Di berbagai media massa banyak diberitakan tentang masalah merokok di
lingkungan sekolah. Di berbagai sekolah saat ini mulai menerapkan kebijakan
untuk tidak merokok di lingkungan sekolah. Peraturan tersebut berlaku untuk para
pengajar, staf sekolah, dan para murid. Namun banyak diberitakan para guru
merokok di lingkungan sekolah.
Metode penelitian ini merupakan metode deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan
dari seluruh guru laki-laki di SLTA Jatinangor. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui
jumlah guru yang merokok di Jatinangor adalah 48%. Dari hasil penelitian ini
juga diketahui perokok ringan 37.8, perokok sedang 33.3%, perokok berat 28.9%.
Paling sering guru merokok dengan rokok filter atau rokok putih. Tempat
merokok para guru di lingkungan sekolah adalah di kantin, ruang guru, dan wc

Kata Kunci: Pola merokok, guru laki-laki SLTA.



In various media had many reported about of smoking problem in the
school environment. In many schools are now starting to implement a policy of no
smoking in the school environment. The regulation applies to teachers, school
staffs, and students. But many teachers had reported smoking in the school
This research method is descriptive method. Data were collected from all
male teachers in high school Jatinangor. From this study result shows the number
of teachers who smoke in Jatinangor is 48%. From the study also shows 37.8 mild
smokers, 33.3% moderate smokers, and 28.9% heavy smokers. Most often
teachers smoking with cigarette filters or white cigarettes. The place of the
teachers to smoke in the school environment is in the canteen, staff room, and
lavatory teacher.

Keywords: Patterns of smoking, the male high school.
