Message as seen through Edmund’s characteristics in the chronicles of narnia: the lion the witch and the wardrobe.



Emy Christiani (2009). Message as Seen through Edmund’s Characteristic in

C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata

Dharma University.

C.S. Lewis’ novel entitled The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe which was published in 2007 becomes the object of this study.

The study focuses on the possible message as seen through the character that is supported by the conflicts.

The aims of this study first analyze the character, Edmund, and find out the conflict that he faced to support his characteristics. The seconds aim is to reveal the possible message in the story from the character.

The study uses objective criticism as the approach to analyze this novel. This approach emphasizes on the literature itself that is from the intrinsic elements. This study analyzes the message that can be taken from the intrinsic elements, they are the characteristic and the conflicts. The theory that is used in analyzing this study is theory of character and characterization, theory of conflict and theory of message.

The findings of the analysis are as follows: one of the main characters named Edmund is selfish. In Narnia, he meets the witch. The witch tantalizes Edmund to be a King in Narnia but he has to bring his siblings to her. Because of his selfishness, he does not want his sibling in the same level with him. His selfishness makes him to be a greedy, becomes a liar, and traitor. Those characteristics bring him into difficult situation to be a King. He gets a bad treatment from the witch because he cannot fulfill the requirement. Then, he realizes that his selfishness bring him into it. He sets aside his selfishness to help the Narnian freedom from evil time. He becomes a courageous person that brings him to be a King in Narnia. The messages that find in the analysis are selfishness brings you in misery, brave to apologize will fix the relationship, fight the obstacles to achieve the dream.



Emy Christiani (2009). Message as Seen through Edmund’s Characteristic in

C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris. Fakultas Sastra. Universitas

Sanata Dharma

Novel C.S. Lewis berjudul The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The

Witch, and The Wardrobe yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2007 menjadi objek dari

studi ini. Studi ini berfokus pada pesan yang terungkap dari tokoh karakter yang didukung oleh konflik.

Tujuan dari studi ini adalah pertama menganalisa karakter, Edmund, dan menemukan konflik yang dia hadapi untuk mendukung karakternya. Tujuan kedua mengungkap pesan cerita dari tokoh karakter.Studi ini menggunakan kritik objektif sebagai pendekatan untuk menganalisa novel.

Pendekatan ini menekankan pada karya sastra itu sendiri, yaitu unsur-unsur intrinsik. Penelitian ini menganalisis pesan yang diambil dari unsur-unsur-unsur-unsur intrinsik yaitu karakteristik dan konflik. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisa studi adalah teori karakter dan karakterisasi, toeri konflik dan teori pesan.

Temuan dari analisis ini adalah sebagai berikut, salah satu dari tokoh utama berrnama Edmund adalah orang yang egois. Di Narnia, dia bertemu seorang penyihir. Penyihir mengiming-iminginya menjadi seorang raja asal dia membawa saudara-saudaranya. Karena sifat egoisnya, dia tidak mau disejajarkan dengan saudara-saudaranya yang akhirnya memaksa dia menjadi seorang yg rakus, pembohong, dan pengkhianat. Sifatnya itulah yang membawa dia kedalam situasi sulit untuk menjadi seorang raja. Dia mendapat perlakuan yang buruk dari penyihir karena dia tidak dapat memenuhi persyaratan. Kemudian dia menyadari bahwa egoisnya menuntunnya ke dalam situasi ini. Dia mengesampingan sifat egoisnya untuk membantu orang-orang Narnia bebas dari kuasa jahat. Dia menjadi seorang pemberani yang menuntunnya menjadi seorang raja di Narnia. Pesan yang dapat ditemukan dari analisis ini adalah egoisme akan membawa kesengsaraan, berani minta maaf akan memperbaiki suatu hubungan, dan lawanlah semua halangan untung mencapai mimpi.






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 094214053









I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been

previously submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that,

to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material

previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the

text of the undergraduate thesis.

Yogyakarta, August 31, 2015





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Emy Christiani

Nomor Mahasiswa : 094214053

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:




Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan,

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Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 31 Agustus 2015

Yang menyatakan









First of all, I would like to thank Jesus Christ who gives me strength,

health, guidance, and His Blessing so I can finish my thesis.

Then, I would like to thank Adventina Putranti, S.S.,M.Hum as my major

advisor and Maria Ananta Tri S., S.S., M.Ed as my co advisor. I am grateful for

their important advice and suggestions during the writing of my thesis.

I also would like to thank all members of teaching staff of English Letters

Department of Sanata Dharma for giving me valuable knowledge during my study

in English Letters. I also would to thank all the administrative staff, secretariat

staff, and library staff, who gave many help for completing my thesis.

I am extremely grateful to my beloved father and mother for their support,

love, patience, and understanding. To my sister and brother, I thank you for your

unseen support to finish this undergraduate thesis.

Finally lot of gratitude goes to all my friends in English Letters, especially

Yeyen, Yogaku, Creseilla, Ivan Ray, Beawinda, Abraham Mov, Etha, for your

support, discussion, suggestion, tips, and everything that can push me to finish

this undergraduate thesis.

Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone who has not been

mention here for everything they have given me. All of them have motivated me











TABLE OF CONTENTS………..…….…. viii

ABSTRACT………..……… x

ABSTRAK………..……. . xi


A. Background of the Study………...……. 1

B. Problem Formulation………..……… 3

C. Objectives of the Study………. 3

D. Definition of Term………..…….….. 4


A. Review of Related Studies………..…..…… 6

B. Review of Related Theories……….……. 7

a. Theory of Character and characterization…………..…………. 8

b. Theory of Conflict………. ……..……….. 10

c. Theory of Message…………...………..………. 11

C. Theoretical Framework………...……….. 13


A. Object of the Study………..……… 15

B. Approach of the Study……….……… 16

C. Method of the Study……….…….. 16


A. Edmund’s characteristic and his conflicts..……….………… 18

B. Message Revealed by Edmund’s characteristic and his Conflicts… 31 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION………….……….……… 39



Emy Christiani (2009). Message as Seen through Edmund’s Characteristic in

C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata

Dharma University.

C.S. Lewis’ novel entitled The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe which was published in 2007 becomes the object of this study.

The study focuses on the possible message as seen through the character that is supported by the conflicts.

The aims of this study first analyze the character, Edmund, and find out the conflict that he faced to support his characteristics. The seconds aim is to reveal the possible message in the story from the character.

The study uses objective criticism as the approach to analyze this novel. This approach emphasizes on the literature itself that is from the intrinsic elements. This study analyzes the message that can be taken from the intrinsic elements, they are the characteristic and the conflicts. The theory that is used in analyzing this study is theory of character and characterization, theory of conflict and theory of message.

The findings of the analysis are as follows: one of the main characters named Edmund is selfish. In Narnia, he meets the witch. The witch tantalizes Edmund to be a King in Narnia but he has to bring his siblings to her. Because of his selfishness, he does not want his sibling in the same level with him. His selfishness makes him to be a greedy, becomes a liar, and traitor. Those characteristics bring him into difficult situation to be a King. He gets a bad treatment from the witch because he cannot fulfill the requirement. Then, he realizes that his selfishness bring him into it. He sets aside his selfishness to help the Narnian freedom from evil time. He becomes a courageous person that brings him to be a King in Narnia. The messages that find in the analysis are selfishness brings you in misery, brave to apologize will fix the relationship, fight the obstacles to achieve the dream.



