



Submitted as requirement to obtain degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in International Program on Science Education Study Program

Prepared by: Neneng Sri Rahayu









Dr. Wawan Setiawan, M.Kom.

NIP: 196601011991031005

Supervisor II

Dr.Phil. H. Ari Widodo, M.Ed.

NIP: 196705271992031001

Head of Study Program of

International Program on Science Education


Lembar Hak Cipta







Neneng Sri Rahayu

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam




Analysis the Implementation of Zambak Modular System in Physical and Chemical Changes and the Evidence of Chemical Reaction Concepts in One

of Bilingual School in Bandung

Neneng Sri Rahayu 0902034

Indonesia University of Education

International Program on Science Education- Indonesia University of Education


The Purpose of this research study was to analyze the implementation of zambak modular system in physical and chemical changes and the evidence of chemical reaction concepts in one of bilingual school in Bandung. This research study was conducted in one of bilingual school that use special module in the teaching and learning process. Zambak modular system is an unique module because this module provide many things that needed in the teaching and learning process. To make the research study success, the method that appropriate used in data processing is qualitative descriptive research. Qualitative descriptive research is used to analyze the phenomenon in a condition with natural setting. This research was conducted in 8th grade students of junior high school. The researchers try to find out all of the implementation of zambak modular system in teaching and learning process. The triangulation data make the data collection accurately. The result of this research is the implementation of zambak modular system are describe in two ways, firstly is describe by content organization and the secondly describe by learning cycle. The result of the content organization and the learning cycle was the implementation of zambak modular system in the physical and chemical changes and the evidence of chemical reaction concepts were systematically and the pattern of learning cycle was consist of three phase are exploration, concept development, and concept application phase. The using of content organization and learning cycle can endorse the implementation of zambak modular system organize well. In this research, the researcher tries to develop the implementation of module for junior high school. So, the future could be a consideration to improve short comings of the existing module presence. Keywords: Zambak modular system, qualitative descriptive, content organization, learning cycle.


Analysis the Implementation of Zambak Modular System in Physical and Chemical Changes and the Evidence of Chemical Reaction Concepts in One

of Bilingual School in Bandung

Neneng Sri Rahayu 0902034

Indonesia University of Education

International Program on Science Education- Indonesia University of Education


Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi dari zambak modular system di dalam topic perubahan fisika dan kimia serta dalam topic pembuktian reaksi kimia di salah satu sekolah bilingual di Bandung. Zambak modular system merupakan modul yang sangat unik karena modul ini menyediakan beberapa kebutuhan yang dibutuhkan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Metode yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adala qualitatif deskriptif. Qualitatif deskriptif digunakan untuk menganalisis fenomena yang terjadi dalam keaadan asli tanpa interfensi dari peneliti. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap siswa smp kelas 8. Di dalam skripsi ini, peneliti mencoba untuk mencari tahu bagaiman implementasi dari zambak modular system dalam proses belajar mengajar di salah satu sekolah bilingual di Bandung. Dalam proses pengolahan data dilakukan proses data triangulasi untuk membuat data yang diteliti lebih akurat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah implementasi dari zambak modular system digambarkan dalam dua cara yaitu pertama dengan menggunakan content organization dan kedua dengan menggunakan learning cycle. Hasil dari content organization dan learning cycle adalah implementasi dari zambak modular system dalam topik perubahan fisiska dan kimia serta dalam topi pembuktian reaksi kimia adalah sistematik yakni digunakan untuk membantu seluruh bagian proses belajar mengajar dan dimulai dari bagian materi yang mudah hingga komplex sedangkan pola learning cycle terdiri tiga fase yaitu fasde explorasi, pengembangan konsep, dan fase aplikasi. Penggunaan content organization dan learning cycle dapat membantu implementasi dari zambak modular system berjalan dengan baik. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mencoba untuk mengembangkan implementasi dari zambak modular system untuk smp, supaya dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa smp di masa yang akan datang.

