Beasiswa S1 Jepang Tokyo International University | INDBeasiswa

English Track Program: Undergraduate Degree
Spring and Fall Semester 2017

Tokyo I nt ernat ional Universit y
E-Track Office
4- 23- 23 Takadanobaba, Shinj uku
Tokyo 169- 0075, JAPAN
TEL: + 81- 3- 3362- 9644
FAX: + 81- 3- 3362- 9643
E- m ail: et rack@t p
Online Applicat ion: ht t ps: / / t iu.applyj /
Websit e: ht t p: / / www.t p/ english/ et rack/



Con t e n t s
Adm issions Flow


Key Dat es in t he Applicat ion Process


Num ber of St udent s t o be Accept ed


Select ing a Maj or


Applicat ion Eligibilit y


Fees for Screening


Scr eening Process


Announcem ent of Result s




Applicat ion Docum ent s


Enr ollm ent Procedures for Accept ed St udent s


Tuit ion and Fees


Visa I nform at ion


Accom m odat ions


General Policies


Frequent ly Asked Quest ions

16- 17

Applicat ion Docum ent s Checklist


Over seas Offices



Adm issions Flow
1. Confirm applicat ion eligibilit y.
Pr epar e applicat ion docum ent s befor e t he applicat ion period st art s.

2. Subm it t ing Docum ent s
・Send all required docum ent s on pages 10 and 11 so t hat t hey arrive at t he E-Track
Office be for e t he end of t he applicat ion period you wish t o apply during.

The phy sical docum ent s r equired for applicat ion should be sent as soon as
possible t o ensure your eligibilit y t o enr oll – even befor e finishing t he online
applicat ion. Make sur e t o get t he r equired physical docum ent s w e ll in a dva nce .

・Go t o ht t p s:/ / t iu.a pp ly j a p a n .com / for t he Onlin e Applica t ion
・Regist er a usernam e and passw ord. Fill in all required inform at ion and com plet e t he
paym ent for t he applicat ion fee.
・An Applicat ion Reference Num ber will be issued aft er t he applicat ion fee is paid.

3. Screening result s announcem ent
The r esult s are announced on t he TI U w ebsit e: ht t p: / / / t iu/
A cert ificat e of accept ance and invoice will be e- m ailed t o successful applicant s.
Ot her docum ent s for m at riculat ion will be m ade available on t he dat e t he r esult s ar e
announced on t he E-Track w ebsit e:
ht t p: / / www.t p/ english/ et rack/ adm ission/ adm it t m l

4. Enrollm ent procedur e
・Paym ent of enr ollm ent fee.
・Subm it m at riculat ion docum ent s ( including docum ent s r equired t o apply for

* Cert ificat e of Eligibilit y)
* A cert ificat e necessar y for int ernat ional st udent s who apply fr om overseas t o
acquire a st at us of r esidence in Japan.

5. Applicat ion for t he Cert ificat e of Eligibilit y will be subm it t ed t o t he I m m igrat ion Bureau
of Japan by t he TI U I nt ernat ional Exchange Office or an out sourced com pany.

6. I ssuance of Cert ificat e of Eligibilit y by t he I m m igrat ion Bureau of Japan.
・TI U will send t he Cert ificat e of Eligibilit y t o adm it t ed applicant s.
・Adm itted applicant s apply for a student visa at their local Japanese em bassy/ consulate.

7. Ar rival in Japan befor e t he st art of t he sem est er.


【Spr ing 2 0 1 7 I nt a k e 】Enr ollm e nt : Ea r ly Apr il, 2 0 1 7
Enr ollm ent Procedures
Applicat ion

Announcem ent
of Result s

Paym ent of
Enr ollm ent Fee

Subm ission of
Visa- relat ed
Docum ent s*

Paym ent of
Tuit ion and

For a ll Applicant s: Bot h Residing in and out side Japan


Sept em ber 23 rd

- Oct ober 7 t h ,

Oct ober 28 t h ,

Novem ber 11 th,

Decem ber 23 rd,

Decem ber 9 t h ,


Novem ber 18 t h
- Decem ber 2 nd ,

Decem ber 23 rd ,

January 6 t h ,

January 13 t h ,

January 27 t h ,

Februar y 24 t h ,

Not Required

March 17 t h ,

For only Applicant s Residing in Japan

January 6 t h
- January 20 t h ,

Februar y 10 t h ,

【Fa ll 2 0 1 7 I nt a k e 】Enr ollm e nt : Se pt e m be r , 2 0 1 7
Enr ollm ent Procedures
Applicat ion

Announcem ent
of Result s

Paym ent of

Enr ollm ent Fee

Subm ission of
Visa- relat ed
Docum ent s*

Paym ent of
Tuit ion and

For a ll Applicant s: Bot h Residing in and out side Japan


Novem ber 18 t h
- Decem ber 2 nd ,

Decem ber 23 rd ,

January 6 t h ,

April 7 t h ,

January 27 t h ,


January 6 t h
- January 20 t h ,

Februar y 10 t h ,

Februar y 24 t h ,

April 7 t h ,

March 17 t h ,


Februar y 17 t h
- March 3 rd ,

March 24 t h ,

April 7 t h ,

April 14 t h ,

May 19 t h ,


April 7 t h
- April 21 st ,

May 19 t h ,

June 2 nd ,

June 9 t h ,

June 23 rd ,

* Only for non-Japanese applicant s who do not possess a valid Japanese visa.

The dat es in t he above t ables are indicat ed in Japanese St andard Tim e.

If you are uncertain about your eligibility, contact the E-Track Office before an application period starts.

Applica nt s a r e r e quir e d t o com ple t e t he online a pplica t ion a n d su bm it t he r e quir e d
docum e nt s by t he fina l da t e of t he a pplica t ion pe r iod.


