
NIM. 8126111033 COVER





Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora


ROIKESTINA SILABAN Registration Number: 8126111033









NIM. 8126111033 ABSTRACT


Roikestina, S. Registration Number: 8126111033. The Lingusitic Realization of Illocutionary Act of Toba Batak Cultural Values in Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics. Study Program; Postgraduate School. State University of Medan. 2015.

This thesis deals with a study on the linguistic realization of illocutionary act of Toba Batak cultural values in Toba Batak wedding ceremony in Sidikalang. The objectives were to: (1) describe the linguistic realizations of illocutionary acts in the Toba Batak wedding ceremony, (2) describe the linguistic realizations of Toba Batak cultural values wedding ceremony, and (3) explain the reasons why the linguistic realizations illocutionary acts are represented the ways they are. To obtain the data, two couples of newlywed in Toba Batak wedding ceremony at Wisma Karina Sidikalang were observing with photo, recording the speeches of the elements of dalihan na tolu in wedding ceremony and interviewing two informants. Illocutionary acts of Searle (1979) theory, namely (1) Representaive, (2) Directive, (3) Commisive), (4) Expressive, (5) Declarative were used as reference to the application in Toba Batak wedding ceremony were based on Miles & Huberman’s (1984), namely: data reduction, data display, and conclusion: drawing and verifying. The result of the findings show that five types illocutionary acts were being used in the two wedding ceremony. They were: representative, directive, expressive, declarative, and commisive. The findings also show that three cutural values were being used in the two wedding ceremony. They were: Descendant (Hagabeon), Wealth (Hamoraon) and Pride (Hasangapon). Declarative speech act is mostly used by the speaker then directive, expressive, representative and commisive. The reason for applying this as dominant type of speech act Because Toba Batak culture emphasis on sharing value. Bataknese identity is constructed with three philosophical culture; “Hagabeon”, “Hamoraon” and “Hasangapon” which are always shared on every cultural rites and ceremony such as wedding. Then Toba Batak wedding ceremony especially Hulahula (bride side) more emphasis sentences contain blessing to get happiness through descent sons and daughters, successes, a lot of wealth and longevity in the future . then agreeing speech acts because the speaker try to make the hearer happy, honored in wedding ceremony, they also applied it to make both families get closer each other so that the party run well.



Roikestina, S. NIM: 8126111033, Realisasi Linguistik dari Tindak Tutur Ilokusi dari Nilai-Nilai Budaya Batak Toba dalam Pernikahan Batak Toba, Tesis Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan, 2015.

Thesis ini berkenaan dengan kajian realisasi linguistik dari tindak tutur ilokusi dari nilai-nilai budaya Batak Toba dalam pernikahan Batak Toba di sidikalang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan realisasi linguistik dari tindak tutur ilokusi dalam pernikahan Batak Toba, (2) mendeskripsikan realisasi linguistik dari nilai-nilai budaya pernikahan Batak Toba, (3) menjelaskan mengapa realisasi linguistik dari tindak tutur ilokusi dihadirkan dengan cara seperti itu. Data penelitian adalah ujaran-ujaran yang terjadi dalam acara pernikahan Batak Toba di sidikalang. Data diperoleh dengan cara mengamati, merekam dan mewawancarai dua informan. Teori tindak tutur ilokusi dari Searle (1979) yaitu: (1) Representaive, (2) Directive, (3) Commisive), (4) Expressive, (5) Declarative digunakan sebagai referensi didalam upacar pernikahan Batak Toba . data penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan model data analisis dari Miles & Huberman (1984), yaitu pengurangan data, penampilan data, dan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan analisis diperoleh hasil lima jenis tindak tutur dalam pernikahan Batak Toba, yaitu: representative, directive, expressive, declarative dan commisive. Berdasarkan analisis juga diperoleh hasil ketiga nilai budaya pernikahan Batak Toba digunakan oleh kedua pernikahan tersebut, yaitu: Keturunan (Hagabeon), Kekayaan (Hamoraon), dan Kehormatan (Hasangapon). Tindak tutur declarative adalah tindak tutur yang paling dominan digunakan oleh sipembicara dari pada tindak tutur directive, expressive, dan representative. Alasan mengapa tindak tutur ini paling dominan digunakan oleh sipembicara karena dalam pernikahan Batak Toba khususnya Hulahula lebih menekankan kalimat yang berisi berkat (dalam budaya Batak TobaHulahula dianggap sebagai pemberi berkat) untuk memberkati penerima boru dan kedua pengantin. kemudian tindak tutur mengesahkan digunakan karena sipembicara setuju dan menghormati apa yang dikatakan lawan bicaranya sebagai bentuk apresiasi.



