Technique of Analyzing Data

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D. Technique of Analyzing Data

The data collected through Qualitative and Quantitative techniques would be analyzed by using constant comparative method and descriptive statistic. The data which were collected through Qualitative technique, namely interview, observation, diary field notes and document are analyzed by constant comparative method. According to Glaser Srauss 1967 in Guba Linclon 1985: 339, there are four stages of Constant Comparative method as follows: 1. Comparing incidents applicable to each category The researcher found out any information as data which have close relationship to the research problem. The researcher collected the data through class observation of each meeting, documents such as photograph, and videos, researcher diary. Then, the researcher analyzed the data overall. 2. Integrating categories and their properties After getting information, the researcher categorized the information which has the same characteristics into one category. The researcher analyzed the data from each criteria of problem into same indicators in each meeting. 3. Delimiting theory After categorizing the information, the researcher found out the relationship from one category to the other categories. In addition, the researcher ignored some information which was not irrelevant to the study. 4. Writing the theory After knowing the relationship among the categories, the researcher could develop proposition. Meanwhile, the data which were collected through Quantitative technique, namely pre-test and post test score were analyzed by descriptive statistic. The pre- test was done to ge t the students‟ mark before they got treatment from the researcher, while the post-test was done to get the students‟ score after the students got treatment. After conducting the test, the writer compared the commit to user students ‟ writing achievement in the pre-test and post-test to know whether or not there was im provement of students‟ writing skill. The mean of pre-test and post- test can be calculated with the formula: = Which: = mean of pre-test score = mean of post-test score = number of subject. commit to user


This chapter deals with how the technique applied to find the goals of the research namely 1 to identify whether or not and to what extent YouTube video improve the students‟ writing skill; 2 to describe the situation when YouTube videos are implemented in the writing class. The findings are described in this chapter which covers three sections, research process, research findings, and research discussion.

A. Research Findings

In early beginning of the research, the researcher described the situation of the class and teaching learning process called pre-research. It is involved interview an English teacher and the students, observation, and pre-test. After gaining the data, the researcher implemented the research by applying YouTube videos. It was done two cycles. The researcher summarized the data to know whether the students‟ improvement or not. The process would be explained in the table as follows; Table 4.1 The overall process of Research 1. Pre-Research a. Interview b. Observation c. Pre-test 2. Research implementation a. Cycle 1 b. Cycle 2 3. Summary of the Research

1. The Description of the Previous Situation

a. Pre-Research

Before applying the technique, the researcher asked permission to Teacher S to conduct pre-research. Pre-research was held to identify: 1 the problems oc curring in the class during TL process in relation to the students‟ writing skill