Kata kunci: Zambak modular system, qualitative descriptive, content





PREFACE ... iii







1.1 Background ... 1

1.2 Problem Statements ... 3

1.3 Research Objectives ... 4

1.4 Research Significant ... 4

1.5 Systematic Writing Research ... 5


2.1 Learning Cycle ... 6

2.2 Learning Media ... 9

2.2.1 Kinds of Learning Media ... 11

2.2.2 The Benefit of Learning Media ... 13

2.2.3 Things to be Aware in Selection Media ... 14

2.3 Teaching Materials ... 13

2.3.1 The Types of Teaching Materials ... 14

2.3.2 Module as Teaching Materials ... 15

(8) The Objective of Module ... 17 Components of Module ... 18

2.3.3 Modular System Learning ... 22 Zambak Modular System ………..22

2.3.4 Briefly Concept Materials of Physical and Chemical Changes and the Evidence of Chemical Reaction ... 23 Physical Changes ... 23 Chemical Changes ... 23 Understanding Chemical Changes ... 24


3.1 Location of Research ... 28

3.2 Design of Research ... 28

3.3 Operational Definition ... 29

3.4 Stages of Research ... 30

3.5 Research Design ………....34


4.1 The Characteristic of Module ………..……….35

4.1.1 The Components Module of Zambak Modular System ………….35

4.1.2 Writing Structure Module of Zambak Modular System ………….50

4.1.3 The Merits of Zambak Modular System ………..56

4.2 The Content Material of Zambak Modular System ... 59

4.2.1 Content Organization in Zambak Modular System ……….61

4.3 The Implementation of Zambak Modular System ………68 4.3.1 Learning Cycle in Implementation of Zambak Modular System …71



4.4 The Factors that Influence of Zambak Modular System ... 85

4.5 General Discussion... 92


5.1 Conclusion ... 96

5.2 Recommendations ... 97




One of the key successes in teaching learning process is the present of teaching material. Teaching material in secondary ideally packed in meaningful content, full of active learning, and can gain student be active. Teachers have to be innovative in arrange the teaching material. The examples of teaching material are textbooks, student worksheets, and module.

Nowadays, almost all of school using conventional book as teaching material in every activities. It is not bad, but student usually feel board in gaining the material because in the conventional book containing of narrative style, uncommunicative and overcrowding description. Student always feels board when they read it. Thus, the motivation of student in reading book is still low. Based on that condition many of school in secondary grade create many innovations in gaining the student motivation in learning science.

One of the innovations that occur in the school is the using of module in science learning process (Djamarah, 2006). Based on this observation research, there is one of school that using module system in teaching the material. This observation research is conducted in one of bilingual school in Bandung. This school using module system as a guide teacher in delivering the material and also used by student as a sources in learning science. This module call “Zambak Modular System”.

Zambak Modular System is science module that containing the material consists of concept, supplementary questions, multiple choice questions and puzzle (Eksi, Aydin, and Celik, 2006). The style of this module is Compiled by flexible learning pattern, structure based on the needs of students and the final competency to be achieved. This module has communicative style and solid



instructional process. Zambak Modular System is available in software application too, to make easier in teaching learning process.

Zambak Modular System is only used in PASIAD school (Association with Pacific Countries in Economical and Social Solidarity) (Eksi, Aydin, and Celik, 2006).. One of the PASIAD school in Bandung is bilingual school and used by researcher to conduct this research. Bilingual school it has been trend in Indonesia to find schools with bilingual programs. The government, specifically the Department of National Education, has launched a program called “bilingual program” in which several subjects are taught in English. The objectives of this program are to produce graduates whose command of English in high and to produce graduates who have high competence in several subjects in accordance with the development of those subjects. Bilingual program has become a significant breakthrough, encouraging the use of English in non-English subjects. For Indonesian schools, English is the international language and is useful for global interaction. It seems that people are required to have a decent level of English competence in this century. It makes parents very enthusiastic to support their children in their quest to learn English early, especially at school.