Sem est er t o begin

Enr ollm ent

Num ber

Spring Sem est er

Early April

Approxim at ely 75

Fall Sem est er

Sept em ber

Approxim at ely 175

Applicant s m ust select t heir first choice of m aj or when applying: Business Econom ics
or I nt ernat ional Relat ions. TI U recom m ends t hat applicant s select a second- choice m aj or as
well ( e.g. I f your first- choice m aj or is Business Econom ics, your second- choice m aj or would
be I nt ernat ional Relat ions) . I n t he event t hat TI U is unable t o offer adm ission t o an
applicant ’s first- choice m aj or, t he second choice m ay be offer ed if indicat ed on t he
applicat ion form .

Applicant s m ust fulfill bot h of t he following requirem ent s.

Re qu ir e m e n t 1

Educa t ion a l Ba ck gr ou nd

Applicant s m ust have com plet ed, or be scheduled t o com plet e on e of t he following
crit eria befor e t he enrollm ent dat e at TI U.

A st andard 1 2 - ye a r e duca t ion fr om a r ecognized educat ion syst em .

Be at least 1 8 y e a r s of a ge befor e t he enr ollm ent dat e at TI U, and have obt ained
one of t he following qualificat ions.

I nt ernat ional Baccalaureat e Diplom a ( awarded by t he I nt ernat ional
Baccalaureat e Organizat ion)


Abit ur ( issued by Federal Republic of Germ any for college ent rance)


Baccalaureat e Diplom a ( issued by t he Fr ench Republic for college ent rance)

Be at least 18 year s of age before t he enrollm ent dat e at TI U, and have com plet ed
t heir st udies at a Japanese pr e- universit y preparat or y inst it ut ion, a preparat ory
school out side of Japan for st udent s planning t o st udy in Japan, or a Japanese
secondar y school.

* I f you have ot her educat ional qualificat ions, cont act t he E-Track Office by em ail and
inquire about your eligibilit y before t he applicat ion st art s. Use t he ‘Eligibilit y Check
Form ’ which is downloadable from t he Adm ission page of English Track Websit e.
ht t p: / / www.t p/ english/ et rack/ asset / docs/ Eligibilit y% 20Verificat ion% 20Form .pdf


Re qu ir e m e n t 2

English Pr oficie n cy

Applicant s m ust be able t o dem onst rat e sufficient linguist ic abilit y t o underst and
lect ures in English. To dem onst rat e English proficiency, applicant s are r equired t o t ake one
of t he following English t est s and achieve a t le a st t he m inim um scor e indicat ed below.








Pre- 1


Applicant s m ust request t hat t heir score r eport be sent direct ly t o TI U. For
TOEFL, t he inst it ut ional code of TI U is 4435. Please also upload a scan of
your t est r esult s t o t he online applicat ion syst em .


An original score r eport m ust be pr ovided.


A copy of t he exam inat ion result s is accept able. Please also upload a scan
of your t est result s t o t he online applicat ion syst em .


1) I nform t he EI KEN Foundat ion of Japan at a t est sit e t o send t he t est
result t o TI U if you ar e planning t o t ake EI KEN t est at a fut ure dat e.
2) Send an original EI KEN t est r esult already issued by t he EI KEN
Foundat ion of Japan if you wish t o subm it your exist ing EI KEN r esult .
( EI KEN: ht t p: / / st overview- eiken- t est s)

N ot e s:

English t est s m ust have been t aken wit hin t wo years of t he dat e of applicat ion.
Result s of I P t est s ( I nst it ut ional Program : t est held wit hin a school or organizat ion for int ernal
use) are n ot accept ed.

Applicant s from Aust ralia, Canada, I reland, New Zealand, Singapore, t he Unit ed Kingdom and t he
Unit ed St at es who have undert aken t heir official educat ion in t he English language for t he m ost
recent 6 years are not required t o subm it an English t est score.

Applicant s who have com plet ed or are expect ed t o com plet e an I B diplom a program wit h English
as t he language of inst ruct ion are not required t o subm it an English t est score.


Fe e s t o be pa id: 5 ,4 5 0 ye n
This includes the application fee of 5 ,0 0 0 yen and the application system charge of 4 5 0 yen.

* Bot h fees are non- r efundable.
* All paym ent m ust be m ade in Japanese Yen.
* Your applicat ion is processed only aft er you have paid t he afor em ent ioned fees by one of
t he following m et hods.

Online Pa y m e nt
Paym ent s m ay be m ade by cr edit card or t hrough ChinaPay or PayPal services via t he

online applicat ion syst em during t he applicat ion periods.

Ba nk Tr a n sfe r

I f paying t hrough t he online applicat ion syst em is not possible, applicant s m ay also pay
t he fees for scr eening by bank t ransfer. Applica nt s a r e r e spon sible for a ll ba nk t r a nsfe r
fe e s. The se r e la t e d fe e s ca n be ove r 3 ,0 0 0 ye n ( ~ 3 0 USD ) , a nd ca n som e t im e s ha ve de la ys
in pr oce ssing, so w e highly e ncour a ge a pplica nt s t o pa y t hr ou gh ou r online syst e m .

Ba nk D e t a ils:
Bank nam e:
Account number:
SWI FT code:
Account nam e:
Bank address:
Am ount t o pay:

Mizuho Bank, Lt d.
Kawagoe Branch
1282121 ( savings account )
Tokyo I nt ernat ional Universit y
2- 1- 8 Shint om i- cho, Kawagoe,
Sait am a 350- 0043 JAPAN
JPY 5,450

Once t he fees for scr eening are paid, a scanned copy of t he bank rem it t ance r eceipt
m ust be uploaded via our online applicat ion syst em ( ht t ps: / / t iu.applyj / ) . I n
addit ion, please e- m ail t he E-Track office t o confirm t he com plet ion of t he paym ent .

