Tanggap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) Terhadap Waktu Aplikasi dan Konsentrasi Pupuk KNO3

ANWAR KOHERI: Tanggap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman
Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) terhadap Waktu Aplikasi dan
Konsentrasi Pupuk KNO3, dibimbing oleh MARIATI dan TOGA
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggap pertumbuhan dan
produksi tanaman bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) terhadap waktu aplikasi
dan konsentrasi pupuk KNO3. Penelitian ini dilakuan di Jl. Pasar 1 No. 89 Tanjung Sari
Medan, dengan ketinggian tempat ± 25 meter di atas permukaan laut, mulai bulan
Juni sampai Agustus 2013. Rancangan penelitian adalah Rancangan Acak
Kelompok Non Faktorial dengan 13 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuannya yaitu
: (1) Kontrol (Tanpa KNO3) ; (2) K1W1 (KNO3 5 g/l air + aplikasi 14, 21, 28, 35
HST); (3) K1W2 (KNO35 g/l air + aplikasi 14, 21, 28 HST); (4) K1W3 (KNO35 g/l
air + aplikasi 14, 21 HST); (5) K1W4 (KNO3 5 g/l air + aplikasi 14 HST); (6)
K2W1 (KNO3 10 g/l air + aplikasi 14, 21, 28, 35 HST); (7) K2W2 (KNO3 10 g/l air
+ aplikasi 14, 21, 28 HST); (8) K2W3 (KNO310 g/l air + aplikasi 14, 21 HST); (9)
K2W4 (KNO310 g/l air + aplikasi 14 HST); (10) K3W1 (KNO315 g/l air + aplikasi
14, 21, 28, 35 HST); (11) K3W2 (KNO315 g/l air + aplikasi 14, 21, 28 HST); (12)
K3W3 (KNO3 15 g/l air + aplikasi 14, 21 HST); (13) K3W4 (KNO3 15 g/l air +
aplikasi 14 HST). Parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan,
bobot basah umbi per sampel, bobot kering umbi per sampel, bobot basah umbi

per plot dan bobot kering umbi per plot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
waktu aplikasi dan konsentrasi pupuk KNO3 berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap
semua parameter kecuali tinggi tanaman pada umur 5 – 7 MST.
Kata kunci : Bawang merah, waktu aplikasi, pupuk KNO3.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

ANWAR KOHERI: The Response of Growth and Yield of Shallot (Allium
ascalonicum L.) on Time Applications and Concentrations of KNO3, supervised by
The purpose of the study was to determine the response of growth and
yield of shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) on time applications and KNO3
concentrations. The research was conducted at Pasar 1 street No. 89 Tanjung
Sari Medan, with a height of 25 metre above sea level, from June until August
2013. The design of the research was a Randomized Block Design non factorial
with 13 treatments and three replications. The treatments were: (1) Control
(without KNO3) ; (2) K1W1 (KNO3 5 g/l water + application at 14, 21, 28, 35
HST);(3) K1W2 (KNO3 5 g/l water + application at 14, 21, 28 HST); (4) K1W3
(KNO3 5 g/l water + application at 14, 21 HST); (5) K1W4 (KNO3 5 g/l water +

application at 14 HST); (6) K2W1 (KNO3 10 g/l water + application at 14, 21, 28,
35 HST); (7) K2W2 (KNO3 10 g/l water + application at 14, 21, 28 HST); (8)
K2W3 (KNO3 10 g/l water + application at 14, 21 HST); (9) K2W4 (KNO3 10 g/l
water + application at 14 HST); (10) K3W1 (KNO3 15 g/l water + application at
14, 21, 28, 35 HST); (11) K3W2 (KNO3 15 g/l water + application at 14, 21, 28
HST); (12) K3W3 (KNO3 15 g/l water + application at 14, 21 HST); (13) K3W4
(KNO3 15 g/l water + application at 14 HST). Parameters observed were plant
height, tillers number, wet weight per sample, dry weight per sample, wet weight
per plot and dry weight per plot. The results showed that all parameters observed
were unsignificantly affected by time applications and KNO3 concentrations
except for plant height 5 – 7 weeks after planting.
Key words : Shallot, time application, KNO3 fertilizer.

Universitas Sumatera Utara