Research Method Data Collecting Method Data Analyzing Method


3.1 Research Method

According to Bungin, 2005 40-41 there are three kinds of research based on the location of the research i.e. library research, laboratory research, and field research. In this thesis, I use library research method, by collecting some related theories and information about grammatical cohesion from books, internet, and other sources which support the analysis. This research uses descriptive method and according to Djajasudarma, 1993:2. “Metode deskripsi memberikan penjelasan secara sistematis, factual dan akurat mengenai data, sifat-sifat secara ilmiah.” “Descriptive method gives explanation systematically, factual, and accurate about the data and its character scientifically. “ In this analysis, it is used to find out the most dominant of grammatical cohesion: reference type in the discourse of “nganting manuk” in karonese traditional wedding ceremony.

3.2 Data Collecting Method

According to Arikunto 2006 223-232 there are five kinds of method in collecting data i.e. test, questioner, interview, observation, and documentation method. In this analysis, the observation and documentation method is used in collecting the data. The data is taken from discourse of “Nganting Manuk” in karonese traditional wedding ceremony. Universitas Sumatera Utara

3.3 Data Analyzing Method

The data is analyzed by applying some procedures. First of all, some information is collected from some text books a references which are relevant to the topic of grammatical cohesion. Secondly, some theories concentrated on grammatical cohesion are consulted. Thirdly, the analyzed based on the types and classification of grammatical cohesion: reference type, then the finding are analyzed in terms of frequency and percentage which is based on the occurrences of some grammatical cohesion and finally find out the most dominant grammatical cohesion: reference type. In order to get the dominant grammatical cohesion, the following formula from Bungin, 2005 171-172 is used. n = N fx x 100 Where , n = percentage of types fx = total tpes frequency of the sub-category N = total types of all category Universitas Sumatera Utara