Emy Christiani (2009). Message as Seen through Edmund’s Characteristic in

C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris. Fakultas Sastra. Universitas

Sanata Dharma

Novel C.S. Lewis berjudul The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The

Witch, and The Wardrobe yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2007 menjadi objek dari

studi ini. Studi ini berfokus pada pesan yang terungkap dari tokoh karakter yang didukung oleh konflik.

Tujuan dari studi ini adalah pertama menganalisa karakter, Edmund, dan menemukan konflik yang dia hadapi untuk mendukung karakternya. Tujuan kedua mengungkap pesan cerita dari tokoh karakter.Studi ini menggunakan kritik objektif sebagai pendekatan untuk menganalisa novel.

Pendekatan ini menekankan pada karya sastra itu sendiri, yaitu unsur-unsur intrinsik. Penelitian ini menganalisis pesan yang diambil dari unsur-unsur-unsur-unsur intrinsik yaitu karakteristik dan konflik. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisa studi adalah teori karakter dan karakterisasi, toeri konflik dan teori pesan.

Temuan dari analisis ini adalah sebagai berikut, salah satu dari tokoh utama berrnama Edmund adalah orang yang egois. Di Narnia, dia bertemu seorang penyihir. Penyihir mengiming-iminginya menjadi seorang raja asal dia membawa saudara-saudaranya. Karena sifat egoisnya, dia tidak mau disejajarkan dengan saudara-saudaranya yang akhirnya memaksa dia menjadi seorang yg rakus, pembohong, dan pengkhianat. Sifatnya itulah yang membawa dia kedalam situasi sulit untuk menjadi seorang raja. Dia mendapat perlakuan yang buruk dari penyihir karena dia tidak dapat memenuhi persyaratan. Kemudian dia menyadari bahwa egoisnya menuntunnya ke dalam situasi ini. Dia mengesampingan sifat egoisnya untuk membantu orang-orang Narnia bebas dari kuasa jahat. Dia menjadi seorang pemberani yang menuntunnya menjadi seorang raja di Narnia. Pesan yang dapat ditemukan dari analisis ini adalah egoisme akan membawa kesengsaraan, berani minta maaf akan memperbaiki suatu hubungan, dan lawanlah semua halangan untung mencapai mimpi.



A. Background of the Study

Literature is a creative work based on the representation of human life that

usually contains specific issues at specific time. Hudson said that literature is a

vital record of men have seen in life, what they have experienced in life, what they

thought and left about life through the medium of language (1958:10). It means

that an author produce literary work based on what he has experiences in his life,

what he has seen, and what he has thought through creative writing.

Novel is one of the literary works. Novel is different from other kinds of

literature, because a novel has an explanation of elements, such as the characters,

the conflicts, plots, setting, symbols, messages, themes, etc. A novel usually

shows the development of the characters or a large complex social situation or a

relationship involving many characters or a complicated event covering many

years, or a complex relationship among characters in detail (Stanton, 1965:44).

From those elements of the novel, the writer will focus only on conflict,

character and message. Character is an important element in the story. Character

is a person who acts in the story that is created by the author and have important

role in creating the conflict in a story.

By reading a novel, people do not only gain satisfaction but also the

message that given by the author. Every novel may consists of some messages


can use their perception in putting those messages. Like Henkle said, “It would enrich our appreciation of the novel if we could put its message clearer

perspective” (1977: 2-3).

In this thesis the writer wants to analyze a novel which is written by C.S.

Lewis. The Chronicles of Narnia are series of seven fantasy novels, they are

recognized as children’s fantasy novel. They are also popular in student and adult. These books are about the adventure of Son of Adam and Daughter of Eve, Peter,

Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, to a place populated by men and women, dwarves,

giants, merpeople, centaurs, and fauns, ruled by a ferocious and gigantic lion

named Aslan. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is the one of seven books of

the series. This story is about the experiences of the major characters in exploring

the magic world, Narnia. The story is started when Peter, Susan, Edmund, and

Lucy play hide and seek when they play, Lucy found the wardrobe that inside it

there was a magic world. In this story, one of the main characters, Edmund, he

meets a witch who is gives him a promise to be a King in Narnia. Yet, he become

a King in Narnia, he has to bring his siblings as a requirement. When he comes to

the witch’s house he does not bring his sibling, so the witch became angry and he treat Edmund cruelty. In the end of story, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy

became King and Queen of Narnia by defeat the witch.By analyze the character

and the conflict that exists in the story, the writer can see the message.

According to Van de Laar and Scoonderwoerd the novel or short story is

made up of seven elements known as the intrinsic elements; they are story or plot,


novelist’s philosophy of life (1969:163). In this thesis, the writer would like to focus on how the message reveal through describing Edmund, one of the main

character in the story The Chronicles of Narnia:The Lion, the Witch and the


The writer chooses this novel as the object of this thesis because from the

characters and the story of this novel the writer can get something lay behind the

literary work itself, which is the message that appears in the story. Interestingly

enough, the novel is not specifically written for children but also for adult. C.S.

Lewis in The Chronicles of Narnia:The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe has a

message that useful not only for children but also for adult or some generation.

B. Problem Formulation

The writer formulates two problems to be analyzed in this thesis. The

problems are formulated as:

1. How is Edmund’s characteristic and his conflict?

2. What is the message revealed through Edmund’s characteristic and his conflict?

C. Objective of the Study

The objective of this novel is how Edmund, one of the main characters,

described. The conflict that faced by the character can also supports Edmund’s character and reveals the message by describing him. The first objective is to find


his characteristic. The second objective is to find out possible message that

revealed through describing Edmund.

D. Definition of Terms

It is important to explain the meaning of certain word related to the topic

to avoid ambiguity. These are the terms that are used.

1. Character and characterization

Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work.

The characters are known by the reader as some people who have moral and

dispositional qualities. These qualities are usually expressed in what they say (the

dialogue) and what they do (the action) (Abrams, 2012:46). While

characterization is the process in by which an author creates character (Rohrberger

and Woods, 1971:20).

2. Conflict

A Handbook to Literature describes conflict as the struggle that grows out

of the interplay of the two opposing forces in the plot. Conflict can be argument

opposing forces, like man against man, nature, fate, society or perhaps the internal

one between two opposing parts of man’s personality (Holman and Harmon, 2009: 123).

3. Message

Message is actually the same with theme. A message is define as the real

meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized inside


more complexity than message. Message becomes one of the elements that makes

or form a theme. Nevertheless, it has no direct value as suggestion aimed to the

readers (1966: 89). From that explanation, message can be seen as one form of the




A. Review of Related Studies

The novel The Chronicles of Narnia the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

is one of the seven sagas that are written by C.S. Lewis. The other novel of The

Chronicles of Narniaare The Magician’s Nephew, The Horse and His Boy, Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Siler Chair, and The Last Battle. The Chronicles of Narnia the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe novel tells about

two daughter of eve and two son of Adam that are exploring Narnia, a magic

world. They meet some queer creatures like dwarves, giants, merpeople, centaurs,

fauns, and animal that can talking.

There are some people that already discusses this novel, one of them is

Margareth Aritonang. She discusses about the portrayal of the female antagonist

in the seven books of C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia that are assumed as the representations of Misogyny toward woman. She analyzes each of the females

who are considered antagonist in the novels according to their chronological

appearance. Later she investigates literary allusions from other works of literature

which are found within the female antagonist in the chronicles then addresses the

images of women from the Bible that has been inspiring numbers of literary work

include Narnia. Finally she concludes that the misogynistic accusation at Lewis


Liu Xinjie in his paper, he will demonstrate that The Chronicles of Narnia

the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is the bearer of important moral lesson for

children. He discusses about the important moral value that represent by various

characters, human and animal. By using the devices of talking animals,

fascinating images as well as enchantment, the narrator expresses didactic

message in an entertaining manner. How moral values in The Chronicles of

Narnia the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe are expressed in action. It has

inspired children to exceed the limitation of themselves and become the best

people they can be.

