Wahyu Handoko C9307089


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Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts,

Sebelas Maret University


Wahyu Handoko C9307089







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We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world (Hellen Keller)


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I dedicate this final project to:

1. My beloved mother and my beloved father, my young brother.


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As human beings who constantly have faith and belief in God the Almighty, I

continuously offer my praise and gratitude to God for all God’s abundant blessing to

me, especially in finishing this final project. This final project is written to fulfill the requirement to obtain the English Diploma Degree.

This final project is made based on the job training in Ibis Hotel Surakarta



In this report, the apprentice describes the process of job training in housekeeping department, the emerging problem accompanied with the solution.

Hopely, this report will be a welcome addition to the references on the improving the service quality especially in housekeeping department, more importantly, provide lessons for all the readers.

Surakarta, January 18, 2012


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Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, all praise is to the lord “ALLAH SWT” for the

wonderful blessing. To all concerned who assisted me directly or indirectly in establishing this report, I offer my sincerest gratitude to:

a. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed, Ph.D, the Dean of Faculty of Letters and

Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

b. Drs. Yusuf Kurniawan, S.S, M.A, the Head of English Diploma

Program, Sebelas Maret University.

c. Dra. Sri Kusumo Habsari, M.hum, Ph.D, my Supervisor who patiently

spared her time for me.

d. Dra. Susilorini. M.A. as my Academic Supervisor. Thank you for your


e. All of the lecturers of English Diploma Program for the guidance and

the lecture.

f. All of the employees in Ibis Hotel, thanks for such a wonderful


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g. My beloved parents, Mom, you’re such a great inspiration for me. Thanks for your hard work earning money to support my study. Dad, I hope you are in the peaceful place in the heaven. My brother, thanks for your support. My grandma thanks a lot for taking care of me since I was very young.

h. To all my friends in English Diploma program’07.

i. I am especially thankful to Eny Wiji Astuti, who always gives me

support and motivation during my study.

j. To all people who guide me and whose names I cannot put here, I offer


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Wahyu Handoko. 2012. The Activities of Apprentice in HousekeepingDepartment in Improving Services Quality at Ibis Hotel Solo. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This final project is written based on the job training which has done in Ibis Hotel Solo. This report discusses the process of job training in housekeeping department, and also the encountered problem accompanied with the solution.

The activities the apprentice has done were serving the guest doing exercise in In

Balance Fitness Center and also maintaining the fitness stuff. In laundry section, the

apprentice should handle laundry, such as towel, curtain, sheets, pillow case, duvee, employee uniform, napkin, and guests’ laundry. When the apprentice was placed in room section, the apprentice regularly made up occupied or vacant room.

There are many problems appearing during the job training process such overlapping tasks, unharmonious relationship, sex harassment, unqualified trainer, and bad job safety.

To overcome those problems, the apprentice gives several solutions and suggestions to improve the quality of service in housekeeping department. To solve overlapping tasks problem, the apprentice works cooperatively with others trainee and shares the job evenly. Dealing with unharmonious relationship issue, the apprentice tries to

change the employees’ negative view toward the apprentice by giving an optimal

result in working and tries to establish a good communication to them. Because of sex harassment, the apprentice tries to refuse politely by saying sorry without telling bad. Unqualified trainer worsened the situation by neglecting his duty. The apprentice had to ask further information to the seniors. To overcome bad job safety, the


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A. Background………1

B. Objectives………..………..…..5

C. Benefit………...……….…5


A. An Overview of Hotel………..……….…....6

A. 1. Main Department of Hotel………...……….…….7

A. 2. Types of Hotel……….………....10

B. Housekeeping……….……….11

B. 1. Definition of Housekeeping………..…………...11


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C. Apprentices ………..………...13

C. 1. Definition of Apprentice………..………13


A. Company Profile of Ibis Solo Hotel……….………...16

A. 1. Description of Ibis Solo Hotel………..……….16

A. 2. Location of Ibis Hotel Solo………..………..17

A. 3. The Facilities at Ibis Hotel Solo……….…...18

B. The Activities during The Job Training………...…20

C. The Problems Appearing in the Job Training in Ibis Hotel………...28

C. 1. Overlapping Task………..………...28

C. 2. Inharmonious Relationship………..………..29

C. 3. Sex Harassment……….………29

C. 4. Unprofessional Trainer………..29

C. 5. Bad Job Safety……….…….………….30

D. Problem Solving……….……….……….30

D. 1. Work Cooperatively………..……….30

D. 2. Make a Good Communication...………..………..31

D. 3. Refuse Politely..……….………31


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D. 5. Prepare my Own Safety Tools………..……….31


A. Introduction………..………32

B. Conclusion………..…….32

C. Suggestion………..……..35 BIBLIOGRAPHY




Dra. Sri Kusumo Habsari, M.Hum, P hD2


2012. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This final project is written based on the job training which has done in Ibis Hotel Solo. This report discusses the process of job training in housekeeping department, and also the encountered problem accompanied with the solution.

The activities the apprentice has done were serving the guest doing exercise in In Balance Fitness Center and also maintaining the fitness stuff. In laundry section, the apprentice should handle laundry, such as towel, curtain, sheets, pillow case, duvee, employee uniform, napkin, and guests’ laundry. When the apprentice was placed in room section, the apprentice regularly made up occupied or vacant room.

There are many problems appearing during the job training process such overlapping tasks, unharmonious relationship, sex harassment, unqualified trainer, and bad job safety.

To overcome those problems, the apprentice gives several solutions and suggestions to improve the quality of service in housekeeping department. To solve overlapping tasks problem, the apprentice works cooperatively with others trainee and shares the job evenly. Dealing with unharmonious relationship issue, the apprentice tries to change the employees’ negative view toward the apprentice by giving an optimal result in working and tries to establish a good communication to them. Because of sex harassment, the apprentice tries to refuse politely by saying sorry


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without telling bad. Unqualified trainer worsened the situation by neglecting his duty. The apprentice had to ask further information to the seniors. To overcome bad job safety, the apprentice prepare him self with first aid kid from home.