Applicat ion screening is based on all subm it t ed docum ent s. I f necessary, t he
applicant ’s school or r ecom m endat ion let t er references m ay be cont act ed for furt her
inform at ion. Applicant s m ay be cont act ed in t he event t hat clarificat ion is needed in regards
t o t he subm it t ed docum ent s or if t here ar e any m issing docum ent s as w ell. Our
com m unicat ion will be prim arily over em ail, so applicant s are r equest ed t o check t heir
e- m ail account s on a regular basis.


Applicant s can confirm t heir adm ission and scholarship result s t hrough t he TI U w ebsit es
and English Track w ebsit e below fr om 1 0 :0 0 a .m . ( JST) on t h e da t e of a nnounce m e nt
of t he r e su lt s ( r efer t o page 3) . http: / / p/ etrack/ and http: / / / tiu/
To confirm t he r esult s, applicant s are r equired t o ent er t heir applicat ion r efer ence
num ber and t heir dat e of birt h. Ther efor e, applicant s should docum ent t heir applicat ion
num ber for fut ur e use. This num ber appears on t he upper left port ion of t he online
applicat ion form once t he applicat ion fee has been paid.
The applicat ion refer ence num ber is a six- digit num ber st art ing wit h F or H.
Applicat ion Refer ence Num ber: F77999, H77999
Dat e of Birt h: I f it is July 4 t h , t ype “ 0704 “ when checking t he result .
For successful applicant s, an accept ance let t er and an invoice will be sent out by em ail.
Ot her docum ent s for m at riculat ion m ust be downloaded fr om t he E-Track w ebsit e:
ht t p: / / www.t p/ english/ et rack/ adm ission/ adm it t m l


Tuit ion Re duct ion Sch ola r ship
All applicant s of t he English Track Program ar e eligible t o apply for t he TI U t uit ion

reduct ion scholarship at t he t im e of applicat ion. The rat e of r educt ion is from 30% t o 100%
of t uit ion, and t he not ificat ion of award is sent t o successful applicant s along wit h adm ission
result s. The scholarship will rem ain valid for up t o 4 year s under t he condit ion t hat t he
recipient m aint ains good academ ic perform ance, t akes enough cr edit s, and m eet s TI U
behavioral expect at ions. Applica t ion for t he TI U Tuit ion Re duct ion Sch ola r sh ip is
a cce pt e d only dur ing t he a pplica t ion pe r iod in w h ich t he st u de n t a pplie s.
Successful scholarship applicant s and t heir rat e of reduct ion will be decided based on
t he evaluat ion of all docum ent s subm it t ed, including a st at em ent of purpose, an official
t ranscript , a let t er of r ecom m endat ion, an official English scor e, t he Tuit ion Reduct ion
Scholarship Applicat ion for m and scanned/ copied proof of ext racur ricular act ivit ies.

TI U Tuit ion Re duct ion Sch ola r sh ip for 1 st Ye a r St ude nt s in 2 0 1 7
( All am ount s are st at ed in Japanese Yen.)

Tuit ion Reduct ion





Annual Reduced Am ount





* See Tuit ion and Fees on page 11.

Ot he r Public / Pr iva t e Sch ola r sh ips Offe r e d a ft e r En r ollm e n t

Ther e are several scholarships offer ed by public or privat e inst it ut ions. Applicat ions for
m ost of t hese scholarships ar e accept ed t hrough t he univer sit y aft er enr ollm ent . The Japan
St udent Services Organizat ion int roduces public and privat e scholarship program s for
int ernat ional st udent s. Please refer t o t he following websit e:
ht t p: / / www.j asso.go.j p/ st udy_j / m l
Scholarships can ease st udent s’ financial burden. However, financial support , eit her
your own savings or financial support er ’s incom e, is st ill necessary t o live and st udy in Japan.
The following websit e m ay help you under st and m or e about cost of living in Japan:
http: / / www.j asso.go.j p/ en/ study_j / __icsFiles/ afieldfile/ 2015/ 11/ 29/ sgtj _2015chap3_e.pdf


The it em s fr om A* t o G* should be subm it t ed via t he online applicat ion sy st em . The
it em s H* t o M* should be enclosed in an envelope and sent t o t he address in t he box below.
I f sending dom est ically from Japan, use Sim plified Regist er ed Mail ( Kakit om e) by t he Japan
Post . I f sending fr om out side of Japan, use a t raceable int ernat ional courier ser vice ( e.g.
DHL, EMS, FedEx) .
* The docum ent s m ust arrive at t he E-Track Office no lat er t han t he final dat e of t he
applicat ion period. Make sure t o order t he necessar y docum ent s w e ll in a dv a nce .
* I t em s E, F, G, I , N and O are t o be subm it t ed only if applicable. ( * Pages 8 - 10.)

Se nd docum e nt s t o:

E- Track Office
Tok yo I nt ernat ional Universit y
4 - 2 3 - 2 3 Tak adanobaba, Shinj uk u, Tokyo 1 6 9 - 0 0 7 5 , Japan
TEL: + 8 1 - 3 - 3 3 6 2 - 9 6 4 4

FAX: + 8 1 - 3 - 3 3 6 2 - 9 6 4 3

N ot e s:

Applica nt s m ust su bm it e it h e r or igina l ce r t ifica t e s or ce r t ifie d copie s.
Cert ified copies ar e pr efer red for docum ent s t hat cannot be r eissued.

