




Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra


REG NUMBER : 2123220017











Hendro D. Simamora. 2123220017. Linguistic Expression with Reference to

Semiotic in Ulos of Wedding Ceremony of Batak Toba. A Thesis. English and

Literature Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2016

This study was deal with linguistic expression, in semiotics of ulos in wedding ceremony of bataktoba. This research used qualitative method which concernedwithdevelopingexplanationsof experience or on data. The source of the data was taken from the ulosin wedding ceremony of batak toba which taken from the weaver in Tarutung, and relevant with the transcript of interviewing by three informants with some criterias, that is the most dominant population in three different surename in Tarutung, which the data was taken from the headman of Tarutung, at the age of 45 to 55 years old and have the recognition from each surename. The instruments that is used in this study was tape recorder, camera, and also the book which relevant to the data. In technique of analyzing data, descriptive qualitative data analysis stage is identifying the ornament, reducing the ornament which are not relevant to the wedding ceremony of bataktoba, classifying the ornament, interpreting, analyzing and concluding the findings. There are three kinds of ulos used in wedding ceremony of Batak Toba, they are ulosragidup, ulosragihotang, and ulossadum., with different number of ornaments. Each ulos have topisokkarwhich explain that everything in this world have the limit and the color depend to the ceremony that is performed. In ulosragidup, there are hatirsymbolized of wealth, sigumangsymbolized the hope of the giver of this ulos for the receiver to works right and efficient also, batuniansimun symbolizing the health, sisikniikansymbolizing a good life, tidy life, even in a crowded of life, and alsojungkitsymbolizing in having an organized life well. In ulosragihotangthere are unok-unok,symbolized be a wise person like the humus,andjungkit. In ulossadum, there is torna where this symbol to remind the people that Batak people come from mountain. Each ornament has their own function and meaning, depend to the ceremony, and the giver couldn’t give the ulos as they want.




First of all, the writer would like to thanks to Almighty God for His blessings during his academic year at English and Literature Department Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) State University of Medan in completing the Thesis. The writer is also very grateful to the following people:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts

(FBS) State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature Department

as well as Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English and Literature Department, who have always helped and guided him during the completion of the study. Syamsul Bahri, S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Literature Study Program and Nora Ronita,S.Pd.,S.S., M.Hum.,the Head of English Education Program for their advices and encouragement to complete the Thesis.

Prof. Dr. Zainuddin, DIP, TEFL, M.Hum, his Consultant, who has patiently

given advice, motivation, suggestion, and correction during the completion of his Thesis.

Dr. I. Wayan Dirgeyasa T, M.Hum., his Reviewers, who have kindly given

correction and suggestion for the betterment of his Thesis.

All the Lecturers of English and Literature Department who have taught and

guided him during the academic year.

Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd., the administration staff of English Department,

who has given advice and helped him during the fulfillment of her Thesis.

Drs. Anas Hasintongan Siagian, the Head of Tarutung Districts, who has given

advice and permission in completion this Thesis.

Asron Sianipar, Togu Hutagalung, and Waldemar Simamora, who have

kindly given the information, advice and as the informants for the completion this Thesis.

His beloved parents, Ramly Simamora and Alm. Ora et Labora Sianipar,who have patiently given his encouragement, financial support, their endless love and their prayers, as well ashis beloved sister Yanty, Ida,Anita andhis beloved brother Suhendra who have sincerely given great memories in his life, encouragement and have become his main motivation to complete the study.  His beloved group, Sixties that consists of Anggreyni, Shindy, Edo, Gatot and

Wyra, for a great friendship and all experiences that have been gone through


His beloved organization, PaduanSuaraMagnificum et Bonum, who have taught him an organization, given advice, motivation, support, pray for a better the writer thesis, and always color his daily life.

His beloved friend, Inriwati Saragih, forher support, existence and accomponiedhim to go through the time during study and the completition of this thesis.

His beloved classmates in English Literature A 2012, Tragipo, Gohomefast,

etcfor the extraordinary experiences in four years during the academic year.