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Surakarta (known as Solo) is one of towns in Central Java. This town is located in strategic line between Semarang and Jogjakarta. Solo is also famous of its cultures, warm atmospheres, and friendly customs, attracting many visitors to visit every year. This city that never sleeps offers an enormous amount of entertainments, shopping centers (both modern and traditional), cultural

heritages and culinary locations for various kinds of cuisines. With Solo’s new

commercial tourism motto “Solo the Spirit of Java”, Solo is seemingly optimistic

to move forward toward culture of Central Java. Solo is the cultural city with many historical buildings, traditional foods, and traditional arts that can be made as attractive tourist destinations.

To supports Solo as a tourist destination, Solo must be supported with good facilities, one of them is hotel. Hotel is a building or accommodation firm that provides lodging, food and beverages and other services to customers. Hotel with good facilities can make the guest feel comfort during stay overnight in the hotel. The guest will get satisfaction from the hotel and hotel gets material profit from the guest. Therefore, there are advantages on the both sides. Good facilities will motivate the guest who ever stay to come back to the hotel.


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Nowadays, the number of the hotel grows rapidly. There are many hotels that are classified based on the location where the hotels are built, such as city hotel or business hotel, residential hotel, resort hotel, and motel (motor hotel). A good hotel can earn profits by providing excellent services to the guests or customers.

Hotels have important role in tourism industry and business development in Solo. Therefore, hotel must provide a good quality either in its products or its services. Fast, right, and excellent services are criteria of satisfying service, but good manner and good attitude are also important element that could not be neglected. Besides that the product must be clean and

interesting so it makes the guest interested in the hotel’s product.

There are two components of hotel products: tangible product and intangible product. Tangible product is something that can be touched and seen. The examples for the tangible products are the location and the facilities. The good location for a hotel is a strategic location with high economical value.

Besides, hotel’s location and hotel’s facility, the other examples that belong to

tangible product are guest room, restaurant with food and beverages, and sport facilities like fitness, pool, tennis court, and bar.

Intangible product is something that cannot be touched and seen.

Satisfaction is one of the examples of intangible product. In order that hotel’s


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completed by supporting elements, such as room boy or room attendant, who works directly with guest. Housekeeping is one of operational departments and

must cooperate with other departments. The housekeeping department’s purpose

is to prepare the accommodation for the guests or customers. It is the main goal

of this department especially from the room boy or room attendant’s role in upgrading the service’s quality. The goal will be reached satisfyingly through

housekeeping management based on the standardization method. The important elements of housekeeping managements are monitoring, planning, organizing, and applying in upgrading the hotel service.

There are many activities in housekeeping department, so housekeeping department is divided into some sections and sub sections which have its own duties and responsibilities. In hotel operational, there is no section which is considered as the most important department. All departments should work together as a team. Housekeeping Department is an important part of hotel which has big responsibility for room services.

To achieve a good result, it relies on the staff’s work and also the apprentice’s effort. Thus, they are expected to work like their duty and role. It is

a must for the apprentice to know exactly what they suppose to work on.

Ibis Hotel Solo belongs to Accor group. It has many branches spreading around the world, with more than 800 hotels all over the world and one hotel in Solo. Ibis offers all the services of a modern hotel at reasonable price. Ibis Hotel


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Solo is one of hotel with the highest occupancy in Solo and it consists of 152 rooms. That is why, I have decided to do job training at Ibis Solo hotel for three months from February, 20 until May, 20, 2010.

In this final project I want to describe the activities of apprentice in Housekeeping Department for improving the service quality at Ibis Hotel Solo located at Gajah Mada Street 23, Surakarta, Central of Java. It is ideally located

at city center. Based on the work experiences, the title of the report is “The

activities of The Apprentice in Housekeeping Department in improving services quality at Ibis Hotel Solo”.


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The objectives of this final project are as follows:

1. To explain the activities of apprentice in improving the services at Ibis Hotel


2. To describe the problems appearing when the apprentice takes the job

training in the housekeeping department of Ibis Hotel Solo.

3. To describe the problem-solving taken by the apprentice on the job training

in the housekeeping department of Ibis Hotel Solo.



The result of this final project is expected to be useful not only for the

students of English Diploma Program but also for the hotel staff. The benefits of this final project are:


To Student

The student gets a lot of experiences and knowledge about working in hotel at Housekeeping Department. By this report, the student is able to explain the role of the apprentice in improving the service and the importance of the Housekeeping Department in Ibis Hotel Solo.

2. To Ibis Hotel Solo

This report can be used as a consideration for the company to improve the quality service of apprentices.


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Chapter II


A. An Overview of Hotel

Nowdays, there is a wide variety definitions of hotel. In order to find the best and the easiest way to understand the definitions, it is not an easy task. Each Linguist or Scholar in their specialized field, with their set of criteria has

found out their own way to define hotel. According to Longman Dictionaryof

English and Culture, “hotel means building that provides room for people to stay in (usually for a short time) and usually also meals, in return for

payment”. (Summers, 1998:664). The definition above covers hotel’s

meaning on the whole. Nevertheless, it does not show hotel in a deep understanding. More precisely, I.G.K Agung Djanuraga describes hotel as a building that is managed commercially to provide room for people who need to get services, lodging, and food and beverages. (Djanuraga in Agusnawar,

2002:14). Similarly, Rumekso states in his book ”Housekeeping Hotel”, hotel

is a building having room for staying to the guest. Moreover, hotel provides food, drinks and other facilities to get income. (Rumekso, 2002:2)

While, The Ministry Degree of Tourism and Telecomunication, No.