Thanks to God, the lord of the universe who has given me the opportunity to finish this thesis. Thank you so much my dear lord. It is also impossible to be finished without guidance, support and valuable knowledge from many people whose names cannot be mentioned one by one.

First, the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S her first adviser and Dr. Siti Aisyah Ginting, M.Pd her second adviser, for their valuable advice, guidance, constructive comments and previous time spent on supervising and commenting the process of writing until it come to its present form. Second her special gratitude goes to the head of English applied linguistics, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd, who has generously encouraged her in completing this study, all lecturers, for her valuable knowledge and instruction they have implemented to her during the years studying and librarians of the state university of Medan for leading some useful books and other sources that are needed in writing this thesis.

The writer also would like to sincerely thank to anonymous participant who contributed suggestions, critics and advises to this study. My deepest gratitude goes to Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A, Ph.D, Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum, and Dr. I Wayan Dirgayasa Tangkas, M.Hum without their excellent academic guidance and support, this thesis would not have been possible.


Then, a very special debt of gratitude is directed to her beloved father Manuppan Silaban and beloved mother Sarli Malau together with her beloved Brothers, Jimson Silaban, Julianto Silaban, Jetro Silaban and her sisters Relawasdi Silaban

, Tirama Silaban and Adiwaty Silaban for their full love, support, care and prayers.

Finally, a special debt of gratitude is addressed to all her beloved best friend Veracy Silalahi, S.S, M.Hum, Novita C. Hutabarat, S.S, M.Hum, Mariana Siburian, S.S and Hazkia Manurung, S.Pd all her classmates LTBI A1, A2 for their close friendship and encouragement in finishing this thesis.

Last but not least, she must confess that she has done her most to accomplish this thesis but she realized it is still far from being perfect. Therefore, any constructive, criticisms, suggestions or comments will be highly appreciated.

Medan, 23 Juni 2015 The writer

Roikestina Silaban 8126111033











1.1 The Background of the Study………. 1

1.2 The Problems of the Study ……….. 4

1.3 The Objectives of the Study ……….. 5

1.4 The Scopes of the Study………. 5

1.5 The Significances of the Study………. 5


2.1 Speech Act……… 7

2.1.1 Kinds of Speech Acts……… 10

2.1.2 The Classification of Illocutionary Acts ….. 14 Representative………...…... 14 Directive……….. 16 Commisive………... 18 Expressive……… 20 Declarative……….. 21