One of bilingual school in Bandung was formed in collaboration between Yenbu foundation Indonesia and PASIAD Turkey. Based on interview, This school using national+ curriculum as they guidance in teaching learning process. National+ curriculum is consist of KTSP (kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan/ educational unit level of curriculum) and the additional sources is the supplement module that provide by turkey educational ministry. The evaluation of PASIAD school is national final exam, final exam per semester, midterm exam, weekly test, etc.

The main objective of teaching and learning process in this school is make students really understand to the concept. To gaining the understanding of students civitas academic of this school provide all the facilities and sources including zambak modular system as a main sources. All of the components of zambak modular system can stimulate students become active learners. By using


this module students can solve problems, answer questions, formulate questions of their own, discuss, explain, debate, or brainstorm during class.

To make student centered in classroom teacher has to create many activities such as group discussion, debate, quizzes, role play, posters student producing mind maps in class, etc. Zambak Modular System can gain student to do a lot of activities. Because Zambak Modular system is containing of content that easy to understand and emphasize to the activities that have to conduct by student.

To know the content organize structured and the implementation of Zambak Modular System used in the classroom, so researcher conduct observation of research in 8th grade of one of bilingual school in Bandung in physical and chemical changes experiment and the evidence of chemical reaction concept. Both concepts chosen, because students will learn those concepts in teaching and learning process.

1.2 Problem Statements

Based on the background description, so the problem statement that will be investigate is, “How is the concept of physical and chemical changes and the evidence of chemical reaction organize and implemented when using zambak modular system in one of bilingual school in Bandung for 8thgrades students?”

This research problem has 4 specifics research questions, there are:

1. What are the characteristics of module contained in zambak modular system? 2. How are the content material of physical and chemical changes and the

evidence of chemical reaction concepts in zambak modular system?

3. How are the implementation of physical and chemical changes and the evidence of chemical reaction concepts described with content organization and learning cycle in teaching and learning process based on zambak modular system?



4. What are the factors that influencing the implementation of zambak modular system in physical and chemical changes and the evidence of chemical reaction concepts?

1.3Research Objectives

1. To describe characteristic of module contained in zambak modular system. 2. To identify the content organize of physical and chemical changes and the

evidence of chemical reaction in zambak modular system.

3. To describe the learning cycle implementation of physical and chemical changes and the evidence of chemical reaction concept based on zambak modular system.

4. To analyze the factors that influences the implementation of learning of zambak modular system in physical and chemical changes and the evidence of chemical reaction concept.

1.4Research Significant

1. Give the information about zambak modular system to the school institutions in developing learning module for chemistry in secondary school.

2. Tell the how is the learning cycle implementation formatted by using zambak modular system in physical and chemical changes and the evidence of chemical reaction concepts.

3. Describe the condition of teaching learning process by using zambak modular system in physical and chemical changes and the evidence of chemical reaction concept for chemistry teacher to develop the positive findings as a suggestion in teaching chemistry subjects.

1.5 Systematic Research Writing

Systematic writing of this research are consist of 5 chapters, there are:

1) Introduction consists of background, problem statement, research objectives, research significant, and systematic research writing.


2) Literature review consists of the explanation of learning cycle, learning media, teaching materials, modular system learning, and zambak modular system.

3) Research Methodology consist of the location of research, design of research, stages of research, and research design.

4) Result and discussion consist of the components module of zambak modular system, writing structure of zambak modular system, the characteristic of module, the content material of zambak modular system, content organization of zambak modular system, the implementation of zambak modular system, learning cycle in implementation of zambak modular system, analysis of learning cycle in implementation of zambak modular system, the factors that influencing the implementation of zambak modular system, and the general discussion.




RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1Location of Research

The location of this research is one of bilingual school of PASIAD foundation that using special module in the learning activities. The special module that use is zambak modular system.

This research was conducted in 8th grade class. The subject material that used in this research is chemistry. It class chosen because in the 8th grade, student is starting to learn chemistry. So, the researcher want to investigating the implementation of zambak modular system in 8th grade class of chemistry subject.

