided into six sections, namely research method, research setting, research subject, instrument and data gatherings technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure. The first part explains the definition of the research type chosen. In the research setting section, it informs where and when the research was conducted. In research subject section, it elaborates on the participants of the research as well as the methods of sampling. Then, in data gathering technique, it explains the research instruments employed in carrying out the study. In data analysis technique section, it describes the steps to analyze the findings aimed to answer the research questions. Lastly, in research procedure, it summarizes the steps taken in conducting the study.

A. Research Method

The researcher analyzed Doc. Love’s writings in askmen.com. Some of the writings were analyzed to answer these research questions: (1) Which women’s language features are used by Doc. Love in askmen.com? (2) What factors affect Doc. Love to use women's language?

In conducting the research, the researcher applied qualitative research and quantitative research. Qualitative research is a research which tends to focus on how people or groups of people have different perceptions of looking reality (Hancock, B., Ockleford, E., & Windridge, K., n.d). Merriam (2009) adds that


qualitative researchers are interested in understanding the meaning people have constructed, that is, how people make sense of their world and the experiences

they have in the world. This kind of research studies human’s behavior in natural settings. It counts humans as the data. It also focuses on reports of experience which cannot be expressed numerically. Hancock, B., Ockleford, E., & Windridge, K. (n.d) state that there are many types of qualitative research. They are ethnography, grounded theory, interpretative phenomenological analysis, discourse analysis, conversation analysis, content analysis, and narrative analysis. In this research, the study gained data through discourse analysis.

Quantitative research, on the other hand, focuses on quantity (how much, how many) of the data analysis. Ary et al. (2008) mention that the data analysis of quantitative research typically relies on measurement tools such as scales, tests, observation checklists, and questionnaires (p. 421). In this part, the researcher applied quantitative research as the method by presenting the amount of language features used by Doc. Love.

Nunan (1993) states that discourse analysis and text are different. He argues that for some writers discourse analysis and text are interchangeable; for another, discourse refers to language in context. The term text refers to any written record of a communicative event. On the other hand, the term discourse refers to the interpretation of the communicative event in context. It may be concluded that text is a piece of discourse.

Critical discourse analysis does not only focus on texts, spoken or written, as objects of inquiry. The analysis needs a theorization and description of both the


social process and of the social structures and processes within which individuals or groups as a social historical subjects, create meanings in their interaction with texts.

B. Research Setting

The research was conducted in English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University. The reason to choose the place was because there were many sources available. The researcher conducted the research for five months, from January until June 2016. In January 2016, the researcher read and selected articles in Askmen.com. After reading the articles, the writer chose Doc.

Love’s articles as the data. After that, the researcher chose nine articles which

contain women’s language features. The researcher classified the women’s

language features in the articles from May to June 2016.

C. Data Source

The data source of the research was articles in askmen.com. There were many articles written by male writers in the site. Somehow, the researcher only

chose Doc. Love’s articles. It happens to make the discussion focus. In the

beginning, the researcher tried to use articles from various writers in askmen.com. Somehow, the researcher realized that it may lead the study to a bias in the discussion. Doc. Love is a love consultant and he has been famous at the field. His


D. Data Gathering Technique

There were some steps that the researcher did in obtaining the data for the

research. First of all, the researcher read some of the articles from Doc. Love’s

articles in askmen.com. Second, the researcher selected 9 articles which contain

women language’s features. Third, the researcher collected the features from the articles. After the data were collected, the data were classified into categorization by using a table. The results become answers for the research problems.

To answer the factors behind using women’s language features, the researcher made some limitations. The factors were viewed from only two factors. They were the changes in society perspectives and men’s professions. The researcher answered the second question by reviewing some theories about feminism, pro-feminists, society perspectives and men’s professions.

E. Data Analysis Technique

In order to answer the two questions, the researchers took several steps. The first was inputting the data into a table and giving checklists in order to know which features being used. Second, the researcher rechecked the data in order to ensure that the statements were in a correct classification. Third, the researcher calculated the data into a percentage. Then the data were placed into the table again in order to make the analysis clearer and easier be done.