2.2 Toba Batak Culture in Wedding Ceremony…. 22

2.2.1 Mangaririt…... 25

2.2.2 Mangalehon Tanda……... 25

2.2.3 Marhusip……….. 25

2.2.4 Martumpol... 26

2.2.5 Marhata Sinamot…... 26

2.2.6 Martonggo Raja………... 26

2.2.7 Marunjuk………. 27

2.2.8 Paulak Une………... 29

2.2.9 Maningkir Tangga……… 29

2.3 Toba Batak Cultural Values………. 29

2.3.1 Descendant (Hagabeon)……… 30


2.3.3 Pride (Hasangapon)……….. 32

2.4 Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony ... 33

2.5 The Previous Relevant Study ... 37

2.6 Conceptual Framework... 40


3.1 Research Method……… 42

3.2 The Data and The Data Sources……… 43

3.3 The Technique of Collecting Data ... 43

3.4 The Instrument of Collecting Data ... 44

3.5 The Technique of Analyzing Data ... 44

3.5.1 Data Reduction ... 44

3.5.2 Data Display……… 45

3.5.3 Conclusion: Drawing and Verifying ... 45

3.6 Trustworthiness of The Study ... 46

3.6.1 Credibility ... 46

3.6.2 Transferability... ... 47

3.6.3 Dependability... ... 47

3.6.4 Confirmability... 48


4.2 The Linguistic Realizations of Illocutionary Acts in Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony ... 49

4.2.1 The Linguistic Realization of Illocutionary Act in J.Silaban/L.Tambunan Wedding Ceremony……….. 49 Expressive Speech Act…… ... 50 Declarative Speech Act ... 53 Representative Speech Act………. . 55 Directive Speech Act…... ... 56 Commisive Speech Act……….. 60

4.2.2 The Linguistic Realizations of Illocutionary Act in F.Silaban/R. Sianipar Wedding Ceremony……….. 62 Expressive Speech Act……… ... 63 Declarative Speech Act……… ... 65 Representative Speech Act ... 67 Directive Speech Act ... 69


4.3 The Linguistic Realizations of Toba Batak Cultural Values in Toba Batak Wedding

Ceremony ... 78

4.3.1 The Linguistic Realizations of Toba Batak Cultural Values in J.Silaban/L.Tambunan Wedding Ceremony………. 78 Descendant (Hagabeon)……….. 91 Wealth (Hamoraon)……….. 85 Pride (Hasangapon)………. 86

4.3.2 The Linguistic Realizations of Toba Batak Cultural Values in F.Silaban/R.Sianipar Wedding Ceremony……… 87 Descendant (Hagabeon)………. 88 Wealth (Hamoraon)……… 93 Pride (Hasangapon)……… 95

4.4 The Reasons of Linguistic Realizations of Illocutionary Acts Represented as the Ways they are……… 100

4.4.1 Declarative Speech Act………. 101

4.4.2 Directive Speech Act………. 101

4.4.3 Expressive Speech Act……… 102

4.4.4 Representative Speech Act………. 103

4.4.5 Commisive Speech Act……… 103

4.5 Findings……… 104

4.6 Discussions……….. 105


5.1 Conclusions……… 107

5.2 Suggestions ... 108



NIM. 8126111033 TABLES



Table 1. Greeting Speech Act ... 50

Table 2. Thanking Speech Act……….. 52

Table 3. Blessing Speech Act……… 53

Table 4. Informing Speech Act………. 55

Table 5. Suggesting Speech Act………. 56

Table 6. Explaining Speech Act………. 57

Table 7. Asking Speech Act ………. 59

Table 8. Questioning Speech Act………..………. 60

Table 9. Agreeing Speech Act……… 61

Table 10. Greeting Speech Act……… 63

Table 11. Thanking Speech Act……… 64

Table 12. Blessing Speech Act………. 65

Table 13. Informing Speech Act………….………. 68

Table 14. Questioning Speech Act……… 69

Table 15. Asking Speech Act……… 70

Table 16. Explaining Speech Act……….. 72

Table 17. Suggesting Speech Act………. 73

Table 18. Advising Speech Act………. 73

Table 19. Agreeing Speech Act……… 74

Table 20. Cultural Value Descendant (Hagabeon)………. 78

Table 21. Cultural Value Wealth (Hamoraon)……… 84

Table 22. Cultural Value Pride (Hasangapon)……… 86

Table 23. Cultural Value Descendant (Hagabeon)……… 88

Table 24. Cultural Value Wealth (Hamoraon)……… 93


NIM. 8126111033 APPENDICES



Appendix 1. The Utterances of Illocutionary Act and Cultural

Values Used in Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony ..……… 112 2. The Dialogues of Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony………. 136 3. The Document of Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony……… 165 4. The Transcripts of Interview………. 177 5. The Data of Informants……… 191 6. Glossary Terms of Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony……… 193


NIM. 8126111033 CHAPTER I


1.1The Background of the Study

North Sumatera has six Batak sub-ethnics such as Toba, Simalungun, Karo, Pakpak, Angkola and Mandailing. Every tribe has its own ceremonial culture which is their wedding ceremony.

