

relating to French credits for the financing of
6 gas turbines and 2 diesel power plants

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of
the French Republic, with a view to facilitate the development efforts of
Indonesia, agreed on following provisions.
MF) is put at the disposal of the Indonesian Government in the form of
credits for the financing of six gas turbines (for an approximate amount of
165 MF) and two diesel power plants for Bukit Asam coal mine and Tarahan
terminal (for an approximate amount of 110 MF) which will be further
referred to as "the PROJETS".
b) The above mentioned credits will be used for the financing of the
imported equipment, engineering and services (including freight) of French
origin for the realisation of the Projects, excluding civil works.
ARTICLE 2.The credits set in Article 1 consist of a loan from the French
Treasury to the Ministry of Finance, acting on behalf of the Indonesian
Government, of au maximum of ONE HUNDRED AND TEN MILLIONS FRANCS(llO MF)
and banker's credits guaranteed by the French Treasury of a maximum amount

goods and services mentioned in article 1.
ARTICLE 3.The loan from the Treasury and the guaranteed banker credits which
are extended in conjunction with the former will be respectively used in
the proportion of 40 % and 60 % of the contract(s).
The rights of drawing of the Treasury loan will thus be equal to 40
% of the value of the contract(s).
ARTICLE 4.The loan from the French Treasury mentioned in Article 2 is
repayable in twenty six years (26) (including a grace period of en (10)
years), by equal and successive semi-annual instalments which are calculated from the date of each drawing and bear an interest rate of 3 % per
The interests due on the balance are repayable at the end of each
half-year. An agreement of the implementation between the Ministry of
Finance acting on behalf of the Indonesian Gove rnment and the Credit
National, acting on behalfof the French Gove rnment, will stipulate the
terms and conditions of utilization and repayment of this loan •

. I.




ARTICLE 5.The guaranteed bankers' credits mentioned in Article 2 will be
redeemed in ten (10) years by twenty(20) equal and successive semi-annual
instalments, the first one falling due six months after commissioning of
each project or the date of each delivery as stipulated in the commercial
contracts or in the banker's credits agreement. The rate of interest is the
current export rate to which is added the cost of credit insurance of
A financial agreement between the French Institutions and the
indonesian Ministry of Finance will stipulate, if necessary, the modalities
of utilization and reimbursement of these guaranteed banker's credits.
The agreement relating to the bankers' credits will be approved by
the Ministry of Finance in case they are not directly signed by the same.
ARTICLE 6.The ultimate date for the drawing-up of the contracts to be financed
under the present agreement is set on December 31st 1981 unless otherwise
agreed upon by both governements.
No drawing may be made from the Treasury loan allocated under the

present protocol after December 31st 1984.
Any amount which will not be used for financing the projects
according to the provisions of the present protocol will be cancelled.
ARTICLE 7.The credits shall be used for the financing of the contracts
concluded between the French suppliers and the buyer subject to approval of
the competent French and Indonesian authorities.
French franc will be used as currency of account and currency of
payment of the contracts.
A down-payment equal to 10 % of the amount of the contracts as a
minimum, will be paid when placing the order and the balance will be
settled between the order and the commissioning or the deliveries, conformity with the terms and conditions of the contracts, by successively using
the means of financing foreseen in article 2 in accordance with the modalities of article 3 of the present agreement.


ARTICLE 8 . The present agreement enters into force on the date of
its signing .

Done and signed in PARIS,





(in two original documents, each in English
and French, both being equally authentic)



For the Government of the
Republic of Indonesia,


For the Government- of the
Republic of France,
Philippe LAGAYETTE .


Le Gouvernement de la Republique de l'Indonesie et le Gouvernement de la Republique Fran9aise sont convenus des dispositions suivantes
en vue de faciliter l'effort de developpement economique de l'Indonesie.
Francs est mise a la disposition du Gouvernement indonesien pour financer
l'achat de six turbines a gaz (pour un montant approximatif de 165 MF) et
de deux centrales diesel pour la mine de charbon de Bukit-Assam et le
Terminal de Taharan (pour un montant approximatif de 110 MF) qui seront
designes ci-apres comme "les projets".
b) Les moyens de financement mentionnes ci-dessus seront utilises
pour le financement des equipements, de l'ingenierie et des services fran9ais, y compris le fret, necessaires a la realisation des Projets, a
l'exclusion des depenses de genie civil.