3.2 Design of Research

This research using qualitative descriptive research. Qualitative descriptive research is descriptive study was not intended to test a specific hypothesis but simply describing about something variable, symptoms, or object (Sugiyono: 2010). This is in line with the statement proposed by John W. Creswell in his book Educational Research (2008) that descriptive research is generally done with the main purpose, which describe systematically the facts and characteristics of the object or subject under study as appropriate. So the steps do not formulate research hypotheses. This method is based on the phenomenon, and subjects were analyzed. Descriptive technique is to present a board range of activities that have in common the purpose of describing situation or phenomena. Finally the method is expected to facilitate the researcher in drawing conclusions based on the findings of the research.

Qualitative descriptive research is chosen because the researcher conducting the research in natural settings, not manipulate or influence the situation. So the research design is quite flexible and tolerant of adjustments throughout the implementation of the study according to Siregar (1998). This research is investigating the implementation of module in 8th grade of bilingual


school. To make successful research, to get the data that needed by researcher, so the method that used in gathering data which appropriate one is qualitative descriptive. In gathering the data, the researcher using multiple data collection method to make research become accurately. The use of multiple-data-collection methods contributes to the trustworthiness of the data. According to Glesne & Alan (1994) this method is commonly called ”triangulation method” and may also involve the incorporation of multiple data sources, investigators, and theoretical perspectives in order to increase confidence in research findings. The data gathering techniques dominate in qualitative inquiry are participant observation, interviewing, and document collection. Those data technique are used in this research. To decreasing the bias of the research, cross check data is used in this research. Cross check data is used with the informant.

Therefore, a qualitative research design is often called design work (working design). Working design by Firman (2008) is beginning to plan an implementation of the study, in which it was decided on the subject of the study, the site learned, long time of data collection, variables are noted.

3.3Operational Definition

1. Zambak modular system is the science module which is consist of two kinds format are text format and software format. So, the combination of those formats called zambak modular system.

2. Zambak modular system implementation can be interpreted as the implementation of zambak modular system in learning activities by teacher to increasing the ability of student in gaining the material of physical and chemical changes and the evidence of chemical reaction concepts in classroom.

3. Learning cycle is the learning cycle has been determined by observing that learning invariably follows a pattern that can be divided into three stages. Karplus argues that the learning cycle can begin at any one of the three points however, the following is the most often suggested pattern for the learning



1) Exploration

Exploration phase is known as the data-gathering and the exploring concept phase. This phase serves to stimulate curiosity, establish a need to know, raise questions, cause cognitive dissonance, or otherwise set the phase for more formal treatment of the concept, principle or relationship that is the focus of instruction by Karplus (1977). In the first phase, students work in small groups to explore the given problems and attempt to solve problems. The teacher acts as facilitator, posing questions and providing assistance as needed. Students have the opportunity to develop their own hypotheses and to test them through a hands-on experiment or observation.

2) Concept development

In the second phase of the learning cycle, the teacher leads the students through the introduction and development of the scientific concepts central to the lesson. This phase can be facilitated in a class discussion. The students may begin by sharing their observations and ideas from the exploration phase.

3) Concept application

The teacher now poses a new problem or situation for the students to solve based on their initial exploration and on the concepts they refined in the second phase. In this phase the students work individually or in small groups while the teacher acts as facilitator. The learning cycle may then begin again, as these hands-on activities become the starting point for the exploration and development of a related concept.

3.4Stages of Research

Based on Sukmadinata (2010) generally, there are 3 stages that conducted in this research study, are:

1. Preliminary Stages

1) Arranging draft of research

In this stage, during conduct the teaching practice (PPL) in one of bilingual school in Bandung, the researcher find the uniqueness of this school. The uniqueness is view at the sources of teaching material in the teaching learning process. All of the subject material of science such biology,


physics, and also chemistry using a module as a main learning sources. Not only science but also for mathematics. The module called zambak modular system.

The result of using that module to the students is from their understanding in a concept. They have the deep understanding at a concept whereas the main sources is a module, beside that the using of module during teaching and learning occur is the other uniqueness from this school. So, that situation bring researcher to conduct the research to explore more about the module uses in this school.