D ocum e nt s pr int e d in la n gu a ge s ot he r t ha n En glish or Ja pa ne se m ust be
t r a n sla t e d int o English or Ja pa n e se . Translat ions should be provided by a school
official, an official agency such as em bassy or consulat e, t he applicant or a t ranslat or. I n
t he event t hat t he docum ent s are t ranslat ed by t he applicant or a t ranslat or, t he
t ranslat ion m ust be cer t ified by t he school or t he official agency. Make sur e t hat t he
nam e of t he t ranslat or and t he cont act inform at ion is included.

Bot h t he original or cert ified copy and t ranslat ed docum ent s m ust be subm it t ed if t he
original docum ent s ar e not writ t en in Japanese or English.

Original docum ent s t hat cannot be r eissued will be r et urned t o t he applicant s only if
request ed by sending us a ‘Request Form for Ret urn of Subm it t ed Mat erials’. The form
is available on t he E-Track w ebsit e:
ht t p: / / www.t p/ english/ et rack/ adm ission/ m l
Cert ified copies and English t est result s are not t o be r et urned t o applicant s. Adm it t ed
applicant s can ret rieve t heir original docum ent s fr om t he Adm issions Office aft er
enr ollm ent , while TI U w ill send back t he docum ent s t o t hose who are not adm it t ed if

TI U m ay cont act t he applicant or t he issuing ent it y wit h quest ions regarding t he
cont ent s or aut hent icit y of any subm it t ed docum ent s.

・ I n t he event of t he subm ission of false infor m at ion or forger y, accept ance will be
wit hdrawn even if discovered aft er enr ollm ent .


Re qu ir e d D ocum e nt s for All Applica nt s

【D ocum e nt s t o be su bm it t e d t h r ou gh t he online a pplica t ion syst e m 】
* I f Applicable
Docum ent s

Rem ar ks
Applicat ion form s should be filled out t hrough t he online
applicat ion syst em : ht t ps: / / t iu.applyj

Make sur e t hat your hom e address has been writ t en
accurat ely and com plet ely. Be sure t o include t he apart m ent
nam e and room num ber if necessary. I m port ant docum ent s


Applicat ion Form

such as t he Cert ificat e of Eligibilit y will be m ailed t o t he

address t hat is r egist ered on t he online applicat ion sy st em .
You m ust input your nam e as shown on your passport .

Ple a se do not u se a n ick na m e .

You do not have t o send t he print ed applicat ion form wit h
t he ot her docum ent s by r egist ered m ail.

Type y our essay in English on t he online applicat ion syst em . Be
concret e and concise.
I n t he essay , describe t he following t hree point s:

St at em ent of

1 ) A br ie f pe r son a l ba ck gr ou nd
2 ) W h y y ou chose TI U a nd your m a j or
3 ) How st udying at TI U w ill cont ribut e t o your fut ure goals
The lengt h of t he essay : approxim at ely 500 words – no m or e
t han 600 words.
Upload a profile pict ure t o t he online applicat ion syst em .
The phot o m ust be:


Phot o

Taken wit hin 3 m ont hs

backgr ound ( like a passport phot o)

A port rait



above t he chest

wit h a plain

Wit hout hat or cap
A JPEG file under 10MB. Trim t he phot o as appr opriat e

* I f y our phot o cannot be uploaded, e- m ail a passpor t sized phot o t o
t he E-Tr ack Office.


Tuit ion Reduct ion

Applicant s who apply for t he TI U t uit ion reduct ion scholarship


are r equired t o fill out t he cor r esponding sect ion of t he

Applicat ion

applicat ion form on t he online applicat ion syst em .
Applicant s are required t o subm it a copy of t heir passport ,


* Passport Copy

showing t heir phot o, nam e and passport num ber.
* Applicant s w ho do not have a valid passpor t ar e st ill eligible for
applicat ion.

* Copy of

Residence Card
( Zairyu card)


* Copy of Bank

Holder s of a Japanese Residence Card ( Zairyu car d) are r equired
t o upload a copy of bot h side s of t he card.
Upload a scan or phot o of t he r eceipt of t he bank t ransfer and
not ify t he E-Track Office if scr eening fees were paid t his way.


【Physica l docum e nt s t o be subm it t e d by r e gist e r e d m a il】
Or igin a ls or Ce r t ifie d Copie s m ust be subm it t e d un le ss st a t e d ot he r w ise
* I f Applicable
Docum ent s

Rem ar ks
An official t ranscript showing t he dat e of graduat ion ( or
expect ed graduat ion) , all courses t aken, and grades r eceived
in high school m ust be subm it t ed. The t ranscript m ust be
cert ified by a school official and be officially sealed in a school
* 1) Curr ent high school st udent s m ust subm it t he m ost


Official Transcript

up- t o- dat e t ranscript available.
* 2) Applicant s who have graduat ed from a high school in Japan
are r equired t o subm it official t ranscript s ( Chosasho) .
* 3) Transcript s covering t he la st t h r e e ye a r s of secondary
educat ion m ust be subm it t ed.
* 4) Transcript s fr om any higher educat ion at t ended m ust also
be subm it t ed in addit ion t o secondar y educat ion.

* Mandatory or

Standardized Test
Results for

Applicant s who have t aken an I nt ernat ional Baccalaureat e,
Abit ur or Baccalaureat e a r e r e qu ir e d t o subm it t he official t est
scor e and diplom a.
Applicant s whose t ranscript s do not show t he dat es of

Cert ificat e of
Graduat ion

( or expect ed
graduat ion)
from high school

graduat ion ( or expect ed graduat ion) are required t o subm it an
official Cert ificat e of Graduat ion ( or expect ed graduat ion) .
Those who have graduat ed early, or have skipped a grade,
should subm it an official docum ent issued by t he school
cert ifying t his fact .
* Cont act t he E-Track Office if your high school does not issue a
cert ificat e of graduat ion.
Subm it one of t he following:

TOEFL Official Scor e Report iBT 61

TOEI C Official Scor e Cer t ificat e 700

EI KEN Scor e r eport Grade Pre- 1

I ELTS Test Report Form 5.5 ( copies ar e accept able)

Test r esult s ar e valid for t wo years from t he dat e of t he t est .
* 1) For t he m et hod of subm ission, see page 5.