Km.34 / NK 103 / MPPT. 87 mentions that hotel is an accommodation that uses half or whole of the building to provide lodging, food and beverages and


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others services managed commercially. Furthermore, The Ministry Degree of

Communication No. Pm 10 / PW 301 / Phb 77 defines “hotel is a kind of accommodation managed commercially for every person to get the service,

room stay, foods and drinks.”

From the statement above, we can conclude that basically hotel has commercial purposes by offering certain services so that guests will not be disappointed to pay all services they have enjoyed.

A.1. Main departments of Hotel

In carrying out the services in the hotel, it needs a cooperation such as organizing the functions and the duties in accordance with each job specification. Considering the functions, work management in the hotel is divided into some departments. According Agusnawar in his book,

“Operasional tata Graha Hotel Housekeeping Operations”, there are main departments in the hotel. The Departments are:

1. Front Office Department.

Front Office Department is a department in hotel which is responsible for serving reservation, giving information and receiving guests

payments. The employees’ duties in front office department are

receiving the reservation by telephone, email, fax, etc, besides that the employees must give information about hotel to the guest.


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2. Housekeeping Department.

Housekeeping Department is a department in a hotel which is responsible for keeping cleanness and tidiness of hotel including uniform circulations. The employees in housekeeping department have duties to keep the the cleanness and tidiness of hotel and to keep the outlook of hotel area.

3. Food and Beverages Department.

Food and Beverages department is a department in a hotel which is responsible to prepare and serve foods and beverages for the guests. The employees in food and beverages department have duties to give service to the guest related to food and beverages that are ordered by the guest.

4. Marketing Department.

Marketing department is a department in a hotel which is responsible for promoting and selling the products of the hotel. The employees in marketing department have duties to promote the product of hotel to the public or customer such as the room, the meeting room, etc.

5. Accounting Department.

Accounting Department is a department in a hotel which is responsible for managing the finance of the hotel. The employees in accounting department have duties to manage the finance of the hotel and to make a report of the income or outcome, loss and profit of the hotel.


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6. Security Department.

Security department is a department in the hotel which is responsible for keeping the security in the hotel. The employees in security department have duties to keep hotel area safe from any threat coming from the outside and make the guests or customers feel safe during their staying in the hotel.

7. Engineering Department.

Engineering Department is a department in hotel which is responsibile to maintain the building of the hotel and its facilities. The employees in engineering department have duties for maintaining the facilities in the hotel from any damages, and repairing the damage.

8. Personnel Department.

Personnel Department is a department in hotel whose responsibility is

to select hotel employees and bring up the employees’ attitude and

skill. The employees in personnel department have duties for hiring the new employees, new trainee, and building up the qualities of the hotel employees. (Agusnawar, 2002:14-16)


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A.2. Types of Hotel

Hotel is a building that provides rooms, food and beverages to the guest that is managed commercially. The determination of type of hotel is

insepareable from the customer’s need and tourist characteristic (Tarmoezi,

2000). Tarmoezi states, based on the location of hotel built, hotel is divided into four categories. They are:

1. City Hotel

City hotel is a hotel that is built at the center of the city. It provides the customers who want to stay in the hotel for a short time. City hotel is known as transit hotel because it is used by business people to stay and use the business facilities provided by hotel.

2. Residential Hotel

Residential Hotel is a hotel that is built at the suburb and far from the bustle of city. The hotel is located in the quiet area and provides the customer who wants to stay in the hotel for a long time. The hotel is completed with residential facilities that are provided for all family member.

3. Resort Hotel

Resort hotel is a hotel that is located at the mountain area, foreshore, lake side, or in the edge of river flow. The resort hotel is provided for the guests who want to make a recreation with all of their family members in the holiday.


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4. Motor Hotel (Motel)

Motor Hotel is the hotel that is located along the highway that connects between two big cities. It is completed with a garage beside the room to park their vehicles. It is usually used to transit for a short time. (http://jurnal-sdm.blogspot.com/2009/07/pengantar perhotelan-definisi hotel.html.)

B. Housekeeping Department B.1. Definition of Housekeeping

Housekeeping is a department in the hotel that manages the hotel facilities and keeps the cleanness, repairs the damage of hotel facilities, such as air conditioner, electricity, water pipe lines, etc, so hotel looks tidy and beautiful in order to make guests feel comfort during staying in the hotel.

According to Rumekso, he states in his book Housekeeping Hotel,

housekeeping is a part of the hotel having duty and responsibility for keeping cleanness, tidiness, neatness, and freshness in all of hotel area, both outside and inside hotel area, room, restaurant, office and toilet for guests. (Rumekso, 2002:1),

Based on Yayuk Sri Perwani in her book Housekeeping Theory and

Practical for Hotel Academy, housekeeping is a department in the hotel that handles the tidiness, neatness, cleanness, room supplies and public area in order that the guests or employees feel comfortable to stay in the hotel.


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(1993:11). Housekeeping is a part of hotel that has important roles, so it needs the qualified employees to do their duties. Similarly, Sulastiyono states that housekeping is one section which has a vital role and function in giving services to the guests, especially related to the comfort and cleannes of hotel area.

From the statement above, it can be concluded that housekeeping is one of several departments in a hotel which has a vital function in keeping the cleanness, tidiness and amenity of the hotel, so that guests will be satisfied to

stay. Moreover, housekeeping plays an important role in managing hotel’s

equipments for example linens for rooms or food and beverage and uniform for all of the employees. That is why, the housekeeper must be able to manage the outlook of the hotel, so guests or customers get satisfaction during their stay in the hotel.