Medan, Februari 2017 The writer

Hendro D Simamora 2123220017












A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problem of Study ... 4

C. The Objective ofthe Study ... 4

D. The Scope of Study... 4

E. The Significance of Study ... 5


A. Theoretical Framework ... 6

1. Linguistic Expression ... 6

2. Semiotics ... 7

a. Triadic Relationship ... 9

b. Linguistic Unit ... 11

c. Linguistic Expression in Ferdinand de Saussure ... 13

d. Semiotic’s Field ... 14

e. Sign ... 16

3. Ulos ... 16

a. Equipments and Materials ... 17

b. The Value ... 18

c. Kinds and Role of Ulos ... 19

B. Relevant Studies ... 25



A. Research Method ... 28

B. Data and The Source of Data ... 28

C. The Technique of Collecting Data ... 29

D. The Technique of Analyzing Data ... 30


A. Data ... 31

B. Data Analysis ... 34

C. Research Findings... 40

D. Discussion ... 41


A.Conclusion ... 43

B.Suggestion ... 43




Table 4.1 Kinds of Ulos in Wedding Ceremony of Batak Toba ... 31 Table 4.2 Kinds of Ornaments in Ulos of Wedding Ceremony of Batak Toba . 35 Table 4.3 Kinds and Meaning of Ornaments in Ulos of Wedding Ceremony



Picture 2.1 Ulos Jugia ... 20

Picture 2.2 Ulos Ragidup ... 21

Picture 2.3 Ulos Ragihotang ... 21

Picture 2.4 Ulos Sadum ... 22

Picture 2.5 Ulos Runjat ... 22

Picture 2.6 Ulos Sibolang ... 23

Picture 2.7 Ulos Suri-suri Ganjang ... 23

Picture 2.8 Ulos Mangiring ... 24

Picture 2.9 Ulos Bintang Maratur ... 24

Picture 2.10 Ulos Sitolu Tuho... 25

Picture 4.1 Ulos Ragidup ... 31

Picture 4.2 Ulos Ragihotang ... 32

Picture 4.3 Ulos Sadum ... 32

Picture 4.4 Ulos Sibolang ... 33

Picture 4.5 Ulos Sadum ... 33

Picture 4.6 Jungkit ... 34



Picture 4.12 Color of ulos Ragidup ... 36

Picture 4.13 Topi sokkar of ulos ragihotang ... 36

Picture 4.14 Unok-unok ... 36

Picture 4.15 Jungkit ... 36

Picture 4.16 Color of ulos ragihotang ... 36

Picture 4.17 Topi sokkar of ulos sadum ... 36

Picture 4.18 Torna... 37











A. The Background of the study

Finegan (2008: 22) states linguistics is the study of these knowledge systems in all their aspects: how is such a knowledge system structured, how is it acquired, how is it used in the production and comprehension of messages, how does it change over time. Linguistics analyzes human language as a system for relating sounds (or signs in signed languages) and meaning. Linguistics also includes non-formal approaches to the study of other aspects of human language, such as social, cultural, historical and political factors. Linguistic structures are pairings of meaning and form. Linguistics has many sub-fields concerned with particular aspects of linguistic structure that is phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, stylistics, and semiotics.

Porcar (2011:22) states semiotics is usually defined as the study of signs. Semiotics appears to be a paradoxical discipline, meaning we find it all around us and, yet, nowhere specifically. Semiotic is important in our daily life, because our life is full of semiotic system which we have learn and understand it unconsciously. It is a behavior of society to make something have their own value, even sometimes semiotic will make some different perspective, but the goal would be to explore the meaning for something better in future. Semiotics is closely related to the field of linguistics, which, for its part, studies the structure and meaning of language more specifically. The semiotic tradition explores the study of signs and symbols as a significant part of communications.



Sebeok (2001:3) states sign is any physical form that has been imagine or made externally (through some physical medium) to stand for an object, events, feelings, etc., known as a referential domain. It means that our daily life also full of events, feelings, object that we found around of us, and many more, which called as sign. We can found it around of us, and we have to comprehend everything that happen in our daily life. Sign is friendly with human, so we have a connection and also we have to comprehend every sign around of us to get something better in every step our life.

Moffatt (2012) states Indonesia is a country with many kinds of culture, like Dayak, Javanese, Minang, Betawi, Batak and any more. Tabalujan (2008) states culture has the hidden meaning that can be found in the text, sign, art, sound, gesture where in the every object can be had different meaning. The young generation must be preserved and developed it to keep the essentials of the culture. Even in this modern era, it will be an obstacle to keep it. The relationship between language and culture, language is just as culture-bound as are the traditional habits and value orientations characteristic of the society whose member use it. When one talks about a culture, any particular language is a form of learned behavior and therefore a part of the culture.