Wedding ceremony is an important thing in traditional ritual for Batak

people. Batak people conduct special traditional rituals for those who get married. Based on Batak culture, Batak people practice namely: Mangaririt, Mangalehon Tanda, Marhusip, Martumpol, Marhata Sinamot, Martonggo Raja, Paulak Une

and Maningkir Tangga as the introductory rituals before holding the traditional wedding ceremony. These procedures are done due to the importance of marriage for Batak people.

Since wedding ceremony is a major event, inviting the Hulahula, Boru, Dongan Tubu and Dongan Sahuta as the witnesses of the prevailing custom is an obligation. It is true that the application of Dalihan Na Tolu, i.e. Somba Marhula-hula, Manat Mardongan Tubu, Elek Marboru and the actualization of the concept of Batak’s life that once someone gets married, prevent them from getting a divorce easily.

The real meaning of Dalihan Na Tolu estimology is three stones stove which are used for cooking. The size of three miles stones is to support cooking device and it indicates that the three stones are supporting the loan or activities to


get the objectives. The metaphorical meaning of Dalihan Na Tolu is a triangle bon between brothers, sisters, and brothers of the mothers Hula-hula as respected person from the other elements, which are Boru and Dongan Tubu.

One important aspect of the wedding ceremony is Marhata. Marhata is the realization of communication among the three elements. Based on Austin theory (1962) the meaning of the utterances can be divided into three kinds, they are locutionary acts, illocutionary acts and perlocutionary acts. For instance, could you pass the salt? It is identified as locutionary act because this utterance indicated as literal meaning, then the utterance above on illocutionary act means “pass the salt, please” it is indicated as the hearer would assume whether the addressee would able to pass the salt. As a perlocutionary act, the utterance above is indicated to realize the speaker’s intention to ultimately get hold of the salt. From the explanation can be realized if one utterance may have some interpretation.

Different person has different expressions and actions to express something. It occurred in wedding ceremony of the Batak Toba culture. For instance, when the speakers or elements of Dalihan Na Tolu started to speech on

Marhata, some of the speaker are directly say “Mauliate ma hudok hami parjolo tu Amanta Debata”( Firstly, we say thanks to the Almighty God). This utterance shows that the speaker has lost their honors or manners as a cultural values to hearer because some of them have not used greeting speech act on their speech. Greeting speech act is honored words that used by Toba Batak society to greet king, Hula-Hula (in-law-families), Dongan Tubu (ancestor of the clan), Boru


(daughter) and Dongan Sahuta (a hometown friends) in wedding ceremony event. So, in wedding ceremony of the Toba Batak culture the speaker should greet the participants by say “ Sattabi di hula-hula, Dongan Tubu, Boru dohot sudena na adong di paradatan on”. It is clear that in Toba Batak culture upholds cultural values because on given speech the speaker should be more respect for the people who attended the wedding.

Based on the phenomenon of language use on wedding ceremony, it is believed that the elements of Dalihan Na Tolu have different acts. Therefore, the speakers on wedding ceremony must know which one is exactly to say firstly.

These ceremonies, like other ceremonies in Toba Batak Culture, are the realization of Batak cultural values. Toba Batak is famous for their life culture. It is believe that the life culture governs the behavior of the owner of the culture and this also happens in Batak people life. Many officials and successful men in Indonesian actualize this life culture. The cultural values of Toba Batak consists of three parts which are usually abbreviated with 3H which stands for: Descendant

(Hagabeon), Wealth (Hamoraon), and Pride (Hasangapon) Ihromi (1990:207). It is found that wherever Batak people go and whatever they do; they keep practicing these Hagabeon, Hamoraon, Hasangapon (3H) in their life. In addition there is one thing that makes Batak people different from other tribes, that is they have statement. Statement is commonly used by Batak people when they perform traditional ceremonies such as wedding ceremony.