B.2. Main Purpose of Housekeeping Department

According to the book Room Division Knowledge, the main purpose of

Housekeeping Department is keeping the outlook of hotel area: clean and tidy, attractive, comfortable, and safe. The cleanness and the tidiness of the hotel area whether it is inside or outside of room (public area) must be kept as well as possible. Meanwhile the attractiveness must be kept, decoration in the hotel must be arranged, so that guests will feel at home. Then comfortable can be achieved by controlling all facilities, so that they are comfortable to use by


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guests. Lastly, a safe condition has to be created not only for the guests but also for their luggages or their stuffs. (Djumino, 2003:17)

C. Apprentice C.1. Definition of Apprentice

In general statement, apprentice is someone who learns something by

working in the job field. More specific, Bartono in his book “Hotel training yang efektif” defines apprentice as someone learning certain skill and applying it in a real work. He or she is also trained by the trainer and they should be willing to do something that the trainer asks. (Bartono, 2005:69)

Merriam-Webster defines an apprentice as someone who is "bound by indenture to serve another for a prescribed period with a view to learning an art or trade." It also states an apprentice is "one who is learning by practical experience under a skilled worker in a trade, art or calling." For this reason, it could be said the apprentice serves the master until she becomes fully skilled herself. (http://www.ehow.com/about_6541598_role-apprentice_.html)

Apprentice must be able to receive pressure coming from guests, such as complaints from guests. It usually happens if apprentice are unable to give good services to guests.

If the apprentices give good services to the guests, it makes the guests who stay in hotel feel at home and they want to come back again, so they will be the loyal guests. It means that the guests will be good promoters because


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they will tell to the other people about their impression during in the hotel. So it will invite a large number of guests and customers to occupy the hotel.

Apprentice is a worker who has a direct interaction to guests in the hotel. The role of apprentice is hard and complicated because there are many

complaints from guests related to hotel’s services which depend on the quality

of apprentice. It must be remembered when the guests that come into the hotel, the condition of the hotel is their focus of attention. It means the hotel view represents the guest first impression.

Service is defined as an effort that is done by human being for human being in fulfilling needs and purposes in order to make them satisfied.

In order that the guests get satisfication, apprentice must give good quality of services. According to Agus Sulastiyono, there are five dimensions of services.

a. Reliability, it is an ability to provide services exactly and right to the customer. Reliability is the ability of a person or system to perform and maintain its functions in routine circumstances, as well as hostile or unexpected circumstances.

b. Responsiveness, it is an awareness or willingness to help customers and to provide the service correctly. It is quick to respond or react appropriately.


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c. Assurance, it is a knowledge of tidiness and self confidence. It can be

also defined as confident belief in one’s own ability or power.

d. Empathy, it is to give attention especially to the customers. Emphaty is an action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner. It means that the apprentice must pay more attention to the

costumer’s need.

e. Tangible, it refers to the officer’s appearences and facilities’ appearences for example tools that support the services. It means that room attendants should create a good outlook of their performance to show profesionalism. It is also important to create good image through good facilities. (Sulastiyono in Rumekso, 2005:37).

The factor that belongs to the quality of services depends on the skill and quality of the apprentices, and performed by the apprentices. Apprentice in their duty is not allowed to treat differentially the guest because all of guest needs the right and excellent services.


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JOB TRAINING EXPERIENCES A. Company Profile of Ibis Solo Hotel A.1. Description of Ibis Solo Hotel

Ibis Hotel Solo is one of hotels in Solo running under Accor chain

management and cooperated with local company, PT. Sunindo Indah Corporation.

Ibis Solo hotel is Three Star-Hotel, designed as business and leisure place. It is a

place where people will receive a warm welcome upon arrival, feeling relax and

comfortable during stay a while with affordable price. Ibis Hotel Solo has modern

concepts with traditional touches and slogan, ‘Hotels the way you like them’. Ibis Hotel Solo is located at Jl. Gajah Mada No. 23, Solo, Central Java. It is

located at the heart of city on which shopping centre, recreational facilities and

industrial centre are easily accessed, in approximately 5 minutes from Solo

Balapan railway station and 15 minutes from Adi Sumarmo Airport.

Ibis Hotel Solo is modern and simple designed. It consists of 152 rooms

which are equipped with LCD TVs, satellite channels, air conditioning and

showers. The customers will get the optimal services with affordable price in its


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A.2. Location of Ibis Hotel Solo

Ibis Hotel Solo is strategically located at Gajah Mada 23 Solo. Its location,

which lies in the center of Solo, makes the guests really enjoy the beauty of Solo.

The Hotel is passable to all parts of the city. To reach public transportation, it is

only 5 minutes or 1 km from Solo Balapan Railway Station, 15 minutes from Adi

Sumarmo Airport, and 5 minutes from Tirtonadi Bus Station. The guests who

want to enjoy cultural heritages of Solo can visit Mangkunegaran Palace which

lays 500 meters from the hotel. Another historical building in Solo is Kasunanan

Palace which takes 10 minutes from the hotel.

Other tourism objects can be reached about 10 minutes from the hotel, such

as Klewer Traditional Market, and Triwindu. Klewer is the biggest clothes market

center in Central Java. Tourists who want to look for antiquities can visit

Triwindu Antique Market which lies only 1.5 km from Ibis Hotel Solo.

Ibis Hotel Solo facilitates free travelling for the guests to travel around Solo.

