Research Pata The meaning of learning English using Busuu to junior high school students grade VII.


This chapter discusses the findings of the research and there are two main points are being discussed. First is the description of the participants’ lived experiences and second is the discussion of meanings interpretation based on their lived experiences.

A. The Pescription of the Participants’ Lived Experiences.

There were two participants who were being interviewed. Their names are Gilang and Dewa. They are at the same age and they come from the same school. Below are the descriptions of their lived experiences of learning English using Busuu. 1. Gilang’s Story Gilang is now 13 years old, and he has been using smart phone since he was grade 5 th in elementary school. It was in 2012, where some new smart phones with brand Samsung were launched. His smart phone’s brand that time was Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 and he still keeps it until now with another smart phone he bought. He has got two smart phones now. When he was asked why he bought the phone, his answer did not refer to the communication functionality, yet he was so excited to say that the main reason he bought the phone is to play games. Since he was in 5 th grade, he had already downloaded various games application in his smart phone such as Angry Bird and Tiny Thief. He mentioned that there were twelve games in total which he downloaded and played that time. He enjoyed playing the games very much. Besides gaming applications, he often listens to music in his smart phone and he enjoys English songs. For him, it is important to understand the lyric besides enjoying the beat of the songs. In order to understand the lyrics, Gilang makes use of Google translator application to help him translating the lyrics. He uses the application to translate not only the English lyrics but also every English word that he does not know. “Whenever an English song caught my attention and I saw the lyric written in TV’s screen, I right away searched the full lyric in Google and got the translation from Google translator. Once in a year ago, I saw a new word in a big billboard. It was the first time I read a word ‘maybe’ and I did not know the meaning. Then, I used Google translation in my mobile phone to get the Indonesian of that word.’s meaning is ‘mungkin’.” English is his favorite lesson since he was in the elementary school grade 2 nd . He enriches his English vocabulary by collecting words which he get anywhere such as from advertisements, games, and book. When he was asked whether he had a dictionary or not, he tried to remember when the last time he got his own dictionary. He had ever got a dictionary when he was at grade three of elementary school. “I had ever had a dictionary, when I was still in the 3 rd grade of elementary school. I asked my aunt who worked in one publishing office that time to buy me the dictionary. But I found that searching words’ meaning in the dictionary was annoying and complicated. I prefer using Google translator since it is easier to search the meaning with it than looking up in the dictionary; therefore I do not use the dictionary anymore.” When he entered junior high school, his parents bought him a new smart phone. The brand was Samsung Galaxy Young. He felt so happy since he could download more gaming applications. Every day he interacts with his two smart phones; whenever he wakes up, before going to school, going home after school, before and after taking nap he always opens his phones. Most of the time, Gilang will check his phones for the sake of gaming; to check that his points are not taken away by his online game competitors. The only time when he is away from his phones is in school’s time since his school does not allow their students to bring their phones to school. If any student is found bringing his or her phones, the phones will be confiscated until the time when the student is graduated from the school. This school’s rule made him feeling upset and sad. “I will be sad when I got a notification ‘your village is being raid’. I am so sad when my ‘Elixir’ or ‘gold’ are stolen. I am very upset when I have already got 1 million but then 259.032 of it are stolen. It is hurting me when I am not allowed to bring my phone to school for I cannot check whether ‘my village is being raid’ or not. It is too bad when Miss saved 15 million already and then your 5 million is stolen. It’s hurting, isn’t it? Besides it was burdensome when my teacher asked me to search some words by looking up the dictionary. I am too lazy to do that. Why do we need to open the dictionary when we have a smart phone? It’s more comfortable to bring our phones and use them to translate the words.” He always makes sure that “the shield” is active to protect all his “virtual belongings” in his games and after he played all games in his phone, he started to feel bored. He admitted that basically he was so easy to get bored. When the games were felt boring, he moved to another application which he fully aware stated as language learning application. GIL: “At nights, when my ‘shields’ had been already turned ‘active’ let’s say for 11 hours and there were no more games that I can play since I had already finish them, I felt bored. That time, I opened that application; Busuu. For me, Busuu is indeed for learning and it is different with games.” The first time he downloaded and used Busuu was when he was in the first grade of junior high school. He did not know that there was such application