In Batak culture there are some characteristics which is become their identity such as tor-tor, gorga, song, ulos, and many more. One of the most popular



Sitompul (2009) states many kinds of ulos by the type, design, and function, such as ulos jugia which contain with a high culture value, and also with a high price. Ulos jugia have a function as prosperity and used by the old people who have the grandchild from all their son and daughter. Ulos sadum is another kinds of ulos, which usually used in happy ceremony, and also as souvenir. Ulos Ragihotang is an ulos which symbolize as have a trong body, strong soul, and strong faith, and many more kinds of ulos.

Takari (2009:13) states ulos has many ornaments form that show their characteristic, includes color, length, arts, etc. The weaver created something not only for looking beauty, ulos also contain the different message each other, a sincere and glorious hope. Ulos have some functions in daily life of Batak people, that is : as clothes, as scarf, as headband, as waist fastener, as carrying cloth, and as a symbolize in sacred ceremony.

Sitompul (2009) states that at first, the color of ulos at least two color and three colors at most, they are red, black, and white. three of them have their own meaning, such as red means life, white means holy, and black means good attitude. Ulos also have the leaven in the making. Leaven also one of another way to show the kinds and meaning of ulos. There are seven leaven at most in making the ulos. By that leaven, will make some ornaments in each ulos of Batak Toba.

Thus, based on the reason above, this study is proposed to find the meanings of ornament in ulos that are used in wedding ceremony of Batak Toba.



B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem of this study are as the following :

1. What kinds of the ornament in ulos of wedding ceremony of Batak Toba? 2. What are the meaning of each ornament in ulos of wedding ceremony of

Batak Toba?

C. The Objective of the Study

Related to the problem above, the objectives of this study are :

1. To find out the kinds of ornament in ulos of wedding ceremony of Batak Toba.

2. To describe the meaning of each ornament in ulos of wedding ceremony of Batak Toba.

D. The Scope of the Study

This study focuses to the ornament of ulos of Batak Toba, where the numbers of ulos that are being analyze are limited. This research only focuses to the ornament in ulos of wedding ceremony of Batak Toba.



E. The Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expectedly useful whether it is theoretically or practically to the readers,

Theoritically, this study is expected to enhance the knowledge about the linguistic meaning of ulos in reference of semiotic in wedding ceremony of Batak Toba.

Practically, this study is expected to be useful for:

1. The researcher in improving his knowledge about the semiotic and ulos. 2. The English Department of State University of Medan who want to do a

similar study about linguistic expression and semiotics, this study is expected as one of the reference to do the analysis.

3. Batak people, expected as a study that will make them comprehended about the meaning of ulos that is used in their wedding ceremony.

4. The readers who want to know deeper about analyzing the semiotic meaning, this study is expected as one of the sources of the additional knowledge.

5. Indonesia as our country with motto “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”, to bring our culture especially Indonesia to the world.





A. Conclusion

After analyze the data, the conclusion are :

1. There are nine kinds of ornament in ulos of wedding ceremony of Batak Toba. the kind of ornament in ulos of wedding ceremony is called as signifier. Signifier is the form which the sign takes.

2. The meaning of each ornament, have the different meaning each other. The meaning from each ornament is called as signified. signified is the sign /the concept it represents.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, it’s suggested to :

1. In learning a language as the social semiotics will give us the contribution to find more system of using sign in society, because life is full of semiotic system, like events, feelings, objects, etc., which we have learn and understand it unconsciously

2. For the readers, is better to understand the ornament in ulos especially in wedding ceremony of Batak Toba, so they will know the semiotics meaning of ulos that is used in wedding ceremony of Batak Toba, and to preserve our




Berger, Arthur Asa. 2005. Sign in Contemporary Culture An Intruduction to Semiotic Alih Bahasa M. Dwi Marianto. Tanda-Tanda dalam Kebudayaan Kontemporer; Suatu pengantar Semiotika. Jogjakarta.Tiara Wacana.

Chandler, D. (2007). Semiotics The Basics. Canada: Routledge.

Cobley, P. (2005). The Routledge Companion to Semiotics and Linguistics. Canada: Routledge.

Danesi, Marcel. (2004). Message, Signs, and Meanings. Canada : AGMV Marquis Imprimeur Inc.

Davis, A. (2004). The Handbook of Applied Linguistics.USA: Blackwell Publishing.

Dostert, George (2009). The Study of Language: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Finegan, E. (2008). Language : Its Structure and Use. USA: West Group.