If the guests want to climb the mountain, they can visit Tawangmangu. It is

located 40 km in the eastern of Solo and lies on the slope of Lawu Mountain. The

guests can enjoy Grojogan Sewu Waterfall which is located under Lawu

Mountain. The other tourist’s destinations are Sukuh and Cetho Temple, Jumog

Waterfall, Kalisoro Camping Ground and many more. Those are ideal locations

that make Ibis Hotel Solo become the first choice for those who want to enjoy


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A.3. The Facilities at Ibis Hotel Solo

This hotel is consist of 152 modern rooms complete with LCD TV, mini bar, coffee or tea making facility, hair dryer. Bathroom comes with standing shower. Main restaurant is serving local and international cuisines. Lobby is medium sized in modern style. Hotel Ibis Solo is a good value accommodation located in city centre sitting alongside the Novotel. This hotel features, outdoor

swimming pool, meeting rooms and a bar. Four meeting rooms, it is able to

accomodate up to 230 people and available to carter your meeting needs with


Ibis Hotel Solo has 152 rooms which are spread from third floor to elevent

floor. The rooms are divided into three classes, those are, Standart Room, it is the

cheapest room, the room rate is IDR 340,000 per night. The second class is

Deluxe Room, and the room rate is IDR 370,000 per night. The last class is

Family Room, it is the most expensive room. The room rate is IDR 400,000 per


The guests who want to taste delicious foods cooked by great chefs are able

to visit Rendevouz Bar which is located in the first floor. It welcomes the guest for

having relaxed and having meals. A buffet service awaits the guests from 6.30 a.m

until 10 a.m. 12 hour-room service is ready to serve a guest who wants to eat in

their room in private. It opens from 11.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m, serving various

courses including local dishes. Delivery service is also available in which the


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Besides, there are many facilities for the sake of guests’ satisfaction that are

available for free, such as fax, internet connection in their room for sending

emails, or social networking with friends or colleagues. Besides, luggage room is

served for free to keep the guest’s stuffs, and deposit boxes which is available across the desk agent. For those who want to have a dry hair in a minute, they can

get hair dryer, or those who want to get their clothes tidy, they do not have to be

confused since they can go to the ironing room and get the mess away. Other

facilities that are available for free are emergency plan, taxi, car rent, as well as

currency exchange that can be used to change guests’ currency, and shuttle services airport.

At Vous Spa Massage and Treatment, the guests are able to pamper

themselves. It offers a wide variety of true relaxation experience to promote health

and longevity drawing from royal Javanese techniques and natural herbs. It opens

daily from 8 am to 10 pm. All treatments include complimentary services of

ginger tea and the use of the Spa’s sauna, Jacuzzi and steam rooms. It offers an

exclusive price, the 21 % from the government tax and service charges. There are

three choices in Vous Spa that can be preferred by the guests based on their needs.

They are Vous Beauty Care, Vous Body Massage, and Vous Signatures Packages.

If the guests want to be healthy, they can go to the In Balance Fitness. There

are many facilities that are available at In Balance Fitness, such as fitness center

with modern equipments, swimming pool, sauna, steam, Jacuzzi with hot and cold

water and available for ladies and gentles, massage room for ladies and gentles,


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Club is a service that guarantees children’s security and safety. The guests who come to the fitness centre with their children can entrust them in Kapla Kids Club.

So, while guests are doing exercise they have no need to be terrified of their

children safety.

Laundry and dry cleaning services at Ibis Solo hotel are provided for the

guests who come and stay in the hotel. There are two types of services in laundry

and dry cleaning services. They are regular service and express service. In regular

service, items received before 09.00 AM, it will be returned after 05.00 PM at the

same day. Meanwhile, if item is received after 09.00 AM, it will be returned after

05.00 PM the following day. There are 15 % price discount for 10 year old

children or below.

In addition to facilities previously mentioned, Oasis Swimming Pool enables

guests to refresh their body and soul. It opens at 6 AM to 8 PM daily. For publics

or non guests, there are some requirements to be paid attention. They must buy

ticket at the first place, price for adult is Rp. 35.000 and for children is Rp.

17.000, and the prices include one glass of soft drink.

B. The activities during the job Training

I have carried on the job training for about three months at Ibis Solo Hotel.

The job training began on February 20th,2010 and finished on May 20th, 2010.

During three months, I worked in the housekeeping department such as In Balance

Fitness Center in the first month, in laundry section in second month and in room


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has a responsibility in their work areas. The work areas of room attendants are

guest’s rooms, corridors, and bath rooms. Besides, the work area of laundry man is in the laundry section and the work area In Balance Fitness Center is in the spa

area, fitness center, Jacuzzi, and pool.

Apprentice in housekeeping department in Ibis Solo hotel has some vital duties and responsibilities in hotel operational. They are responsible for:

1. In In Balance Fitness Center

2. Laundry section

3. Room section

In the first month, I was placed in In Balance Fitness Center. The first

working day was tiring because there were many things I had to do, such as

brushing the rest room floor, brushing pool rest room. After that I must work in

pool rest room where I should brush the floor of pool rest room with chemical

liquid. Then, I was asked to clean the spa rest room like moping and dusting.

After finishing that work, I served the guest exercising in the fitness center

such as giving towel and putting the fitness stuffs in order. At the first day I

worked, I felt that I couldn’t accomplish this job training.

When the break time had begun, all of the staffs should take a break and

have a meal in the canteen. It was the time for all employees could do their

personal business such as having lunch, praying, and making relationship with

other employees. When the break time ended, all staffs should have been ready to


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I had ever made a big mistake when I worked as housekeeper. I started

working by checking the rest room in the fitness center, when I entered the

woman rest room door I was surprised noticing there was a woman. Then the

woman complained to my senior. He reprimanded me even I did not do it on

purpose because I did not know the procedure.

In the pool area, I served the guests who wanted to swim. People who did

not stay in the hotel should buy ticket. It was IDR 35,000.- for adults and IDR

17,000.- for children. They also got free soft drink so I should work hard to give

services such as giving towel and making soft drink.

I got a lot of experiences there, I could know many people. Nevertheless, I

also experienced sex harassment from a man. He asked me to open up my pants

and said improper word to me. That was once in my life time to be harassed that


To accomplish a good result, all employees should work in harmony. At the

very beginning of my work in fitness center, everything went smoothly, but my

partner accused me for stealing television remote control. It made bad atmosphere

in work place.