Proof of English

* 2) Result s of a ll I P t est s ( I nst it ut ional Program : t est s held wit hin a
school or organizat ion for int ernal use only) are not accept ed.

* 3) Applicant s from Aust ralia, Canada, I reland, New Zealand,
Singapore, t he Unit ed Kingdom and t he Unit ed St at es who have
undert aken t heir official educat ion in t he English language for t he
m ost recent 6 years are not required t o subm it an English t est .
* 4) Applicant s who have com plet ed, or are expect ed t o com plet e, an
I B diplom a program wit h English as t he language of inst ruct ion
are not required t o subm it an English t est score.

- 10 -

One original let t er of recom m endat ion from a t eacher /
professor / super visor / school official of t he m ost r ecent school
at t ended by t he applicant m ust be subm it t ed.
I t m ust :
Let t er of

Recom m endat ion
( original required)

be sig ne d by t he r e fe r e nce

show t h e issu ing da t e

a nd e - m a il a ddr e ss) of t h e r e fe r e n ce

be issue d n ot m or e t h a n 6 m ont h s a go
show t he cont a ct in for m a t ion ( t e le ph on e n u m be r
A sam ple let t er form is available on t he English Track
websit e t hat can be used fr eely.
ht t p: / / www.t p/ english/ et rack/ adm ission/ m l

Applicat ion

Docum ent s

Com plet e t he checklist on page 18 carefully and subm it it wit h
t he r est of your docum ent s. I f you ar e subm it t ing docum ent s
be for e t h e a pplica t ion pe r iod, you do not have t o fill out t he
online port ion.

D ocum e nt s for t hose w ho a pply f or Tuit ion Re duct ion Schola r sh ip

【D ocum e nt s t o be su bm it t e d t h r ou gh t he online a pplica t ion syst e m 】
Copies of
Evidence of

Ext racurricular
Act ivit ies
( do not se n d
or igin a ls)

I f you have part icipat ed in ext racurricular act ivit ies ( st udent
council, volunt eer work, sport s com pet it ions et c.) , upload scans
or phot os direct ly t o t he applicat ion syst em ( E.g. Awards,
t est im onials,

et c.) .


act ivit ies

m ay


t aken

int o

considerat ion during t he scholarship evaluat ion.

【Physica l docum e nt s t o be subm it t e d by r e gist e r e d m a il】
Proof of

from ot her
organizat ions

Applicant s who will receive scholarships offer ed by
organizat ions ot her t han TI U aft er t heir adm ission are required
t o subm it proof of t he scholarship.

- 11 -

Accept ed applicant s are r equired t o pay a 250,000 yen, non- r e fun da ble enrollm ent
fee and subm it t he VI SA- required docum ent s by t he designat ed deadline. This fee confirm s
int ent ion t o enroll and secures your placem ent at TI U. Subsequent ly, t he t uit ion and fees for
t he 1 st sem est er m ust be paid by t he specified dat es ( Refer t o page 3) . Paym ent in
inst allm ent s is not accept ed. TI U will not refund t he enr ollm ent fee under any circum st ances.
As a Cert ificat e of Eligibilit y will be issued by t he I m m igrat ion Bureau of Japan and a visa will
be issued by t he Japanese Em bassy under t heir j urisdict ion, TI U will not t ake any
responsibilit y in t he rar e event t hat t he docum ent s ar e not grant ed.
An enrollm ent packet will be e- m ailed t o successful applicant s t hat includes an invoice
for enrollm ent and ot her r elat ed fees as w ell as a cert ificat e of accept ance. Ot her
m at riculat ion docum ent s m ust be downloaded from t he E-Track w ebsit e below.
ht t p: / / www.t p/ english/ et rack/ adm ission/ adm it t m l

The am ount t o be paid is st at ed in t he t able below. First , t he enr ollm ent fee m ust be
paid t o secure a place at TI U. Next , t uit ion and fees for t he 1 st sem est er m ust be paid prior
t o universit y ent rance. The fees m ust be paid via bank t ransfer. Ot her m et hods ar e not
accept ed. Due dat es for paym ent s are st at ed on pa ge 3 .

TI U Tuit ion a nd Fe e s for 1 st Ye a r St ude nt s in 2 0 1 7
( All am ount s ar e st at ed in Japanese Yen.)



Enr ollm ent Fee

Enr ollm ent





Sem est er

Sem est er













Rat e of





Reduct ion




















Rat e of






Reduct ion











( Only at school ent ry)
No Reduct ion


Tuit ion


Facilit y Expenses
No Reduct ion

Tot a l

・Tuit ion and Fees do not include accom m odat ion.
・A 40,000 yen Alum ni Associat ion fee will be added for t he first year.

- 12 -

I nt ernat ional st udent s who do not have a r esident , diplom at ic, dependent , or spousal
visa m ust acquire a st udent visa for Japan. To obt ain a st udent visa while living out side of
Japan, it is necessary first t o apply for a Cert ificat e of Eligibilit y ( COE) .
TI U will subm it t he COE applicat ion docum ent s t o t he Japanese I m m igrat ion Bureau on
behalf of adm it t ed st udent s if st udent s subm it all necessar y docum ent s t o TI U by t he
designat ed deadlines.
* TI U will only subm it your COE applicat ion t o t he I m m igrat ion Bur eau aft er we confirm t he
paym ent of your enrollm ent fee.