Another research is done by Marcelina Galuh Kristiyani. She writes about

personality changing of Edmund after he gets bad treatment. She uses The

Chronicles of Narnia the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in her undergraduate

thesis. She works on it and finds the personality changing which happened to

Edmund is caused by the bad treatment by the White Witch. In her undergraduate

thesis Marcelina just focuses on the personality changing.

This research is different from those three researches above. First,

Margareth writes about the female antagonists that exist in C.S. Lewis book. She

analyzes the characters that point out the Bible which has been inspiring for this

novel. Liu Xinjie writes about the moral values from those characters in the novel.

Moreover, Marcelina’s thesis writes about the personality changes Edmund characteristic, one of the main characters in the novel.

The similarity with those researches is analyzing C.S.Lewis’s book and focus in the character that presented on that book. Unlike those three researches


above, in this research the writer focuses on the message that revealed by the

character supported by conflicts. It is important for the writer to see the message

from the character because this is a children literature, so the message becomes

the important things. However, the message can also be addressed for anyone who

read it, include an adult. Therefore the study has different topic from the previous


B. Review of Related Theories

There are some theories that are needed to answer the problem

formulation. Those are:

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Character is one of the important elements of the story. The characters are

known by the reader as some people who have moral and dispositional qualities.

These qualities are usually expressed in what they say (the dialogue) and what

they do (the action) (Abrams, 2012:46). In his theory he says that the character is

a person presented and has a role in a story. The readers interpret the character as

characteristic by expressing the way they say or their dialogue and the way they

do or their action.

Characterization is the way the author creates characters. It means that

characterization is process the author creates the characters to make the readers

believes that his character is a particular type of person (Rohrberger and Wood,


There are nine way for the author to tell the readers about a character to be

understandable. They are (Murphy, 1988: 161-173):

a. Personal description

Personal description is how the author can describe the person’s appearance and clothes, face and body. By the appearance can help the reader to

imagine how the character is.

b. Character as seen by another

Instead of describing a character directly the author can describe him

through the eye and options of another.

c. Speech

The author can give us an insight into the character of one of the person in

the book through what that person says. Whenever a person speaks, whenever he

is in conversation with another whenever he puts forward an opinion, he is giving

us some clue to this character.

d. Past life

By letting the reader learn something about a person’s past life the author can give us a clue to events that have helped to shape a person’s character. This can be done by direct comment by author, though the person’s thought, thought his conversation or through the medium of another person.

e. Conversation of others

The author can also give us clue to a person’s character through the conversation of other people and the things they say about him. People do talk


about other people and the things they say often give as a clue to the character of

the person spoken about.

f. Reaction

The author can also give us a clue to a person’s character by letting us know how that person reacts to various situation and events.

g. Direct comment

The author can describe or comment on a person’s character directly. h. Thought

The author can give us direct knowledge of what a person thinking about.

i. Mannerism

The author can describe a person’s mannerism, habits or idiosyncrasies which may also tell us something about his character.

Unlike Murphy who has nine ways to understand the characteristic of a

character, Barnet in his book describe only three ways to understand it. They are:

a. What the character/ figure says

How the character says will help the readers interpret her/his


b. What the character does/ acts

The reader can learn the attitudes or behaviors of a character and they may


c. What other characters say about the character

A character interacts with other characters. They share their opinion and

gives comments about that character. Such opinion and statement may reflect the

characteristic of the character drawn.

2. Theory of Conflict

One of important element of fiction is conflict. Every work of fiction

contains two types of conflict. They are internal and external conflict. Internal

conflict means a conflict between man versus himself. That means he/she arguing

with himself/herself. He/she fights against himself about what to do before

something happens this conflict forces him/her to make decision. While, the

external conflict means that the conflict happens when the protagonist has

problem and conflicting against other characters. Usually the protagonist fights

against a single character or more than one (Stanton, 1965: 16)

According to Holman and Harmon, conflict is a struggle that is produced

by the dealings of two opposing focuses in the plot. They explain there are four

types of conflict, they are:

a. A Struggle Between Against Nature.

It presents the character’s struggle when they have to deal with natural forces, such as flood, hurricane, earthquake, and etc.

b. A Struggle Against Another Person.

It is struggle between the protagonists against another person can be a


c. A Struggle between Society.

It happens when the character deal with a particular social force, condition

produced by society, or society’s value system. d. A struggle against Fate or Destiny

It is also called internal conflict. It shows the struggle between the

character when they try to change their own fate or destiny (Harmon, 2009:123).

3. Theory of Message

Message is one of elements of any work art that can be found intentionally

or unintentionally. According to Beaty and Hunter a message is defined as the real

meaning or some essay conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized inside

a work of art (1989: 899). It means that message is the main basic that can cover

the whole idea of a certain work of art. It gives the illusion for the reader that

certain literary work exist to tempt the readers to get the real meaning of live

through the novel, drama, poem, etc.

The meaning of message is often confused with the theme. In order to

avoid the misconception between the meaning and the theme, the writer tries to

conclude by seeing the different meaning between theme and message from the

definition by Beaty and Hunter. They say the difference between theme and

message is that message seeks to inform or convince, meanwhile theme seeks to

have the reader comprehends and emphasizes so that the idea are more broadly


convince the reader rather than giving ideas broadly like theme. These definitions

are hope the writer to find the message from the novel.

Message in a story intended as suggestion related to practical lesson that

can be taken by the readers through the story. They are closely related to the

problems in life, such as attitude and behavior. The readers can find them in real

life, in the same manners as they reflected on the story through it characters.

The message is distributed through those various ways. By contrast, if

readers want to understand or interpret the message, they should do it based on the

story and the character’s life.

C. Theoretical Framework

The topic that the writer wants to discuss in this thesis is the message that

is reflected in character which supported by the conflict in The Chronicles of

Narnia the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. To analyze this study, the writer

uses theory of character and characterization, theory of conflict and theory of


The theory of character and characterization are used to answer the first

question in problem formulation, about the characteristic of the main character.

Theory of character from Abram can help the writer to understand about one of

the main characters that exist in the story. To find the characterization the writer

use theory of Murphy that states that there are nine ways to tell the readers about a


Theory of conflict helps the writer to see which conflict that face by the

main character whether he struggle with himself or with other. These theories also

use to support what Edmund describe is.

Theory of message is needed to answer the second problem formulation. It

will help the writer to reveal the message through the characteristic of the main

character that support by the conflict that he faced. This theory is important for the



A. Object of the Study

The Chronicles of Narnia the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobeis written

by C.S. Lewis. It consists of 189 pages and it is divided into seventeen chapters.

The story tells about the adventure of the four children, two son of Adam and two

daughter of Eve, in the magical word named Narnia.

This novel has been filmed with the same title The Chronicles of Narnia

the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The film was directed by Andrew

Adamson and was written by Ann Peacock. This film was produced by Walt

Disney Pictures and released in 8 December 2005. This movie was success in box

office and won some awards.

The story starts when four children, whose name Peter, Susan, Edmund,

and Lucy were sent away from London during the war. They are sent away

because of the air raids. They were sent to the house of an old Professor. When

Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy played hide and seek, Lucy hide in a wardrobe

that brought her into a magical word. Their adventure is started from that. In the

Narnia, one of the boys, Edmund, is seduced by the White Witch who plies him

with Turkish Delight and promises of great power. In the end, Edmund is only

saved from evil when Aslan the lion sacrifices his own life. Nevertheless, Aslan

returns to life and leads his forces in a great battle, after which the children


B. Approach of the Study

In analyzing a literary work, the writer needs a certain approach to

understanding the literary text better. To analyze C.S. Lewis’s novel the writer

chooses the objective criticism. Abrams said:

The objective criticism approaches the work as something which stands free from poet, audience, and the environing world. It examines the literary work based on the work itself, without connecting it to the other aspect outside the work including his historical and social background, or the biography of the author. The objective criticism focuses on the literary work from the intrinsic element such as setting (place and time), theme, character, plot, which building the work. (Abrams, 2012:70)

In the other words, the objective criticism criticizes a work that standing

on a work itself that is to be analyzed by the intrinsic element without any

references to the other external elements.

The writer thinks that the objective criticism is suitable for analyzing this

study which is going to analyze two of the intrinsic elements of those novel, they

are characters and conflict, to reveal the message. This study focuses on the

analysis of character and the conflict, and need no other aspect outside or external

element for the analysis.

C. Method of the Study

The method of study that used to analyze this study was library research.

There were two kinds of sources that used in this analysis, the primary and the

secondary sources. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, and the


answer of the problem formulation. The secondary sources takes from the book

that provide the theory of character and characterization, conflict, message, the

criticism and approach on the novel that was important for the study.

Firstly, the writer read the main source that was The Chronicles of Narnia:

the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, then read and re-read so the writer

understood what actually the author wanted to say through the novel. The writer

tried to focus on the novel, especially the characters and the conflict.

Secondly, the writer formulated the problems that were to analyze the

character to get message from describing the main character. To answer the first

problem, the writer analyzed the characteristic and the conflict to describing the

main character. The writer analyzed from the primary book which related to the

characterization of Edmund and his conflict from the beginning to the end of


After the first problem answer, the writer tried to answer the second

problem. The writer answered it by making conclusion some possible messages

from describing Edmund. After the analyzed part had been done, the writer made

conclusion. In making conclusion, the writer concluded all of the analysis starting

from how the main character are described in the story and what the message are




This chapter presents the answer of the problems that have been

formulated in chapter one. The writer discusses them into two sections. The

discussion of the analysis is started by analyzing the major character, named

Edmund, through the conflicts that is faced by Edmund in supporting how

Edmund described. In the end, the writer discusses the massage that can be found

from the characteristic of Edmund and his conflicts.

A. Edmund’s Characteristic and his Conflict

In the novel, Edmund is the third child of Pevensies, one of the main

characters whose personality changes from bad to good. His characteristic

develops because he gets bad treatment from the White Witch. In this part the

writer focuses on his characteristic and his conflicts. It is explained as:

1. Selfish

Edmund is a selfish person. Selfish is having or showing concern only for

your self and not for needs or feelings of other people. The other meaning of

selfish is concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself: seeking or

concentrating on one‘s own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for

other (Webster, 2006:1663). It can be seen when Edmund imagine himself as a

King in Narnia.

… He did want Turkish Delight and to be a Prince (and later a King) and


with the others, he didn‘t want her to be particularly nice to them-certainly not to put them on the same level as himself; … (Lewis, 2007:89)

The quotation above gives a clue that Edmund is selfish. He does not want

his sibling in the same level with him. He also does not want the White Witch

gives a nice attention to them. He wants to be the highest one.

―When I‘m King of Narnia thing I shall do will be to make some decent roads.‖ And of course that set him off thinking about being a King and all the other things he would do and this cheered him up a good deal. He had just settled in his mind what sort of palace he would have and how many cars and all about his private cinema and where the principal railways would run and what laws he would make against beavers and dams and was putting the finishing touches to some scheme for keeping Peter in his place, when the weather changed. (Lewis, 2007:91)

That also supports the assumption that he is selfish from what he thinks

about if he becomes a King in Narnia someday. He will make some decent roads.

He thinks about what sort of palace he would have. He wants to live luxuriously

and he does not think about his siblings. He just thinks about the other things that

will make him happy. For example he wants to have a private cinema, some cars,

make a law against the beavers and make scheme for keeping Peter in the beavers


The White Witch is a not a real Queen in Narnia. She is a horrible witch

that everybody in Narnia hates her. She also makes the country is always in


―She isn‘t real Queen at all,‖ answer Lucy; ―she‘s a horrible witch, the

White Witch. Every one—all the wood people—hate her. She has made an enchantment over the whole country so that it is always winter here and


Edmund‘s conflict againsts the witch that focuses to bring Edmund‘s

siblings also can be the depiction how selfish Edmund is. From what Edmund

thinks about being a King, he decides to tell the witch about his siblings.

―I‘m come, your Majesty,‖ said Edmund, rushing eagerly forward.

―How dare you come alone?‖ said the Witch in terrible voice. ―Did I not tell you to bring the other with you?‖

―Please, your Majesty,‖ said Edmund, ―I‘ve done the best I can, I‘ve brought them quite close. They‘re in the little house on top of the dam just up the river-with Mr. and Mrs. Beaver.‖ (Lewis, 2007:99)

In that conversation, the writer can conclude that Edmund is a selfish

person. He brings his sibling quite close with them. He tells the witch that his

siblings in Mr. and Mrs. Beaver‘s house. He does not bring his siblings because he wants to be the only King in Narnia. That is why he does not bring his siblings

to the witch‘s house. That is the best things that he can do. If he brings his siblings to the witch‘s house, he thinks that the Witch will also make his siblings to be the King of Narnia. He will not put Peter on the same level with him because he does

not like when Peter calls him a beast. Edmund‘s selfishness brings him in this

situation, conflict against other person.

Furthermore, Edmund‘s selfishness changes him into a greedy person. Greedy is having or showing a selfish desire to have more of something (such as a

money or food). Greedy also has meaning very eager to have something (Webster,

2006: 805). In the novel, the writer knows that he is a greedy person because he

always concerns only for himself: seeking or concentrating on one‘s own


Edmund meets the White Witch at the first time. The White Witch offers

something to eat and he asks Turkish Delight, as follow:

While he was eating the Queen kept asking him questions. At first

Edmund tried to remember that is rude to speak with one‘s mouth full, but

soon he forget about this thought only of trying to shovel down as much Turkish Delight as he could, and the more he ate the more he wanted to eat, and he never asked himself why the Queen should be so inquisitive. At last the Turkish Delight was all finished and Edmund was looking very hard at empty box and wishing that she should ask him whether he would like some more. (Lewis, 2007:37-38)

From the explanation above, it can be identified that the character is

greedy because he eats gluttonously and he tries to shovel down the Turkish

Delight as much as he can. He also speaks while his mouth full of food. He

concentrates on his own pleasure which is his Turkish Delight. Even when he

finishes it, he wishes to get some more and more. Another statement that

strengthens Edmund is greedy, as follow:

―please, please,‖ said Edmund suddenly, ―please couldn‘t I have just one

piece of Turkish Delight to eat on the way home?‖(Lewis, 2007:41)

From what he says, it describes that he never feels enough with what he

gets. He has already gotten a round box that contains several pounds of Turkish

Delight but he wants more to eat on the way home.

Edmund was already feeling uncomfortable from having eaten too many sweets, and when he heard that the Lady he had made friends with was a dangerous witch he felt even more uncomfortable. But he still wanted to taste that Turkish Delight again more than he wanted anything else.(Lewis, 2007:42)

From the explanation above, the writer can identify the characteristic


reacts to various situations. The narration above gives the writer a clue how

Edmund reacts when he feels uncomfortable to be a friend with the White Witch.

Even though Edmund hears that the White Witch is a dangerous witch, he still

seeks his pleasure. His pleasure about eat that Turkish Delight.

Edmund meanwhile had been having a most disappointing time. When the dwarf had gone to get the sledge ready he expected that the Witch would start being nice to him, as he had been at their last meeting. But she said nothing at all. And when at last Edmund plucked up his courage to say,

―Please, your Majesty, could I have some Turkish Delight? You – you-said-―(Lewis, 2007:111)

Edmund also still thinks about the Turkish Delight in fact he is

disappointed to the witch because she is not being nice to him like their last

meeting. Even thought he is disappointed to him, he plucks up his courage to ask

some Turkish delight. From that situation, it can be said that he is a greedy person,

showing a selfish desire to have more of food. He always thinks about the food

whatever the situation he is faced.

By his characteristic that is greedy, the White Witch uses the enchanted

Turkish Delight to tempt Edmund.

Probably the Queen knew quite well what he was thinking; for she knew, though Edmund did not, that this was enchanted Turkish Delight and that anyone who had once tasted it would want more and more of it, and would even, if they were allowed, go on eating it till they killed themselves. But she did not offer him any more. Instead, she said to him (Lewis, 2007:38).

The Witch uses the enchanted Turkish Delight to kill Edmund and his

siblings so that she can be the Queen in Narnia. Thus, she tempts Edmund with

Turkish Delight and promises to him to be a King in Narnia.

… said the Queen. ― I am sure you would like it. There are whole rooms full of Turkish Delight, and what‘s more, I have no children of my own. I


King of Narnia when I am gone. While he was Prince he would wear a gold crown and eat Turkish Delight all day long; and you are much the

cleverest and handsome young man I‘ve ever met. I think I would like to

make you the Prince-some day, when you bring the others to visit me.‖

―why not now? Said Edmund

―oh, but if I took you there now,‖ said she, ― I shouldn‘t see your brother

and your sisters. I very much want to know your charming relations. You are to be the Prince and-later on- the King; that is understood (Lewis, 2007:38-39).

From the speech above, the writer knows that Edmund is a person that

easy to provoke. The Witch tells him about rooms full of Turkish Delight in her

house and makes Edmund wants to come in her house. That also supports how

selfish Edmund because he is easily tempted by the food. She also promises

Edmund that he can be the King of Narnia, but he has to bring his siblings to meet

the Witch. By praising Edmund, the Witch can also make Edmund believe in her.

Edmund becomes a traitor because he is greedy for the authority. He

betrays because of the offer that is given by the White Witch. Edmund betrays his

siblings because he is promised by White Witch to be the King of Narnia.

Edmund‘s character is also seen from the conversation with Mr. Beaver and his siblings. They talk about Edmund that already becomes a traitor because of this


―Then mark my words,‖ said Mr. Beaver, ―he has already met the White

Witch and joined her side, and been told where she lives. I didn‘t like to mention it before (he being your brother and all) but the moment I set eyes

on that brother of yours I said to myself ‗Treacherous.‘ He had look of one

who has been with the Witch and eaten her food. You can always tell them

if you‘ve living long in Narnia; something about their eyes‖ (Lewis, 2007:85)


Like what Mr. Beaver says, Edmund already meets the Witch and joins on

her side. Edmund has already known where the witch is living. When Mr. Beaver

meets Edmund, Mr. Beaver knows that he is a treacherous.

―if you please sir,‖ said Edmund, trembling so that he could hardly speak, ―my name is Edmund, and I‘m the Son of Adam that Her Majesty met in the wood the other day and I‘ve come to bring her the news that my

brother and sisters are now in Narnia-quite close, in the Beaver‘s house.

She-she wanted to see them.‖(Lewis, 2007:98)

Edmund who is the son of Adam comes to the Witch‘s house to tell that he

already brings his siblings to Narnia with his trembling voice. He does not bring

his siblings to her house but they are quite close, they are in the Beaver‘s house.

―Please, your Majesty,‖ said Edmund, ―I‘ve done the best I can. I‘ve brought them quite close. They‘re in the little house on top of the dam just

up the river-with Mr. and Mrs. Beaver.‖(Lewis, 2007:99)

After he meets the Witch, he tells to the Queen about his sibling. He tells

her that the siblings are in the Beaver‘s house and he can not bring them to the Witch. According to him, the best things that he can do bring his sibling quite

close to her.

To support how selfish Edmund is, it can be seen by the way he faces his

internal conflict and external conflict. The dilemma that Edmund faces is whether

to tell the truth or keep the secret and telling a lie about the country.

But Edmund secretly thought that it would not be as good fun for him as for her. He would have to admit that Lucy had been right, before all the others, and he felt sure the others would all be on the side of Fauns and the animals; but he was already more than a half on the side of the Witch. He did not know what he would say, or how he would keep secret once they were all taking about Narnia (Lewis, 2007:43).


If Edmund tells the truth about Narnia, he can not be the King of Narnia

because his siblings will be on the faun side. But, when he keeps the secret about

the existence of Narnia and tells a lie to them, he can be the King like he is

promised at the first met and he can also taste the Turkish Delight. He fights with

himself about what he has to do whether he has to keep secret or tells about


Edmund selfishness makes him telling a lie and it can be seen when he

argues with his siblings about Narnia. Edmund has already gone in the wardrobe

and he has found a country that Lucy tells about to her siblings. Edmund meets

Lucy in Narnia. Lucy wants Edmund to tell Peter and Susan about Narnia. She

wants Peter and Susan knows that Narnia is real.

―What‘s all this about, Ed?‖ said Peter.

And now we come to one nastiest thing in this story. Up to that moment Edmund had been feeling sick, sulky, and annoyed with Lucy for being

right, but he hadn‘t made up his mind what to do. When Peter suddenly

asked him the question he decide all at once to do the meanest and most spiteful thing he could think of. He decided to let Lucy down.

―Tell us Ed,‖ said Susan

And Edmund gave a very superior look as if he were far older than Lucy

(there was really only a year‘s different) and then a little snigger and said,

―Oh, yes, Lucy and I have been playing-pretending that all her story about a country in wardrobe is true. Just for fun, of course. There‘s nothing there

really‖ (Lewis, 2007:45)

Lucy expects Edmund to convince Peter and Susan to believe that the

story about Narnia is true. Peter and Susan ask Edmund about Narnia, but

Edmund decides to tell a lie to his sibling about a country in a wardrobe. There is

something that he does not want his siblings know about what‘s on in Narnia and he does not want his siblings know about the Witch who will make Edmund as a


King of Narnia. He tells that the country in the wardrobe is nothing, he just

pretends that the story about Narnia is not real.

Edmund‘s selfishness makes Lucy down. He tells to his siblings that

Lucy‘s story about a country in the wardrobe is not real, just for fun. Moreover, he

succeeded to make Lucy sad and rushes out of the room. He keeps secret about it

because he still wants to taste the Turkish Delight and to be a King of Narnia

without regard for other. His selfishness shows when he disregards the other. He

only concerns with his own advantage.

Edmund‘s selfishness can also be seen when he being spiteful. Edmund

likes to jeer and being beastly to anyone who is smaller than him. It can be seen

when Lucy tells about her experience in Narnia to her siblings, they do not believe

about it. They think that she was telling a lie. It makes Lucy become sad. The

quotation below strengthens that he is selfish.

The others who thought that she was telling a lie and a silly lie too, made her very unhappy. The two elder ones did this without meaning to do it, but Edmund could be spiteful, and on this occasion he was spiteful. He

sneered and jeered at Lucy and kept on asking her if she‘d found any other new countries in other cupboards all over the house. (Lewis, 2007:26)

Peter and Susan do that without any purpose to make Lucy sad, because

she tells about a country in the cupboard that they think that it is only a story

made up for fun, but Edmund does that pitiless. He sneers and jeers Lucy about

the new country that she has found in the cupboard.

This evidence also shows that Edmund likes being beastly not only with


―You didn‘t think anything at all,‖ said Peter; ―it‘s just spite. You‘ve always liked being beastly to anyone smaller than yourself; we‘ve seen that at school before now (Lewis, 2007:46).‖

From Peter‘s speech, it gives a clue that Edmund is selfish. He is selfish because he just want to concern with him own pleasure by being mean to other

person especially one who smaller than him.

The way he faces his dilemma until he decides to tell a lie, it describes

how selfish Edmund is. He becomes a liar in order to be a King and eat the

Turkish Delight. He is selfish not only about the food, but also on the authority

that make him became a liar.

Beside the dilemma that he faces, external conflict that Edmund faces also

can be the depiction of how selfish Edmund is.

Edmund, who was becoming a nastier person every minute, thought that

he had scored a great success, and went on at once to say, ―There she goes again. What‘s the matter with her? That‘s the worst of young kid, they


―Look here,‖ said Peter, turning on him savagely, ―shut up! You‘ve been

perfectly beastly to Lu ever since she started this nonsense about the wardrobe, and now you go playing games with her about it and setting her off again. I believe you did it simply out of spite (Lewis, 2007:45).‖

In the quotation above, Edmund becomes a nastier person. At the first time

when Lucy tells about a country that she can get through the wardrobe, he jeers

Lucy and now, when he already knows about Narnia, he makes Lucy angry and

hurt her feeling by pretending there is nothing real in Narnia.

Edmund that is selfish can be seen in the conflict that he faces. He gets a

conflict against Peter. Peter does not like Edmund who likes to jeer Lucy and


In that conversation, there is a tension between Peter and Edmund. Peter

does not like the way Edmund treats his sister and can not value his sister that tells

about Narnia. In fact, Edmund has already gone to Narnia, a magical country that

Lucy has been said before. Lucy wants Edmund to tell the truth that Narnia really

exists in the wardrobe. When she asks that, Edmund tells that Lucy‘s story about a

country in the wardrobe is just for fun, there is nothing in there.

There is a tension between them that can be categorized as a conflict. It

also can be used as an explanation to support Edmund‘s characteristic that is

selfish. Edmund does not tell the truth about Narnia because there is something to

be kept from his siblings. Because of his selfishness, he wants concern with

himself and feels exclusively without regard for other.

From the conflict against the White Witch, the writer can conclude that he

is a selfish person, especially for the authority. He concerns exclusively with

himself without regard for other. It can be seen in this conversation between

Edmund and the White Witch, as follow:

―I‘m come, your Majesty,‖ said Edmund, rushing eagerly forward.

―How dare you come alone?‖ said the Witch in terrible voice. ―Did I not

tell you to bring the other with you?‖

―Please, your Majesty,‖ said Edmund, ―I‘ve done the best I can, I‘ve brought them quite close. They‘re in the little house on top of the dam just

up the river-with Mr. and Mrs. Beaver.‖ (Lewis, 2007:99)

Edmund comes alone to the witch‘s house. He demands the promise about the Turkish Delight and to be the a King of Narnia. In that conversation between

Edmund and the witch there is a tension can be categorized as a conflict. The


Edmund and the witch because there are two opposing focuses. Those focuses are

Edmund does not bring the siblings and the White Witch wants Edmund to bring

his siblings in order she can destroy them and then she can be the only Queen in


The witch will break the spell by destroy the Son of Adam and Daughters

of Eve by tempting Edmund. The spell that everyone in Narnia knows says that

when Adam‘s flesh and Adam‘s bone sit at the Cair Paravel in throne, the evil

time will be over and done. So, the witch does whatever it takes to prevent her era.

The other focus comes from Edmund that he does not bring his siblings because

his characteristic which is selfish. He wants to be the only King in Narnia.

2. Courageous

At the beginning of the story, Edmund is not a good person. Nevertheless,

after Edmund gets different treatment from the White Witch, not like the first time

he meets her. He changes to be courageous. The White Witch treats him cruelly

because Edmund does not bring the siblings. Until finally, he realizes that the

White Witch is not a nice Queen. He also realizes that he is on the wrong side. He

has already betrayed his sibling for the Turkish Delight and tantalized to be the

King of Narnia. Yet, in fact he never gets what the White Witch promises. After

the long journey with the White Witch, Edmund goes back to his sibling by Aslan.

Then he asks his siblings for forgiveness. As follow:

―Here is your brother,‖ he said, ―and – there is no need to talk to him about

what is past,‖

Edmund shook hands with each other of the others and said to each of


everyone wanted very hard to say something which would make it quite clear that they were all friends with him again- something ordinary and natural – and of course no one could think of anything in the world to say. (Lewis, 2007:139)

From Edmund‘s reaction for forgiveness, it can be said that he is

courageous. To ask forgiveness is not easy, he admits his mistakes and begs for

pardon bravely to his siblings. After that, their relationships are getting better.

Edmund is a courageous person. It also shows when he fights against the

White Witch‘s army, as follow:

There stood Peter and Edmund and the rest of Aslan‘s army fighting

desperately against the crowd of horrible creatures whom she had seen last night, only now, in the daylight, they looked even stranger and more evil and more deformed. There are also seemed to be far more of them. Peter‘s army – which had their backs to her – looked terribly few (Lewis, 2007:175-176).

By fighting against the White Witch‘s army to help Peter and bring Narnia

into Freedom from the evil, Edmund can be said as a hero. He is bravely against

the White Witch that already treats him unkind. Thus, he defeats the White Witch


From that narration, the writer knows that there are two focuses that can be

categorized as a conflict. The conflict against society that is Edmund versus the

witch and her army can support the characteristic of Edmund. This conflict takes

place after he gets a bad treatment from the White Witch.

The war happen between Edmund and the White Witch‘s army is fight for

Narnia. Edmund fights for Narnia, he wants the evil time to be over. The White


she will not let her era is over. If her era is over she can not be the Queen of


The conflict, which against the society, can support the idea that he is a

courageous person. He bravely fights many people to fight for the right. He is also

ready to sacrifice his life fighting for freedom, freedom from the evil time that has

been so long rules the Narnia.

―It was all Edmund‗s doing, Aslan,‖ Peter was saying. ―We‘d have been beaten if it hadn‘t been for him. The Witch was turning our troops into

stone right and left. But nothing would stop him. He fought his way through three ogres to where she was just turning one of your leopards into a statue. And when he reached her he had sense to bring his sword smashing down on her wand instead of trying to go for her directly and simply getting made a statue himself for his pains. That was the mistake all the rest were making. Once her wand was broken we began to have chance –if we hadn‘t lost so many already. He was terribly wounded. We must go and see him (Lewis, 2007:178-179).

The quotation above shows that Edmund has changed. He is different now.

He is ready to sacrifice his life in that battle against the Witch. He is terribly

wounded. However, he succeeds defeating the Witch by breaking her wand,

which is the power of her. They win the battle that makes Edmund become a hero

in the battle.

B. Messages as Revealed by the Edmund’s Characteristic and his Conflicts

In the second problem formulation, the writer wants to reveal some

possible messages form the characteristic of Edmund and his conflicts. The

message in this story is indirect, so the writer has to interpret the message. Based


and his conflict that support that characteristic, there is a message found in the


1. Selfishness brings you in a misery

The message that we can obtain from this story is that selfishness brings

you in a misery. Edmund‘s selfishness that shows when he is greedy, he becomes

a liar, becomes a traitor and when he shows his spiteful attitude. His characteristic

brings him in some conflict and in difficult situation.

Edmund, who is described as a selfish person, takes himself into some

conflicts against his sibling, the White Witch and also himself. Edmund has

already stirred up because his selfishness, he becomes greedy, liar, traitor. His

selfishness brings him into a greedy person because he only concerns with his

advantage or his pleasure especially in food and the authority. He becomes a liar

because he has to keep a secret that he is already meet the witch in order he can be

a King. Then, he becomes a traitor because he gives information to the witch

about where the siblings are and about the Aslan.

From the first time he meets the White Witch in the wood, it can be seen

that Edmund is greedy. The way he tries to finish the Turkish Delight and asks

more, showing his selfish desire to have more of food, as stated below:

At last the Turkish Delight was all finished and Edmund was looking very hard at empty box and wishing that she should ask him whether he would like some more (Lewis, 2007:37-38)

Turkish Delight is used to persuade Edmund to bring his sibling. The

White Witch can give some Turkish Delight and make Edmund to be a King in


―It is lovely place, my house,‖ said the Queen. ―I am sure you would like

it. There are whole rooms full of Turkish Delight, and what‘s more, I have no children of my own. I want a nice boy whom I could bring up as a Prince and who would be a King of Narnia when I am gone. While he was Prince he would wear a gold crown and eat Turkish Delight all day long; and you are much the cleverest and handsome young man I‘ve ever met. I think I would like to make you the Prince-some day, when you bring the

others to visit me.‖(Lewis, 2007:38-39)

Edmund has already stirred up with the witch and he starts to think the

way he tells to his siblings about the witch he met in Narnia. In this situation he

gets a conflict against himself or internal conflict. He is dilemma, he does not

know what will he says to the siblings about Narnia.

But Edmund secretly thought that it would not be as good fun for him as for her. He would have to admit that Lucy had been right, before all the others, and he felt sure the others would all be on the side of Fauns and the animals; but he was already more than a half on the side of the Witch. He did not know what he would say, or how he would keep secret once they were all taking about Narnia (Lewis, 2007:43).

In this part, Edmund shows that his desire to have more of food but also

the authority. From his characteristic that is selfish and his desire to be a King,

there is a message that is present explicitly from the conflict that he faced. In that

quotation, Edmund gets a conflict that makes him in a difficult situation. He does

not know what he will say to his siblings about the witch. If Edmund tells the

truth about Narnia, his sibling will be on the Fauns side and he can not be the

King in that country. Nevertheless, when he keeps secret about the existence of

Narnia, he can be the King there like what the White Witch promises to him and

eat the Turkish Delight.


And Edmund gave a very superior look as if he were far older than Lucy

(there was really only a year‘s difference) and then a little snigger and

said, ―Oh, yes, Lucy and I have been playing-pretending that all her story

about a country in the wardrobe is true. Just for fun, of course. There‘s

nothing there really (Lewis, 2007:45)

To reach his desire to be a King in Narnia, he becomes a liar. Edmund lies

to his sibling because he does not want they know about Narnia. Like what the

witch said that he has kept secret about Narnia and he has already met the White

Witch in order he can be a King there. So, he tells that a country in the wardrobe

is nothing. Telling a lie brings him in a conflict against his siblings. The external

conflict complicates him. This statement that can represent that his selfishness

will complicate him to reach his desire, as follow:

―Look here,‖ said Peter, turning on him savagely, ―shut up! You‘ve been

perfectly beastly to Lu ever since she started this nonsense about the wardrobe, and now you go playing games with her about it and setting her off again. I believe you did it simply out of spite (Lewis, 2007:45).‖

In that quotation, his selfishness brings him in a conflict with his sibling.

By Edmund conflicting with his sibling he cannot bring his sibling to the Witch as

a requirement to be a King and it will stir him up in to other problems.

Edmund goes to Narnia for the second time, but at this time he comes with

his siblings and they do not know about Narnia. He goes to the witch‘s house

alone. There, he gets a bad treatment from the White Witch. can not bring his

sibling with him in her house, as follow:

―Take it away,‖ said Edmund sulkily. ―I don‘t want dry bread.‖ But the

Witch suddenly turned on him with such a terrible expression on her face that he apologized and began to nibble at the bread, though it was so stale he could hardly get it down.


―You may be glad enough of it before you taste bread again,‖ said the

Witch (Lewis, 2007:112).

From the quotation above, Edmund disappoints to the Witch because he is

given dry bread and he cannot get want he want, Turkish Delight. He also gets a

bad treatment from the witch. He is forced to walk with his hand tied and gets a

flick every time he slips.

The dwarf obeyed, and in a few minutes Edmund found himself being forced to walk as fast as he could with his hands tied behind him. He kept on slipping in the slush and the mud and wet grass, and every time he slipped the dwarf gave him a curse and sometimes a flick with the whip.

The Witch walked behind the dwarf and kept on saying, ―Faster!

Faster!‖(Lewis, 2007:119-120)

His selfishness changes him to be a liar and get a conflict with his siblings.

That conflict causes him cannot bring his siblings to the witch as a requirement to

be a King in Narnia. Because Edmund can not bring them, he gets a bad treatment

from the White Witch. That situation describes that his selfishness brings him in a

difficult situation and add him problem.

Edmund found himself being roughly forced to his feet. Then the dwarf set him with his back against a tree and bound him fast.

―prepare the victim,‖ said the Witch. And the dwarf undid Edmund‘s collar and folded back his shirt at the neck. Then he took Edmund‘s hair

and pulled his head back so that he had to raise his chin. After that Edmund heard a strange noise-whizz-whizz-whizz. For a moment he couldn‘t think what it was. Then he realized. It was the sound of knife being sharpened (Lewis, 2007: 136).

The difficult situation that he faces is a bad treatment. He finds himself


his hair is pulled until he raised his chin. The problems that he gets because of his

selfishness are the internal and external conflicts. They are the dilemma what he

will say to his siblings about Narnia, the conflict against his siblings because he

makes his sister down, and the conflict against the White Witch because he can

not bring his siblings as the requirement.

After that moment, Edmund realizes that his characteristic that is selfish

bring him in this situation. His selfishness complicates him to realize his desire.

His selfishness that just concerns with his advantage and his own pleasure drive

him becomes greedy, liar, and also traitor. His relationship with his family also

gets worse because his selfishness that makes him miserable. He has to face some

conflict against his sibling and the witch and also get a bad treatment from the

witch is a misery for him because his selfishness.

2. Brave to Apologize will Fix the Relationship

This story also teach us about apologize and forgive. The message that the

writer get from this story is brave to apologize will fix the relationship.

After he gets bad treatment from the Witch, he realizes that is on the

wrong side. When he realizes it, he meets Aslan and regret what he has to do. The

way he wants to be a King by betrays and lies to his sibling bringing him into a

bad treatment. So now he decided to apologize and go to the right side, on his


Described as a courageous person after he gets bad treatment, bravely he

asks his siblings to apologize and his siblings forgive him and they can forget

about the past and they make peace again.

Edmund shook hands with each other of the others and said to each of

them in turn, ―I‘m sorry,‖ and everyone said, ―That‘s all right.‖ And then everyone wanted very hard to say something which would make it quite clear that they were all friends with him again- something ordinary and natural – and of course no one could think of anything in the world to say. (Lewis, 2007:139)

From that quotation, the writer can see that Edmund already realize what

he has done. So, he apologizes to his siblings for that mistake. He wants to be

released from feeling guilty. His courageous to apologize does not make him

worse. Moreover, his sibling and other people proud because he confesses his

guilty. He bravely ask for apologize to his sibling make their relationship better

and they can get along together.

3. Fight the Obstacles to Achieve the Dream

Edmund who has already realized his mistake, goes to the war between the

Witch and her army. Her armies are the giants and the werewolf and the spirit of

those trees who are in the witch‘s side, the Ghouls, the Boggles, the Ogres, and

the Minotaurs, the Cruels, the Hags, and the Specters. Bravely, he fights against

the witch‘s army to help Peter and bring the freedoms to the Narnians. Narnia is already under the Witch‘s control too long. Peter and his siblings are trying to

bring them into the freedom by win the war and the evil time in Narnia will be


There stood Peter and Edmund and the rest of Aslan‘s army fighting

desperately against the crowd of horrible creatures whom she had seen last night, only now, in the daylight, they looked even stranger and more evil

and more deformed. There are also seemed to be far more of them. Peter‘s

army – which had their backs to her – looked terribly few (Lewis, 2007:175-176)

Edmund‘s characteristic which is courageous takes him into the battle, the

conflict against society. He is ready to sacrifice his life in order the evil time in

Narnia over.

―It was all Edmund‗s doing, Aslan,‖ Peter was saying. ―We‘d have been beaten if it hadn‘t been for him. The Witch was turning our troops into

stone right and left. But nothing would stop him. He fought his way through three ogres to where she was just turning one of your leopards into a statue. And when he reached her he had sense to bring his sword smashing down on her wand instead of trying to go for her directly and simply getting made a statue himself for his pains. That was the mistake all the rest were making. Once her wand was broken we began to have chance –if we hadn‘t lost so many already. He was terribly wounded. We must go and see him (Lewis, 2007:178-179).

From what Peter says about Edmund in the battle, it shows that he wants

to sacrifice his life against the White Witch and the army. There, he not concern

with himself, he already concern with other people. He helps the Narnian to get

his freedom from evil‘s era. When he is fighting, he does not concern with his own advantage anymore.

Edmund‘s characteristic that is courageous leads him to fight the White

Witch and her army. They become the obstacles of Narnian to get back their

country. Bravely, Edmund help the Narnian by fight the witch and her army. He

already sacrifices his live to achieve Narnian that brings them freedom from the


Described as a courageous person after he gets bad treatment, bravely he asks his siblings to apologize and his siblings forgive him and they can forget about the past and they make peace again.

Edmund shook hands with each other of the others and said to each of them in turn, ―I‘m sorry,‖ and everyone said, ―That‘s all right.‖ And then everyone wanted very hard to say something which would make it quite clear that they were all friends with him again- something ordinary and natural – and of course no one could think of anything in the world to say. (Lewis, 2007:139)

From that quotation, the writer can see that Edmund already realize what he has done. So, he apologizes to his siblings for that mistake. He wants to be released from feeling guilty. His courageous to apologize does not make him worse. Moreover, his sibling and other people proud because he confesses his guilty. He bravely ask for apologize to his sibling make their relationship better and they can get along together.

3. Fight the Obstacles to Achieve the Dream

Edmund who has already realized his mistake, goes to the war between the Witch and her army. Her armies are the giants and the werewolf and the spirit of those trees who are in the witch‘s side, the Ghouls, the Boggles, the Ogres, and the Minotaurs, the Cruels, the Hags, and the Specters. Bravely, he fights against the witch‘s army to help Peter and bring the freedoms to the Narnians. Narnia is already under the Witch‘s control too long. Peter and his siblings are trying to bring them into the freedom by win the war and the evil time in Narnia will be gone.


There stood Peter and Edmund and the rest of Aslan‘s army fighting desperately against the crowd of horrible creatures whom she had seen last night, only now, in the daylight, they looked even stranger and more evil and more deformed. There are also seemed to be far more of them. Peter‘s army – which had their backs to her – looked terribly few (Lewis, 2007:175-176)

Edmund‘s characteristic which is courageous takes him into the battle, the conflict against society. He is ready to sacrifice his life in order the evil time in Narnia over.

―It was all Edmund‗s doing, Aslan,‖ Peter was saying. ―We‘d have been beaten if it hadn‘t been for him. The Witch was turning our troops into stone right and left. But nothing would stop him. He fought his way through three ogres to where she was just turning one of your leopards into a statue. And when he reached her he had sense to bring his sword smashing down on her wand instead of trying to go for her directly and simply getting made a statue himself for his pains. That was the mistake all the rest were making. Once her wand was broken we began to have chance –if we hadn‘t lost so many already. He was terribly wounded. We must go and see him (Lewis, 2007:178-179).

From what Peter says about Edmund in the battle, it shows that he wants to sacrifice his life against the White Witch and the army. There, he not concern with himself, he already concern with other people. He helps the Narnian to get his freedom from evil‘s era. When he is fighting, he does not concern with his own advantage anymore.

Edmund‘s characteristic that is courageous leads him to fight the White Witch and her army. They become the obstacles of Narnian to get back their country. Bravely, Edmund help the Narnian by fight the witch and her army. He already sacrifices his live to achieve Narnian that brings them freedom from the evil time.




After analyzing the problem mentioned in the problem formulation, the conclusion can be deduced from the analysis. In this chapter, the writer tries to make a conclusion about what has been explained in the previous chapter. They are analysis of Edmund’s character that is also supported by the conflict that he faced and the possible message found from the analysis.

Edmund is described as a selfish person that brings him into a bad situation and faces some external and internal conflict. His selfishness also shows when he is greedy, becomes a liar, become a traitor and also when he shows his spiteful attitude. But, after he gets a bad treatment because of his selfishness he becomes a courageous person.

Edmund’s characteristic that is selfish and his desire to be a King bring him in some conflicts. His conflict against his siblings, the witch and himself compounds him to be a King. He also gets a bad treatment from the witch because he cannot fulfill the promise. There he realizes that the way he reaches his desire is wrong.

Edmund comes back to his siblings and ask for forgiveness. After he gets a bad treatment, he becomes a courageous person. He fights the White Witch and her army bravely. He is ready to sacrifice his life in a battle against the witch because he wants to help the Narnian to reach their dream. Their dream is release


from the evil time. His courageous succeed defeat the witch. He fights bravely along with his brother and sisters against the witch, so the evil time is over.

From Edmund’s characteristics, the writer can reveal some possible messages. The first message is selfishness brings you in a misery. Edmund’s characteristic that is selfish brings him in miseries, that are internal and external conflicts. His selfishness also makes the relationships with his family getting worse. He also get bad treatment from the witch because his selfishness.

The second message is brave to apologize will fix the relationship. Confess our mistake will not make us a worse person. After get bad treatment, Edmund realize that he is wrong. He bravely asks for forgiveness to his siblings and fixes their relationship.

The third message that the writer can get from Edmund’s characteristic is fight the obstacle to achieve the dream. Edmund who has already realized his mistake, he can get along with his brother and sisters help the Narnian to get their freedom from the evil era. Edmund courageously fight the witch and the army to get back Narnia. Edmund fight the obstacles that are the witch and her army to achieve the Narnia. He is ready to sacrifice his life to get back the Narnia. In the end of story, Edmund and his siblings becomes a King in Narnia.




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