At the second month, I was moved to the Laundry department. When

carrying out the duties in laundry section, the schedule was divided by supervisor

or laundry manager into three shifts, they were morning shift at 06.00 AM-02.00

PM, middle shift at 11.00 AM-07.00 AM and night shift at 11.00 PM-07.00 AM.

Trainee who wanted to change the schedule should make an agreement with the


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Laundry section was the hardest section when I was on my job training. It

was hot and airless. There were big laundry machines, tumbler machine for drying

the clothes, roller machine, press machine, and many others. Besides it was far

from comfortable, it was also dangerous. The workers should be careful.

The hardest thing I had ever been through in my job training was working in

this section. I should begin to work in the middle of the night and finish in the

morning. Once I took a break in rest room for ten minutes at working hour

because I was not in good condition. Every night, the night manager always

supervised and monitored the employee. So, if there was an employee working

improperly would be reprimanded.

The workers in the laundry section never had a spare time to take a rest just

a minute. We should handle much stuff such as towel, curtain, sheets, pillow case,

duvee, employee uniform, and napkin from Novotel and Ibis, and soil linen from

Best Western Solo Hotel which was under one management, PT. Sunindo Indah


In washing linen, linen should be classified into dirty and dirt free linen

because they were washed in different washing machine. As the washing machine

vibrated, it was the sign that the linen had been clean. Then, it was the time to take

them out of washing machine and selected which was duvee, sheet, towel, and

pillow case. The next step was drying the lines to the drying machine and rolling

those linens into a good order. Besides those activities, the laundry staff should be

able to operate clothes pressing machine that was usually used to press the guests’ clothes orderly.


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Aside from the things above, laundry staff should fold or set up the towel.

There were several kinds of towel, such as bath mats, bath towel, face towel, and

hand towel. They were folded differently in order to classify them easily.

Towel was one of room supplies in guests’ room that should be changed regularly to ascertain that it was clean. Towels were changed in the morning when

the room attendant made up the rooms. So, the coordination between the laundry

staff and room attendant were so close in carrying out their daily tasks.

Laundry staffs were also responsible to handle guests’ clothes. The guests

had absolute right to complain if the result did not meet their satisfaction, so

laundry staffs had to be careful in handling this job.

In the last month I was placed in the room section as room attendant. In

carrying out the duties, the room attendants had to know room status, whether it

was occupied or not, and how many rooms that had to be handled. After that, the

room attendants had to prepare everything for the guest rooms, such as linens and

amenities. Priority in making up the room was based on direct order status or the

guest’s request as the first priority. In other word, room attendants had to work with the request. Making up the vacant room was the second priority of room

attendants. A room attendant should not take them for granted. After the occupant

leaved out, the vacant rooms had to be made up as soon as possible because they

were probably filled immediately. In conclusion, room attendants were

responsible for room services in all areas and status.

In carrying out a room attendant’s duties, there were some daily activities that had to be done by room attendants.


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25 1. Briefing

Briefing is important to do before carrying out the duties. It is done at

8.00 a.m to 09.00 a.m, there are many topics discussed during briefing

such as dividing the job allocations, the review of work results, and

suggestions from the housekeeping manager. The briefing is usually led

by a housekeeping supervisor or a housekeeping manager.

2. Preparing the linen or guests’ supplies in the guest rooms.

In preparing linens, the room attendants have to work with laundry

section. The room attendants must take linens from laundry section. In

the other side, in preparing the guest supplies, such as soaps, bath foams,

shampoos, shower caps, tissues, glass bags, laundry bags, etc, room

attendants have to join with order-taker section.

3. Check the rooms

To start to make up rooms, the room attendants must know the room

status, if the room status is “don’t disturb”, it shows that the room attendants are not allowed to make up the guest rooms. For occupied

rooms, the first action that must be done is knocking the door and

greeting, then, the room attendants have to ask for permission to the

guests whether it is necessary to make up the room or not.

4. Make up the room

There are many activities that must be done during making up rooms,

such as making up bed, dusting all of parts in the room, such as windows,


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attendants are also responsible for checking the room’s amenities and

room supplies, as well as vacuuming the floor.

5. Recheck the room’s condition.

It is necessary to do because it is to make sure that the room is ready to

use by the guests or ready to be offered for customers. While re-checking

room conditions, the most important thing to do is to re-check room

supplies whether it is all accomplished or not.

If those are all accomplished, room attendants are hoped to achieve some

targets in order to raise standard of service quality. The targets are as followings:

1. Cleanliness in a broad sense

Cleanliness of rooms or guest rooms determines hotel’s prestige. If

cleanliness is well-maintained, guests will be comfortable and feel safe.

This is due to they believe in hygiene and sanitation offered by the hotel

service. By then, the cleanliness is a starting step to judge a hotel.

2. Comfortable

Cleanliness in equipments and decorations will make rooms look more

interesting and elegant. As a consequence, it makes the guests feel

comfort while staying in the hotel.

3. Safety

Safety is one of substantial factors of a hotel that always becomes any

guest’s expectation. Safety comprises privacy safety, in form of stealing


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In conducting their duties, room attendants have to pay attention their

self-preparation. Self-preparation is one of aspects of hotel’s prestige. In addition to environmental-preparation of hotel, how their human resources serves is also

required to be paid attention. Self-preparation comprises:

1. Hair

A room attendant must have his/her hair short and tidy because it

influences the performances of room attendants. If room attendants look

tidy, the guest would enjoy the services they get from the room


2. Uniform

Uniform is a work-suitcase, which is worn by room attendants during

their shifts. Uniform mainly determines their identity. That is why to

keep the uniform clean is important. It helps them to look fresh and


3. Healthy condition

It is important because the healthy condition is needed by room

attendants to carry out the duties. If the room attendant is on top form, a

room attendant is able to work optimally. Healthy body will influence the

work result. Their professionalism and ethos are an intangible value that


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C. The Problems Appearing in the Job Training in Ibis Hotel

Facing the real job could be a new challenge for apprentices. The

apprentices had to adapt to the new atmosphere and different responsibility from

students’ life style. The apprentices certainly encountered some problems and so did I. Those problems came from some aspects stumbling upon the process of job training. The obstacles were found in Ibis Hotel Solo that was faced by the apprentice such as the following.