The visa procedure for accept ed st udent s will be processed by t he TI U I nt ernat ional Exchange
Office and an out sourced com pany.
I f you are a visa holder who already resides in Japan at t he t im e of applicat ion and your visa
expires before enrollm ent in TI U, you are required t o visit t he I m m igrat ion Bureau of Japan and
ext end t he visa on your own. Applicat ions are accept ed t hree m ont hs prior t o t he dat e of

expirat ion.
Those w h o ha ve a pplie d for a Ce r t ifica t e of Eligibilit y ( COE) or a visa t o e nt e r Ja pa n
be for e a nd ha ve be e n r e j e ct e d in t he pa st , ple a se infor m us a bou t t he incide nt
im m e dia t e ly. W e m ay need t o pr ovide a ddit ional docum e nt s for t hese case s t o avoid
com plica t ions in t he COE Process.

St ude nt Visa ( COE) Applica t ion Pr oce ss

1. Subm it t he r equired docum ent s t o TI U’s out sourced com pany before t he st udent visa
applicat ion deadline. The enrollm ent fee m ust be paid by t he specified dat e.

2. The COE applicat ion is subm it t ed t o t he I m m igrat ion Bureau.


I t will t ake t he I m m igrat ion Bureau up t o t w o m ont hs t o appr ove t he visa applicat ion
and issue a Cert ificat e of Eligibilit y ( COE) .


Tuit ion and Fees for t he 1 st sem est er m ust be paid by t he specified dat es.


Aft er confirm ing t he paym ent , TI U sends t he COE via t raceable courier t o t he st udent .


The student t akes their COE and passport t o t he nearest Japanese em bassy or consulate.


The passport is st am ped wit h t he st udent visa and ret urned t o t he st udent .

St ude nt Visa Applica t ion Re quir e m e nt s

1. Subm it t he Cert ificat e of Eligibilit y Applicat ion Form for a St udent Visa

2. Proof of financial viabilit y m ay be r equired.

- 13 -


TI U I nt e r n a t ion a l H ouse s ( St ude nt D or m it or ie s)
TI U offer s accom m odat ions for first- year st udent s who live out side of Japan prior t o

univer sit y enrollm ent . A room m ay also be assigned t o int ernat ional st udent s cur r ent ly
residing in Japan and Japanese st udent s cur rent ly residing abroad if t her e ar e vacancies.
Curr ent ly, TI U has four dorm it ories – one is single, and t he r em aining t hree are shar ed.
【TI U I nt e r n a t iona l H ouse R1 】
Locat ion: Near TI U Cam pus 2
* Cam pus 2 is locat ed approxim at ely 13 m inut es on foot from Cam pus 1.
Room Type: Single room furnished with a bed, a desk, a chair, a closet , an air- conditioner, a
refrigerat or, a m icrowave, a t oilet/ bath room , and a kitchenett e.
Adm ission Fee: 30,000yen
Mont hly Fees: 39,000yen ( Ut ilit y bills such as elect ricit y and wat er ar e not included.)
【TI U I nt e r n a t iona l H ouse s R2 ( m a le ) , R3 a nd R4 ( f e m a le ) 】
Locat ion: Near TI U Cam pus 2
Room Type:

Shared room furnished with two beds, two desks ( each drawer has a lock) , two
chairs, a refrigerat or, a m icrowave, an air- conditioner, a closet , a kitchenett e,
and a bathroom .

Adm ission Fee: 25,000yen
Mont hly Fees: 25,000yen ( Ut ilit y bills such as elect ricit y and wat er a r e included.)
【Ot he r I nfor m a t ion f or bot h dor m it or ie s】
Lim it of St ay: One Year
RAs: Cur rent TI U st udent s ar e on- sit e t o help out wit h life in Japan.
I nt ernet : Free I nt ernet ( WiFi) is available.
* Tradit ionally, m eal plans ar e not offer ed at Japanese universit ies.

H ousing Se a r ch in Ja pa n
TI U has an on- cam pus agency t o help st udent s find an apart m ent near t he cam pus.

The r ent of st udio apart m ent s in t he area ar ound TI U is expect ed t o be ar ound 30,000 40,000 yen per m ont h.
I t is usually cust om ary in Japan t o m ake a one- t im e paym ent t o t he Landlord called
“ key m oney ”. I n addit ion, a securit y deposit and r ent for your first m ont h are generally also
required befor e m ove- in. The key m oney and deposit oft en am ount t o t he equivalent of one
m ont h rent each, so you will have t o pay about 3 m ont hs’ r ent befor e m oving in t o a new
hom e in Japan. Furt her m or e, m ost apart m ent s are not furnished and do not pr ovide daily
necessit ies, which m akes it hard t o prepar e t he m ove fr om overseas. Ther efor e, if you ar e
not already living in Japan before enr ollm ent , we st rongly recom m end living in a TI U
dorm it ory t o ensur e a sm oot h t ransit ion for your new life in Japan.

- 14 -


Re fun d Policy
I f a successful applicant decides not t o enr oll in TI U aft er paying all fees from t he

invoice, TI U will refund t he t uit ion, facilit y expenses and alum ni associat ion fee. How ever,
t he enr ollm ent fee is non- r e f unda ble . I n order t o have t he t uit ion, facilit y expenses and
Alum ni Associat ion fees r et urned, a “ Refund Applicat ion Form ” m ust be subm it t ed t o t he
E-Track Office ( et rack@t p ) no lat er t han 5pm on Mar ch 31 st , 2017 for t he Spring
Sem est er, or Sept em ber 11 t h , 2017 for t he Fall Sem est er.