2) Selecting location of research

Based on the problems of research come, so the location that used to conduct the research as a data sources is the one of bilingual school in Bandung which is use zambak modular system.

3) Set licensing of the research

To conduct the research, setting the licensing of the research to people in around the research location is very important to create the fluency of research. The licensing that conducted by researcher from of civitas academic of school such as headmaster, chief of academic curriculum, and teachers.

Table 3.1 The Time of Licensing of The Research

Day and date Licensing of the research Friday, 1st February 2013 To the headmaster

Monday , 4rd February 2013 To the chief of curriculum To the chemistry teacher

4) Explore and analyze the situation of research

After the researcher get the legalization, the next stage is the researcher explore and analyze the location. In qualitative, the researcher itself as main instrument. In the exploring the whole situation of research, civitas academic very receptive the researcher.



5) Preparing for research

1. The researcher as main instrument

2. Arrange the interview notes briefly for teacher 3. Preparing the camera cord or handy camera 2. Data Collection Stages

In this stage, researcher conducts many activities such as: 1) Observations

Conducting an observation to the teaching and learning process. Observation is done by using handy camera. During observation, a researcher writing the field notes.

Table 3.2 The Time Conducting the Observation

Day and date Conducting observation

Wednesday, 13th March 2013 1st observation using handy camera Wednesday, 27th March 2013 2nd observation using handy camera Wednesday, 3rd April 2013 3rd observation using handy camera Wednesday, 10th April 2013 4th observation using handy camera

2) Field notes

Writing field notes during observing the teaching and learning process. Field notes are come from teacher notes that giving to the students, something that cannot be obtained by handy came, write the other important information.

3) Interviews

Conduct the interview to the teacher (Thursday, 11th April 2013) 4) Documentation

1. Analyzing the whole content of zambak modular system 2. Analyze the chemistry annual plan of one in 8th grade class 3. Analyzing the worksheets of students

3. Data Processing Stages

After researcher has the data from collecting data stages, the next steps is processing the data. The data will be process by:


1) Transcript of the video data from observation learning process and interview field notes data

2) Writing the result of analyzing documents Transcript the interview of teacher

3) Analysis all of the transcript and documents 4) Take the conclusion, verification



3.5 Research Design

Research design is a guideline of research study and make researcher more focus on the stages of research. In this research the research design data based on the research stages. Research design is help to describe the pattern that conducted in this research.

Figure 3.1 Research Design

Arranging the draft research Selecting location of research

Explore and analyze the situation of research

Set licensing of the research

Preparing the instrument of research

Conduct 1st meeting observation

by using handy camera Write the 1st meeting field notes observation

Take the interview of teacher Transcript the video

and review the field notes


Analyzing the whole content of zambak modular system

Analyzing annual plan

Analyzing worksheets

Transcript all documents Narration of research result

Conclusion and verification

Preliminary Stages

Data collecting stages

Processing Stages



Based on the research, the implementation of zambak modular system in physical chemical changes and the evidence of chemical reaction concepts in one of bilingual school in Bandung, it can be concluded in six points.

Firstly, the characteristics of zambak modular system has fulfill the requirement of ideal module with national module. So, the zambak modular system can assume as the attractiveness teaching material for students and teacher. The systematic writing of zambak modular system is refer to department of education is almost same, but there are some part not present in this module and teacher completing that through Zumre. While there are 8 merits of the ideal module that use in Indonesia. Zambak modular system has reach 6 characteristics there are serving individual differences, presentation associative, systematic and gradually, maximize the communication in the learning, emphasize on to participatory/ the activeness of students, and evaluation of mastery material.

Secondly, the content material that provide by zambak modular system is complete and well organized for teaching and learning process. The completeness of the features and activities can make teacher easy to convey the concept to the students.

Thirdly, the effectiveness implementation of zambak modular system as one of teaching material sources has proven with students activity result. The respond of students in teaching and learning activities to the zambak modular system is lead to make the situation of learning running well. It described in the content organization and leaening cycle. In the content organization and learning cycle, the roles of zambak modular system make a good connection in teaching and learning process between teacher and students. So, between teacher, students,



process that cannot be separated from each others. The implementation of zambak modular system can be a complete model for others teaching material become better.