C.1. Overlapping Tasks

The purpose of taking job training was to improve the knowledge and to

apply trainee’s knowledge in a real job. The apprentice was given too many tasks. Apprentice who should be taught how to work in certain job, for instance, how to

operate fitness stuffs and washing machine, how to make up room, and something

like that. After learning how things work, the apprentices do the task by her or

him own. However, the apprentice’s job training did not work as it should be. In fact, apprentices could not focus in one spot where they should be

assigned in. Apprentices got more tasks than the staff did, for example, an

apprentice who should work in spa section were asked to work also in other area

that there was nothing to do with spa in balance fitness center. There are a lot of

tasks for the apprentices to accomplish; unfortunately the tasks were not


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In another way, apprentice was considered as beneficial resource that could

be asked to do anything possible for free. I took job training for the purpose of

improving their knowledge and skill not entering ‘slavery program’.

C.2. Inharmonious Relationship

I quite often found unharmonious atmosphere while working because the

senior staff had bad assumption of apprentice. Literally, they underestimated

apprentice. So, it created wide gap between the staffs and the apprentices. It

leaded to misunderstanding and bad feeling that made me feel uncomfortable. The

relation was not smoothly making uncooperative work.

C.3. Sex Harassment

Sex harassment could likely take place in a work area. Employer does not

protect the employee from such that thing, whereas hotel is the most likely place

which sex harassment could happen anytime. I was insulted with improper word

and expression by the guest. That incident made me frightened and uncomfortable

to handle guest.

C.4. Unprofessional Trainer

The goal of job training program is to generate skillful employee in order to

raise the service quality of hotel. So, a good trainee should focus in educating the

trainee. In fact, the trainer in which the apprentice took job training did not make

best use of the apprentice’s ability. They did not focus in educating and learning activities, but they focus on delivering tasks.


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30 C.5. Bad Job Safety

Working in laundry department was the hardest among the others sections in

housekeeping departments, because the situation in the laundry department was

hot and dusty. Moreover, working at that situation made bigger tiredness than

working in cool place. In laundry section, there were many big machines such as

laundry machines, tumbler machine for drying the clothes, roller machine, press

machine, and many others. If the apprentice did not work carefully, those

machines could be very dangerous stuffs. I had an accident with hot press

machine. Unfortunately, it was not very serious accident.

The problem was getting worse when the company did not give an

assurance for apprentice’s safety. At least, medical tools were available just in case there was employee or apprentice got an accident, but the company really did

not have concern over the job safety of the trainee or the employee.

D. The Problem-Solving

Being faced with several problems, the apprentice was required to take

actions. To overcome those problems the apprentice took several strategies such

as followings.

D.1. Work Cooperatively

To overcome overlapping tasks issue, I worked cooperatively with other

trainees. It made every job easier to handle when the apprentice worked in a good

teamwork. We helped each other and shared information. Besides, it tightened the


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31 D.2. Make a Good Communication

At the very beginning I trained in Ibis Hotel, the staffs and the seniors

looked unfriendly. As an apprentice, we should open ourselves and start to make a

good communication. I also proved that the apprentices had a good skill by

working optimally.

D.3. Refuse Politely

Guest is the most important part of a hotel. So as an apprentice, we should

respect them no matter what happens for the sake of professionalism. When I got

improper treatment from the guest, I refused politely and explained the reasonable

explanation without making a hurt feeling to the guest.

D.4. Ask for helps from seniors

I considered that the trainer did not give sufficient information. They even

discriminated me with others. Because of unprofessional trainer, I should ask for

helps from seniors how to work on a task or to operate something.

D.5 Prepare my own safety tools

In order to minimize the risk of working at midnight, I prepared the safety

tools such as mask, shoes, gloves, and other necessary goods. If it was possible to

change the shift with others employee, it was the best way to overcome this

problem. Changing shift with staffs that were used to working at midnight was not


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This chapter consists of conclusion covering the whole discussion and

apprentice’s suggestion for better job training program in the hotel.

B. Conclusion

From the previous discussion, I can draw some conclusions as follows.

1. The Activities during the Job Training

a. In Balance Fitness Center

I was not only serving the customer, but also cleaning and

maintaining the fitness stuff.

b. Laundry Section

In laundry section, I should handle laundry, such as towel, curtain,

sheets, pillow case, duvee, employee uniform, napkin, and guests’ laundry.

c. Room Section

I had a main obligation to make up room either occupied or vacant room.


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2. The Problems Appearing

During the job training in In Balance Fitness Center, room section, and

laundry section, I found quite a lot of problems obstructing the apprentice’s work such as followings.

a. Overlapping Tasks

I was assigned to work on many tasks that made me unable to focus

on learning how to apply their knowledge in the job place. My tasks

could be more than the staff’s. This problem was the result of the lack of manpower.

b. Inharmonious Relationship

There was a gap between staffs and apprentices because the staff often underestimated the trainees. It was difficult for the apprentices to make a significant progress of learning and working during the job training.

c. Sex Harassment

The serious problem was sex harassment and unfortunately the employer did not pay a good attention to keep the employee away from this harassment.

d. Unprofessional Trainer

I could not find an advantageous learning from the trainers because they were only delivering duties and leaving the trainee with a numerous tasks. The trainer should guide me and make the best use


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e. Bad Job Safety

The employer did not explain the safety procedure to me in the

working place. Moreover, they did not provide adequate safety tools

and guarantee if there was an apprentice got an accident.

