Catharina’s Love Toward Vermeer Griet’s Happiest Moment in her Life

73 “You know,” he murmured, “that the painting needs it, the light that the pearl reflects. It won’t be complete otherwise.” ... I had known immediately that it needed the pearl earring. Without it there were only my eyes, my mouth, the band of my chemise, the dark space behind my ear, all separate. The earring would bring them all together. It would complete the painting. p. 206 Without the pearl earrings inside the painting, Vermeer will not satisfy with the result. He is perfectionist when he is working and he will not stop painting if he knows that is not complete yet. I knew that he would not borrow an earring from van Ruijven or van Leeuwenhoek or anyone else. He used what he wanted for his paintings. He had seen Catharina’s pearl and that was he would make me wear. “... I would never stop working on a painting if I knew it was not complete, no matter who was get it,” he muttered. “That is how I work.” p. 207 “I know the painting will be complete.” p. 209 Nevertheless, Vermeer also cannot deny that he wants Griet. It is only because of he wants to create a perfect painting. In fact, her body, soul, and mind are just used instinctively by the painter as an inspiration to create perfect paintings. “You see, competition makes men possessive. He is interested in you in part because van Ruijven is.” “… He thinks only of himself and his work, not of you. You must take care then. “... The woman in his paintingshe traps them in his world. You can get lost there. p. 197

b. Catharina’s Love Toward Vermeer

The pearl earrings also represent Catharina’s feelings to her husband that is pure and genuine. They are symbol of happy marriage and Catharina’s most favourite jewellery. These are things that are important and worth in Catharina’s PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 74 life. She is very loyal and obedient to her husband. She will do everything what he said though maybe it could hurt her feeling. She treats her husband very well, whole hearted, and devotes her whole life for him. She gives her pearl earrings, which she cannot wear again to Griet because of her husband’s will. Vermeer is always trying hard to make and keep a good relationship with Catharina and full fill her every need. His unique characteristic also made him hard to communicate with his wife well, but he knows his wife so well and he loves her with his own way.

c. Griet’s Happiest Moment in her Life

The moments Vermeer paints Griet are the most gorgeous and happiest moment in Griet’s life. She is always and cannot stop thinking of him when he paints her. It’s also hard for her to meet his eyes. I...tried not to see anything but to let my thoughts become quiet. It was hard because I was thinking of him, and of me sitting in front of him. ... At first I could not meet his eyes. When I did it was like sitting close to a fire that suddenly blazes up. Instead I studied his firm chin, his thin lips. p. 190 She is nervous when Vermeer paints her and looks into her eyes. Her heart beating so fast when a man that she loves is siting in front of her and looks only her to paint her. Griet does not have the courage to look into his eyes but she forces herself. Griet knows that he wants her. ... I forced my gaze up to his eyes. Again I felt as if I were burning, but I endured ithe wanted me too. p. 190 As we gazed each other a ripple of heat passed through my body. I kept my eyes on his, though, until at last he looked away and cleared his throat”. p. 191 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 75 Griet cannot move her eyes and thoughts from Vermeer. Time together with him seems to go very fast. “The church bell struck three times. I blink. I had not felt so much time pass. It was as if I had fallen under a spell”. p. 191 This is the best thing that Griet likes about her new life is being in the studio because it makes her close to her master and reminds her to her father as well. The room gave off a clean, sharp odour of linseed oil that reminded me of my father’s clothes when he had returned from the tile factory at night. It smelled like wood and fresh-cut hay mixed together. p. 33 In fact, Vermeer tries to control and keeps his feelings toward Griet. He does not want to cross the line and goes too far. He may feel something for her but in the end, his passion for the perfect painting is stronger than his feeling toward Griet.

d. Triangle Love