It is interesting to study the linguistic realizations of Toba Batak cultural values as the communication between the three elements of Batak culture in Toba


Batak wedding ceremony. The focus of the study will be on the illocutionary acts used by each element in to show how they put themselves and others in the relation through the illocutionary acts they perform.

Research conducted by Tomson (2008) is one of the studies relating to speech acts. He conducted the study of “Tindak Tutur Dalam Upacara Pernikahan Batak Toba”. He used documentary technique for collecting the data. The data is taken from the speech utterances spoken by speaker intend the fact, so on doing communication the speaker always produces an act. The result of the research shows he found 13 kinds of speech acts. From those kinds of speech acts the dominant speech acts is asking which is used by Hula-Hula and Dongan Sabutuha. While answering and explaining are dominant to Boru. The strength of this thesis is the writer explains all the types of speech act clearly not only that but also the writer explains all the utterances of Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony. But the weakness founded in this thesis is the writer did not put any journal in his thesis and also did not classify the type speech act. Based on the research the researcher would like to develop the speech act with a more specific analysis of the realization of illocutionary act that represent in Cultural Values of Toba Batak

Wedding Ceremony.

1.2The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problems that are formulated as the following:


1. What are the linguistic realizations of illocutionary acts in the Toba Batak

Wedding Ceremony?

2. What are the linguistic realizations of Toba Batak cultural values wedding ceremony?

3. Why are the linguistic realizations of illocutionary acts represented as the ways they are?

1.3The Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem, the objectives of the study are to

1) describe the linguistic realizations of illocutionary acts in the Toba Batak

Wedding Ceremony.

2) describe the linguistic realizations of Toba Batak cultural values wedding ceremony.

3) explain the reasons why the linguistic realizations of illocutionary acts are represented the ways they are.

1.4 The Scopes of the Study

Referring to the problems of the research, this study covers of the linguistic realization of illocutionary act of Toba Batak cultural values in Toba Batak wedding ceremony used by Toba Batak speakers who live in Sidikalang areas and involved in Toba Batak wedding ceremony that starting from tudu-tudu sipanganon (distributing the special meat) event until maningkir tangga (visiting of the bride’s family to the newlywed’s house) event.


1.5 The Significances of the Study

Findings of this study were expected to give contribution theoretically and practically.

(1) Theoretically, the research finding were expected to enrich the theories of linguistic speech acts, specifically the spoken medium by certain community, mainly the Toba Batak culture especially the elements of Dalihan Na Tolu.

(2) Practically, the findings is useful to identify and understand speech acts for social interaction, which have the same characteristic with the Toba Batak

culture in expressing statement, question, apologizing and so on. The researcher hopes that it is useful for teachers and lecturers of sociolinguistics to apply the speech acts.


NIM. 8126111033 CHAPTER V



The study focused on the linguistic realization of illocutionary act of Toba Batak cultural values in Toba Batak wedding ceremony used by participant of Dalihan Na Tolu. Based on the analysis, the conclusions are stated as the following:

1. The linguistic realizations of illocutionary act used in Toba Batak wedding ceremony delivered by participant of Dalihan Na Tolu starts from tudu-tudu ni sipanganon event and ends with maningkir tangga event used four of five types of illocutionary acts they are, representative, directive, expressive, declarative, and commisive. 2. The linguistic realizations of Toba Batak cultural values wedding

ceremony starts from tudu-tudu ni sipanganon event and ends with maningkir tangga event used three types of cultural values, they are,

Descendant (Hagabeon), Wealth (Hamoraon), and Pride


3. The data showed that the linguistic realizations of Toba Batak cultural values wedding ceremony are dominantly represented by using declarative speech act with blessing speech act. Because Toba Batak culture emphasis on sharing value. Bataknese identity is constructed with three philosophical culture; “Hagabeon”, “Hamoraon” and


Hasangapon” which are always shared on every cultural rites and ceremony such as wedding. Declarative is used to communicatively engaged in culture practice in Toba Batak wedding ceremony particularly Hulahula (bride side) more emphasis sentences containing expecting to get happiness through born sons and daughters, successes, a lot of wealth and longevity in the future.