Com plia n ce w it h Act on Pr ot e ct ion of Pe r son a l I n for m a t ion
Per sonal inform at ion ( nam e, addr ess, et c.) obt ained by TI U during t he applicat ion

process will be used only for t he purpose of pr ocessing issues relat ed t o t he scr eening and
adm ission of t he applicant s. TI U shall under no circum st ances disclose t his inform at ion t o a
t hird part y wit hout prior consent of t he applicant .

Pla gia r ism Policy
Plagiarism is t he act of t aking anot her person's writ ing, work , or ideas and passing it

off as your own. This includes inform at ion from web pages, book s, e- m ail m essages,
art icles, or any ot her m edium . Plagiarism is regarded as a serious form of academ ic
m isconduct and cheat ing. The consequences of plagiarism on applicat ion docum ent s will
result in t he revocat ion of adm ission or expulsion if discover ed aft er enr ollm ent .

Sm ok e Fr e e Ca m pus
Tok yo I nt ernat ional Univer sit y will be a sm oke- fr ee cam pus beginning April 1st , 2017.

This policy includes all buildings and facilit ies, indoor and out door, on TI U’s cam puses. This
policy was set t o pr ovide a healt hier environm ent t o st udent s, facult y, st aff and visit ors t o
t he universit y.

Spe cia l Assist a n ce for St u den t s w it h H e a lt h - Re la t e d N e e ds
I f special assist ance fr om TI U is required for cam pus life and at t ending classes, please

inform us prior t o t he applicat ion period.

- 15 -



Applica t ion Pe r iod
I have already subm itted m y application docum ents, but I just decided that I want to
apply in a different Application Period. Can you hold onto my application until then?


We underst and, som et im es plans change. I f you cont act us be for e t h e
a pplica t ion pe r iod e n ds, we can hold ont o your subm it t ed applicat ion
docum ent s unt il t he nex t Applicat ion Period. However, you will be r equired t o fill
out a new applicat ion form during t he period you act ually choose t o apply.


I f I am unsuccessful in adm ission on m y first at t em pt , m ay I apply again during
anot her applicat ion period?


Unfort unat ely, you m ay not apply again for t he sam e sem est er if you w er e not
accept ed aft er t he scr eening. How ever, you m ay apply again t o enr oll in t he next
sem est er. I f you choose t o do so, you will be r equired t o m ake a new online
applicat ion, subm it all applicat ion docum ent s again, and pay t he fees for
scr eening again as well. Respect ively, st udent s who choose not t o enroll at TI U


aft er being accept ed m ay not apply again unt il t he next sem est er ’s int ake.
Schola r sh ip
Are t her e any scholarships for TI U? Can I get bot h a t uit ion reduct ion scholarship
from TI U and a scholarship from anot her organizat ion at t he sam e t im e?


On page 7 of t he Applicat ion Guideline, you can find inform at ion about t he
Tuit ion Reduct ion Scholarship. I t is also possible t o r eceive ot her scholarships
unrelat ed t o TI U’s t uit ion reduct ion scholarship while st udying at TI U.


What ar e TI U’s crit eria for deciding t he rat e of Tuit ion Reduct ion Scholarship
( 30% - 100% ) ?


Scr eening for scholarships is based on t he careful evaluat ion of all subm it t ed
docum ent s, including t he st at em ent of purpose subm it t ed on t he online


applicat ion syst em . An applicant ’s rat e of r educt ion will be det erm ined by TI U.
Tuit ion a n d Fe e Pa y m e nt
I 'm an int ernat ional st udent and concerned about having t o pay all fees at once.
Aft er enr olling in TI U, how m uch and how oft en do I have t o pay per year? Will
I have t o pay t he whole year at once?


1) First , you will be invoiced t o pay 250,000 yen as an enrollm ent fee t o secure
your place at TI U by t he dat e indicat ed in t he Ke y D a t e s t able on page 3.
Each paym ent should be set t led in a single paym ent .
2) Next , t he paym ent of t he t uit ion and fees for t he 1 st sem est er should be
set t led by t he dat e indicat ed on t he sam e t able on page 3.
3) Tuit ion and fees for t he 2 nd sem est er will be billed at t he beginning of t he 2 nd
sem est er.
4) From t he second year, you will be request ed t o pay t wice each year, in April
and Sept em ber, while you ar e enr olled at TI U. The am ount of t uit ion and
ot her expenses for t he first year is shown on page 12.
* These paym ent s are t o be m ade by bank t ransfer.

- 16 -


Applica t ion Re quir e m e nt s
Are t her e any specific courses t hat have t o be com plet ed and grades t o be
achieved during a st andard 12- year educat ion in order t o be consider ed for
enr ollm ent ? I s t her e any part icular GPA, I B and SAT scor e t o be achieved, or
GCE A- level subj ect r equirem ent s?


No, t here are no course or GPA requirem ent s for enrolling t o t he E-Track Program .


I have never st udied Japanese and I don’t speak Japanese at all. Can I apply?


Yes you can! Japanese proficiency is not required for applicat ion. The E-Track
Program is a gr eat opport unit y t o learn Japanese t hr ough int ensive Japanese
cour ses in a sm all class environm ent t hat ar e com plet ely included in t he t uit ion.


I am enrolled in anot her universit y, but I would like t o t ransfer t o TI U. Does TI U
accept t ransfer st udent s? Can t he credit s t hat I have already earned at m y
present univer sit y be t ransferr ed?


Yes, w e accept t ransfer st udent s. I t is possible t o t ransfer t o t he second year or

t hird year. For t ransfer applicat ions, refer t o t he guideline for t ransfer st udent s.


Applica t ion D ocum e n t s
I w ould like t o apply for Spring 2017 enrollm ent , but I do not have a valid official
English Test scor e. Can I subm it it lat er, aft er t he deadline?