Hancock, B. (2009). An Introduction to Qualitative Research. Nottingham: University of Nottingham.

Harianja, R. (2013). Pamanat Denggan. Medan: CV.MITRA.

Kumar, K. (1989). Conducting Key Informant Interviews in Developing Countries. USA: Agency for International Development.

Lakoff, G. and M. Johnson. (1980). The Journal of Philosophy. London: The University of Chicago Press.

(2003). Metaphors We Live By. London: The University of Chicago Press. Leeuwen, T.V. (2005). Introducing Social Semiotics. Canada : Routledge.

Meyer, Charles.F. (2009). Introducing English Linguistic. UK : Cambridge University Press.

Panggabean, R. (2009). Sadum : Traditional and Contemporary. Bandung. Pardede, R. (2010). Masisean di Ulaon Adat. Medan.

Pardosi, J. (2008). Makna Simbolik Umpasa, Sinamot, dan Ulos pada Adat Perkawinan Batak Toba. Medan.



Porcar, C. (2011). Sign and Meaning: A Semiotic Approach to Communication. France: Babes-Bolyai University.

Rivkin, Julie. (2004). Literary Theory : An Anthology.UK : Blackwell Publishing. Salzmann, Z. (1998). Language Culture and Society: An Introduction to

Linguistic. USA : Westview Press.

Saragih, A. (2014). Variations and Functional Varieties of Language. Medan. Sebeok, T. A. (2001). Signs: An Introduction to Semiotics. Canada: University of

Toronto Press Incorporated.

Siburian, H.A. (2014). A Brief Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Medan : Faculty of Languages and Arts State University of Medan.

Sitompul, R.H.P. (2009). Ulos Batak Tempo Dulu-Masa Kini. Jakarta: KERABAT.

Smith, P. (2009). Cultural Theory An Introduction. USA : Blackwell Publishing. Takari, M. (2009). Ulos dan Sejenisnya dalam Budaya batak Toba di Sumatera

Utara: Makna, Fungsi, dan Teknologi. Malaysia: Universiti Malaya.

Windridge, Kate. (2009). An Introduction to qualitative Research. Leicester : NIHR RDS East Midlands


Sitompul (2009) states many kinds of ulos by the type, design, and function, such as ulos jugia which contain with a high culture value, and also with a high price. Ulos jugia have a function as prosperity and used by the old people who have the grandchild from all their son and daughter. Ulos sadum is another kinds of ulos, which usually used in happy ceremony, and also as souvenir. Ulos Ragihotang is an ulos which symbolize as have a trong body, strong soul, and strong faith, and many more kinds of ulos.

Takari (2009:13) states ulos has many ornaments form that show their characteristic, includes color, length, arts, etc. The weaver created something not only for looking beauty, ulos also contain the different message each other, a sincere and glorious hope. Ulos have some functions in daily life of Batak people, that is : as clothes, as scarf, as headband, as waist fastener, as carrying cloth, and as a symbolize in sacred ceremony.

Sitompul (2009) states that at first, the color of ulos at least two color and three colors at most, they are red, black, and white. three of them have their own meaning, such as red means life, white means holy, and black means good attitude. Ulos also have the leaven in the making. Leaven also one of another way to show the kinds and meaning of ulos. There are seven leaven at most in making the ulos. By that leaven, will make some ornaments in each ulos of Batak Toba.

Thus, based on the reason above, this study is proposed to find the meanings of ornament in ulos that are used in wedding ceremony of Batak Toba.


B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem of this study are as the following :

1. What kinds of the ornament in ulos of wedding ceremony of Batak Toba? 2. What are the meaning of each ornament in ulos of wedding ceremony of

Batak Toba?

C. The Objective of the Study

Related to the problem above, the objectives of this study are :

1. To find out the kinds of ornament in ulos of wedding ceremony of Batak Toba.

2. To describe the meaning of each ornament in ulos of wedding ceremony of Batak Toba.

D. The Scope of the Study

This study focuses to the ornament of ulos of Batak Toba, where the numbers of ulos that are being analyze are limited. This research only focuses to the ornament in ulos of wedding ceremony of Batak Toba.


E. The Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expectedly useful whether it is theoretically or practically to the readers,

Theoritically, this study is expected to enhance the knowledge about the linguistic meaning of ulos in reference of semiotic in wedding ceremony of Batak Toba.

Practically, this study is expected to be useful for:

1. The researcher in improving his knowledge about the semiotic and ulos. 2. The English Department of State University of Medan who want to do a

similar study about linguistic expression and semiotics, this study is expected as one of the reference to do the analysis.

3. Batak people, expected as a study that will make them comprehended about the meaning of ulos that is used in their wedding ceremony.

4. The readers who want to know deeper about analyzing the semiotic meaning, this study is expected as one of the sources of the additional knowledge.

5. Indonesia as our country with motto “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”, to bring our culture especially Indonesia to the world.




A. Conclusion

After analyze the data, the conclusion are :

1. There are nine kinds of ornament in ulos of wedding ceremony of Batak Toba. the kind of ornament in ulos of wedding ceremony is called as signifier. Signifier is the form which the sign takes.

2. The meaning of each ornament, have the different meaning each other. The meaning from each ornament is called as signified. signified is the sign /the concept it represents.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, it’s suggested to :

1. In learning a language as the social semiotics will give us the contribution to find more system of using sign in society, because life is full of semiotic system, like events, feelings, objects, etc., which we have learn and understand it unconsciously

2. For the readers, is better to understand the ornament in ulos especially in wedding ceremony of Batak Toba, so they will know the semiotics meaning of ulos that is used in wedding ceremony of Batak Toba, and to preserve our culture especially ulos of Batak Toba as one of the heritage of Indonesia. 3. For other researcher, this study can be used as reference in analysis another



Berger, Arthur Asa. 2005. Sign in Contemporary Culture An Intruduction to Semiotic Alih Bahasa M. Dwi Marianto. Tanda-Tanda dalam Kebudayaan Kontemporer; Suatu pengantar Semiotika. Jogjakarta.Tiara Wacana.

Chandler, D. (2007). Semiotics The Basics. Canada: Routledge.

Cobley, P. (2005). The Routledge Companion to Semiotics and Linguistics. Canada: Routledge.

Danesi, Marcel. (2004). Message, Signs, and Meanings. Canada : AGMV Marquis Imprimeur Inc.

Davis, A. (2004). The Handbook of Applied Linguistics.USA: Blackwell Publishing.

Dostert, George (2009). The Study of Language: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Finegan, E. (2008). Language : Its Structure and Use. USA: West Group.

Hancock, B. (2009). An Introduction to Qualitative Research. Nottingham: University of Nottingham.

Harianja, R. (2013). Pamanat Denggan. Medan: CV.MITRA.

Kumar, K. (1989). Conducting Key Informant Interviews in Developing Countries. USA: Agency for International Development.

Lakoff, G. and M. Johnson. (1980). The Journal of Philosophy. London: The University of Chicago Press.

(2003). Metaphors We Live By. London: The University of Chicago Press. Leeuwen, T.V. (2005). Introducing Social Semiotics. Canada : Routledge.

Meyer, Charles.F. (2009). Introducing English Linguistic. UK : Cambridge University Press.

Panggabean, R. (2009). Sadum : Traditional and Contemporary. Bandung. Pardede, R. (2010). Masisean di Ulaon Adat. Medan.

Pardosi, J. (2008). Makna Simbolik Umpasa, Sinamot, dan Ulos pada Adat Perkawinan Batak Toba. Medan.


Porcar, C. (2011). Sign and Meaning: A Semiotic Approach to Communication. France: Babes-Bolyai University.

Rivkin, Julie. (2004). Literary Theory : An Anthology.UK : Blackwell Publishing. Salzmann, Z. (1998). Language Culture and Society: An Introduction to

Linguistic. USA : Westview Press.

Saragih, A. (2014). Variations and Functional Varieties of Language. Medan. Sebeok, T. A. (2001). Signs: An Introduction to Semiotics. Canada: University of

Toronto Press Incorporated.

Siburian, H.A. (2014). A Brief Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Medan : Faculty of Languages and Arts State University of Medan.

Sitompul, R.H.P. (2009). Ulos Batak Tempo Dulu-Masa Kini. Jakarta: KERABAT.

Smith, P. (2009). Cultural Theory An Introduction. USA : Blackwell Publishing. Takari, M. (2009). Ulos dan Sejenisnya dalam Budaya batak Toba di Sumatera

Utara: Makna, Fungsi, dan Teknologi. Malaysia: Universiti Malaya.

Windridge, Kate. (2009). An Introduction to qualitative Research. Leicester : NIHR RDS East Midlands