In this step, the researcher made an observation checklist in the form of a

table (see Table 3.1). The researcher identified women’s language features in Doc.


classified which women’s language features that were used. In the end of the steps, the researcher checked all of the women’s language features and inputted the data to the table (see Table 3.1)

Table 3.1 Observation Checklist


Women Language


Is it used in Doc. Love’s articles?

Yes No

1 LH

2 F

3 HG

4 I

5 TQ

6 EA




10 Parataxis


LH : Lexical Hedges

F : Fillers

HG : Hypercorrect Grammar

I : Intensifiers

TQ : Tag Questions

EA : Empty Adjectives

PCL : Precious Color Term

SPF : Super Polite Forms

ASSW : Avoidance of Strong Swear Words

P :Parataxis

To answer the second research problem, the researcher employed critical discourse analysis. Critical discourse analysis analyzes possible factors which effect to the use of women language features. It was done to assess the possible

factors behind the use of women’s language features. After collecting and counting the findings, the researcher related the findings to some theories, such as feminism, traditional masculinity, the changes of masculinity perception in the society, and a man in his profession. After obtaining the data and analyzing the results, the researcher reported the analysis. The analysis and the discussion were


done under critical discourse analysis. F. Research Procedure

In order to finish the analysis, there were several steps that the researcher did. The procedure in conducting the researcher explains as follow.

1. Selecting the Research Questions

First of all, the researcher chose women’s language features in Doc.

Love’s writings to be discussed. The researcher came up with two questions. The

first one dealt with what women’s language features were used by Doc. love. The second one discussed the factors affecting Doc. Love to use women’s language features.

2. Reviewing Related Literature

Reviewing some related literature was the second step done by the researcher. It aimed to answer the research questions. The researcher came up

with Lakoff’s (1973) theory which classified women language features in speaking. Then, the researcher combined some of the spoken features with Jespersen (1922) theory. It aimed to make the theories appropriate for discussing writing features.

In answering the second formulated question, the researcher follows Dijk (1993) discourse analysis. The researcher reviewed some theories that discussed feminism, pro-feminists and changes in society perspectives, men, women, and culture, and a man in his profession. After that, the researcher links the findings with the theories. It aimed to examine the factors affecting Doc. Love to use


3. Selecting the Methodology

The third step was to select the methodology to gain the data. It aimed to avoid errors in collecting and presenting the data. In gaining data, the researcher used critical discourse analysis which colaborates qualitative and quantitative approaches.

4. Collecting Data

The researcher chose fifteen articles which were written by Doc. Love writer in askmen.com. The researcher read the articles and selecting nine articles

which had women’s language features.

5. Analyzing Data

After collecting the articles which had women’s language features, the researcher analyzed the data. To make the data easy to be classified, the researcher classified the data in a table. It made the data understandable and easy to be examined. In analyzing the data, the researcher classified the data into women language features proposed by Lakoff (1973) & Jespersen (1922).

6. Drawing Conclusions

After analyzing the data, the researcher drew a conclusion. In answering the first research problem, the researcher provided the findings from the articles. In answering the second research problem, the researcher discussed some theories





In this chapter, it discusses the findings after analyzing nine articles in Doc. Love articles. There are two parts in this chapter. The first part answers the first research question. It discusses what features used by Doc. Love. In the second part, it discusses the possible factors affecting the writer to use the women language features.

A. Women Language Features

The first research problem focuses on the women language features which used by Doc. Love in his articles. To answer the first research problems, there are some theories which are collaborated. The first is Lakoff’s (1973) theory. The

other is Jaspersen’s (1922) theory. The women’s language features which are proposed by Lakoff (1973) are lexical hedges and fillers, tag question, empty adjective, precious color terms, intensifiers, super polite forms, hypercorrection grammar, and avoidance of strong swear words. The researcher does not use rising intonation on declarative and emphatic stress because the data are in the form of written works. The researcher also uses some features purposed by Jespersen (1922). Jespersen provides two features which are women’s vocabulary and parataxis. Somehow, women’s vocabulary is the same as Lakoff’s (1973) theory. Hence, the researcher only uses parataxis. To present the findings, the researcher analyzes Doc. Love’s articles as presented in the table 4.1.