No. All required docum ent s m ust be subm it t ed during t he applicat ion period.


I am w orking now. Can I ask m y supervisor t o writ e a r ecom m endat ion let t er?


I f you have difficult y obt aining a recom m endat ion let t er from a t eacher at your
previous school, we can accept a let t er of recom m endat ion from a super visor
who has worked wit h you for at least 3 m ont hs.


I am curr ent ly at t ending a Japanese language school. Can I get a let t er of
recom m endat ion from t he Japanese language school?


Yes. We can accept let t ers of r ecom m endat ion in Japanese from a t eacher at
your Japanese language school.


I t ook t he TOEI C t est one year ago, but I don't have t he official cert ificat e.


You can ask t he t est organizat ion t o reissue t he cert ificat e. Check t he following
webpage for t he pr ocedure.
ht t p: / / www.t oeic.or.j p/ english/ t oeic/ guide04/ guide04_03/ m l
Please not e t hat your scor e only is valid if t he t est was t aken wit hin t wo years of
your applicat ion dat e.


I t ook a TOEI C / TOEFL t est held in m y school and received a scor e repor t saying
I nst it ut ional Program ( I P) . I s t his accept able t o apply for t he E-Track Pr ogram ?


N o. You m ust subm it an official score cert ificat e. I f you are not sure if t he t est
you t ook was I P or not , check for t he w ord “ I nst it ut ional” on t he t op of t he form .


Aft er graduat ing from high school, I st udied at a universit y for a year, and t hen
t wo years in a Japanese language school in Tokyo. Do I need t o send you all of
m y school t ranscript s?


All t hree of t hese t ranscript s are r equired t o be subm it t ed for t he applicat ion
process. However, only your high school and univer sit y scor es will count t owards
your adm issions r esult s.

- 17 -

Applicant ’s Nam e:
Pr eferr ed m aj or :

□ Business Econom ics

□ I nt ernat ional Relat ions

Sem est er of Enrollm ent : □ Spring, 2017

□ Fall, 2017

Applica t ion D e a dlin e
・All t he r e quir e d docu m e nt s m u st a r r ive a t t he E- Tr a ck office no la t e r t ha n t he follow ing
da t e s. M a k e sur e t o se n d a ll of t he r e quir e d physica l docu m e nt s a s soon a s possible .
・Com plete your online application after sending all physical docum ents as soon as possible.
Enrollm ent :

1 st Round

April, 2017

Oct ober 7 t h , 2016

Decem ber 2 nd , 2016

* January 20 t h , 2017


Decem ber 2 nd , 2016

January 20 t h , 2017

March 3 rd , 2017

April 21 st , 2017

Sept em ber, 2017

2 nd

3 rd



4 t h Round

* Only for Applicants Residing in Japan

Required Physical Docum ent s ( Paper- based)
・Send all of t he following it em s t o t he E-Track office by regist ered m ail.
a - e : Origin al or ce r t ifie d copie s a re r e quir e d.
・I t em s wit h an ast erisk* are t o be subm it t ed only if available/ applicable


b.* Mandat ory or St andardized t est result s ( e.g. I B, Abit ur, Baccaulaureat e, et c.)


Cert ificat e of Graduat ion ( or expect ed graduat ion)


Proof of English Proficiency ( Please check t he colum n “ K” on page 10)
□* * I ELTS
□ I B t ranscript & diplom a
* * Scans or copies are acceptable.

Official Transcript ( Please check t he colum n “ H” on page 10)


f. * Phot ocopy of proof of scholarship from ot her organizat ions

g.* This Applicat ion Docum ent Checklist

Let t er of recom m endat ion from your school

Online Applicat ion

(I f already com plet ed)

My online applicat ion form has been com plet ed accurat ely t o t he best of m y abilit y.

My st at em ent of purpose has been com plet ed and is bet ween 500 and 600 w ords.

I have input my name carefully and correctly, as it is shown on my passport or national ID.

I have stated my reasons for applying for the tuition reduction scholarship and have checked
the ‘yes’ box (leave this blank if not applying for the scholarship).

I have uploaded images of proof of my extracurricular activities to the system.

I have scanned m y passport and uploaded it t o t he syst em .

I have scanned both sides of my Residence (Zairyu) Card and uploaded them to the system.

Paym ent ( Fees for Screening : 5,450 yen) ( Select on e only)
・I nform at ion provided online cannot be edit ed aft er paym ent .

By credit card t hrough t he online applicat ion syst em

By bank t ransfer ( an im age of t he bank receipt was uploaded t o t he applicat ion syst em
and t he E-Track Office was not ified)

- 18 -

Com m ent s

Con t a ct Us
【TI U Japan Main Office】

Tok yo I nt e r n a t iona l Un ive r sit y
E- Tr a ck Of fice
4- 23- 23 Takadanobaba, Shinj uku,
Tok yo 169- 0075 Japan
TEL: + 81- 3- 3362- 9644
FAX: + 81- 3- 3362- 9643
E- m ail: et rack@t p
Online Applica t ion s: ht t ps:/ / t iu.a p ply j a p a

【TI U Over seas Offices】

TI U V ie t n a m Office
17 Kim Ma Thuong
Cong Vi ward, Ba Dinh dist rict , Hanoi, Viet nam
TEL: + 84- 4- 6273- 6945
E- m ail: t iuviet nam @gm

TI U I n don e sia Office
c/ o PT Fuj i St aff I ndonesia
SUMMI TMAS 1, 10t h Fl.,
Jl. Jend. Sudirm an Kav. 61- 62 Jakart a 12190 I ndonesia
TEL: + 62- 21- 252- 3716
FAX: + 62- 21- 252- 3721
E- m ail: t iu@fuj ist

- 19 -