5.2 Suggestions

It is suggested to those who are very much interested in Toba Batak culture to study more about the speech act during the special ceremony performed. Some special suggestions are presented as follows:

1. The lecturers who play an important role in teaching sociolinguistics should give more attention, not only for foreign and Indonesian cultures but also to the vernacular, especially Toba Batak culture, the lecturers can compare Toba Batak culture with other regional cultures.

2. To the other researchers to conduct a much more detailed research on speech act in Toba Batak wedding ceremony from different point of view, so more information about Toba Batak cultures.

3. To speaker, both of the bridegroom’s side and bride’s side should be able to uttered speeches in showing a symbol of honor and appreciation to the participants of Dalihan Na Tolu.




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1.5 The Significances of the Study

Findings of this study were expected to give contribution theoretically and practically.

(1) Theoretically, the research finding were expected to enrich the theories of linguistic speech acts, specifically the spoken medium by certain community, mainly the Toba Batak culture especially the elements of Dalihan Na Tolu. (2) Practically, the findings is useful to identify and understand speech acts for

social interaction, which have the same characteristic with the Toba Batak culture in expressing statement, question, apologizing and so on. The researcher hopes that it is useful for teachers and lecturers of sociolinguistics to apply the speech acts.



The study focused on the linguistic realization of illocutionary act of Toba Batak cultural values in Toba Batak wedding ceremony used by participant of Dalihan Na Tolu. Based on the analysis, the conclusions are stated as the following:

1. The linguistic realizations of illocutionary act used in Toba Batak wedding ceremony delivered by participant of Dalihan Na Tolu starts from tudu-tudu ni sipanganon event and ends with maningkir tangga event used four of five types of illocutionary acts they are, representative, directive, expressive, declarative, and commisive. 2. The linguistic realizations of Toba Batak cultural values wedding

ceremony starts from tudu-tudu ni sipanganon event and ends with maningkir tangga event used three types of cultural values, they are, Descendant (Hagabeon), Wealth (Hamoraon), and Pride (Hasangapon).

3. The data showed that the linguistic realizations of Toba Batak cultural values wedding ceremony are dominantly represented by using declarative speech act with blessing speech act. Because Toba Batak culture emphasis on sharing value. Bataknese identity is constructed with three philosophical culture; “Hagabeon”, “Hamoraon” and


Hasangapon” which are always shared on every cultural rites and ceremony such as wedding. Declarative is used to communicatively engaged in culture practice in Toba Batak wedding ceremony particularly Hulahula (bride side) more emphasis sentences containing expecting to get happiness through born sons and daughters, successes, a lot of wealth and longevity in the future.

5.2 Suggestions

It is suggested to those who are very much interested in Toba Batak culture to study more about the speech act during the special ceremony performed. Some special suggestions are presented as follows:

1. The lecturers who play an important role in teaching sociolinguistics should give more attention, not only for foreign and Indonesian cultures but also to the vernacular, especially Toba Batak culture, the lecturers can compare Toba Batak culture with other regional cultures.

2. To the other researchers to conduct a much more detailed research on speech act in Toba Batak wedding ceremony from different point of view, so more information about Toba Batak cultures.

3. To speaker, both of the bridegroom’s side and bride’s side should be able to uttered speeches in showing a symbol of honor and appreciation to the

participants of .


Akmajian. 1979. Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication. Massachusetts: MTT Press.

Akram, Muhammad.2010. Speech Acts: A Constractive Study in Urdi and

English, Applied Linguistic Forum, 30(1)

Ary, D.J. & Razarviech, H.1979. Introduction to Research in Education, New York: Holt Rinerhart & & Winston.

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