Table 4.1. The Occurrence of Women’s Language Features

in Doc. Love’s Articles


Women Language


Is it used in Doc. Love’s articles?

Yes No

1 LH

2 F

3 HG

4 I

5 TQ

6 EA




10 Parataxis


LH : Lexical Hedges

F : Fillers

HG : Hypercorrect Grammar

I : Intensifiers

TQ : Tag Questions

EA : Empty Adjectives

PCL : Precious Color Term

SPF : Super Polite Forms

ASSW : Avoidance of Strong Swear Words

P : Parataxis

From the table, the researcher identifies that Doc. Love used lexical hedges, fillers, hypercorrect grammar, intensifiers, tag questions, superpolite forms, empty adjectives, and avoidance of strong swear words. In his articles. Doc. Love does not use parataxis and precious color terms. The results are provided and discussed in the following section.

1. Lexical hedges and fillers

Lexical hedges and fillers were some features found in the articles. Lexical hedges appeared 8 times in the articles. Lexical hedges are such as probably,


made with Demi are going to be made with the next woman you go out with. One more thing. I feel sorry for Demi’s kids. I don’t want her driving around with them when she’s half-looped. She should be in a rehab program, like I said, because she has a huge problem. She’d better get over that problem before she becomes anyone’s new girlfriend.

Remember, guys: If she doesn’t like you, you can’t force it. Article 8

Women With"Man Issues"

Doc Love: Women With"Man Issues"

Why would Meaghan be looking for a relationship that leads to marriage? She doesn’t get along with marriage.

Page 1 of 2

This week, Doc Love, author of "The System," confronts a reader who says the girl he likes acts

differently when she's drinking.

Hey Doc,

I met Meaghan through mutual friends. She took a shine to me and asked me out. I accepted and we started a 15-month relationship that she ended several months ago. When I met her, she had been recently divorced and had two young children. She’s in her 40s and I am in my late 40s, divorced with no children. Also, just a month or two before she asked me out, she ended an affair that had been going on while she was married. Apparently it was a serious affair that was supposed to lead to marriage, but the gentleman, a married man himself, dithered for two years so she ended the relationship.

Then I stepped into the stadium. Red flags began to appear everywhere. Meaghan made it clear that she wanted to be in a relationship that would lead to marriage. To buy time, I told her I was looking at a 5 to 10-year courtship to make sure we were a good match. After all, it would have been the second marriage for both of us.

Although the romantic part of our relationship was stunningly exquisite, she was a tough woman to deal with. She snapped at me in front of her children on various occasions, and even berated me


in front of them once. She has spoken harshly to the hired help. She enjoyed being taken out to pricey restaurants but never offered to help pay for anything. I was helping her keep her yard in order, helped with the kids, etc. Although she was an excellent cook, she rarely cooked for me. She also had “man issues,” in which she declared that all the significant men in her life had let her down. Even my sense of humor reminded her of her father at times, and she was quick to point out its negative aspects. Only jewelry from particular stores would suit her. In short, here was a Beautiful Woman with a heavy attitude and a sharp tongue who was on the express train to Marriageville. Then again, our senses of humor matched, our educational levels made conversation easy, and I believed there was an opportunity for us as we got to know one another since she was lavish in praising my virtues, which was good for my ego.

Ten to 11 months into the relationship, her Interest Level began to wane. She wanted to see less of me. By month 15, I told her that if she did not start getting her act together, the relationship would collapse on its own. After several attempts by both of us to perform CPR on the dying relationship, she finally told me to love her enough to let her go because she could not wait 10 years to get married. I walked away with a bow. Now, several months later, she is dating another gentleman. I would like to think I got off the SS Titanic before it left port. What is wrong with this woman? Did I miss an opportunity by mishandling a difficult but promising lady?

Norbert — who is still puzzled Doc Love's Response

Hi Norbert,

So Meaghan was carrying on an affair while she was still married? Great! She believes in adultery! You picked a real winner, Norbert.

Now, let me get this straight. Both Meaghan and the guy she was cheating with wanted to get rid of their spouses so they could marry each other. Then the two of them could go and find someone else to commit adultery with again, right? Hey, makes sense to me!

But you chose to ignore these red flags. Let me explain something to you, pal: red flags mean you leave! I don’t know if you realized that or not. Maybe you should get hold of “The System.” There’s a chapter on red flags in it. Like my cousin General Love says, “Are you waiting to get


blown up, or what?”

Why would Meaghan be looking for a relationship that leads to marriage? She doesn’t get along with marriage. She has no respect for marriage, so why would she want to get hitched again? It makes no sense whatsoever. And you shouldn’t have mentioned a solitary word about marriage, my friend. When the word came up, you should just have said, “Yeah, it would be a great idea.” And that’s it.

You say Meaghan is a tough nut to deal with. She humiliates you in front of other people, including her kids. To you psych majors, you don’t want to marry someone who’s tough to deal with. You want flexibility. You don’t want hard-headedness. Like my cousin Rabbi Love says, “Why would you want to make your life a torment?”

After the very first time Meaghan snapped at you in front of her children, you should have walked forever. Once a woman is disrespectful toward you, she’s out. And like my cousin Sal “The Fish” Love says, “If she never offers to pay at pricey restaurants, you should take her to McDonald’s.” But you decided to become Meaghan’s gardener and babysitter instead. Like my cousin Fast Eddie Love from East L.A. says, “Sounds to me like you’re her stooge.” Plus, she has man issues. All guys let her down, and you’re going to be just another dope in that group. Another wonderful sign is that she hates her dad. That means she’s really going to treat you well!

Norbert, your problem is that your Interest Level is in the 90s, you don’t have “The System,” and you don’t see how dangerous this woman’s attitude really is. Even without my book you should have seen that she’s nothing but trouble. The problem when a guy doesn’t have “The System” and his Interest Level is in the stars is that he rationalizes all the negative stuff, just like you’re doing now. So let me fill you in on the truth about Meaghan: She’s nothing but trouble. You should have bailed on her at the very beginning.

What does educational level have to do with emotion? What does your degree have to do with the way someone treats you? Zip, that’s what. But you begged Meaghan to help save your relationship. In other words you’re asking a woman to change her entire personality after she’s been a certain way for 40 years. Is any person going to change after 40 years? No way!


boat in the first place. What’s wrong with Meaghan? She’s a structured, hardheaded, spoiled woman who gets her way with weak men whose Interest Levels are too high. That’s all she is. So don’t worry about what you missed. This lady wasn’t promising from day one.

Remember, guys: When you know you have a nutcase on your hands, leave sooner rather than later.

Article 9

Keep Her Interested

Doc Love: How To Keep Her Interested

The key to dating is withholding, not giving, which you don’t know because you obviously don’t have my book. And that’s what most guys don’t understand in the beginning of a relationship. Hey Doc,

I reconnected with Chantelle, who I was friends with in college, this past summer at an alumni function, and I could instantly feel the vibe that she was into me. She kept touching me, saying I looked better now than in college 10 years ago, etc. We ran into one another a month later and she asked me to go to the next alumni function in a few weeks. Since I was kind of interested in her at that point, I showed up. Right away, she showed interestagain, and when she found out that I wasn’t married, she became even more interested and touched me more. She had recently been divorced and had a young child. We ended up going to a few bars after the event, and she continually expressed her interest in me, calling me her man, saying we could do great things together, etc. We ended up kissing quite a bit and the night turned very romantic.

Afterward, we planned on meeting up again. Chantelle has some family members that are ill. One recently passed away, and she has a parent who’s dying, so it was tough for us to meet, but eventually we did, about 10 days later. That date went well, too. We made plans to get together again, but I was busy with my parents coming to visit, and she with her child and family illnesses. So we decided to get together once my folks left and both our schedules cleared up. But when I dropped her an email asking what her schedule was like, I got no answer. I let a few days go before dropping her a text message. Still no answer. Basically it became like pulling teeth to get her to respond. I decided to email her saying that I liked her, but was wondering what was up and what


she was thinking. I asked her to just be honest with me. I finally got a response saying she was busy with her dad's illness, a busy work schedule and her child.

I emailed and textedChantelle a few more times over the next two weeks before she finally responded that her dad’s illness has taken all of her time and that she was casually dating someone else, but that this dating wasn’t the reason for the cold treatment (I call BS on that one). She said that she wanted to remain friends and appreciated me being concerned about her. Now, what confuses me is that she was the one who initiated the interest, and was the one who expressed her feelings first, and only then did I show mine.

What’s my next move to win her back? Ivo - who is really confused

Doc Love's Response Hi Ivo,

First of all, why did you wait a month to ask Chantelle out? If you were interested in her, why didn’t you ask her out right away like you were supposed to?

All of Chantelle’s touching was great. To you psych majors, when she touches you it’s a very powerful “go” sign. But you have to remember that you have to have a lot of time in with the girl, plus a lot of green flags like touching in order for it to mean something substantial.

Kissing Chantelle and getting very romantic with her at the end of the first night was a huge mistake. Like my cousin Sal “The Fish” Love says, “What you did was give away the store for free.” The key to dating is withholding, not giving, which you don’t know because you obviously don’t have my book. And that’s what most guys don’t understand in the beginning of a relationship.

Ivo, you don’t ask a girl what “her schedule is like.” You ask her out for a specific, individual time and day. For instance, Thursday, Italian food, 6 o’clock. Black and white. No gray areas. And she will or won’t accept it. You give her the date and then let her worry about her schedule.

When you sent Chantelle emails and dropped her text messages and she didn’t answer, it meant you were out. It’s that simple. When you get highly inconsistent behavior from a woman two minutes after she was coming on heavy, that’s another reason for not kissing her. And it’s not like


pulling teeth to get her to respond, it’s pulling low interest level.

But you continued to bug Chantelle and told her that you liked her. This is called begging, my friend. Begging lowers Interest Level even further. Think about it: a girl doesn’t return your messages and then you tell her you like her. Like my cousin Fast Eddie Love from East L.A. says, “Why don’t you sendher two dozen flowers and an engagement ring while you’re at it?”

Then you asked Chantelle to please be honest with you. Ivo, that’s the best and funniest thing I’ve ever heard in my life! Did you ever for a second think that she was going to tell you the truth? When she told you how busy she was with all the different things in her life, you should have said, “Hey, when you get un-busy, give me a call,” then written her off.

But you emailed Chantelle a few more times after all that. Like my cousin Uncle Jethro Love says, “My God, boy, you’re beatin’ this horse to death!” In other words, you have no concept whatsoever of letting females chase you, being a Challenge, and that she should be wondering what you’re doing with other women. None of that comes into play with you, Ivo. Like my cousin Rabbi Love says, “You’re just an open book!”

Now Chantelle is “casually” dating someone else. Her dad might be on his deathbed, but she sure found time to get out with another guy, didn’t she? But, hey, don’t take it personally, Ivo! On the other hand, it is true that this other guy isn’t the reason for her icy treatment of you. No, the reason she’s treating you cold is because she doesn’t dig you!

Don’t be confused by what happened. You gave away too much too soon, my friend. You can show your interest by your actions, but you should never verbalize them. When you told Chantelle that you liked her, you might just as well have ended it right there. You had just two dates in with this girl. You have no basis for a relationship with her after only two dates.

How do you win her back? You have to hit the lottery, dude!

Remember, guys: If she goes out with you twice and doesn’t want to see you again, it’s OK to date other people.