Collaboration The Components in Learning Process

50 a speaking class of mixed- competence learners. Students’ autonomous learning, in fact, emerges during the learning process in collaborative learning environment. Whether or not every student becomes more autonomous during the action research cycles was investigated through direct classroom observation on their learning performance, as well as their responses to the interview.


It is not easy to find studies related to teaching mixed-competence classes conducted in Indonesia. Because of this, some related research reports discussed in this section are from overseas. Research on mixed-ability classes is a fertile ground of study since there are many aspects to investigate Xanthou Pavlou, 2010. In fact, globally, there have been a number of research investigating different aspects of teaching classroom with mixed-competence learners, or what is commonly addressed with mixed-ability classes. Xanthou and Pavlou are two education researchers from Cyprus who have been focusing their studies on teaching in EFL mixed-ability class or MAC 2008, 2010. In their 2008’s study, they investigated how EFL teachers in Cyprus deal with MAC, especially with regard to students with pre-existing knowledge of English PKE. Data were collected from questionnaire responses obtained from 114 state primary school EFL teachers, and observation in level 1 EFL class of an urban primary school consisting of 25 children of mixed abilities. Those different forms of data were then compared . The study’s main finding was that flexible grouping mixed and same ability groups, cooperative and communicative PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 51 activities, wor d games, and task differentiation were proven as “effective weapons in the hands of the MAC EFL teachers ” Xanthou Pavlou, 2008 p.14. Further, their research result suggests that teachers in MAC provide communicative and cooperative tasks as they allow students to assist each other in activities, working in the Zone of Proximal Development Xanthou pavlou, 2008, p.15. A later study performed by the same researchers addressed a different issue, yet still the same participants. In 2010, Xanthou and Pavlou investigated teachers’ perception and experiences towards students with and without PKE’s attitudes in multi-level classes. Similar method was carried out to the same participants in order to obtain the data. A number of findings suggested unpleasant facts. They reported that students with PKE seemed to have negative attitudes towards the lesson as those true beginners were not easily involved in the lesson. Meanwhile students without PKE were disinterested to the lesson, seemingly caused by their low self-esteem affected by their lack of prior English knowledge. This raised difficulties for teachers in handling both true and false beginners Xanthou Pavlou, 2010, p.482. Implications from their overall research suggest some improvements towards EFL teaching system and methodology, as well as teacher’s trainings. A more recent research study by Carlson 2016 studies more specific and direct treatments applied in the teaching of mixed-level EFL class in Japan. He reports the use of self-learning portfolio to develop community and active participation in a mixed-level language class. The self-learning portfolio is designed as a student-centered activity that includes the contribution of weaker 52 students while stronger students assume leadership role, so that cooperative spirit is promoted in learner to learner interaction. In this activity, students are encouraged to fill their own portfolio with their own self-learning results on a weekly assignment in the forms of texts, films, or articles. The learning results should contain elements obtained from the texts, such as key vocabulary, summary, and students’ questions and opinions towards the texts. Based on his study result, Carlson 2016 claims that this self-learning portfolio makes students come to the class equipped with material to engage with peers, so discrepancies in ability could be mitigated. In addition, students’ interaction, learning responsibility, motivation, and self-esteem are increased p.39. All in all, the related studies reviewed in this section shed light for EFL researchers who are interested mainly in handling mixed-competence class. For me personally, these studies are useful in broadening my knowledge in how to teach the mixed-competence group of students. Through reviewing other research reports, I can understand possible problems that may occur in a mixed- competence speaking classroom and explore the suitable strategies to deal with them.


This study seeks to discover whether differentiated instruction is incorporated in the taken action to solve problems in a mixed-competence English speaking class. Other than that, this research intends to see if the taken action is effective in improving learning process, which is represented through learners’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI