

The Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia and the Forest Service of the
Republic of Korea, hereinafter referred to as the Sides:
Taking into account the understanding between the President of the Repub1ic of
Indonesia and the President of the Republic of Korea on the need for the two
countries to develop "Strategic Partnership to Promote Friendship and Cooperation
in the 21st Century";
Taking into account the fruitful cooperation in various forestry fields pursued by
the Indonesia - Korea Forestry Committee;
Recalling the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Forestry of
the Republic of Indonesia and the Forest Service of the Republic of Korea
concerning the Cooperation on Investment in Forest Plantation and on
Afforestation/Reforestation Clean Development Mechanism (NR-CDM) Prujerts in
Indonesia (hereinafter referred to as the "MOU on Forest Investment" ) signed on

August 1, 2006;
Desiring to further strengthen and develop cooperation between the two countries
in the field of forestry;
Believing that such cooperation would serve their common interest and contribute
to the enhancement of the development of the people of both countries; and
Pursuant to the prevailing laws and regulations of the respective countries;
Have reached the following understanding:

Paragraph 1
Forest Forum
The Sides will establish a Forest Forum.
Paragraph 2

The Forest Forum will be composed of representative of the government
agencies, private enterprises, and academia of the Sides.


The Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia and the Chief of the
Korea Forest Service will be the co-chairpersons of the Forest Forum.


The Forest Forum will consist of the Committee on Forest Plantation and
Afforestation/Reforestation Clean Development Mechanism (NR-CDM), the
Committee on Forest Protection and Conservation, and the Committee on
Forest Research and Development.


The Forest Forum will, in principle, be held back to back with the iョ、ッセウゥ。ᆳ
Korea Forestry Committee. However the Sides may choose to hold the Forest
Forum or individual committee meetings at other times, when deemed
Paragraph 3

The responsibilities of each Committee will include, but not be limited to the


The Committee on Forest Plantation and A/R-CDM will be responsible for
encouraging and promoting Korean investment in forest plantation and A/RCDM projects in Indonesia, facilitating to provide forest-land areas suitable
for forest plantation and A/R-CDM, and establishing pilot projects,
particularly to follow up the MOU on Forest Investment.


The Committee on Forest Protection and Conservation will be responsible for
the formulation of joint activities related to the controlling of forest fire,
combating of illegal logging and its associated trade, and developing of
ecotourism management.


The Committee on Forest Research and Development will be responsible for
the formulation of joint research cooperation on forest plantation and NRCDM, forest conservation, and bio-energy development.


The members of the committees will be mutually decided th rJugh
consultation between the Sides.

Paragraph 4
Intellectual Property Rights

Any intellectual property rights, data, and information resulting from activities
conducted under this Memorandum of Understanding shall conform to the
respective laws and regulations of the Sides and the international regulations
on intellectual property rights.


If either Side wishes to disclose confidential data and/or information rec:11lted
from activities under this Memorandum of Understanding to any third party,
the disclosing Side must obtain prior consent from the other Side before any
disclosure can be made.

Paragraph 5
Final Provisions

Any dispute ansmg out of interpretation or implementation of this
Memorandum of Understanding will be settled amicably through consultation
or negotiation between the Sides.


This Memorandum of Understanding may be revised or amended at any time
by mutual written consent of the Sides. Such revision or amendment will
come into effect on such dates as may be determined by the Sides and will
form as an integral part of this Memorandum of Understanding.


This Memorandum of Understanding will come into force on the date of its
signing, and will remain valid unless either Side gives written notice to the

other Side of its intention to terminate at least 6 (six) months prior to the
date of intended termination.


The termination of this Memorandum of Understanding will not affect the
validity and duration of any arrangements, projects or programs made under
this Memorandum of Understanding until the completion of such
arrangements, projects or programs, unless the Sides jointly decide

In Witness Whereof, the undersigned, have signed this Memorandum of
Done, in duplicate, in Jakarta, on this fourth day of December in the year two
thousand and six in English Language. Both texts being equally authentic.

For the Ministry of Forestry of
the Republic of Indonesia


For the Forest Service 'lf
the Republic of Korea



Minister of Forestry

Chief of Korea Forest Service

sオ セ@ s・セョ@
