Moratorium of ex-foreign fishing vessel


B. Ban on transshipment

Based on the Regulation of Minister 5627, the second step is banning the transshipment. It includes developing, monitoring andor implementing the recommendations from the analysis and evolution that done before. States should take measures consistent with international law in relation to managing vessels without nationality on the high seas involved in IUU fishing. Indonesia has prevented or bans the entry of vessels without nationality into Indonesian waters that were going to utilize its ports or obtain fishing license to conduct fishing activities in Indonesian waters. Based on Article 166 paragraph 1 of Act Number 17 of 2008 on Seafaring Activities, every vessel that sails on the Indonesian territorial waters shall be able to clearly indicate the identity of the vessel. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Republic Indonesia Decree Number KEP. 50MEN2012, 2012, p. 25 The ban policy was issued on January 9, 2015, and then postponed until September following strong protests from various regions in the country. Various business players in the fisheries sector continued to protest the policy because it will effect to the economic in Indonesia as well but in other way it can prevent foreign vessel to coming in Indonesia water. The circular explained each fishing and fish transport vessels to operate should put an independent professional observer to prevent illegal fishing practices through transshipment practice to abroad. 24

C. Ban on using seine net and trawl

Based on the Minister’s Regulation 022015 the third step is ban on using seine net and trawl. Seine nets and trawlers were banned because they “caused fish stocks in the Indonesian fishery management zone to decline and threatened conservation of stocks and to limit or search the foreign vessel in Indonesia water because it is easy to find the illegal vessel from their tools in catching fishes. The circulation letter stated trawl and seine net usage ban are fully banned in all Indonesian waters on January 1st 2016. Fishing permit SIPI with trawl and seine net usage issued before the implementation of Ministerial Regulation No. 22015 still prevails until it expires. The expired SIPI of fishing vessels constructed domestically with trawl and seine net can still be extended until December 31st 2015. It aims to give an opportunity for vessel owners to replace their fishing tools.

D. Establishment of Task Force to Prevent and Combat IUU fishing

The government has stepped up its maritime law enforcement by preparing a presidential decree that will lay the groundwork for the establishment of a new task force to combat illegal fishing, and also established by the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Affairs according to a government official. This is the forth step of Indonesia combating on IUU fishing.