Data Hasil Penelitian KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN

TAK - - - + Baik 24538 Silvia Retno 21 TAK - + - + Cukup TAK - - - + Baik 23969 Erik Erpan 21 TAK - - - + Baik TAK - - - + Baik 22415 Sri Rejeki 45 TAK - - - + Baik TAK - - - + Baik 28978 Amru 27 Ngilu + + - + Buruk TAK - - - + Baik 25201 Ahmad Nur Khaini Mesioden TAK - - - + Baik TAK - - - + Baik 29780 Antonia 46 TAK + + - + Buruk TAK - - - + Baik 28351 Bidayatur 46 Ngilu + - - + Cukup TAK Indikas i PSA 32474 Budi Muji Lestari 12 TAK + + - + Buruk TAK - - - + Baik 33078 Hertie Febrian Ramadhanti 36 Ngilu - - - + Baik TAK - - - + Baik 20705 Respati Lintang 25 Ngilu + - - + Cukup TAK - - - + Baik

B. Hasil Olah Data

Berdasarkan Usia Pasien Usia Baik Cukup Kurang Jumlah Presentase 10-20 Tahun 12 2 14 36,84 21-30 Tahun 17 2 19 50,00 41-50 Tahun 4 4 10,53 50 Tahun 1 1 2,63 Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin Jenis Kelamin Baik Cukup Kurang Jumlah Presentase Laki-laki 10 1 1 12 31,57 Perempuan 24 1 1 26 68,43 Berdasarkan Elemen Gigi Elemen Gigi Baik Cukup Kurang Jumlah Presentase Anterior 13 2 15 39,47 Posterior 21 2 23 60,53 Berdasarkan Posisi Gigi Posisi Gigi Baik Cukup Kurang Jumlah Presentase Maksila 21 2 23 60,53 Mandibula 13 2 15 39,47

C. Foto Proses Penelitian

1 CLINICAL EVALUATION THE SUCCESS OF DIRECT PULP CAPPING USING HARD SETTING CALCIUM HIDROXIDE AT DENTAL HOSPITAL UMY Fina Maulida Haniy 1 , Erma Sofiani 2 1 Student of Dental School of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, 2 Lecture of Conservative Department of Dental School of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta ABSTRACT Background : The pulp is the center of nerves and blood vessels in the tooth has important role in dental health. The cleaning action of caries or trauma can lead to pulp exposure, and therefore the treatment of protection the pulp is pulp capping. There are two types of actions direct pulp capping and direct pulp. Indirect pulp capping is a pulp protection measures where there is thin dentin tissue then capping material applied thereon. Direct pulp capping is pulp protection measures which has been a slight perforation of the pulp which is then capping material applied directly on the perforated section. One material pulp capping is hard setting calcium hydroxide, which is renowned as a capping material conventional pulp and has been widely used. Direct pulp capping successful treatment can be seen through evaluation of clinical, histological and radiographic. Clinical evaluation aims to determine the condition of the pulp that has been taken care through objective and subjective examination. The use of hard setting calcium hydroxide as a material direct pulp capping at the Dental Hospital UMY in the high category. Aim : How to determine the clinical evaluation of success direct pulp capping with calcium hydroxide material type of hard setting at the Dental Hospital UMY. Methods : clinical evaluation direct pulp capping at the Dental Hospital UMY using secondary data, the medical records of patients who had taken care direct pulp capping during the years 2011-2015 at the Dental Hospital UMY. Results : the clinical evaluation direct pulp capping at the Dental Hospital UMY found that success with a good category as 89.40, enough category of 5.30 and 5.30 less category. Differences in age, sex there is no consideratrion means in success. Comclusion : Keywords : direct pulp capping, calcium hydroxide hard setting, clinical evaluation