ARTICLE 2. Les concours financiers prevus a !'article 1 ci-dessus sont constitues d'un pret du Tresor fran9ais au Ministere des Finances, agissant
pour le compte de l'Etat indonesien, d'un montant maximum de CENT DIX MILLIONS de Francs (110 MF) et de credits bancaires garantis par le Tresor
fran9ais d'un montant maximum de CENT SOIXANTE CINQ MILLIONS de Francs (165
MF) destines a financer les biens et services mentionnes a !'article 1 du
present protocole.
ARTICLE 3. Le pret du Tresor et les credits bancaires garantis qui l'accompagnent seront utilises respectivement dans les proportions de 40% et 60%
du ou des contrat(s).
Les droits de tirage sur le pret du Tresor seront done egaux
40% de la valeur du ou des contrats(s).


ARTICLE 4. Le pret du Tresor fran9ais mentionne a !'Article 2 ci-dessus est
amortissable en vingt-six (26 ans) par semestrialites egales et successives
a compter de la date de chaque tirage, et porte interet au taux de 3% l'an.
Cette duree inclut un differe d'amortissement de dix (10) ans.
semestre. Une
agissant pour
agissant pour


interets sur le solde du sont payables a la fin de chaque
convention d'application entre le Ministere des Finances,
le compte du Gouvernement indonesien, et le Credit National,
le compte du Gouvernement fran9ais, precisera les modalites
et de remboursement de ce pret.

. I.

ARTICLE 5. Les credits bancaires garantis mentionnes a l'article 2 ci-dessus
sont amortissables en dix (10) ans par vingt (20) semestrialites egales et
successives, la premiere echeant six mois apres la reception provisoire du
projet ou les dates de livraison, selon les stipulations du ou des contrat
(s) commerciaux ou de la convention de credit bancaire. Leur taux d'interet
est le taux usuel des credits a !'exportation auquel s'ajoute le cout de
!'assurance-credit de la COFACE.
Un accord financier entre les etablissements bancaires ヲイ。ョセゥウ@
et le Ministere indonesien des finances precisera, si necessaire, les
modalites de !'utilisation et du remboursement de ces credits bancaires

Les accords relatifs aux credits bancaires seront approuves par
le Ministere des Finances s'ils ne sont pas signes directement par lui.
ARTICLE 6. La date limite de passation du ou des contrat(s) finances en
application du present protocole est fixee au 31 decembre 1981, a moins
qu'une nouvelle date limite n'ait ete fixee de commun accord entre les
deux Gouvernements. Aucun tirage ne pourra etre effectue sur les prets du
Tresor ouverts par le present protocole apres le 31 decembre 1984.
Les montants qui n'auront pas ete utilises pour le financement du
projet conformement aux dispositions du present protocole seront annules.
ARTICLE 7. Les credits seront utilises pour financer le (ou les) contrat(s)
passe(s) entre le (ou les) fournisseurs(s) ヲイ。ョセゥウ@
et le client apres
approbation par les autorites ヲイ。ョセゥウ・@
et indonesiennes competentes.
La monnaie de compte et la monnaie de paiement du (ou des)
contrat(s) sont le franc ヲイ。ョセゥウN@

Un acompte egal a 10 % du montant du (ou des) contrat(s) est paye
la commande et le solde du prix est regle entre la commande et la reception conformement a l'echeancier prevu au(x) contrat(s), le tout par utilisation successive des moyens de financement prevus a l'Article 2 selon les

modalites definies a l'Article 3 du present protocole.


... /

ARTICLE 8 . Le present protocole entre en vigueur
signature .



Paris, le

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la date de sa

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