3. The Problem- solving

To overcome those problems, I took several actions such as the followings.

a. Work Cooperatively

I worked cooperatively with other trainees to accomplish the duties.

We shared our works and carried out together.

b. Make a Good Communication

I tried to be well-behaved in work place and showed the good

intention to have job training there. The trainee established a good

communication to build a good atmosphere in the working area.

c. Refuse Politely

Any respond that harms the guest physically or emotionally could be harmful in many ways. I could refuse by giving reasonable excuse politely.

d. Ask for helps from seniors

Because of the lack of guidance from the trainer, I asked for a favor

from the seniors or staffs for any further information concerning to


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e. Prepare my own safety tools

To prepare the possibility of accident in the work place, I prepare themselves with safety tools.


To improve the excellence of job training in the hotel I have some suggestions such as the followings.

1. Ibis Hotel

The management of the hotel should support the job training program especially at the housekeeping department by paying more attention to the safety

of the apprentice. Hotel should give an assurance to their employee’s safety if

there was an accident taking place in the job place. Besides that, hotel should put more efforts in providing the first aid kid if there was an employee got an accident.

2. The Human Resource Development

As human resource development, they should also monitor the circumstance in the job training whether it was properly worked or not, remembering the apprentice will help the employee in a hotel. So, apprentices deserve to get a good education when their job training was in progress.

3. The Manager of Trainee

It is extremely important for the manager of trainee to ensure that the apprentice has got what they ought to have.


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4. English Diploma Program

English Diploma Program should pay more attention to the apprentice who will have job training and make certain that the students will learn optimally in the job training place.


commit to user 31 D.2. Make a Good Communication

At the very beginning I trained in Ibis Hotel, the staffs and the seniors looked unfriendly. As an apprentice, we should open ourselves and start to make a good communication. I also proved that the apprentices had a good skill by working optimally.

D.3. Refuse Politely

Guest is the most important part of a hotel. So as an apprentice, we should respect them no matter what happens for the sake of professionalism. When I got improper treatment from the guest, I refused politely and explained the reasonable explanation without making a hurt feeling to the guest.

D.4. Ask for helps from seniors

I considered that the trainer did not give sufficient information. They even discriminated me with others. Because of unprofessional trainer, I should ask for helps from seniors how to work on a task or to operate something.

D.5 Prepare my own safety tools

In order to minimize the risk of working at midnight, I prepared the safety tools such as mask, shoes, gloves, and other necessary goods. If it was possible to change the shift with others employee, it was the best way to overcome this problem. Changing shift with staffs that were used to working at midnight was not bad option.


commit to user CHAPTER IV


This chapter consists of conclusion covering the whole discussion and apprentice’s suggestion for better job training program in the hotel.

B. Conclusion

From the previous discussion, I can draw some conclusions as follows. 1. The Activities during the Job Training

a. In Balance Fitness Center

I was not only serving the customer, but also cleaning and maintaining the fitness stuff.

b. Laundry Section

In laundry section, I should handle laundry, such as towel, curtain, sheets, pillow case, duvee, employee uniform, napkin, and guests’ laundry.

c. Room Section

I had a main obligation to make up room either occupied or vacant room.


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2. The Problems Appearing

During the job training in In Balance Fitness Center, room section, and laundry section, I found quite a lot of problems obstructing the apprentice’s work such as followings.

a. Overlapping Tasks

I was assigned to work on many tasks that made me unable to focus on learning how to apply their knowledge in the job place. My tasks could be more than the staff’s. This problem was the result of the lack of manpower.

b. Inharmonious Relationship

There was a gap between staffs and apprentices because the staff often underestimated the trainees. It was difficult for the apprentices to make a significant progress of learning and working during the job training.

c. Sex Harassment

The serious problem was sex harassment and unfortunately the employer did not pay a good attention to keep the employee away from this harassment.

d. Unprofessional Trainer

I could not find an advantageous learning from the trainers because they were only delivering duties and leaving the trainee with a numerous tasks. The trainer should guide me and make the best use of the apprentice’s background knowledge.


commit to user e. Bad Job Safety

The employer did not explain the safety procedure to me in the working place. Moreover, they did not provide adequate safety tools and guarantee if there was an apprentice got an accident.

3. The Problem- solving

To overcome those problems, I took several actions such as the followings.

a. Work Cooperatively

I worked cooperatively with other trainees to accomplish the duties. We shared our works and carried out together.

b. Make a Good Communication

I tried to be well-behaved in work place and showed the good intention to have job training there. The trainee established a good communication to build a good atmosphere in the working area. c. Refuse Politely

Any respond that harms the guest physically or emotionally could be harmful in many ways. I could refuse by giving reasonable excuse politely.

d. Ask for helps from seniors

Because of the lack of guidance from the trainer, I asked for a favor from the seniors or staffs for any further information concerning to how things should work.


commit to user e. Prepare my own safety tools

To prepare the possibility of accident in the work place, I prepare themselves with safety tools.


To improve the excellence of job training in the hotel I have some suggestions such as the followings.

1. Ibis Hotel

The management of the hotel should support the job training program especially at the housekeeping department by paying more attention to the safety of the apprentice. Hotel should give an assurance to their employee’s safety if there was an accident taking place in the job place. Besides that, hotel should put more efforts in providing the first aid kid if there was an employee got an accident.

2. The Human Resource Development

As human resource development, they should also monitor the circumstance in the job training whether it was properly worked or not, remembering the apprentice will help the employee in a hotel. So, apprentices deserve to get a good education when their job training was in progress.

3. The Manager of Trainee

It is extremely important for the manager of trainee to ensure that the apprentice has got what they ought to have.


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4. English Diploma Program

English Diploma Program should pay more attention to the apprentice who will have job training and make certain that the students will learn optimally in the job training place.