Fourthly, the factors that influencing the implementation of zambak modular system are media, approaches, methods, the role of teacher and students, support and resources, assessment and feedback, and evaluation. All of the factors are providing by school to make students understand to the content material.

5.2 Recommendations

Based on the conclusion of the research, the recommendation are:

1. To make zambak modular system appropriate with Indonesia curriculum, so it should hold discuss about the content format of module because there are some part missing such as objectives, etc. 2. The school has provide more the information about the using of

zambak modular system as their sources of teaching material.

3. This research just focuses on the 8th grade class and chemistry subject.

It’s better if the scope of research broader. It can make the researcher

get a lot of sources of the usefulness of zambak modular system. 4. Hopefully the other school can adopt the advantages of using zambak

modular content based on content and features in the module.

5. The learning cycle in implementing zambak modular system can help teacher in organizing the content for the students.

6. For chemistry teacher can use the learning cycle and content organization to make teaching and learning process organize well.



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3.5 Research Design

Research design is a guideline of research study and make researcher more focus on the stages of research. In this research the research design data based on the research stages. Research design is help to describe the pattern that conducted in this research.

Figure 3.1 Research Design

Arranging the draft research Selecting location of research

Explore and analyze the situation of research

Set licensing of the research

Preparing the instrument of research

Conduct 1st meeting observation

by using handy camera Write the 1st meeting field notes observation

Take the interview of teacher Transcript the video

and review the field notes


Analyzing the whole content of zambak modular system

Analyzing annual plan

Analyzing worksheets

Transcript all documents Narration of research result

Conclusion and verification

Preliminary Stages

Data collecting stages

Processing Stages



Based on the research, the implementation of zambak modular system in physical chemical changes and the evidence of chemical reaction concepts in one of bilingual school in Bandung, it can be concluded in six points.

Firstly, the characteristics of zambak modular system has fulfill the requirement of ideal module with national module. So, the zambak modular system can assume as the attractiveness teaching material for students and teacher. The systematic writing of zambak modular system is refer to department of education is almost same, but there are some part not present in this module and teacher completing that through Zumre. While there are 8 merits of the ideal module that use in Indonesia. Zambak modular system has reach 6 characteristics there are serving individual differences, presentation associative, systematic and gradually, maximize the communication in the learning, emphasize on to participatory/ the activeness of students, and evaluation of mastery material.

Secondly, the content material that provide by zambak modular system is complete and well organized for teaching and learning process. The completeness of the features and activities can make teacher easy to convey the concept to the students.

Thirdly, the effectiveness implementation of zambak modular system as one of teaching material sources has proven with students activity result. The respond of students in teaching and learning activities to the zambak modular system is lead to make the situation of learning running well. It described in the content organization and leaening cycle. In the content organization and learning cycle, the roles of zambak modular system make a good connection in teaching


process that cannot be separated from each others. The implementation of zambak modular system can be a complete model for others teaching material become better.

Fourthly, the factors that influencing the implementation of zambak modular system are media, approaches, methods, the role of teacher and students, support and resources, assessment and feedback, and evaluation. All of the factors are providing by school to make students understand to the content material.

5.2 Recommendations

Based on the conclusion of the research, the recommendation are:

1. To make zambak modular system appropriate with Indonesia curriculum, so it should hold discuss about the content format of module because there are some part missing such as objectives, etc. 2. The school has provide more the information about the using of

zambak modular system as their sources of teaching material.

3. This research just focuses on the 8th grade class and chemistry subject. It’s better if the scope of research broader. It can make the researcher get a lot of sources of the usefulness of zambak modular system. 4. Hopefully the other school can adopt the advantages of using zambak

modular content based on content and features in the module.

5. The learning cycle in implementing zambak modular system can help teacher in organizing the content for the students.

6. For chemistry teacher can use the learning cycle and content organization to make teaching and learning process organize well.



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